#ifndef TOOLBOX_TOOLS_H #define TOOLBOX_TOOLS_H //#include <stdio.h> //#include <iostream> #include <sys/types.h> //#define KILOBYTE(x) ((x)*1024) //#define MEGABYTE(x) (KILOBYTE(x)*1024) //typedef unsigned int uint; //typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef unsigned char uchar; //typedef unsigned short ushort; // Special constructor for CreateElements void *operator new(size_t, void*) throw (); #ifdef TOOLBOX_DEBUG # define ASSERT(x) if ((x)) cerr << "Warning: ASSERT failed At " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " ["#x"]" << endl # define CHECK_PTR(x) if (!(x)) cerr << "Warning: Pointer is NULL At " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl; # define CHECK_NEXT_ALLOC() _checkNextAlloc() # define DPRINT(x...) LOGi(x) #else # define ASSERT(x) # define CHECK_PTR(x) # define CHECK_NEXT_ALLOC() # define DPRINT(x...) #endif #define ERRNUL(e) {errno=e;return 0;} #define ERRSYS(e) {errno=e;return -1;} /* RETURNS() and RETURN() are macros that can be used if a class object is being returned. They make use of the GNU C-Compiler's named return value feature, if available. In this case, the class object isn't returned and copied, but the result itself is filled. RETURNS(ReturnType, FunctionDeclaration, Result) ... function-body working on Result ... RETURN(Result) A function like this (cXYZ is a class type): cXYZ myfunction(int a, char *b) { cXYZ result; ... something happens with result ... return result; } can be written like this: RETURNS(cXYZ, myfunction(int a, char *b), result) ... something happens with result ... RETURN(result) DISABLED SINCE GCC 3.x */ //#ifdef __GNUC__ //# define RETURNS(t,x,r) t x return r { //# define RETURN(x) } //#else # define RETURNS(t,x,r) t x { t r; # define RETURN(x) return x; } //#endif #endif // TOOLBOX_TOOLS_H