/* * streamdev.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: streamdev-server.c,v 1.2 2010/07/19 13:49:32 schmirl Exp $ */ #include <getopt.h> #include <vdr/tools.h> #include "streamdev-server.h" #include "server/menu.h" #include "server/setup.h" #include "server/server.h" #include "server/suspend.h" #if !defined(APIVERSNUM) || APIVERSNUM < 10725 #error "VDR-1.7.25 or greater required to compile server! Use 'make client' to compile client only." #endif cList<cMainThreadHookSubscriber> cMainThreadHookSubscriber::m_Subscribers; cMutex cMainThreadHookSubscriber::m_Mutex; #if APIVERSNUM >= 20300 cList<cMainThreadHookSubscriber>& cMainThreadHookSubscriber::Subscribers(cMutexLock& Lock) #else const cList<cMainThreadHookSubscriber>& cMainThreadHookSubscriber::Subscribers(cMutexLock& Lock) #endif { Lock.Lock(&m_Mutex); return m_Subscribers; } cMainThreadHookSubscriber::cMainThreadHookSubscriber() { m_Mutex.Lock(); m_Subscribers.Add(this); m_Mutex.Unlock(); } cMainThreadHookSubscriber::~cMainThreadHookSubscriber() { m_Mutex.Lock(); m_Subscribers.Del(this, false); m_Mutex.Unlock(); } const char *cPluginStreamdevServer::DESCRIPTION = trNOOP("VDR Streaming Server"); cPluginStreamdevServer::cPluginStreamdevServer(void) { m_Suspend = false; } cPluginStreamdevServer::~cPluginStreamdevServer() { free(opt_auth); free(opt_remux); } const char *cPluginStreamdevServer::Description(void) { return tr(DESCRIPTION); } const char *cPluginStreamdevServer::CommandLineHelp(void) { // return a string that describes all known command line options. return " -a <LOGIN:PASSWORD>, --auth=<LOGIN:PASSWORD> Credentials for HTTP authentication.\n" " -r <CMD>, --remux=<CMD> Define an external command for remuxing.\n" ; } bool cPluginStreamdevServer::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { // implement command line argument processing here if applicable. static const struct option long_options[] = { { "auth", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "remux", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int c; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "a:r:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': { if (opt_auth) free(opt_auth); int l = strlen(optarg); cBase64Encoder Base64((uchar*) optarg, l, l * 4 / 3 + 3); const char *s = Base64.NextLine(); if (s) opt_auth = strdup(s); } break; case 'r': if (opt_remux) free(opt_remux); opt_remux = strdup(optarg); break; default: return false; } } return true; } bool cPluginStreamdevServer::Start(void) { I18nRegister(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N); if (!StreamdevHosts.Load(STREAMDEVHOSTSPATH, true, true)) { esyslog("streamdev-server: error while loading %s", STREAMDEVHOSTSPATH); fprintf(stderr, "streamdev-server: error while loading %s\n", STREAMDEVHOSTSPATH); if (access(STREAMDEVHOSTSPATH, F_OK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Please install streamdevhosts.conf into the path " "printed above. Without it\n" " no client will be able to access your streaming-" "server. An example can be\n" " found together with this plugin's sources.\n"); } return false; } if (!opt_remux) opt_remux = strdup(DEFAULT_EXTERNREMUX); cStreamdevServer::Initialize(); m_Suspend = StreamdevServerSetup.StartSuspended == ssAuto ? !cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->HasDecoder() : StreamdevServerSetup.StartSuspended; return true; } void cPluginStreamdevServer::Stop(void) { cStreamdevServer::Destruct(); } cString cPluginStreamdevServer::Active(void) { if (cStreamdevServer::Active()) { static const char *Message = NULL; if (!Message) Message = tr("Streaming active"); return Message; } return NULL; } const char *cPluginStreamdevServer::MainMenuEntry(void) { return !StreamdevServerSetup.HideMenuEntry ? tr("Streamdev Connections") : NULL; } cOsdObject *cPluginStreamdevServer::MainMenuAction(void) { return new cStreamdevServerMenu(); } void cPluginStreamdevServer::MainThreadHook(void) { if (m_Suspend) { cControl::Launch(new cSuspendCtl); m_Suspend = false; } cMutexLock lock; #if APIVERSNUM >= 20300 cList<cMainThreadHookSubscriber>& subs = cMainThreadHookSubscriber::Subscribers(lock); #else const cList<cMainThreadHookSubscriber>& subs = cMainThreadHookSubscriber::Subscribers(lock); #endif for (cMainThreadHookSubscriber *s = subs.First(); s; s = subs.Next(s)) s->MainThreadHook(); } cMenuSetupPage *cPluginStreamdevServer::SetupMenu(void) { return new cStreamdevServerMenuSetupPage; } bool cPluginStreamdevServer::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { return StreamdevServerSetup.SetupParse(Name, Value); } const char **cPluginStreamdevServer::SVDRPHelpPages(void) { static const char *HelpPages[]= { "LSTC\n" " List connected clients\n", "DISC client_id\n" " Disconnect a client\n", NULL }; return HelpPages; } cString cPluginStreamdevServer::SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode) { cString reply = NULL; if (!strcasecmp(Command, "LSTC")) { reply = ""; cThreadLock lock; #if APIVERSNUM >= 20300 cList<cServerConnection>& clients = cStreamdevServer::Clients(lock); #else const cList<cServerConnection>& clients = cStreamdevServer::Clients(lock); #endif cServerConnection *s = clients.First(); if (!s) { reply = "no client connected"; ReplyCode = 550; } else { for (; s; s = clients.Next(s)) { reply = cString::sprintf("%s%p: %s\n", (const char*) reply, s, (const char *) s->ToText()); } ReplyCode = 250; } } else if (!strcasecmp(Command, "DISC")) { void *client = NULL; if (sscanf(Option, "%p", &client) != 1 || !client) { reply = "invalid client handle"; ReplyCode = 501; } else { cThreadLock lock; #if APIVERSNUM >= 20300 cList<cServerConnection>& clients = cStreamdevServer::Clients(lock); #else const cList<cServerConnection>& clients = cStreamdevServer::Clients(lock); #endif cServerConnection *s = clients.First(); for (; s && s != client; s = clients.Next(s)); if (!s) { reply = "client not found"; ReplyCode = 501; } else { s->Close(); reply = "client disconnected"; ReplyCode = 250; } } } return reply; } bool cPluginStreamdevServer::Service(const char *Id, void *Data) { if (strcmp(Id, "StreamdevServer::ClientCount-v1.0") == 0) { if (Data) { int *count = (int *) Data; cThreadLock lock; *count = cStreamdevServer::Clients(lock).Count(); } return true; } return false; } VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginStreamdevServer); // Don't touch this!