/* * $Id: display.c,v 1.26 2005/12/17 21:51:43 lordjaxom Exp $ */ #include "render.h" #include "loader.h" #include "display.h" #include "scroller.h" #include "status.h" #include "common.h" #include "xml/string.h" #include #include // --- cText2SkinDisplayChannel ----------------------------------------------- cText2SkinDisplayChannel::cText2SkinDisplayChannel(cText2SkinLoader *Loader, bool WithInfo): cText2SkinRender(Loader, WithInfo ? cxDisplay::channelInfo : cxDisplay::channelSmall), mFallbackDisplay(NULL), mChannel(NULL), mNumber(0), mPresent(NULL), mFollowing(NULL), mType(mtStatus), mText("") , mButtonRed(""), mButtonGreen(""), mButtonYellow(""), mButtonBlue("") { if (Fallback() != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay = Fallback()->DisplayChannel(WithInfo); Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Skin too large or incorrectly aligned"), 2); } } cText2SkinDisplayChannel::~cText2SkinDisplayChannel() { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) delete mFallbackDisplay; } void cText2SkinDisplayChannel::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetChannel(Channel, Number); return; } UpdateLock(); if (mChannel != Channel || mNumber != Number) { mChannel = Channel; mNumber = Number; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetEvents(Present, Following); return; } UpdateLock(); if (mPresent != Present || mFollowing != Following) { mPresent = Present; mFollowing = Following; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetMessage(Type, Text); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; if (mType != Type || mText != Text) { mType = Type; mText = Text; SetDirty(cxRefresh::all); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayChannel::SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetButtons(Red, Green, Yellow, Blue); return; } UpdateLock(); Dprintf("SetButtons(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", Red, Green, Yellow, Blue); if (Red == NULL) Red = ""; if (Green == NULL) Green = ""; if (Yellow == NULL) Yellow = ""; if (Blue == NULL) Blue = ""; if (mButtonRed != Red || mButtonGreen != Green || mButtonYellow != Yellow || mButtonBlue != Blue) { mButtonRed = Red; mButtonGreen = Green; mButtonYellow = Yellow; mButtonBlue = Blue; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayChannel::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { switch (Token.Type) { case tChannelNumber: return ChannelNumber(mChannel, mNumber); case tChannelName: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelName(mChannel, mNumber) : (cxType)false; case tChannelShortName: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelShortName(mChannel, mNumber) : (cxType)false; case tChannelBouquet: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)mChannel->Provider() : (cxType)false; case tChannelPortal: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)mChannel->PortalName() : (cxType)false; case tChannelSource: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)Sources.Get(mChannel->Source())->Description() : (cxType)false; case tTChannelID: return mChannel != NULL ? (cxType)(const char*)mChannel->GetChannelID().ToString() : (cxType)false; case tPresentStartDateTime: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mPresent->StartTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentVPSDateTime: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mPresent->Vps(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentEndDateTime: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mPresent->EndTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentProgress: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(time(NULL) - mPresent->StartTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentDuration: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(mPresent->Duration(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentRemaining: if (mPresent != NULL && time(NULL) - mPresent->StartTime() <= mPresent->Duration()) { return (cxType)DurationType(mPresent->Duration() - (time(NULL) - mPresent->StartTime()), Token.Attrib.Text); } return false; case tPresentTitle: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)mPresent->Title() : (cxType)false; case tPresentShortText: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)mPresent->ShortText() : (cxType)false; case tPresentDescription: return mPresent != NULL ? (cxType)mPresent->Description() : (cxType)false; case