/* * $Id: status.c,v 1.11 2006/03/17 18:25:57 lordjaxom Exp $ */ #include "status.h" #include "render.h" #include "menu.h" #include #include #include const std::string ReplayNames[__REPLAY_COUNT__] = { "", "normal", "mp3", "mplayer", "dvd", "vcd", "image" }; cText2SkinStatus Text2SkinStatus; cText2SkinStatus::cText2SkinStatus(void): mRender(NULL), mReplayMode(replayNone), mReplayIsLoop(false), mReplayIsShuffle(false), mRecordings(), mCurrentRecording(0), mNextRecording(0), mLastLanguage(0), mReplayFramesPerSecond(0) { } void cText2SkinStatus::SetRender(cText2SkinRender *Render) { mRender = Render; mCurrentRecording = 0; mNextRecording = 0; } void cText2SkinStatus::Replaying(const cControl* /*Control*/, const char *Name, const char *FileName, bool On) { Dprintf("cText2SkinStatus::Replaying(%s)\n", Name); eReplayMode oldMode = mReplayMode; if (mRender != NULL) mRender->UpdateLock(); if (On) { mReplayMode = replayMPlayer; if (strlen(Name) > 6 && Name[0]=='[' && Name[3]==']' && Name[5]=='(') { int i; for (i = 6; Name[i]; ++i) { if (Name[i] == ' ' && Name[i-1] == ')') break; } if (Name[i]) { // replaying mp3 mReplayMode = replayMP3; mReplayIsLoop = Name[1] == 'L'; mReplayIsShuffle = Name[2] == 'S'; } } else if (const cRecording *rec = GetRecordingByFileName(FileName)) { mReplay = rec; mReplayMode = replayNormal; } else if (strcmp(Name, "DVD") == 0) mReplayMode = replayDVD; else if (strcmp(Name, "VCD") == 0) mReplayMode = replayVCD; else if (access(Name, F_OK) == 0) mReplayMode = replayMPlayer; else if (strncmp(Name, "[image]", 7) == 0) mReplayMode = replayImage; else if (strlen(Name) > 7) { int i, n; for (i = 0, n = 0; Name[i]; ++i) { if (Name[i] == ' ' && Name[i-1] == ',' && ++n == 4) break; } if (Name[i]) { // replaying DVD mReplayMode = replayDVD; } } } else { mReplayMode = replayNone; mReplayIsLoop = false; mReplayIsShuffle = false; } #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10703 // Workaround: Control->FramesPerSecond() not possible because its not const mReplayFramesPerSecond = mReplay != NULL ? mReplay->FramesPerSecond() : DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; #else mReplayFramesPerSecond = FRAMESPERSEC; #endif if (mRender != NULL) { if (mReplayMode != oldMode) mRender->SetDirty(); mRender->UpdateUnlock(); } } void cText2SkinStatus::Recording(const cDevice *Device, const char *Name, const char *FileName, bool On) { if (mRender != NULL) mRender->UpdateLock(); mRecordingsLock.Lock(); mRecordings.clear(); cTimer *t = Timers.First(); for (; t != NULL; t = Timers.Next(t)) { if (t->Recording()) mRecordings.push_back(t->File()); } mRecordingsLock.Unlock(); if (mRender != NULL) { Dprintf("\nFlushing from cStatus\n\n"); mRender->Flush(true); mRender->UpdateUnlock(); } } void cText2SkinStatus::OsdClear(void) { if (I18nCurrentLanguage() != mLastLanguage) { mLastLanguage = I18nCurrentLanguage(); cxString::Reparse(); } if (mRender != NULL) mRender->mMenuScrollbar.total = 0; } void cText2SkinStatus::OsdCurrentItem(const char *Text) { if (mRender && Text) { // update infos cText2SkinRender::tUpdate *u = &mRender->mUpdate; //static std::string lastItem; //lastItem = u->currentItem; u->currentItem = Text; u->resetMarquee = true; u->foundFirstItem = false; // find current item in scrollbar if (Text2SkinSetup.MenuScrollbar) { cText2SkinRender::tMenuScrollbar *sb = &mRender->mMenuScrollbar; for (uint i = 0; i < sb->total; i++) { if (sb->items[i] == Text) { sb->current = i; break; } } } } } void cText2SkinStatus::OsdItem(const char *Text, int Index) { if (mRender && Text2SkinSetup.MenuScrollbar && Text) { uint curr = (uint)Index; cText2SkinRender::tMenuScrollbar *sb = &mRender->mMenuScrollbar; if (curr < sb->items.size()) sb->items[curr] = Text; else { sb->items.push_back(Text); sb->total = curr + 1; } if (curr + 1 > sb->total) sb->total = curr + 1; } } void cText2SkinStatus::UpdateEvents(void) { if (mRender->mUpdate.events) { mRender->mUpdate.events = false; mEvents.Clear(); Timers.IncBeingEdited(); for (cTimer *tim = Timers.First(); tim; tim = Timers.Next(tim)) { if (tim->HasFlags(tfActive)) { int i = 0; cTimer dummy; dummy = *tim; do { mEvents.Add(new tEvent(&dummy)); if (!dummy.IsSingleEvent()) { // add 4 additional rep. timer int j = 0; do { j++; // just to avoid a endless loop dummy.Skip(); dummy.Matches(); // Refresh start- and end-time } while (!dummy.DayMatches(dummy.StartTime()) && (j < 7)); } i++; } while (!dummy.IsSingleEvent() && i < 5); } } Timers.DecBeingEdited(); mEvents.Sort(); } } cxType