%LANGS = ("en" => 0, "de" => 1); %TRANS = ( "Known Sections" => [ "Bekannte Sektionen" ], "Known drawable Items" => [ "Bekannte Zeichnungs-Items" ], "Known Display-Items" => [ "Bekannte Anzeige-Items" ], "Known Parameters" => [ "Bekannte Parameter" ], "Section:" => [ "Sektion:" ], "Description:" => [ "Beschreibung:" ], "Item:" => [ "Item:" ], "Parameters:" => [ "Parameter:" ], "Display:" => [ "Anzeige:" ], "Parameter:" => [ "Parameter:" ], "Default:" => [ "Standard:" ], "Substitutes:" => [ "Ersetzt:" ], ); @INTRO = ( <<END_EN This is the documentation to the Text2Skin file-format (version 0.0.2). How To create text-based skins ------------------------------ [ THIS HAS CHANGED - BACKGROUNDS ARE MANDATORY ] If you are using an output driver capable of displaying a full-screen 256 color OSD (i.e. an upgraded DVB-card, or plugins like SoftDevice), the plugin will detect this and make use of the full-screen area. However, you will still need to define some drawing areas (backgrounds), because commiting a full-screen area can take some time (depending on the output device). By specifying the area you intend to draw on, things can be sped up a lot. It is important that you understand the limitations of the OSD memory. If there are too many objects with too many colors defined, VDR will throw an error and some areas will not be displayed. For other output devices this limitations may not apply, so if you are planning to design a skin for another output device, feel free to use more colors, but remember that VDR can handle a maximum of 256 areas per object. An object is defined to be a specific area with a specific palette and color depth. Those objects will be referred to as 'backgrounds' later on. Calculate the dimensions of them wisely, since overlapping areas or oversized areas will lead to an error. Also, the width and height of each area has to be a multiple of four when using a DVB-Card. Creation of an image -------------------- I used gimp to create some test images displaying things on screen, although I don't know much about image processing :-). To give an advice, I will point out how I created those test images. I've used a template for a menu provided by a community member, tiled it into sections fully covered by the image. That made three images in this case. Then I added a little bit of transparency to the image covering the middle part. I've resized the image so that it's width and height were multiples of four. Now I've added 50% transparency to the top layer of the image. Then I've reduced the colordepth of the image (Image->Mode->Indexed) to 14 colors (of course the image may not be too extensive, but 14 colors can give some nice gradients). That leaves two colors for text and progress bar in the same display. Reduce the number of colors according to the background depth and additional decoration you intend to use. I saved the results to a png file and placed the result into the skin. If you intend to use xpm's, be aware that VDR doesn't know about named colors, so some images GIMP creates will not be read on-the-fly, because GIMP may use some named colors, but VDR only recognizes "None". The Description File Format --------------------------- It is a simple configuration file, consisting of Sections and items. Commentary lines can be added when they are lead in by a '#'. Blank lines will be ignored. A section is placed in '[]' brackets. All other lines specify drawable items and are lead in by the phrase "Item=<...>" followed by one or more parameters (separated by commas). The line must end with a semicolon. It is quite important that you understand the relation between the Item and it's display parameter. The display parameter doesn't only specify WHAT to display, it also specifies IF it is displayed. For example a rectangle with display=PresentVPSTime will only be drawn if there is a present VPS time given. A text with display=PresentVPSTime behaves the same, but the text is substituted by the actual VPS time string. If the text-parameter contains a dollar-sign, like in display=PresentVPSTime,text=VPS: $, the VPS time will be substituted in place of the dollar-sign. Example (sorry for the long lines): # Description of the skin file Item=Skin,name=Test,version=0.0.2; [Channel] # This is the full channel display # Background area to draw on (a background MUST be specified to make items # drawn on it actually visible!!!), with background picture. Bpp=4 equals 16 # colors # APPENDIX: Bpp is useless