tFollowingStartDateTime: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mFollowing->StartTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tFollowingVPSDateTime: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mFollowing->Vps(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tFollowingEndDateTime: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mFollowing->EndTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tFollowingDuration: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(mFollowing->Duration(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tFollowingTitle: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)mFollowing->Title() : (cxType)false; case tFollowingShortText: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)mFollowing->ShortText() : (cxType)false; case tFollowingDescription: return mFollowing != NULL ? (cxType)mFollowing->Description() : (cxType)false; case tLanguage: { cDevice *dev = cDevice::PrimaryDevice(); eTrackType trackType = dev->GetCurrentAudioTrack(); const tTrackId *track = dev->GetTrack(trackType); if (track) { std::string buffer(track->language); if (trackType >= ttDolby) buffer.append("DD"); return (cxType)buffer.c_str(); } return (cxType)false; } return false; case tHasTeletext: case tChannelHasTeletext: return mChannel != NULL && mChannel->Tpid() != 0; case tHasMultilang: case tChannelHasMultilang: return mChannel != NULL && mChannel->Apid(1) != 0; case tHasDolby: case tChannelHasDolby: return mChannel != NULL && mChannel->Dpid(0) != 0; case tIsEncrypted: case tChannelIsEncrypted: return mChannel != NULL && mChannel->Ca() != 0; case tIsRadio: case tChannelIsRadio: return mChannel != NULL && ISRADIO(mChannel); case tHasVPS: case tChannelHasVPS: return mPresent != NULL && mPresent->Vps() != 0; case tPresentHasVPS: return mPresent != NULL && mPresent->Vps() != 0 && mPresent->Vps() != mPresent->StartTime(); case tHasTimer: case tPresentHasTimer: return mPresent != NULL && mPresent->HasTimer(); case tIsRunning: case tPresentIsRunning: return mPresent != NULL && mPresent->IsRunning(); case tFollowingHasTimer: return mFollowing != NULL && mFollowing->HasTimer(); case tFollowingIsRunning: return mFollowing != NULL && mFollowing->IsRunning(); case tFollowingHasVPS: return mFollowing != NULL && mFollowing->Vps() != 0 && mFollowing->Vps() != mFollowing->StartTime(); case tMessage: return mText; case tMessageInfo: return mType == mtInfo ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageWarning: return mType == mtWarning ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageStatus: return mType == mtStatus ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageError: return mType == mtError ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tButtonRed: return mButtonRed; case tButtonGreen: return mButtonGreen; case tButtonYellow: return mButtonYellow; case tButtonBlue: return mButtonBlue; default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } } // --- cText2SkinDisplayVolume ------------------------------------------------ cText2SkinDisplayVolume::cText2SkinDisplayVolume(cText2SkinLoader *Loader): cText2SkinRender(Loader, cxDisplay::volume), mCurrent(0), mTotal(0), mMute(false) { } cText2SkinDisplayVolume::~cText2SkinDisplayVolume() { } void cText2SkinDisplayVolume::SetVolume(int Current, int Total, bool Mute) { UpdateLock(); if (mCurrent != Current || mTotal != Total || mMute != Mute) { mCurrent = Current; mTotal = Total; mMute = Mute; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayVolume::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { switch (Token.Type) { case tVolumeCurrent: return mCurrent; case tVolumeTotal: return mTotal; case tIsMute: case tVolumeIsMute: return mMute; default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } } // --- cText2SkinDisplayReplay ------------------------------------------------ cText2SkinDisplayReplay::cText2SkinDisplayReplay(cText2SkinLoader *Loader, bool ModeOnly): cText2SkinRender(Loader, ModeOnly ? cxDisplay::replaySmall : cxDisplay::replayInfo), mTitle(""), mStateInfo(false), mPlay(false), mForward(false), mSpeed(0), mCurrent(0), mTotal(0), mMarks(NULL), mPrompt(""), mType(mtStatus), mText(""), mButtonRed(""), mButtonGreen(""), mButtonYellow(""), mButtonBlue("") { } cText2SkinDisplayReplay::~cText2SkinDisplayReplay() { } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetTitle(const char *Title) { UpdateLock(); if (Title == NULL) Title = ""; if (mTitle != Title) { mTitle = Title; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed) { Dprintf("SetMode(%d, %d, %d)\n", Play, Forward, Speed); UpdateLock(); if (!mStateInfo || mPlay != Play || mForward != Forward || mSpeed != Speed) { mStateInfo = true; mPlay = Play; mForward = Forward; mSpeed = Speed; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetProgress(int Current, int Total) { UpdateLock(); if (mCurrent != Current || mTotal != Total) { mCurrent = Current; mTotal = Total; // SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); TODO: let this cause a display update every frame? } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetMarks(const cMarks *Marks) { UpdateLock(); mMarks = Marks; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetCurrent(const char *Current) { UpdateLock(); if (Current == NULL) Current = ""; if (mPosition != Current) { mPosition = Current; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetTotal(const char *Total) { UpdateLock(); if (Total == NULL) Total = ""; if (mDuration != Total) { mDuration = Total; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetJump(const char *Jump) { UpdateLock(); if (Jump == NULL) Jump = ""; if (mPrompt != Jump) { mPrompt = Jump; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) { UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; if (mType != Type || mText != Text) { mType = Type; mText = Text; SetDirty(cxRefresh::all); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayReplay::SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue) { UpdateLock(); Dprintf("SetButtons(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", Red, Green, Yellow, Blue); if (Red == NULL) Red = ""; if (Green == NULL) Green = ""; if (Yellow == NULL) Yellow = ""; if (Blue == NULL) Blue = ""; if (mButtonRed != Red || mButtonGreen != Green || mButtonYellow != Yellow || mButtonBlue != Blue) { mButtonRed = Red; mButtonGreen = Green; mButtonYellow = Yellow; mButtonBlue = Blue; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayReplay::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { switch (Token.Type) { case tReplayTitle: return mTitle; case tReplayPositionIndex: return DurationType(mCurrent, Text2SkinStatus.ReplayFramesPerSecond(), Token.Attrib.Text); case tReplayDurationIndex: return DurationType(mTotal, Text2SkinStatus.ReplayFramesPerSecond(), Token.Attrib.Text); case tReplayPosition: return mPosition; case tReplayDuration: return mDuration; case tReplayRemaining: return DurationType(mTotal - mCurrent, Text2SkinStatus.ReplayFramesPerSecond(), Token.Attrib.Text); case tReplayPrompt: return mPrompt; case tIsPlaying: case tReplayIsPlaying: return mStateInfo && mSpeed == -1 && mPlay; case tIsPausing: case tReplayIsPausing: return mStateInfo && mSpeed == -1 && !mPlay; case tIsFastForward: case tReplayIsFastForward: if (mStateInfo && mSpeed != -1 && mPlay && mForward) { return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)(mSpeed == Token.Attrib.Number) : (cxType)true; } return false; case tIsFastRewind: case tReplayIsFastRewind: if (mStateInfo && mSpeed != -1 && mPlay && !mForward) { return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)(mSpeed == Token.Attrib.Number) : (cxType)true; } return false; case tIsSlowForward: case tReplayIsSlowForward: if (mStateInfo && mSpeed != -1 && !mPlay && mForward) { return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)(mSpeed == Token.Attrib.Number) : (cxType)true; } return false; case tIsSlowRewind: case tReplayIsSlowRewind: if (mStateInfo && mSpeed != -1 && !mPlay && !mForward) { return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)(mSpeed == Token.Attrib.Number) : (cxType)true; } return false; case tLanguage: { cDevice *dev = cDevice::PrimaryDevice(); eTrackType trackType = dev->GetCurrentAudioTrack(); const tTrackId *track = dev->GetTrack(trackType); if (track) { std::string buffer(track->language); if (trackType >= ttDolby) buffer.append("DD"); return (cxType)buffer.c_str(); } return (cxType)false; } return false; case tMessage: return mText; case tMessageInfo: return mType == mtInfo ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageWarning: return mType == mtWarning ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageStatus: return mType == mtStatus ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageError: return mType == mtError ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tButtonRed: return mButtonRed; case tButtonGreen: return mButtonGreen; case