 * $Id: render.h,v 1.12 2005/01/26 20:42:41 lordjaxom Exp $


#include "common.h"
#include "scroller.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "xml/skin.h"
#include "xml/type.h"
#include <vdr/osd.h>
#include <vdr/skins.h>
#include <vdr/thread.h>

class cChannel;
class cEvent;
class cText2SkinLoader;
class cText2SkinI18n;
class cText2SkinTheme;
class cText2SkinScreen;

class cText2SkinRender: public cThread {
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayChannel;
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayVolume;
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayReplay;
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayMessage;
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayMenu;
	friend class cText2SkinDisplayTracks;

	friend class cText2SkinStatus;

	/* Skin Editor */
	friend class VSkinnerScreen;

	typedef std::map<txToken,cxType> tTokenCache;

	static cText2SkinRender *mRender;

	cxSkin             *mSkin;
	cxDisplay          *mDisplay;
	cText2SkinI18n     *mI18n;
	cText2SkinTheme    *mTheme;
	cText2SkinScreen   *mScreen;
	cText2SkinScroller *mScroller;
	tTokenCache         mTokenCache;

	std::string         mBasePath;
	uint                mDirty;  // bit mask of required updates - set by SetDirty()
	std::vector<int>    mDirtyItems;
	uint                mMaxItems;
	cSkin              *mFallback;
	// update thread
	bool                mActive;
	cCondVar            mDoUpdate;
	cMutex              mDoUpdateMutex;
	cCondVar            mStarted;
	uint                mUpdateIn;
	uint                mNow; // timestamp to calculate update timings
	bool                mFirst; // First drawing of the display -> draw everything

	// coordinate transformation
	txSize              mBaseSize;

	// scalefactor for tabs in the menu list
	float               mTabScale;
	bool                mTabScaleSet;

	// Update thread
	void UpdateLock(void) { mDoUpdateMutex.Lock(); }
	void UpdateUnlock(void) { mDoUpdateMutex.Unlock(); }
	virtual void Action(void);

	// Drawing operations
	void DrawObject(cxObject *Object, const txPoint &BaseOffset = txPoint(-1, -1),
	                const txSize &BaseSize = txSize(-1, -1), const txSize &VirtSize = txSize(-1, -1),
	                int ListItem = -1, bool ForceUpdate = false);
	void DrawItemText(cxObject *o, int i, const txPoint &ListOffset, const txSize &ListSize);

	void DrawBackground(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg, 
	                    int Alpha, const std::string &Path);
	void DrawImage(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg, 
	               const tColor *Mask, int Alpha, int Colors, const std::string &Path);
	void DrawText(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg, const tColor *Bg,
	              const std::string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align);
	void DrawMarquee(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg, const tColor *Bg,
	                 const std::string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align, uint Delay, txState &state);
	void DrawBlink(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg, const tColor *Bg,
	               const tColor *Bl, const std::string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align,
	               uint Delay, txState &state);
	void DrawRectangle(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg);
	void DrawEllipse(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg, int Arc);
	void DrawSlope(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg, int Arc);
	void DrawProgressbar(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, int Current, int Total, 
	                     const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg, const tColor *Selected, 
	                     const tColor *Mark, const tColor *Cur, const cMarks *Marks = NULL);
	void DrawMark(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, bool Start, bool Current, bool Horizontal,
	              const tColor *Mark, const tColor *Cur);
	void DrawScrolltext(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Fg,
	                    const std::string &Text, const cFont *Font, int Align);
	void DrawScrollbar(const txPoint &Pos, const txSize &Size, const tColor *Bg, const tColor *Fg);

	void Update(void);

	// all renderers shall return appropriate data for the tokens
	virtual cxType GetTokenData(const txToken &Token);
	// the replay renderer shall return its marks here
	virtual const cMarks *GetMarks(void) const { return NULL; }
	// the menu renderer shall return its tab information here
	virtual int GetTab(int n) { return 0; }
	virtual bool HasTabText(int Index, int n) { return false; }
	virtual void SetEditableWidth(int Width) {}
	virtual void SetMaxItems(int MaxItems) {}
	inline int GetmMaxItems(void) { return mMaxItems; }

	// functions for display renderer to control behaviour
	void Flush(bool Force = false);
	void SetDirty(cxRefresh::eRefreshType type = cxRefresh::all) { mDirty |= 1<<type; }
	void Scroll(bool Up, bool Page) { if (mScroller != NULL) mScroller->Scroll(Up, Page); }
	void Clear(void) { DELETENULL(mScroller); }
	cSkin *Fallback(void) const { return mFallback; }

	cText2SkinRender(cText2SkinLoader *Loader, cxDisplay::eType Section, 
	                 const std::string &BasePath = "", bool OffScreen = false);
	virtual ~cText2SkinRender();

	// functions for object classes to obtain dynamic item information
	//static std::string Translate(const std::string &Text);
	static txPoint Transform(const txPoint &Pos);
	static bool ItemColor(const std::string &Color, tColor &Result);
	static std::string ImagePath(const std::string &Filename);
	static cxType GetToken(const txToken &Token);

	// provide scrollbar in every menu
	struct tMenuScrollbar {
		uint        current; // overall (0 ... toal-1)
		uint        currentOnScreen; // on the current screen (0 ... maxItems-1)
		uint        total;
		uint        maxItems; // viewable on current screen
		std::vector<std::string> items;

		tMenuScrollbar(void) : current(0), currentOnScreen(0), total(0), maxItems(0) {}
		bool Available(void) { return Text2SkinSetup.MenuScrollbar ? total > maxItems : false; }
		uint Top(void) { return current - currentOnScreen; }
		uint Bottom(void) { return total - Top() - maxItems; }
		bool CanScrollUp(void) { return Text2SkinSetup.MenuScrollbar ? Top() > 0 : false; }
		bool CanScrollDown(void) { return Text2SkinSetup.MenuScrollbar ? Bottom() > 0 : false; }
	} mMenuScrollbar;

	// update infos (e.g. timerConflict)
	struct tUpdate {
		bool        timerConflict;
		bool        events;
		std::string currentItem;
		bool        resetMarquee;
		bool        foundFirstItem;

		tUpdate(void) : timerConflict(true), events(true), currentItem(""), resetMarquee(true), foundFirstItem(false) {}
	} mUpdate;

inline void cText2SkinRender::Flush(bool Force) 
	if (Force)
		// do a full redraw
		mDirty = (1 << cxRefresh::all);

	if (mDirty > 0) {