diff options
30 files changed, 2021 insertions, 791 deletions
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index b38439f..6611bea 100644
@@ -124,9 +124,17 @@ Version 1.2.0
- fixed a bug when scrolling page up and the menu footer is active
- order of search timers in search timer list in alphabetical order
- changed order of actions on search timer menu items
+Version 1.2.1
- changed event result lists that it is possible to scroll page up and
down directly with left / right. A recording is triggered now with the
red key.
- Added possibility to create a recording from search timer result list
- Set minimum time to display in Plugin Setup from 120 to 60 minutes
- made order of search timer list case insensitive
+Version 1.2.2
+- added scraper2vdr support
+- introduced tabbed EPG detail view
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9e69308..27f6838 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ endif
### The object files (add further files here):
-OBJS = $(PLUGIN).o channelcolumn.o channelgroup.o channelgroups.o channeljump.o config.o detailview.o dummygrid.o epggrid.o fontmanager.o footer.o geometrymanager.o grid.o headergrid.o imagecache.o imageloader.o imagemagickwrapper.o imagescaler.o osdmanager.o recmanager.o recmenu.o recmenuitem.o recmenumanager.o recmenus.o searchtimer.o setup.o statusheader.o styledpixmap.o switchtimer.o timeline.o timer.o timerconflict.o tools.o tvguideosd.o
+OBJS = $(PLUGIN).o channelcolumn.o channelgroup.o channelgroups.o channeljump.o config.o detailview.o dummygrid.o epggrid.o fontmanager.o footer.o geometrymanager.o grid.o headergrid.o imagecache.o imageloader.o imagemagickwrapper.o imagescaler.o osdmanager.o recmanager.o recmenu.o recmenuitem.o recmenumanager.o recmenus.o searchtimer.o setup.o statusheader.o styledpixmap.o switchtimer.o timeline.o timer.o timerconflict.o tools.o tvguideosd.o view.o
### The main target:
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index 054b9be..76d01c7 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ cTvguideConfig::cTvguideConfig() {
numAdditionalEPGPictures = 9;
epgImageWidthLarge = 525;
epgImageHeightLarge = 400;
+ detailedViewScrollStep = 5;
instRecFolderMode = eFolderRoot;
instRecFixedFolder = "";
favWhatsOnNow = 1;
@@ -272,6 +273,7 @@ bool cTvguideConfig::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) {
else if (strcmp(Name, "numAdditionalEPGPictures") == 0) numAdditionalEPGPictures = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "epgImageWidthLarge") == 0) epgImageWidthLarge = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "epgImageHeightLarge") == 0) epgImageHeightLarge = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "detailedViewScrollStep") == 0) detailedViewScrollStep = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "timeLineWidthPercent") == 0) timeLineWidthPercent = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "timeLineHeightPercent") == 0) timeLineHeightPercent = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "displayChannelName") == 0) displayChannelName = atoi(Value);
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 6535ae9..7ebb49f 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class cTvguideConfig {
int numAdditionalEPGPictures;
int epgImageWidthLarge;
int epgImageHeightLarge;
+ int detailedViewScrollStep;
cString epgImagePath;
cString iconPath;
cString logoPathDefault;
@@ -221,7 +222,8 @@ THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline1Blending, 0xFF828282);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline2, clrBlack);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline2Blending, 0xFF3F3F3F);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeBase, 0xA0FF0000);
-THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonRed, 0x00000000);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrTabInactive, 0xA01F3D7A);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonRed, 0xFFFF0000);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonRedBorder, 0x00000000);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonGreen, 0x00000000);
THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonGreenBorder, 0x00000000);
diff --git a/detailview.c b/detailview.c
index 3a93b9d..ca351ab 100644
--- a/detailview.c
+++ b/detailview.c
@@ -1,650 +1,154 @@
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vdr/plugin.h>
-#include "imageloader.h"
-#include "imagecache.h"
-#include "services/epgsearch.h"
-#include "services/remotetimers.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "tools.h"
#include "detailview.h"
cDetailView::cDetailView(const cEvent *event, cFooter *footer) {
this->event = event;
this->footer = footer;
- imgScrollBar = NULL;
- border = tvguideConfig.epgViewBorder; //px, border in view window
- scrollBarWidth = 40;
- headerWidth = geoManager.headerContentWidth;
- headerHeight = geoManager.epgViewHeaderHeight;
- pixmapPoster = NULL;
- width = geoManager.osdWidth;
- contentWidth = width - scrollBarWidth;
- contentX = 0;
- contentHeight = geoManager.osdHeight - headerHeight - geoManager.footerHeight;
- widthPoster = 30 * contentWidth / 100;
while (Active())
- osdManager.releasePixmap(back);
- delete header;
- header = NULL;
- osdManager.releasePixmap(headerLogo);
- headerLogo = NULL;
- osdManager.releasePixmap(content);
- content = NULL;
- if (pixmapPoster)
- osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapPoster);
- pixmapPoster = NULL;
- osdManager.releasePixmap(scrollBar);
- scrollBar = NULL;
- delete imgScrollBar;
+ if (view)
+ delete view;
-void cDetailView::setContent() {
- hasAdditionalMedia = false;
- static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
- if (pTVScraper) {
- mediaInfo.event = event;
- mediaInfo.isRecording = false;
- if (pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetFullInformation", &mediaInfo)) {
- hasAdditionalMedia = true;
- }
- }
- if (hasAdditionalMedia) {
- if (mediaInfo.posters.size() >= 1) {
- contentWidth -= widthPoster;
- contentX += widthPoster;
- }
- }
- description.Set(event->Description(), fontManager.FontDetailView, contentWidth - scrollBarWidth - 2*border);
- if (tvguideConfig.displayRerunsDetailEPGView) {
- loadReruns();
- }
- numEPGPics = 0;
- contentScrollable = setContentDrawportHeight();
- createPixmaps();
-bool cDetailView::setContentDrawportHeight() {
- int lineHeight = fontManager.FontDetailView->Height();
- //Height of banner (only for series)
- int heightBanner = 0;
- if (hasAdditionalMedia && (mediaInfo.type == typeSeries)) {
- heightBanner = mediaInfo.banner.height + 2*lineHeight;
- }
- //Height of EPG Text
- int heightEPG = (description.Lines()+1) * lineHeight;
- //Height of rerun information
- int heightReruns = 0;
- if (tvguideConfig.displayRerunsDetailEPGView) {
- heightReruns = (reruns.Lines()+1) * lineHeight;
- }
- //Height of actor pictures
- int heightActors = 0;
- if (hasAdditionalMedia) {
- heightActors = heightActorPics();
- }
- //Height of fanart
- int heightFanart = 0;
- if (hasAdditionalMedia) {
- heightFanart = heightFanartImg() + lineHeight;
- }
- //Height of EPG Pictures
- int heightEpgPics = 0;
- if (!tvguideConfig.hideEpgImages) {
- heightEpgPics = heightEPGPics();
- }
- yBanner = border;
- yEPGText = yBanner + heightBanner;
- yAddInf = yEPGText + heightEPG;
- yActors = yAddInf + heightReruns;
- yFanart = yActors + heightActors;
- yEPGPics = yFanart + heightFanart;
- int totalHeight = heightBanner + heightEPG + heightReruns + heightActors + heightFanart + heightEpgPics + lineHeight;
- //check if pixmap content has to be scrollable
- if (totalHeight > contentHeight) {
- heightContent = totalHeight;
- return true;
- } else {
- heightContent = contentHeight;
- return false;
- }