ff the plugin detects a fullscreen-capable Output # device. In that case, this item just draws the background image Item=Background,path=channeltop.xpm,x=42,y=350,width=540,height=32,bpp=4; # A second area below the first one, again with 16 colors (make 32 colors # alltogether) Item=Background,path=channel.png,x=48,y=382,width=528,height=84,bpp=4; # A textual item displaying the channel numer and name (if present) # The color is a symbolic name that will be filled in the .colors-file Item=Text,display=ChannelNumberName,x=50,y=355,width=250,height=28,fg=ChNumNameFG,font=Sml; # A textual item displaying the current date and time Item=Text,display=PresentDateTime,x=52,y=387,width=150,height=28,fg=DateTimeFG,font=Osd; [Volume] # This is the volume display # Again, we specify an area to be able to draw items on it Item=Background,x=10,y=10,width=20,height=200,bpp=4; # A progressbar displaying the current volume. Item=Progress,display=VolumeCurrent,x=10,y=10,width=20,height=200,bg=VolumeBG,fg=VolumeFG; END_EN , <<END_DE Wie man textbasierte Skins erstellt ----------------------------------- [ HAT SICH GE�NDERT - BACKGROUNDS SIND PFLICHT ] Wenn Sie einen Ausgabetreiber nutzen, der f�hig ist, ein 256-Farben Vollbild als OSD darzustellen (z.B. eine aufger�stete DVB-Karte oder Plugins wie SoftDevice), wird das Plugin dies erkennen und die volle Bildfl�che nutzen. Dennoch werden Sie einige Malbereiche (Backgrounds) definieren m�ssen, weil bspw. das �bermitteln des gesamten OSD-Bildes einige Zeit beanspruchen kann (je nach Ausgabeger�t). Durch die Angabe der Bereiche auf die sp�ter gemalt werden soll, beschleunigt sich das ganze erheblich. Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, ein Skin zu schreiben, welches nur auf solchen Ger�ten funktionieren soll, k�nnen Sie die folgenden Sektionen, die die Backgrounds betreffen �berspringen. Wenn Sie jedoch planen Ihr Skin auch auf normalen DVB-Karten nutzbar zu machen, auch wenn Sie selbst eine solche nicht nutzen, sollten Sie die folgenden Abschnitte aufmerksam lesen. Es ist wichtig, dass sie die Limitierungen des OSD Speichers verstehen. Wenn zuviele Objekte mit zuvielen Farben definiert werden, dann wird VDR einen Fehler ins Log schreiben und einige Bereiche werden nicht angezeigt werden. Bei anderen Ausgabeger�ten mag es sein, dass diese Limitierungen nicht zutreffen, wenn Sie also ein Skin f�r ein anderes Ger�t schreiben m�chten, benutzen Sie ruhig ein paar mehr Farben, aber denken Sie daran, dass VDR generell maximal 256 Farben pro Objekt verwalten kann. Ein Objekt ist als ein bestimmter Bereich definiert, der eine bestimmte Farbpalette und Farbtiefe verwendet. Diese Objekte werden im Verlauf dieses Dokuments "Backgrounds" genannt. Berechnen sie die Dimensionen dieser Bereiche weise, denn �berlappende oder �bergro�e Backgrounds f�hren zu einem Fehler. Zus�tzlich muss die Breite und H�he jedes Backgrounds durch vier teilbar sein, wenn eine DVB-Karte verwendet wird. Die Erstellung eines Bildes --------------------------- Ich habe mit gimp einige Beispielbilder erstellt, die Dinge auf dem Bildschirm anzeigen, obwohl ich mit Grafik eigentlich recht wenig am Hut habe. Um einige Hinweise zu geben, werde ich erkl�ren wie ich diese Bilder erzeugt habe. Ich habe eine Vorlage f�r ein Kanaldisplay von einem Community-Mitglied erhalten, dieses in drei Bereiche zerlegt, die jeweils komplett vom Hintergrund gef�llt wurden. Nun habe ich das Bild so vergr��ert, dass Breite und H�he durch vier teilbar sind. Um im mittleren Bereich etwas Transparenz zu erzeugen, habe ich die Deckkraft der Bildebene auf 50% reduziert. Anschliessend habe ich alle Bilder auf 14 Farben reduziert (Bild->Modus->Indiziert) (nat�rlich darf das Bild nicht zu aufw�ndig sein, aber mit 14 Farben bekommt man schon sch�ne �berg�nge hin. Dann bleiben zwei Farben f�r Text und Symbole �brig, und das ganze passt in einen 16-farb (4-bit) Background. Reduzieren sie die Azahl der Farben entsprechend, wenn Sie beabsichtigen, mehr Vordergrundobjekte zu zeichnen. Das Ergebnis habe ich als PNG gespeichert und in das Skin kopiert. Wenn sie beabsichtigen, xpm's zu nutzen, achten sie darauf dass VDR keine benannten Farben beherrscht, es k�nnte also sein dass Bilder die gimp erzeugt nicht sofort nutzbar sind. Die einzige benannte Farbe, die VDR beherrscht, ist "None". Das Format der Beschreibungsdatei --------------------------------- Die Datei ist eine einfache Konfigurationsdatei, die aus Sektionen und Objekten besteht. Kommentarzeilen k�nnen mit einem '#' eingeleitet werden. Leerzeilen werden ignoriert. Eine Sektion ist von eckigen '[]' Klammern eingeschlossen. Ein Objekt beginnt mit dem Text "Item=", gefolgt von der Art des Objekts. Dahinter folgen Parameter f�r das Objekt, mit Komma getrennt. Die Zeile wird durch ein Semikolon ';' abgeschlossen. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass sie den Zusammenhang zwischen Item und seinem display-Parameter verstehen. Der display-Parameter gibt nicht nur an WAS angezeigt wird, sondern auch OB es angezeigt wird. Ein Rechteck mit display=PresentVPSTime wird nur angezeigt, wenn eine aktuelle VPS-Zeit gegeben ist. Ein Text-Item mit display=PresentVPSTime verh�lt sich genauso, aber der anzuzeigende Text durch die tats�chliche VPS-Zeit ersetzt. Wenn Text ein Dollarzeichen enth�lt, wie in display=PresentVPSTime,text=VPS: $, dann wird die VPS-Zeit an der Stelle des Dollarzeichens eingesetzt. Beispiel: # Description of the skin file Item=Skin,name=Test,version=0.0.2; [Channel] # Dies ist die grosse Kanalanzeige # Hintergrundbereich wo wir drauf zeichnen (so etwas MUSS angegeben werden, # damit Objekte die darauf gezeichnet werden �berhaupt sichtbar werden), mit # Bild. Bpp=4 entspricht 16 Farben # ERG�NZUNG: Wenn das Plugin eine Fullscreen f�hige Ausgabeschnittstelle # erkennt, ist bpp bedeutungslos, und der Background wird nur f�rs Bild # gebraucht Item=Background,path=channeltop.xpm,x=42,y=350,width=540,height=32,bpp=4; # Ein zweiter Bereich unter dem ersten, wieder mit 16 Farben (macht 32 Farben # insgesamt) Item=Background,path=channel.png,x=48,y=382,width=528,height=84,bpp=4; # Ein Text-Objekt welches die Kanalnummer und den -namen anzeigt (wenn # vorhanden) Item=Text,display=ChannelNumberName,x=50,y=355,width=250,height=28,fg=ChNumNameFG,font=Sml; # Ein Text-Objekt welches das aktuelle Datum und die Zeit anzeigt. Item=Text,display=PresentDateTime,x=52,y=387,width=150,height=28,fg=DateTimeFG,font=Osd; [Volume] # Dies ist die Lautst�rkeanzeige # Und wieder ein Bereich in dem wir Objekte zeichnen k�nnen (diesmal ohne Bild) # Wird keine BG-Farbe angegeben, so wird transparent (unsichtbar) benutzt. Item=Background,x=10,y=10,width=20,height=200,bpp=4; # Eine Fortschrittsleiste welche die aktuelle Lautst�rke anzeigt. Item=Progress,display=VolumeCurrent,x=10,y=10,width=20,height=200,bg=VolumeBG,fg=VolumeFG; END_DE ); %SECTIONS = ( "ChannelSmall" => [ "The channel display. It displays the current programme and number only, ". "together with some decoration. [UNUSED]", "Die Kanalanzeige, die nur den aktuellen Kanalnamen und die -nummer mit ". "etwas Dekoration anzeigt. [UNGENUTZT]" ], "Channel" => [ "The channel display. It displays the current programme and number, ". "together with the currently running programme and possibly a ". "timebar, channel logo and some symbols.", "Die Kanalanzeige. Sie zeigt aktuellen Kanalnamen und -nummer, ". "gemeinsam mit dem aktuellen Programm und m�glicherweise eine ". "Zeitleiste und ein Kanallogo (noch nicht implementiert)." ], "Volume" => [ "The volume display. It displays the volumebar and possibly a mute ". "symbol, along with decorative items.", "Die Lautst�rkeanzeige. Zeigt die Lautst�rkeleiste und ". "m�glicherweise ein Mute-Symbol und etwas Dekoration." ], "ReplayMode" => [ "The replay modes display. Will be shown if only the replay mode ". "symbol(s) shall be shown. This display can't contain a progress-bar.", "Die Wiedergabeanzeige. Wird angezeigt wenn nur der ". "Wiedergabemodus gezeigt werden soll. Diese Anzeige kann keine ". "Wiedergabeleiste enthalten." ], "Replay" => [ "The full replay display. It shows the title, time and length of an ". "ongoing replay, together with a Progressbar and maybe even a replay logo", "" ], "Message" => [ "This display will be used only if there is no other display open, and ". "VDR wants to display a message. Therefore this display shouldn't show ". "much more than that message.", "" ], "Menu" => [ "The full menu. This is the all-round display used when showing a list of ". "items or when showing something in detail (EPG-summary for example).", "" ], ); %ITEMS = ( "Background" => [ "This adds a background area for the specific display. This area ". "will be used to draw anything else, so you have to define a ". "background for everything that will be drawn later on. You can ". "define a background image for that area here, too. That picture ". "has to be the same width and height as the area. If