 * targavfd plugin for VDR (C++)
 * (C) 2010 Andreas Brachold <vdr07 AT deltab de>
 * This targavfd plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
 * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
 * See the files README and COPYING for details.

#ifndef __VFD_H_
#define __VFD_H_

#include <queue>
#include <hid.h>
#include "bitmap.h"

enum eIcons {
  eIconOff = 0,
  eIconPLAY         = 1 << 0x00, // Play
  eIconPAUSE        = 1 << 0x01, // Pause
  eIconRECORD       = 1 << 0x02, // Record
  eIconMESSAGE      = 1 << 0x03, // Message symbol (without the inner @)
  eIconMSGAT        = 1 << 0x04, // Message @
  eIconMUTE         = 1 << 0x05, // Mute
  eIconWLAN1        = 1 << 0x06, // WLAN (tower base)
  eIconWLAN2        = 1 << 0x07, // WLAN strength (1 of 3)
  eIconWLAN3        = 1 << 0x08, // WLAN strength (2 of 3)
  eIconWLAN4        = 1 << 0x09, // WLAN strength (3 of 3)
  eIconVOLUME       = 1 << 0x0A, // Volume (the word)
  eIconVOL1         = 1 << 0x0B, // Volume level 1 of 14
  eIconVOL2         = 1 << 0x0C, // Volume level 2 of 14
  eIconVOL3         = 1 << 0x0D, // Volume level 3 of 14
  eIconVOL4         = 1 << 0x0E, // Volume level 4 of 14
  eIconVOL5         = 1 << 0x0F, // Volume level 5 of 14
  eIconVOL6         = 1 << 0x10, // Volume level 6 of 14
  eIconVOL7         = 1 << 0x11, // Volume level 7 of 14
  eIconVOL8         = 1 << 0x12, // Volume level 8 of 14
  eIconVOL9         = 1 << 0x13, // Volume level 9 of 14
  eIconVOL10        = 1 << 0x14, // Volume level 10 of 14
  eIconVOL11        = 1 << 0x15, // Volume level 11 of 14
  eIconVOL12        = 1 << 0x16, // Volume level 12 of 14
  eIconVOL13        = 1 << 0x17, // Volume level 13 of 14
  eIconVOL14        = 1 << 0x18  // Volume level 14 of 14

class cVFDFont;

class cVFDQueue : public std::queue<byte> {
  HIDInterface* hid;
  bool bInit;
  virtual ~cVFDQueue();
  virtual bool open();
  virtual void close();
  virtual bool isopen() const { return hid != 0; }
  void QueueCmd(const byte & cmd);
  void QueueData(const byte & data);
  bool QueueFlush();
  const char *hiderror(hid_return ret) const;

class cVFD : public cVFDQueue {

	/* framebuffer and backingstore for current contents */
	cVFDBitmap* framebuf;
	unsigned char * backingstore;
	unsigned int lastIconState;
	unsigned int m_iSizeYb;

  cVFDFont*   pFont;

  bool SendCmdClock();
  bool SendCmdShutdown();
  void Brightness(int nBrightness);
  virtual ~cVFD();

  virtual bool open();
  virtual void close();

  void clear ();
  int DrawText(int x, int y, const char* string);
  int Height() const;
  int Width() const;
  bool Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool filled);
  bool flush (bool refreshAll = true);

  void icons(unsigned int state);
  virtual bool SetFont(const char *szFont, bool bTwoLineMode, int nBigFontHeight, int nSmallFontHeight);
