From 74a5cc8e14900d48386e33cb576f154a6dd7e557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Brugger <>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 16:58:14 +0100
Subject: 2006-11-19: Version 1.1-cvs_ext-0.9

- added a test-feature to search for reruns of a program and add the
  information to the extended epg-info (trigger DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES).
  This uses a service-interface of the epgsearch-plugin
- the timer-conflicts are now checked with epgsearch (service-interface
  "Epgsearch-lastconflictinfo-v1.0", as it works more reliable and is
  supported by the plugin author
- the extended epg-info and the recording-info are extended by AUX-Infos
  there is also an option to strip known tags
- the tab-widths are scaled for taking into account that different TT-Fonts
  have a different width than the default font from VDR
- added tokens for signal-info:
  FrontendSTR, FrontendSNR, FrontendHasLock, FrontendHasSignal
- changed token TimerConflict to TimerConflicts
- added token PresentEventID for EPG-images
- added tokens for recordings:
  RecordingFilename, RecordingPriority, RecordingLifetime
- removed Text2skin.diff from the rotor-plugin
 graphtft/font.c | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

(limited to 'graphtft')

diff --git a/graphtft/font.c b/graphtft/font.c
index 7941b74..9cfa812 100644
--- a/graphtft/font.c
+++ b/graphtft/font.c
@@ -138,21 +138,22 @@ bool cGraphtftFont::Load(string Filename, string CacheName, int Size, int Langua
 		 //Load the char
 		 error = FT_Load_Glyph( _face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ); 
 		 if ( error ) continue; /* ignore errors */  
-		 // convert to a mono bitmap
-		 error = FT_Render_Glyph( _face->glyph, ft_render_mode_mono ); 
-		 if ( error ) continue;
 		// now, convert to vdr font data
 		int width = (_slot->metrics.horiAdvance / 64) + 1;
 		int bearingX = (_slot->metrics.horiBearingX / 64) +1;
 		width = (width > (int)sizeof(cFont::tPixelData) * 8) ? (((int)sizeof(cFont::tPixelData) * 8)-2) :width ;
-		int  top = _slot->bitmap_top;
-		int  y_off = Size - top;
+		// convert to a mono bitmap
+		error = FT_Render_Glyph( _face->glyph, ft_render_mode_mono );
+		if ( error ) continue;
+		int  top = _slot->bitmap_top;
+		int  y_off = Size - top;
 		unsigned char *bmp = _slot->bitmap.buffer;
       		for (int y = 0; y < _slot->bitmap.rows; ++y , y_off++) {
cgit v1.2.3