- fixed channel name/number display
- added parameter type (to store logo's filetype)
- "Timebar", "Progressbar" and "Volumebar": Background is only drawn if bg is
- fixed timebar (was running backwards)
- renamed "Progressbar" to "Replaybar" for more consistency
- renamed "Logo" to "ChannelLogo"
- introduced items "Language" (for audio language texts or symbols) and "Image"
(foreground images)
- adopted SKINS document (SKINS.de is not up-to-date yet)
- introduced item "MenuTitle"
- introduced items "MenuRed", "MenuGreen", "MenuYellow" and "MenuBlue"
- activated message items for display in menu
- introcuded parameter "arc" and item "Slope"
- fixed possible segfault in Item=Message
- implemented items "SymbolReplaying" and "SymbolRadio"
- added "text" parameter for all text like Items (explanation follows)
- added "SymbolPlay", "SymbolPause", "SymbolFastFwd", "SymbolFastRew",
"SymbolSlowFwd", "SymbolSlowRew" items.