tButtonYellow: return mButtonYellow; case tButtonBlue: return mButtonBlue; default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } } // --- cText2SkinDisplayMessage ----------------------------------------------- cText2SkinDisplayMessage::cText2SkinDisplayMessage(cText2SkinLoader *Loader): cText2SkinRender(Loader, cxDisplay::message), mText("") { } cText2SkinDisplayMessage::~cText2SkinDisplayMessage() { } void cText2SkinDisplayMessage::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) { UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; if (mType != Type || mText != Text) { mType = Type; mText = Text; SetDirty(cxRefresh::all); } UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayMessage::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { switch (Token.Type) { case tMessage: return mText; case tMessageInfo: return mType == mtInfo ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageWarning: return mType == mtWarning ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageStatus: return mType == mtStatus ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; case tMessageError: return mType == mtError ? (cxType)mText : (cxType)false; default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } } // --- cText2SkinDisplayMenu -------------------------------------------------- cText2SkinDisplayMenu::cText2SkinDisplayMenu(cText2SkinLoader *Loader): cText2SkinRender(Loader, cxDisplay::menu), mFallbackDisplay(NULL), mMaxItems(0), mTitle(""), mButtonRed(""), mButtonGreen(""), mButtonYellow(""), mButtonBlue(""), mMessageType(mtStatus), mMessageText(""), mEvent(NULL), mRecording(NULL), mItems(), mCurrentItem((uint)-1) { if (Fallback() != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay = Fallback()->DisplayMenu(); mMaxItems = mFallbackDisplay->MaxItems(); Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Skin too large or incorrectly aligned"), 2); return; } cxDisplay *disp = Loader->Data()->Get(cxDisplay::menu); const cxObject *area = NULL; for (uint i = 0; i < disp->Objects(); ++i) { const cxObject *o = disp->GetObject(i); if (o->Type() == cxObject::list) { area = o; break; } } if (area != NULL) { const cxObject *item = area->GetObject(0); if (item != NULL && item->Type() == cxObject::item) mMaxItems = area->Size().h / item->Size().h; } } cText2SkinDisplayMenu::~cText2SkinDisplayMenu() { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) delete mFallbackDisplay; } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::Clear(void) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { printf("fallback clear\n"); mFallbackDisplay->Clear(); return; } UpdateLock(); mItems.clear(); mCurrentItem = (uint)-1; mEvent = NULL; ExtPresentDescription = ""; mRecording = NULL; ExtRecordingDescription = ""; mText = ""; cText2SkinRender::Clear(); SetDirty(cxRefresh::all); UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetTitle(const char *Title) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { printf("fallback title\n"); mFallbackDisplay->SetTitle(Title); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Title == NULL) Title = ""; if (mTitle != Title) { mUpdate.timerConflict = true; mUpdate.events = true; mUpdate.resetMarquee = true; mTitle = Title; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetButtons(Red, Green, Yellow, Blue); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Red == NULL) Red = ""; if (Green == NULL) Green = ""; if (Yellow == NULL) Yellow = ""; if (Blue == NULL) Blue = ""; if (mButtonRed != Red || mButtonGreen != Green || mButtonYellow != Yellow || mButtonBlue != Blue) { mButtonRed = Red; mButtonGreen = Green; mButtonYellow = Yellow; mButtonBlue = Blue; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { printf("fallback message\n"); mFallbackDisplay->SetMessage(Type, Text); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; if (mMessageType != Type || mMessageText != Text) { mMessageType = Type; mMessageText = Text; SetDirty(cxRefresh::all); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetItem(Text, Index, Current, Selectable); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; tListItem item(Text, Selectable); for (int i = 0; i < MaxTabs; ++i) { const char *tab = GetTabbedText(Text, i); if (tab) item.tabs[i] = tab; if (!Tab(i + 1)) break; } if (mItems.size() <= (uint)Index) { mItems.push_back(item); mDirtyItems.push_back(Index); SetDirty(cxRefresh::list); } else if (mItems[Index] != item) { mItems[Index] = item; // refresh