- return false;
-void cDetailView::createPixmaps() {
- back = osdManager.requestPixmap(3, cRect(0, 0, width, headerHeight + contentHeight), cRect::Null);
- back->Fill(clrBlack);
- header = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(0, 0, headerWidth, headerHeight), cRect::Null));
- headerLogo = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(0, 0, width, headerHeight), cRect::Null);
- headerLogo->Fill(clrTransparent);
- header->setColor(theme.Color(clrHeader), theme.Color(clrHeaderBlending));
- content = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(contentX, headerHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight),
- cRect(0,0, contentWidth, max(heightContent, contentHeight)));
- if (hasAdditionalMedia) {
- pixmapPoster = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(0, 0 + headerHeight, widthPoster, contentHeight));
- pixmapPoster->Fill(theme.Color(clrBorder));
- pixmapPoster->DrawRectangle(cRect(2, 0, widthPoster - 2, content->DrawPort().Height()), theme.Color(clrBackground));
- }
- scrollBar = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(geoManager.osdWidth - scrollBarWidth, headerHeight, scrollBarWidth, contentHeight));
-void cDetailView::drawHeader() {
- header->Fill(clrTransparent);
- if ( == eStyleGraphical) {
- if (tvguideConfig.scaleVideo) {
- header->drawBackgroundGraphical(bgStatusHeaderWindowed);
- } else {
- header->drawBackgroundGraphical(bgStatusHeaderFull);
+void cDetailView::InitiateView(void) {
+ static cPlugin *pScraper2Vdr = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("scraper2vdr");
+ ScraperGetEventType call;
+ if (!event)
+ return;
+ call.event = event;
+ if (!pScraper2Vdr) {
+ view = new cEPGView();
+ } else if (pScraper2Vdr->Service("GetEventType", &call)) {
+ if (call.type == tMovie) {
+ view = new cMovieView(call.movieId);
+ } else if (call.type == tSeries) {
+ view = new cSeriesView(call.seriesId, call.episodeId);
} else {
- header->drawBackground();
- header->drawBoldBorder();
- }
- if (tvguideConfig.scaleVideo) {
- back->DrawRectangle(cRect(headerWidth, 0, geoManager.tvFrameWidth, headerHeight), clrTransparent);
- }
- tColor colorTextBack = ( == eStyleFlat)?theme.Color(clrHeader):clrTransparent;
- int logoHeight = 2 * header->Height() / 3;
- int logoWidth = logoHeight * tvguideConfig.logoWidthRatio / tvguideConfig.logoHeightRatio;
- int lineHeight = fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Height();
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- bool logoDrawn = false;
- if (!tvguideConfig.hideChannelLogos) {
- const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID());
- if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(channel, logoWidth, logoHeight)) {
- cImage logo = imgLoader.GetImage();
- headerLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(10, (header->Height() - logoHeight)/2), logo);
- logoDrawn = true;
- }
- }
- bool epgImageDrawn = false;
- int epgImageWidth = 0;
- if (!tvguideConfig.hideEpgImages) {
- int epgImageHeight = 3 * headerHeight / 4;
- if (tvguideConfig.epgImageHeight > 0)
- epgImageWidth = epgImageHeight * tvguideConfig.epgImageWidth / tvguideConfig.epgImageHeight;
- if (imgLoader.LoadEPGImage(event->EventID(), epgImageWidth, epgImageHeight)) {
- cImage epgImage = imgLoader.GetImage();
- int epgImageX = headerWidth - border - epgImageWidth;
- int epgImageY = (headerHeight - epgImageHeight) / 2;
- header->DrawRectangle(cRect(epgImageX-2, epgImageY-2, epgImageWidth + 4, epgImageHeight + 4), theme.Color(clrBorder));
- header->DrawImage(cPoint(epgImageX, epgImageY), epgImage);
- epgImageDrawn = true;
- }
- }
- int textX = logoDrawn?(border + logoWidth + 5):border;
- int textY = (headerHeight - 7*lineHeight/2)/2;
- int maxTextWidth = headerWidth - 2 * border;
- if (logoDrawn)
- maxTextWidth -= logoWidth;
- if (epgImageDrawn)
- maxTextWidth -= epgImageWidth;