you don't use ". "a background image, the area will be initialized with the bg color ". "(default transparent). If an image is present, the background color will ". "replace the color 0 in the image's palette, and the foreground ". "color will replace color 1.", "" ], "Text" => [ "Draws plain text into the given area, using the given foreground ". "color. Text has no background, only the pixels containing the foreground ". "color will be drawn. If no width or height are given, the ". "limits are the background areas. If you want to align the text, you need ". "to specify at least the width. If this item is specified with an ". "appropriate display parameter, and text is not given or contains a ". "dollar sign, it will be substituted by the content given by the display ". "parameter.", "" ], "Scrolltext" => [ "Draws a line-wrapped, scrollable text-area into the area, using the ". "given foreground color. Behaves like Text otherwise. This item makes ". "most sense for display=MenuText, display=PresentDescription and ". "display=MenuRecording, since those are the only one's supporting ". "the actual scrolling mechanism (inside the menu).", "" ], "Image" => [ "Draws the image from the parameter path into the area, substituting ". "foreground and background colors like in Item=Background", "" ], "Rectangle" => [ "Draws a rectangle filled with the foreground color into the area.", "" ], "Ellipse" => [ "Draws an ellipse (or part of it) filled with the foreground color into ". "the area. The parameter arc, if given, specifies which part of the ". "ellipse will be drawn.", "" ], "Slope" => [ "Draws a slope (some kind of wave) (or part of it) filled with the ". "foreground color into the area. The parameter arc, if give, specifies ". "how the slope is formed.", "" ], "Progress" => [ "Draws a progress bar into the display. The \"shown\" fraction of the ". "relevant display-parameter is drawn using the foreground color, while ". "the \"rest\" fraction is drawn using the background color (if given). ". "This item makes sense for display=PresentDuration, VolumeCurrent and ". "ReplayTime", "" ], "Logo" => [ "Draws an image displaying some kind of logo into the area. The image ". "file is given by the path- and type-parameters, together with the result ". "from the corresponding display-parameter. This item makes sense for ". "display=ChannelName (where the channel name is the filename), for ". "display=ReplayMode (where the filename can be one of \"normal\", ". "\"dvd\", \"vcd\", \"mp3\" and \"mplayer\" (more to come hopefully) ". "and for display=Language (where the language code is [WILL BE] the ". "filename. Behaves like Item=Image otherwise", "" ], "Symbol" => [ "Draws an On/Off-symbol into the area. The On-image is given by the path-". "parameter, the Off-image with the altpath-parameter. Otherwise like ". "Item=Image", "" ], "MenuArea" => [ "Specifies the area that is considered to be the central menu area ". "(where the list of menu items is drawn). Note that this will not display ". "anything yet, you have to give additional Text items to actually draw ". "the list", "" ], "MenuItem" => [ "Specifies the area occupied by one item of the list which is displayed ". "in the central menu area. The number of items that can be displayed is ". "determined by the height of MenuArea and the height of this item. Note ". "that this will not display anything yet, you have to give additional ". "Text items to actually draw the list. Also note that the x- and y-". "parameters (if given) are relative to the top-left corner of the ". "MenuArea.", "" ], "Scrollbar" => [ "Draws a real scrollbar into the display. The \"seen\" and \"rest\" ". "fractions are drawn using the background color, while the bar indicating ". "the \"shown\" fraction and the current position, is drawn using the ". "foreground color. This item makes sense for display=MenuText, ". "PresentDescription and MenuRecording", "" ], ); %ITEMPARAMS = ( "Background" => "x, y, width, height, bpp, path, bg, fg", "Text" => "display, x, y, width, height, fg, font, align", "Scrolltext" => "display, x, y, width, height, fg, font", "Image" => "display, x, y, width, height, bg, fg, path", "Rectangle" => "display, x, y, width, height, fg", "Ellipse" => "display, x, y, width, height, fg, arc", "Slope" => "display, x, y, width, height, fg, arc", "Progress" => "display, x, y, width, height, bg, fg, selected, mark, current", "Logo" => "display, x, y, width, height, bg, fg, path, type", "Symbol" => "display, x, y, width, height, bg, fg, path, altpath", "MenuArea" => "x, y, width, height", "MenuItem" => "x, y, width, height", "Scrollbar" => "display, x, y, width, height, bg, fg", ); %DISPLAYS = ( "DateTimeF" => [ "The current date and time, formatted according to the format-parameter. ". "To learn how the string can be formatted, please see man strftime.", "" ], "DateTime" => [ "The current date and time, pre-formatted like \"dd.mm. HH:MM\".", "" ], "Date" => [ "The current date, pre-formatted like \"dd.mm.