#ifndef VDR_TEXT2SKIN_XML_OBJECT_H #define VDR_TEXT2SKIN_XML_OBJECT_H #include "xml/string.h" #include "xml/function.h" #include #include #include #include class cxDisplay; class cxSkin; struct txPoint { int x, y; txPoint(int _x = 0, int _y = 0) { x = _x; y = _y; } }; struct txSize { int w, h; txSize(int _w = 0, int _h = 0) { w = _w; h = _h; } }; struct txWindow { txPoint pos1; txPoint pos2; int bpp; txWindow(int _x1 = 0, int _y1 = 0, int _x2 = -1, int _y2 = -1, int _bpp=4): pos1(_x1, _y2), pos2(_x2, _y2), bpp(_bpp) {} }; // state information for marquee, blink, scroll struct txState { bool scrolling; int offset; int direction; uint nexttime; std::string text; txState(void): scrolling(false), offset(0), direction(1), nexttime(0) {} }; class cxObject; class cxRefresh { friend bool xEndElem(const std::string &name); public: enum eRefreshType { all, // complete redraw of the screen timeout, // redraw due to a timeout //message, // a message was set or removed update, // update of the osd elements scroll, // a scroll event list, // list items or the current item have changed }; cxRefresh(cxObject *Object); ~cxRefresh(); bool Dirty(uint dirty, uint &updatein, bool force = false, uint now = 0); bool Full(void) const { return mFull; } uint Type(void) const { return mRefreshType; } bool Parse(const std::string &Text); bool ParseChanged(const std::string &Text); cxRefresh &operator=(const cxRefresh &b); private: uint mRefreshType; cxType mLastEval; cxType mEval; cxString *mText; cxString *mChanged; cxObject *mObject; bool mForce, mFull; }; class cxObjects; class cxObject { friend class cText2SkinRender; friend bool xStartElem(const std::string &name, std::map &attrs); friend bool xCharData(const std::string &text); friend bool xEndElem(const std::string &name); /* Skin Editor */ friend class VSkinnerItem; public: enum eType { image, text, marquee, blink, rectangle, ellipse, slope, progress, scrolltext, scrollbar, block, list, item, #define __COUNT_OBJECT__ (item + 1) }; private: cxDisplay *mDisplay; cxSkin *mSkin; eType mType; txPoint mPos1; txPoint mPos2; txSize mVirtSize; int mAlpha; int mColors; int mArc; std::string mFg; std::string mBg; std::string mBl; std::string mMask; std::string mMark; std::string mActive; std::string mKeep; cxString mPath; cxString mText; eTextAlignment mAlign; cxFunction *mCondition; cxString mCurrent; cxString mTotal; std::string mFontFace; int mFontSize; int mFontWidth; uint mDelay; uint mIndex; cxRefresh mRefresh; cxObjects *mObjects; // used for block objects such as // state information for marquee, blink, scroll uint mListIndex; typedef std::map tStates; tStates mStates; public: cxObject(cxDisplay *parent); cxObject(const cxObject &Src); ~cxObject(); bool ParseType (const std::string &Text); bool ParseCondition(const std::string &Text); bool ParseAlignment(const std::string &Text); bool ParseFontFace (const std::string &Text); void SetListIndex(uint Index, int Tab); eType Type(void) const { return mType; } cxFunction *Condition(void) const { return mCondition; } int Alpha(void) const { return mAlpha; } int Colors(void) const { return mColors; } eTextAlignment Align(void) const { return mAlign; } int Arc(void) const { return mArc; } std::string Path(void) const { return mPath.Evaluate(); } std::string Text(void) const { return mText.Evaluate(); } int Current(void) const { return mCurrent.Evaluate(); } int Total(void) const { return mTotal.Evaluate(); } uint Delay(void) const { return mDelay; } uint Index(void) const { return mIndex; } cxDisplay *Display(void) const { return mDisplay; } cxSkin *Skin(void) const { return mSkin; } txState &State(void) { return mStates[mListIndex]; } const std::string &TypeName(void) const; txPoint Pos(const txPoint &BaseOffset = txPoint(-1, -1), const txSize &BaseSize = txSize(-1, -1), const txSize &VirtSize = txSize(-1, -1)) const; txSize Size(const txPoint &BaseOffset = txPoint(-1, -1), const txSize &BaseSize = txSize(-1, -1), const txSize &VirtSize = txSize(-1, -1)) const; const cFont *Font(void) const; const tColor *Fg(void) const; const tColor *Bg(void) const; const tColor *Bl(void) const; const tColor *Mask(void) const; const tColor *Mark(void) const; const tColor *Active(void) const; const tColor *Keep(void) const; uint Objects(void) const; cxObject *GetObject(uint Index) const; }; class cxObjects: public std::vector { public: cxObjects(void); ~cxObjects(); }; // recursive dependancy inline uint cxObject::Objects(void) const { return mObjects ? mObjects->size() : 0; } inline cxObject *cxObject::GetObject(uint Index) const { return mObjects ? (*mObjects)[Index] : NULL; } #endif // VDR_TEXT2SKIN_XML_OBJECT_H