/* * targavfd plugin for VDR (C++) * * (C) 2010 Andreas Brachold * * This targavfd plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * See the files README and COPYING for details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "watch.h" #include "setup.h" #include "ffont.h" #include #include struct cMutexLooker { cMutex& mutex; cMutexLooker(cMutex& m): mutex(m){ mutex.Lock(); } virtual ~cMutexLooker() { mutex.Unlock(); } }; cVFDWatch::cVFDWatch() : cThread("targaVFD: watch thread") , m_bShutdown(false) { m_nIconsForceOn = 0; m_nIconsForceOff = 0; m_nIconsForceMask = 0; unsigned int n; for(n=0;nisopen()) { cTimer* t = Timers.GetNextActiveTimer(); switch(nExitMode) { case eOnExitMode_NEXTTIMER: case eOnExitMode_NEXTTIMER_BLANKSCR: { isyslog("targaVFD: closing, show only next timer."); int nTop = (theSetup.m_cHeight - pFont->Height())/2; this->clear(); if(t) { struct tm l; cString topic; time_t tn = time(NULL); time_t tt = t->StartTime(); localtime_r(&tt, &l); if((tt - tn) > 86400) { // next timer more then 24h topic = cString::sprintf("%d. %02d:%02d", l.tm_mday, l.tm_hour, l.tm_min); } else { // next timer (today) topic = cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", l.tm_hour, l.tm_min); } int w = pFont->Width(topic); if(theSetup.m_nRenderMode == eRenderMode_DualLine) { this->DrawText(0,0,topic); if((w + 3) < theSetup.m_cWidth) this->DrawText(w + 3,0,t->Channel()->Name()); this->DrawText(0,pFont->Height(), t->File()); } else { this->DrawText(0,nTop<0?0:nTop, topic); if((w + 3) < theSetup.m_cWidth) this->DrawText(w + 3,nTop<0?0:nTop, t->File()); } this->icons(eIconRECORD); } else { if(nExitMode == eOnExitMode_NEXTTIMER) this->DrawText(0,nTop<0?0:nTop,tr("None active timer")); this->icons(0); } this->flush(true); break; } case eOnExitMode_SHOWMSG: { isyslog("targaVFD: closing, leaving \"last\" message."); break; } default: case eOnExitMode_BLANKSCREEN: { isyslog("targaVFD: closing, turning backlight off."); SendCmdShutdown(); break; } case eOnExitMode_SHOWCLOCK: { isyslog("targaVFD: closing, showing clock."); icons(0); SendCmdClock(); break; } } } cVFD::close(); } void cVFDWatch::Action(void) { unsigned int nLastIcons = -1; int nBrightness = -1; unsigned int n; unsigned int nCnt = 0; cTimeMs runTime; struct tm tm_r; bool bLastSuspend = false; for (;!m_bShutdown;++nCnt) { LOCK_THREAD; unsigned int nIcons = 0; bool bFlush = false; bool bReDraw = false; bool bSuspend = false; if(m_bShutdown) break; else { cMutexLooker m(mutex); runTime.Set(); time_t ts = time(NULL); if(theSetup.m_nSuspendMode != eSuspendMode_Never && theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOff != theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOn) { struct tm *now = localtime_r(&ts, &tm_r); int clock = now->tm_hour * 100 + now->tm_min; if(theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOff > theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOn) { //like 8-20 bSuspend = (clock >= theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOn) && (clock <= theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOff); } else { //like 0-8 and 20..24 bSuspend = (clock >= theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOn) || (clock <= theSetup.m_nSuspendTimeOff); } if(theSetup.m_nSuspendMode == eSuspendMode_Timed && !ShutdownHandler.IsUserInactive()) { bSuspend = false; } } if(bSuspend != bLastSuspend) { bReDraw = true; } if(!bSuspend) { // every second the clock need updates. if (theSetup.m_nRenderMode == eRenderMode_DualLine) { if((0 == (nCnt % 2))) { bReDraw = CurrentTime(ts); if(m_eWatchMode != eLiveTV) { bReDraw |= ReplayTime(); } } } bFlush = RenderScreen(bReDraw); if(m_eWatchMode != eLiveTV) { switch(ReplayMode()) { case eReplayNone: case eReplayPaused: nIcons |= eIconPAUSE; break; default: case eReplayPlay: nIcons |= eIconPLAY; break; case eReplayBackward1: case eReplayBackward2: case eReplayBackward3: break; case eReplayForward1: case eReplayForward2: case eReplayForward3: break; } } for(n=0;n 