\".", "" ], "Time" => [ "The current time, pre-formatted like \"HH:MM\".", "" ], "ChannelNumberName" => [ "A string containing the current channel number and name, where the ". "channel number can be followed by a minus (while entering a channel) ". "or where the channel name can be a channel group separator", "" ], "ChannelNumber" => [ "A string containing the current channel number, where the ". "channel number can be followed by a minus (while entering a channel).", "" ], "ChannelName" => [ "A string containing the current channel name, where the ". "channel name can be a channel group separator. This also substitutes the ". "channel logo (if present).", "" ], "Language" => [ "This substitutes a language logo, which will someday show the flag of ". "the language currently in programme. Today only \"Audio 1\", \"Audio 2\" ". "and \"Digital Audio\" are possible.", "" ], "PresentDateTimeF" => [ "The start date and time of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted according to the ". "format-parameter. ". "To learn how the string can be formatted, please see man strftime.", "" ], "PresentStartTime" => [ "The start time of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted like \"HH:MM\"", "" ], "PresentDate" => [ "The start date of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted like \"dd.mm.\"", "" ], "PresentVPSTime" => [ "The VPS start time of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted like \"HH:MM\", ". "if present and different from the normal start time.", "" ], "PresentEndTime" => [ "The end time of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted like \"HH:MM\"", "" ], "PresentDuration" => [ "The duration time of the present event (in the channel display or ". "while viewing EPG-details in the menu), formatted like \"HH:MM\". This ". "also substitutes the progress bar (timebar).", "" ], "PresentVPS" => [ "Substitutes a symbol, which shows whether the channel broadcasting ". "the present event is a VPS-channel", "" ], "PresentRunning" => [ "Substitutes a symbol, which shows whether the present event is running.", "" ], "PresentTimer" => [ "Substitutes a symbol, which shows whether the present event is scheduled ". "for recording.", "" ], "PresentTitle" => [ "The title of the currently displayed event.", "" ], "PresentShortText" => [ "The short text (or episode name) of the currently displayed event.", "" ], "PresentDescription" => [ "The long description of the currently displayed event. Makes most sense ". "when used when displaying an EPG-detail in the menu, inside a Scrolltext.", "" ], "FollowingStartTime" => [ "The start time of the following event (in the channel display only), ". "formatted like \"HH:MM\"", "" ], "FollowingEndTime" => [ "The end time of the following event (in the channel display only), ". "formatted like \"HH:MM\"", "" ], "FollowingDuration" => [ "The duration time of the following event (in the channel display only), ". "formatted like \"HH:MM\".", "" ], "FollowingTitle" => [ "The title of the following event.", "" ], "FollowingShortText" => [ "The short text (or episode name) of the following event.", "" ], ); %DISPLAYPARAMS = ( "DateTimeF" => "format", "PresentDateTimeF" => "format" ); %DISPLAYSUBST = ( "DateTimeF" => "text", "DateTime" => "text", "Date" => "text", "Time" => "text", "ChannelNumberName" => "text", "ChannelNumber" => "text", "ChannelName" => "text, path", "Language" => "path", "PresentDateTimeF" => "text", "PresentStartTime" => "text", "PresentDate" => "text", "PresentVPSTime" => "text", "PresentEndTime" => "text", "PresentDuration" => "text, progress", "PresentVPS" => "path", "PresentRunning" => "path", "PresentTimer" => "path", "PresentTitle" => "text", "PresentShortText" => "text", "PresentDescription" => "text", "FollowingStartTime" => "text", "FollowingEndTime" => "text", "FollowingDuration" => "text, progress", "FollowingTitle" => "text", "FollowingShortText" => "text", ); return 1;