only the changed items mDirtyItems.push_back(Index); SetDirty(cxRefresh::list); } if (Current && mCurrentItem != (uint)Index) { // refresh only the changed items mDirtyItems.push_back(mCurrentItem); mDirtyItems.push_back(Index); SetDirty(cxRefresh::list); mCurrentItem = Index; } if (Current) mRender->mMenuScrollbar.currentOnScreen = (uint)Index; UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetEvent(Event); return; } UpdateLock(); if (mEvent != Event) { mEvent = Event; ExtPresentDescription = ""; if (mEvent != NULL) SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetRecording(Recording); return; } UpdateLock(); // yet unused if (mRecording != Recording) { mRecording = Recording; ExtRecordingDescription = ""; if (mRecording != NULL) SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetText(const char *Text, bool FixedFont) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetText(Text, FixedFont); return; } UpdateLock(); if (Text == NULL) Text = ""; if (mText != Text) { mText = Text; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::SetTabs(int Tab1, int Tab2, int Tab3, int Tab4, int Tab5) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->SetTabs(Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, Tab4, Tab5); return; } UpdateLock(); cSkinDisplayMenu::SetTabs(Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, Tab4, Tab5); UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayMenu::Scroll(bool Up, bool Page) { if (mFallbackDisplay != NULL) { mFallbackDisplay->Scroll(Up, Page); return; } UpdateLock(); cText2SkinRender::Scroll(Up, Page); SetDirty(cxRefresh::scroll); UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayMenu::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { switch (Token.Type) { case tMenuItem: case tMenuGroup: case tMenuCurrent: break; default: if (Token.Tab >= 0) return false; break; } switch (Token.Type) { case tMenuTitle: return mTitle; case tMenuItem: if (Token.Index < 0) return false; if (mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || !mItems[Token.Index].sel || mCurrentItem == (uint)Token.Index) return false; if (Token.Tab < 0) return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number] : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text; return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]; case tIsMenuItem: return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel && mCurrentItem != (uint)Token.Index; case tMenuCurrent: if (mItems.size() <= mCurrentItem) return false; if (Token.Index < 0) return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number] : (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem].text; if (mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || !mItems[Token.Index].sel || mCurrentItem != (uint)Token.Index) return false; if (Token.Tab < 0) return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number] : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text; return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]; case tIsMenuCurrent: return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && mItems[Token.Index].sel && mCurrentItem == (uint)Token.Index; case tMenuGroup: if (Token.Index < 0) return false; if (mItems.size() <= (uint)Token.Index || mItems[Token.Index].sel) return false; if (Token.Tab < 0) return Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber ? (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Attrib.Number] : (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].text; return (cxType)mItems[Token.Index].tabs[Token.Tab]; case tIsMenuGroup: return mItems.size() > (uint)Token.Index && !mItems[Token.Index].sel; case tButtonRed: return mButtonRed; case tButtonGreen: return mButtonGreen; case tButtonYellow: return mButtonYellow; case tButtonBlue: return mButtonBlue; case tMessage: return mMessageText; case tMessageInfo: return mMessageType == mtInfo ? (cxType)mMessageText : (cxType)false; case tMessageWarning: return mMessageType == mtWarning ? (cxType)mMessageText : (cxType)false; case tMessageStatus: return mMessageType == mtStatus ? (cxType)mMessageText : (cxType)false; case tMessageError: return mMessageType == mtError ? (cxType)mMessageText : (cxType)false; case