0 || m_bScrollBackward) { this->clear(); if(scRender) { int iRet = -1; if(theSetup.m_nRenderMode == eRenderMode_DualLine) { iRet = this->DrawText(0 - m_nScrollOffset,pFont->Height(), *scRender); } else { int nTop = (theSetup.m_cHeight - pFont->Height())/2; iRet = this->DrawText(0 - m_nScrollOffset,nTop<0?0:nTop, *scRender); } if(m_bScrollNeeded) { switch(iRet) { case 0: if(m_nScrollOffset <= 0) { m_nScrollOffset = 0; m_bScrollBackward = false; m_bScrollNeeded = false; break; //Fit to screen } m_bScrollBackward = true; case 2: case 1: if(m_bScrollBackward) m_nScrollOffset -= 2; else m_nScrollOffset += 2; if(m_nScrollOffset >= 0) { break; } case -1: m_nScrollOffset = 0; m_bScrollBackward = false; m_bScrollNeeded = false; break; } } } if(scHeader && theSetup.m_nRenderMode == eRenderMode_DualLine) { if(bAllowCurrentTime && currentTime) { int t = pFont->Width(*currentTime); int w = pFont->Width(*scHeader); if((w + t + 3) < theSetup.m_cWidth && t < theSetup.m_cWidth) { this->DrawText(theSetup.m_cWidth - t, 0, *currentTime); } } this->DrawText(0, 0, *scHeader); } m_bUpdateScreen = false; return true; } return false; } bool cVFDWatch::CurrentTime(time_t ts) { if((ts / 60) != (tsCurrentLast / 60)) { if(currentTime) delete currentTime; tsCurrentLast = ts; currentTime = new cString(TimeString(ts)); return currentTime != NULL; } return false; } bool cVFDWatch::Replay() { if(!replayTitleLast || !replayTitle || strcmp(*replayTitleLast,*replayTitle)) { if(replayTitleLast) { delete replayTitleLast; replayTitleLast = NULL; } if(replayTitle) { replayTitleLast = new cString(*replayTitle); } return true; } return false; } char *striptitle(char *s) { if (s && *s) { for (char *p = s + strlen(s) - 1; p >= s; p--) { if (isspace(*p) || *p == '~' || *p == '\\') *p = 0; else break; } } return s; } void cVFDWatch::Replaying(const cControl * Control, const char * szName, const char *FileName, bool On) { cMutexLooker m(mutex); m_bUpdateScreen = true; if (On) { m_pControl = (cControl *) Control; m_eWatchMode = eReplay; if(replayTitle) { delete replayTitle; replayTitle = NULL; } if (szName && !isempty(szName)) { char* Title = NULL; char* Name = strdup(skipspace(szName)); striptitle(Name); // remove space at end int slen = strlen(Name); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Looking for mp3/muggle-plugin replay : [LS] (444/666) title // if (slen > 6 && *(Name+0)=='[' && *(Name+3)==']' && *(Name+5)=='(') { int i; for (i=6; *(Name + i) != '\0'; ++i) { //search for [xx] (xxxx) title if (*(Name+i)==' ' && *(Name+i-1)==')') { if (slen > i) { //if name isn't empty, then copy Title = (Name + i); } break; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Looking for DVD-Plugin replay : 1/8 4/28, de 2/5 ac3, no 0/7, 16:9, VOLUMENAME // cDvdPlayerControl::GetDisplayHeaderLine : titleinfo, audiolang, spulang, aspect, title if (!Title && slen>7) { int i,n; for (n=0,i=0;*(Name+i) != '\0';++i) { //search volumelabel after 4*", " => xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, title if (*(Name+i)==' ' && *(Name+i-1)==',') { if (++n == 4) { if (slen > i) { // if name isn't empty, then copy Title = (Name + i); } break; } } } } if (!Title) { // look for file extentsion like .xxx or .xxxx bool bIsFile = (slen>5 && ((*(Name+slen-4) == '.') || (*(Name+slen-5) == '.'))) ? true : false; for (int i=slen-1;i>0;--i) { //search reverse last Subtitle // - filename contains '~' => subdirectory // or filename contains '/' => subdirectory switch (*(Name+i)) { case '/': if (!bIsFile) { break; } case '~': { Title = (Name + i + 1); i = 0; } default: break; } } } if (!Title && 0 == strncmp(Name,"[image] ",8)) { Title = (Name + 8); } else if (!Title && 0 == strncmp(Name,"[audiocd] ",10)) { Title = (Name + 10); } if (Title) { replayTitle = new cString(skipspace(Title)); } else { replayTitle = new cString(skipspace(Name)); } free(Name); } if (!replayTitle) { replayTitle = new cString(tr("Unknown title")); } } else { m_eWatchMode = eLiveTV; m_pControl = NULL; } } eReplayState cVFDWatch::ReplayMode() const { bool Play = false, Forward = false; int Speed = -1; if (m_pControl && ((cControl *)m_pControl)->GetReplayMode(Play,Forward,Speed)) { // 'Play' tells whether we are playing or pausing, 'Forward' tells whether // we are going forward or backward and 'Speed' is -1 if this is normal // play/pause mode, 0 if it is single speed fast/slow forward/back mode // and >0 if this is multi speed mode. switch(Speed) { default: case -1: return Play ? eReplayPlay : eReplayPaused; case 0: case 1: return Forward ? eReplayForward1 : eReplayBackward1; case 2: return Forward ? eReplayForward2 : eReplayBackward2; case 3: return Forward ? eReplayForward3 : eReplayBackward3; } } return eReplayNone; } bool cVFDWatch::ReplayPosition(int ¤t, int &total, double& dFrameRate) const { if (m_pControl && ((cControl *)m_pControl)->GetIndex(current, total, false)) { total = (total == 0) ? 1 : total; #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 dFrameRate = ((cControl *)m_pControl)->FramesPerSecond(); #endif return true; } return false; } const char * cVFDWatch::FormatReplayTime(int current, int total, double dFrameRate) const { static char s[32]; int cs = (int)((double)current / dFrameRate); int ts = (int)((double)total / dFrameRate); bool g = ((cs / 3600) > 0) || ((ts / 3600) > 0); int cm = cs / 60; cs %= 60; int tm = ts / 60; ts %= 60; if (total > 1) { if(g) { #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s (%s)", (const char*)IndexToHMSF(current,false,dFrameRate), (const char*)IndexToHMSF(total,false,dFrameRate)); #else snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s (%s)", (const char*)IndexToHMSF(current), (const char*)IndexToHMSF(total)); #endif } else { snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%02d:%02d (%02d:%02d)", cm, cs, tm, ts); } } else { if(g) { #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s", (const char*)IndexToHMSF(current,false,dFrameRate)); #else snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s", (const char*)IndexToHMSF(current)); #endif } else { snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%02d:%02d", cm, cs); } } return s; } bool cVFDWatch::ReplayTime() { int current = 0,total = 0; double dFrameRate; #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10701 dFrameRate = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; #else dFrameRate = FRAMESPERSEC; #endif if(ReplayPosition(current,total,dFrameRate)) { const char * sz = FormatReplayTime(current,total,dFrameRate); if(!replayTime || strcmp(sz,*replayTime)) { if(replayTime) delete replayTime; replayTime = new cString(sz); return replayTime != NULL; } } return false; } void cVFDWatch::Recording(const cDevice *pDevice, const char *szName, const char *szFileName, bool bOn) { cMutexLooker m(mutex); unsigned int nCardIndex = pDevice->CardIndex(); if (nCardIndex > memberof(m_nCardIsRecording) - 1 ) nCardIndex = memberof(m_nCardIsRecording)-1; if (nCardIndex < memberof(m_nCardIsRecording)) { if (bOn) { ++m_nCardIsRecording[nCardIndex]; } else { if (m_nCardIsRecording[nCardIndex] > 0) --m_nCardIsRecording[nCardIndex]; } } else { esyslog("targaVFD: Recording: only up to %lu devices are supported by this plugin", (unsigned long)memberof(m_nCardIsRecording)); } } void cVFDWatch::Channel(int ChannelNumber) { cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(chPresentTitle) { delete chPresentTitle; chPresentTitle = NULL; } if(chPresentShortTitle) { delete chPresentShortTitle; chPresentShortTitle = NULL; } if(chName) { delete chName; chName = NULL; } cChannel * ch = Channels.GetByNumber(ChannelNumber); if(ch) { chID = ch->GetChannelID(); chPresentTime = 0; chFollowingTime = 0; if (!isempty(ch->Name())) { chName = new cString(ch->Name()); } } m_eWatchMode = eLiveTV; m_bUpdateScreen = true; m_nScrollOffset = 0; m_bScrollBackward = false; } bool cVFDWatch::Program() { bool bChanged = false; const cEvent * p = NULL; cSchedulesLock schedulesLock; const cSchedules * schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(schedulesLock); if (chID.Valid() && schedules) { const cSchedule * schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(chID); if (schedule) { if ((p = schedule->GetPresentEvent()) != NULL) { if(chPresentTime && chEventID == p->EventID()) { return false; } bChanged = true; chEventID = p->EventID(); chPresentTime = p->StartTime(); chFollowingTime = p->EndTime(); if(chPresentTitle) { delete chPresentTitle; chPresentTitle = NULL; } if (!isempty(p->Title())) { chPresentTitle = new cString(p->Title()); } if(chPresentShortTitle) { delete chPresentShortTitle; chPresentShortTitle = NULL; } if (!isempty(p->ShortText())) { chPresentShortTitle = new cString(p->ShortText()); } } } } return bChanged; } void cVFDWatch::Volume(int nVolume, bool bAbsolute) { cMutexLooker m(mutex); int nAbsVolume; nAbsVolume = m_nLastVolume; if (bAbsolute) { nAbsVolume = nVolume; } else { nAbsVolume += nVolume; } if(nAbsVolume > MAXVOLUME) { nAbsVolume = MAXVOLUME; } else if(nAbsVolume < 0) { nAbsVolume = 0; } if(m_nLastVolume > 0 && 0 == nAbsVolume) { m_bVolumeMute = true; } else if(0 == m_nLastVolume && nAbsVolume > 0) { m_bVolumeMute = false; } m_nLastVolume = nAbsVolume; tsVolumeLast = time(NULL); } void cVFDWatch::OsdClear() { cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(osdMessage) { delete osdMessage; osdMessage = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(osdTitle) { delete osdTitle; osdTitle = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(osdItem) { delete osdItem; osdItem = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } } void cVFDWatch::OsdTitle(const char *sz) { char *s = NULL; char *sc = NULL; if(sz && !isempty(sz)) { s = strdup(sz); sc = compactspace(strreplace(s,'\t',' ')); } if(sc && osdTitle && 0 == strcmp(sc, *osdTitle)) { if(s) { free(s); } return; } cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(osdTitle) { delete osdTitle; osdTitle = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(sc) { osdTitle = new cString(sc); m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(s) { free(s); } } void cVFDWatch::OsdCurrentItem(const char *sz) { char *s = NULL; char *sc = NULL; if(sz && !isempty(sz)) { s = strdup(sz); sc = compactspace(strreplace(s,'\t',' ')); } if(sc && osdItem && 0 == strcmp(sc, *osdItem)) { if(s) { free(s); } return; } cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(osdItem) { delete osdItem; osdItem = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(sc) { osdItem = new cString(sc); m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(s) { free(s); } } void cVFDWatch::OsdStatusMessage(const char *sz) { char *s = NULL; char *sc = NULL; if(sz && !isempty(sz)) { s = strdup(sz); sc = compactspace(strreplace(s,'\t',' ')); } if(sc && osdMessage && 0 == strcmp(sc, *osdMessage)) { if(s) { free(s); } return; } cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(osdMessage) { delete osdMessage; osdMessage = NULL; m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(sc) { osdMessage = new cString(sc); m_bUpdateScreen = true; } if(s) { free(s); } } bool cVFDWatch::SetFont(const char *szFont, bool bTwoLineMode, int nBigFontHeight, int nSmallFontHeight) { cMutexLooker m(mutex); if(cVFD::SetFont(szFont, bTwoLineMode, nBigFontHeight, nSmallFontHeight)) { m_bUpdateScreen = true; return true; } return false; } eIconState cVFDWatch::ForceIcon(unsigned int nIcon, eIconState nState) { unsigned int nIconOff = nIcon; switch(nState) { case eIconStateAuto: m_nIconsForceOn &= ~(nIconOff); m_nIconsForceOff &= ~(nIconOff); m_nIconsForceMask &= ~(nIconOff); break; case eIconStateOn: m_nIconsForceOn |= nIcon; m_nIconsForceOff &= ~(nIconOff); m_nIconsForceMask |= nIconOff; break; case eIconStateOff: m_nIconsForceOff |= nIcon; m_nIconsForceOn &= ~(nIconOff); m_nIconsForceMask |= nIconOff; break; default: break; } if(m_nIconsForceOn & nIcon) return eIconStateOn; if(m_nIconsForceOff & nIcon) return eIconStateOff; return eIconStateAuto; }