/* * $Id: bitmap.c,v 1.10 2005/01/28 21:26:34 lordjaxom Exp $ */ #include "bitmap.h" #include "quantize.h" #include "setup.h" #include #define X_DISPLAY_MISSING #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB2 #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK #include using namespace Magick; #endif #include cBitmapCache cText2SkinBitmap::mCache(Text2SkinSetup.MaxCacheFill); void cBitmapCache::DeleteObject(const tBitmapSpec &Key, cText2SkinBitmap *&Data) { delete Data; } void cBitmapCache::ResetObject(cText2SkinBitmap *&Data) { Data->Reset(); } cText2SkinBitmap *cText2SkinBitmap::Load(const std::string &Filename, int Alpha, int height, int width, int colors, bool Quiet) { tBitmapSpec spec(Filename, Alpha, height, width, colors); Dprintf("checking image with spec %s_%d_%d_%d_%d..", Filename.c_str(),Alpha,height,width,colors); std::string fname = Filename; cText2SkinBitmap *res = NULL; if (mCache.Contains(spec)) { res = mCache[spec]; Dprintf("..cache ok\n"); } else { int pos; if ((pos = fname.find('*')) != -1) { glob_t gbuf; if (glob(fname.c_str(), 0, NULL, &gbuf) == 0){ Dprintf("GLOB: FOUND %s\n", gbuf.gl_pathv[0]); fname = gbuf.gl_pathv[0]; } else { if (!Quiet) esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: No match for wildcard filename %s", Filename.c_str()); fname = ""; } globfree(&gbuf); } res = new cText2SkinBitmap; int len = fname.length(); bool result = false; if (len > 4) { if (fname.substr(len - 4, 4) == ".xpm") result = res->LoadXpm(fname.c_str()); else { #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB2 result = res->LoadImlib(fname.c_str(),height,width,colors, Quiet); #else # ifdef HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK result = res->LoadMagick(fname.c_str(),height,width,colors, Quiet); # else if (!Quiet) esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: unknown file format for %s", fname); # endif #endif } } else if (!Quiet) esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: filename %s too short to identify format", fname.c_str()); Dprintf("..load %sok\n", result ? "" : "not "); if (result) res->SetAlpha(Alpha); else DELETENULL(res); mCache[spec] = res; } return res; } bool cText2SkinBitmap::Available(const std::string &Filename, int Alpha, int height, int width, int colors) { cText2SkinBitmap *bmp = Load(Filename, Alpha, height, width, colors, true); return bmp != NULL; } cText2SkinBitmap::cText2SkinBitmap(void) { mCurrent = 0; mLastGet = 0; } cText2SkinBitmap::~cText2SkinBitmap() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)mBitmaps.size(); ++i) delete mBitmaps[i]; mBitmaps.clear(); } cBitmap &cText2SkinBitmap::Get(uint &UpdateIn, uint Now) { if (mBitmaps.size() == 1) return *mBitmaps[0]; time_t upd; int diff; if (mLastGet == 0) { mLastGet = Now; upd = mDelay; } else if ((diff = Now - mLastGet) >= mDelay) { mCurrent = (mCurrent + 1) % mBitmaps.size(); mLastGet = Now; upd = mDelay - diff > 1 ? mDelay - diff : 1; } else { upd = mDelay - diff; } if (UpdateIn == 0 || UpdateIn > (uint)upd) UpdateIn = upd; return *mBitmaps[mCurrent]; } void cText2SkinBitmap::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { if (Alpha > 0) { std::vector::iterator it = mBitmaps.begin(); for (; it != mBitmaps.end(); ++it) { int count; if ((*it)->Colors(count)) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int alpha = (((*it)->Color(i) & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * Alpha / 255; (*it)->SetColor(i, ((*it)->Color(i) & 0x00FFFFFF) | (alpha << 24)); } } } } } bool cText2SkinBitmap::LoadXpm(const char *Filename) { cBitmap *bmp = new cBitmap(1,1,1); if (bmp->LoadXpm(Filename)) { mBitmaps.push_back(bmp); return true; } delete bmp; return false; } #ifdef HAVE_IMLIB2 bool cText2SkinBitmap::LoadImlib(const char *Filename, int height, int width, int colors, bool Quiet) { Imlib_Image image; unsigned char * outputImage = NULL; unsigned int * outputPalette = NULL; cQuantizeWu* quantizer = new cQuantizeWu(); cBitmap *bmp = NULL; image = imlib_load_image(Filename); if (!image) return false; Imlib_Context ctx = imlib_context_new(); imlib_context_push(ctx); if (height != 0 || width != 0){ imlib_context_set_image(image); image = imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0,0,imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height() ,width , height); } imlib_context_set_image(image); bmp = new cBitmap(imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height(), 8); uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(); if ( colors != 0 ){ quantizer->Quantize(data, imlib_image_get_width()* imlib_image_get_height(), colors); outputImage = quantizer->OutputImage(); outputPalette = quantizer->OutputPalette(); } int pos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < bmp->Height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < bmp->Width(); ++x) { if ( colors != 0 ){ bmp->DrawPixel(x, y , outputPalette[outputImage[y * bmp->Width() + x]] | 0xFF000000 ); }else{ tColor col = (data[pos + 3] << 24) | (data[pos + 2] << 16) | (data[pos + 1] << 8) | data[pos + 0]; bmp->DrawPixel(x, y, col); pos += 4; } } } imlib_free_image(); imlib_context_free(ctx); mBitmaps.push_back(bmp); delete(quantizer); return true; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK bool cText2SkinBitmap::LoadMagick(const char *Filename, int height, int width, int colors, bool Quiet) { std::vector images; cBitmap *bmp = NULL; try { int w, h; std::vector::iterator it; readImages(&images, Filename); if (images.size() == 0) { esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: Couldn't load %s", Filename); return false; } mDelay = images[0].animationDelay() * 10; for (it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it) { if (colors != 0){ (*it).opacity(OpaqueOpacity); (*it).backgroundColor( Color ( 0,0,0,0) ); (*it).quantizeColorSpace( RGBColorspace ); (*it).quantizeColors( colors ); (*it).quantize(); } if (height != 0 || width != 0) (*it).sample(Geometry(width,height)); w = (*it).columns(); h = (*it).rows(); /* if ((*it).depth() > 8) { esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: More than 8bpp images are not supported"); return false; } */ bmp = new cBitmap(w, h, (*it).depth()); //Dprintf("this image has %d colors\n", (*it).totalColors()); const PixelPacket *pix = (*it).getConstPixels(0, 0, w, h); for (int iy = 0; iy < h; ++iy) { for (int ix = 0; ix < w; ++ix) { tColor col = (~(pix->opacity * 255 / MaxRGB) << 24) | ((pix->red * 255 / MaxRGB) << 16) | ((pix->green * 255 / MaxRGB) << 8) | (pix->blue * 255 / MaxRGB); bmp->DrawPixel(ix, iy, col); ++pix; } } mBitmaps.push_back(bmp); } } catch (Exception &e) { if (!Quiet) esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: Couldn't load %s: %s", Filename, e.what()); delete bmp; return false; } catch (...) { if (!Quiet) esyslog("ERROR: text2skin: Couldn't load %s: Unknown exception caught", Filename); delete bmp; return false; } return true; } #endif