tPresentStartDateTime: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mEvent->StartTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentVPSDateTime: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mEvent->Vps(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentEndDateTime: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mEvent->EndTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentProgress: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(time(NULL) - mEvent->StartTime(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentDuration: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(mEvent->Duration(), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentRemaining: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)DurationType(mEvent->Duration() - (time(NULL) - mEvent->StartTime()), Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tPresentTitle: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)mEvent->Title() : (cxType)false; case tPresentShortText: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)mEvent->ShortText() : (cxType)false; case tPresentDescription: if (mEvent) { if (ExtPresentDescription == "") { // find corresponding timer const char *aux = NULL; for (cTimer *tim = Timers.First(); tim; tim = Timers.Next(tim)) if (tim->Event() == mEvent) aux = tim->Aux(); ExtPresentDescription = AddExtInfoToDescription(mEvent->Title(), mEvent->ShortText(), mEvent->Description(), aux, Text2SkinSetup.StripAux); } return (cxType)ExtPresentDescription; } else return (cxType)false; case tPresentLanguageCode: if (mEvent) { const cComponents *components = mEvent->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) { std::string buffer(c->language); if (c->type == 1) buffer.append("MONO"); if ((c->type == 2) || (c->type == 4)) buffer.append("DUAL"); if (c->type == 5) buffer.append("DD"); return (cxType)buffer.c_str(); } } } } return false; case tPresentLanguageDescription: if (mEvent) { const cComponents *components = mEvent->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) return (cxType)c->description; } } } return false; case tPresentVideoAR: if (mEvent) { const cComponents *components = mEvent->Components(); if (components) { for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream == 1) { switch (c->type) { case 1: return "4:3"; case 3: return "16:9"; } } } } } return false; case tPresentEventID: return mEvent != NULL ? (cxType)EventType(mEvent->EventID()) : (cxType)false; case tHasVPS: case tChannelHasVPS: return mEvent != NULL && mEvent->Vps() != 0; case tChannelName: if (mEvent) { // extended EPG cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(mEvent->ChannelID(), true); return channel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelName(channel, 0) : (cxType)false; } else if (mRecording) { // recording Info cRecordingInfo *recInfo = const_cast(mRecording->Info()); cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(recInfo->ChannelID(), true); return channel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelName(channel, 0) : (cxType)false; } else return (cxType)false; case tChannelShortName: if (mEvent) { // extended EPG cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(mEvent->ChannelID(), true); return channel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelShortName(channel, 0) : (cxType)false; } else if (mRecording) { // recording Info cRecordingInfo *recInfo = const_cast(mRecording->Info()); cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(recInfo->ChannelID(), true); return channel != NULL ? (cxType)ChannelShortName(channel, 0) : (cxType)false; } else return (cxType)false; case tPresentHasVPS: return mEvent != NULL && mEvent->Vps() != 0 && mEvent->Vps() != mEvent->StartTime(); case tHasTimer: case tPresentHasTimer: return mEvent != NULL && mEvent->HasTimer(); case tIsRunning: case tPresentIsRunning: return mEvent != NULL && mEvent->IsRunning(); case tMenuText: return mText; case tRecordingName: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->Name() : (cxType)false; case tRecordingFilename: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->FileName() : (cxType)false; case tRecordingPriority: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->priority : (cxType)false; case tRecordingLifetime: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->lifetime : (cxType)false; case tRecordingDateTime: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mRecording->start, Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tRecordingTitle: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->Info()->Title() : (cxType)false; case tRecordingShortText: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)mRecording->Info()->ShortText() : (cxType)false; case