- std::string title = CutText((event->Title())?event->Title():"", maxTextWidth, fontManager.FontDetailHeader);
- header->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), title.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailHeader);
- std::string datetime = *cString::sprintf("%s, %s - %s (%d min)", *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), *event->GetEndTimeString(), event->Duration()/60);
- datetime = CutText(datetime, maxTextWidth, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- textY += 5*lineHeight/4;
- header->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), datetime.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- std::string shortText = CutText((event->ShortText())?event->ShortText():"", maxTextWidth, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- textY += 5*lineHeight/4;
- header->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), shortText.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- eTimerMatch timerMatch=tmNone;
- cTimer *ti;
- if (tvguideConfig.useRemoteTimers && pRemoteTimers) {
- RemoteTimers_GetMatch_v1_0 rtMatch;
- rtMatch.event = event;
- pRemoteTimers->Service("RemoteTimers::GetMatch-v1.0", &rtMatch);
- timerMatch = (eTimerMatch)rtMatch.timerMatch;
- ti = rtMatch.timer;
+ view = new cEPGView();
+ }
+ view->SetTitle(event->Title());
+ view->SetSubTitle(event->ShortText());
+ view->SetInfoText(event->Description());
+ cString dateTime;
+ time_t vps = event->Vps();
+ if (vps) {
+ dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s) VPS: %s", *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), *event->GetEndTimeString(), event->Duration()/60, tr("min"), *TimeString(vps));
} else {
- ti=Timers.GetMatch(event, &timerMatch);
+ dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s)", *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), *event->GetEndTimeString(), event->Duration()/60, tr("min"));
- if (timerMatch == tmFull) {
- drawRecIcon();
- }
-void cDetailView::drawRecIcon(void) {
- cString recIconText(" REC ");
- int widthIcon = fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Width(*recIconText);
- int height = fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Height()+10;
- int posX = headerWidth - widthIcon - 20;
- int posY = 20;
- header->DrawRectangle( cRect(posX, posY, widthIcon, height), theme.Color(clrButtonRed));
- header->DrawText(cPoint(posX, posY+5), *recIconText, theme.Color(clrFont), theme.Color(clrButtonRed), fontManager.FontDetailHeader);
+ view->SetDateTime(*dateTime);
+ view->SetChannel(Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID(), true));
+ view->SetEventID(event->EventID());
+ view->SetEvent(event);
-void cDetailView::drawContent() {
- content->Fill(theme.Color(clrBorder));
- content->DrawRectangle(cRect(2, 0, content->ViewPort().Width() - 2, content->DrawPort().Height()), theme.Color(clrBackground));
- tColor colorTextBack = ( == eStyleFlat)?theme.Color(clrBackground):clrTransparent;
+std::string cDetailView::LoadReruns(void) {
+ if (!event)
+ return "";
- int textHeight = fontManager.FontDetailView->Height();
- int textLines = description.Lines();
- for (int i=0; i<textLines; i++) {
- content->DrawText(cPoint(border, yEPGText + i*textHeight), description.GetLine(i), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- }
- if (tvguideConfig.displayRerunsDetailEPGView) {
- textLines = reruns.Lines();
- for (int j=0; j<textLines; j++) {
- content->DrawText(cPoint(border, yAddInf + j*textHeight), reruns.GetLine(j), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailView);
- }
- }
-void cDetailView::Action(void) {
- if (hasAdditionalMedia && Running()) {
- drawPoster();
- if (Running())
- osdManager.flush();
- }
- //draw banner only for series
- if (hasAdditionalMedia && (mediaInfo.type == typeSeries) && Running()) {
- drawBanner(yBanner);
- if (Running())
