/* * targavfd plugin for VDR (C++) * * (C) 2010 Andreas Brachold <vdr07 AT deltab de> * Span handling suggest by span-plugin * * This targavfd plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * See the files README and COPYING for details. * */ #include "targavfd.h" #include "span.h" /* * Spectrum Analyzer visualization * need as middleware span-plugin */ bool cVFDWatch::RenderSpectrumAnalyzer() { bool bDraw = false; /*if ( theSetup.m_bEnableSpectrumAnalyzer )*/ { if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService(SPAN_GET_BAR_HEIGHTS_ID, NULL)) { Span_GetBarHeights_v1_0 gbh; int bands = 19; int falloff = 8; int i,x,y; unsigned int *barHeights = new unsigned int[bands]; unsigned int *barHeightsLeftChannel = new unsigned int[bands]; unsigned int *barHeightsRightChannel = new unsigned int[bands]; unsigned int volumeLeftChannel; unsigned int volumeRightChannel; unsigned int volumeBothChannels; unsigned int *barPeaksBothChannels = new unsigned int[bands]; unsigned int *barPeaksLeftChannel = new unsigned int[bands]; unsigned int *barPeaksRightChannel = new unsigned int[bands]; gbh.bands = bands; gbh.barHeights = barHeights; gbh.barHeightsLeftChannel = barHeightsLeftChannel; gbh.barHeightsRightChannel = barHeightsRightChannel; gbh.volumeLeftChannel = &volumeLeftChannel; gbh.volumeRightChannel = &volumeRightChannel; gbh.volumeBothChannels = &volumeBothChannels; gbh.name = "targavfd"; gbh.falloff = falloff; gbh.barPeaksBothChannels = barPeaksBothChannels; gbh.barPeaksLeftChannel = barPeaksLeftChannel; gbh.barPeaksRightChannel = barPeaksRightChannel; if ( cPluginManager::CallFirstService(SPAN_GET_BAR_HEIGHTS_ID, &gbh )) { int barWidth = (this->Width() - bands)/bands; int saEndY = this->Height(); this->clear(); for ( i=0; i < bands; i++ ) { // draw bar y = (barHeights[i]*(saEndY))/SPAN_HEIGHT; x = (barWidth*i) + i; this->Rectangle(x, saEndY, x + barWidth - 1, saEndY - y, true); // draw peak y = (barPeaksBothChannels[i]*(saEndY))/SPAN_HEIGHT; if ( y > 0) { this->Rectangle(x, saEndY - y, x + barWidth - 1, saEndY - y, true); } } bDraw = true; } delete [] barHeights; delete [] barHeightsLeftChannel; delete [] barHeightsRightChannel; delete [] barPeaksBothChannels; delete [] barPeaksLeftChannel; delete [] barPeaksRightChannel; } } return bDraw; } /* * Report presence of Spectrum Analyzer visualization * from span-plugin requested */ bool cPluginTargaVFD::Service(const char *Id, void *Data) { if (Id && strcmp(Id, SPAN_CLIENT_CHECK_ID) == 0) { if ( /*theSetup.m_bEnableSpectrumAnalyzer &&*/ (Data != NULL) ) { *((Span_Client_Check_1_0*)Data)->isActive = true; } return true; } return false; }