tRecordingDescription: if (mRecording) { if (ExtRecordingDescription == "") ExtRecordingDescription = AddExtInfoToDescription(mRecording->Info()->Title(), mRecording->Info()->ShortText(), mRecording->Info()->Description(), Text2SkinSetup.ShowAux ? mRecording->Info()->Aux() : NULL, Text2SkinSetup.StripAux); return (cxType)ExtRecordingDescription; } else return (cxType)false; case tRecordingLanguageCode: if (mRecording) { const cComponents *components = mRecording->Info()->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) { std::string buffer(c->language); if (c->type == 1) buffer.append("MONO"); if ((c->type == 2) || (c->type == 4)) buffer.append("DUAL"); if (c->type == 5) buffer.append("DD"); return (cxType)buffer.c_str(); } } } } return false; case tRecordingLanguageDescription: if (mRecording) { const cComponents *components = mRecording->Info()->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) return (cxType)c->description; } } } return false; case tRecordingVideoAR: if (mRecording) { const cComponents *components = mRecording->Info()->Components(); if (components) { for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream == 1) { switch (c->type) { case 1: return "4:3"; case 3: return "16:9"; } } } } } return false; case tRecordingSize: return mRecording != NULL ? (cxType)GetRecordingSize(mRecording->FileName()) : (cxType)false; case tRecordingLength: return mRecording != NULL #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 ? (cxType)GetRecordingLength(mRecording->FileName(), mRecording->FramesPerSecond(), mRecording->IsPesRecording()) #else ? (cxType)GetRecordingLength(mRecording->FileName(), FRAMESPERSEC, true) #endif : (cxType)false; case tRecordingCuttedLength: return mRecording != NULL #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 ? (cxType)GetRecordingCuttedLength(mRecording->FileName(), mRecording->FramesPerSecond(), mRecording->IsPesRecording()) #else ? (cxType)GetRecordingCuttedLength(mRecording->FileName(), FRAMESPERSEC, true) #endif : (cxType)false; default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } } // --- cText2SkinDisplayTracks ------------------------------------------------ const std::string ChannelNames[] = { "", "stereo", "left", "right" }; cText2SkinDisplayTracks::cText2SkinDisplayTracks(cText2SkinLoader *Loader, const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks): cText2SkinRender(Loader, cxDisplay::audioTracks), mTitle(Title), mItems(), mCurrentItem((uint)-1), mAudioChannel(-1) { Dprintf("NumTracks: %d\n", NumTracks); for (int i = 0; i < NumTracks; ++i) { tListItem item(Tracks[i]); mItems.push_back(item); } } cText2SkinDisplayTracks::~cText2SkinDisplayTracks() { } const std::string &cText2SkinDisplayTracks::ChannelName(int AudioChannel) { return ChannelNames[AudioChannel + 1]; } void cText2SkinDisplayTracks::SetTrack(int Index, const char * const *Tracks) { UpdateLock(); Dprintf("SetTrack: %d (%s here, %s in array)\n", Index, Tracks[Index], mItems[Index].c_str()); if (mCurrentItem != (uint)Index) { // refresh only the changed items mDirtyItems.push_back(mCurrentItem); mDirtyItems.push_back(Index); mCurrentItem = Index; SetDirty(cxRefresh::list); } UpdateUnlock(); } void cText2SkinDisplayTracks::SetAudioChannel(int AudioChannel) { UpdateLock(); if (mAudioChannel != AudioChannel) { mAudioChannel = AudioChannel; SetDirty(cxRefresh::update); } UpdateUnlock(); } cxType cText2SkinDisplayTracks::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { if (Token.Tab >= 0) return false; int index = Token.Index; if (index >= 0 && mCurrentItem >= (uint)mMaxItems) { int offset = mCurrentItem - mMaxItems + 1; index += offset; } switch (Token.Type) { case tMenuTitle: return mTitle; case tMenuItem: if (index < 0) return false; if (mItems.size() <= (uint)index || mCurrentItem == (uint)index) return false; return (cxType)mItems[index]; case tIsMenuItem: return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem != (uint)index; case tMenuCurrent: if (mItems.size() <= mCurrentItem) return false; if (index < 0) return (cxType)mItems[mCurrentItem]; if (mItems.size() <= (uint)index || mCurrentItem != (uint)index) return false; return (cxType)mItems[index]; case tIsMenuCurrent: return mItems.size() > (uint)index && mCurrentItem == (uint)index; case tAudioTrack: return mItems[mCurrentItem]; case tAudioChannel: return ChannelName(mAudioChannel); default: return cText2SkinRender::GetTokenData(Token); } }