cText2SkinStatus::GetTokenData(const txToken &Token) { int event = 0; switch (Token.Type) { case tReplayMode: return ReplayNames[mReplayMode]; case tFrontendSTR: return GetFrontendSTR(); case tFrontendSNR: return GetFrontendSNR(); case tFrontendHasLock: return GetFrontendHasLock(); case tFrontendHasSignal: return GetFrontendHasSignal(); case tCurrentEventsTitle3: event++; case tCurrentEventsTitle2: event++; case tCurrentEventsTitle1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)mEvents.Get(event)->title.c_str() : (cxType)false; case tCurrentEventsStartDateTime3: event++; case tCurrentEventsStartDateTime2: event++; case tCurrentEventsStartDateTime1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)TimeType(mEvents.Get(event)->startTime, Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tCurrentEventsStopDateTime3: event++; case tCurrentEventsStopDateTime2: event++; case tCurrentEventsStopDateTime1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)TimeType(mEvents.Get(event)->stopTime, Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tCurrentEventsChannelNumber3: event++; case tCurrentEventsChannelNumber2: event++; case tCurrentEventsChannelNumber1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)mEvents.Get(event)->channelNumber : (cxType)false; case tCurrentEventsChannelName3: event++; case tCurrentEventsChannelName2: event++; case tCurrentEventsChannelName1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)mEvents.Get(event)->channelName.c_str() : (cxType)false; case tCurrentEventsIsRecording3: event++; case tCurrentEventsIsRecording2: event++; case tCurrentEventsIsRecording1: UpdateEvents(); return mEvents.Count() > event ? (cxType)mEvents.Get(event)->isRecording : (cxType)false; case tTimerConflicts: if (Text2SkinSetup.CheckTimerConflict) { if (mRender->mUpdate.timerConflict) { Epgsearch_lastconflictinfo_v1_0 conflict; mRender->mUpdate.timerConflict = false; if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("Epgsearch-lastconflictinfo-v1.0", &conflict)) mTimerConflicts = conflict.relevantConflicts; else mTimerConflicts = 0; } return mTimerConflicts; } else return 0; case tReplayName: return mReplay != NULL ? (cxType)mReplay->Name() : (cxType)false; case tReplayDateTime: return mReplay != NULL ? (cxType)TimeType(mReplay->start, Token.Attrib.Text) : (cxType)false; case tReplayShortText: return mReplay != NULL ? (cxType)mReplay->Info()->ShortText() : (cxType)false; case tReplayDescription: return mReplay != NULL ? (cxType)mReplay->Info()->Description() : (cxType)false; case tReplayLanguageCode: if (mReplay) { const cComponents *components = mReplay->Info()->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) { std::string buffer(c->language); if (c->type == 1) buffer.append("MONO"); if ((c->type == 2) || (c->type == 4)) buffer.append("DUAL"); if (c->type == 5) buffer.append("DD"); return (cxType)buffer.c_str(); } } } } return false; case tReplayLanguageDescription: if (mReplay) { const cComponents *components = mReplay->Info()->Components(); if (components) { int index = Token.Attrib.Number; // don't return language-code for the video-stream for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream != 2) // only audio-streams index++; if (i == index) return (cxType)c->description; } } } return false; case tReplayVideoAR: if (mReplay) { const cComponents *components = mReplay->Info()->Components(); if (components) { for (int i = 0; i < components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *c = components->Component(i); if (c->stream == 1) { switch (c->type) { case 1: return "4:3"; case 3: return "16:9"; } } } } } return false; case tCurrentRecording: Dprintf("token attrib type is: %d, number: %d\n", Token.Attrib.Type, Token.Attrib.Number); if (Token.Attrib.Type == aNumber) { return mRecordings.size() > (uint)Token.Attrib.Number ? (cxType)mRecordings[Token.Attrib.Number] : (cxType)false; } else if (mRecordings.size() > 0) { mRecordingsLock.Lock(); uint now = cTimeMs::Now(); if (mNextRecording == 0) mNextRecording = now + 2000; else if (now >= mNextRecording) { mCurrentRecording = (mCurrentRecording + 1) % mRecordings.size(); mNextRecording = now + 2000; } uint next = 0; if (mRecordings.size() > 1) { next = mNextRecording - now; Dprintf("next update in %d ms\n", next); } cxType res = mRecordings[mCurrentRecording]; mRecordingsLock.Unlock(); res.SetUpdate(next); return res; } return false; case tReplayIsLoop: return mReplayIsLoop; case tReplayIsShuffle: return mReplayIsShuffle; default: break; }; return false; }