- osdManager.flush();
- }
- //draw actors
- if (hasAdditionalMedia && Running()) {
- drawActors(yActors);
- if (Running())
- osdManager.flush();
- }
- //draw fanart
- if (hasAdditionalMedia && Running()) {
- drawFanart(yFanart);
- if (Running())
- osdManager.flush();
- }
- if (!tvguideConfig.hideEpgImages && Running()) {
- drawEPGPictures(yEPGPics);
- if (Running())
- osdManager.flush();
- }
-void cDetailView::drawScrollbar() {
- scrollBar->Fill(theme.Color(clrBorder));
- double scrollBarOffset = 0.0;
- if (contentScrollable) {
- heightScrollbar = ( (double)scrollBar->ViewPort().Height() ) / (double)heightContent * ( (double)scrollBar->ViewPort().Height() );
- scrollBarOffset = (-1.0)*(double)content->DrawPort().Point().Y() / (double)(content->DrawPort().Height() - (contentHeight));
- scrollBarOffset *= ( (double)scrollBar->ViewPort().Height()-7.0 - heightScrollbar);
- scrollBarOffset++;
- } else {
- heightScrollbar = scrollBar->ViewPort().Height();
- }
- scrollBar->DrawRectangle(cRect(3,0,scrollBar->ViewPort().Width()-6, scrollBar->ViewPort().Height()), theme.Color(clrBackground));
- if (imgScrollBar == NULL) {
- imgScrollBar = createScrollbar(scrollBar->ViewPort().Width()-10, heightScrollbar, theme.Color(clrHighlight), theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending));
- }
- scrollBar->DrawImage(cPoint(5, 2 + scrollBarOffset), *imgScrollBar);
-void cDetailView::scrollUp() {
- if (contentScrollable) {
- int newDrawportHeight = content->DrawPort().Point().Y() + fontManager.FontDetailView->Height();
- content->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, min(newDrawportHeight,0)));
- drawScrollbar();
- }
-void cDetailView::scrollDown() {
- if (contentScrollable) {
- int newDrawportHeight = content->DrawPort().Point().Y() - fontManager.FontDetailView->Height();
- int maxDrawportHeight = (content->DrawPort().Height() - contentHeight);
- content->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, max(newDrawportHeight,(-1)*maxDrawportHeight)));
- drawScrollbar();
- }
-void cDetailView::pageUp() {
- if (contentScrollable) {
- int aktHeight = (-1)*content->DrawPort().Point().Y();
- int totalHeight = content->DrawPort().Height();
- int screenHeight = content->ViewPort().Height();
- int newHeight = max(aktHeight - screenHeight, 0);
- content->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, (-1)*newHeight));
- drawScrollbar();
- }
-void cDetailView::pageDown() {
- if (contentScrollable) {
- int aktHeight = (-1)*content->DrawPort().Point().Y();
- int totalHeight = content->DrawPort().Height();
- int screenHeight = content->ViewPort().Height();
- int newHeight = min(aktHeight + screenHeight, totalHeight - screenHeight);
- content->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, (-1)*newHeight));
- drawScrollbar();
- }
-cImage *cDetailView::createScrollbar(int width, int height, tColor clrBgr, tColor clrBlend) {
- cImage *image = new cImage(cSize(width, height));
- image->Fill(clrBgr);
- if ( != eStyleFlat) {
- int numSteps = 64;
- int alphaStep = 0x03;
- if (height < 30)
- return image;
- else if (height < 100) {
- numSteps = 32;
- alphaStep = 0x06;
- }
- int stepY = 0.5*height / numSteps;
- if (stepY == 0)
- stepY = 1;
- int alpha = 0x40;
- tColor clr;
- for (int i = 0; i<numSteps; i++) {
- clr = AlphaBlend(clrBgr, clrBlend, alpha);
- for (int y = i*stepY; y < (i+1)*stepY; y++) {
- for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
- image->SetPixel(cPoint(x,y), clr);
- }
- }
- alpha += alphaStep;
- }
- }
- return image;
-void cDetailView::loadReruns(void) {
cPlugin *epgSearchPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch");
- if (epgSearchPlugin && !isempty(event->Title())) {
- std::stringstream sstrReruns;
- Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data;
- std::string strQuery = event->Title();
- if (tvguideConfig.useSubtitleRerun > 0) {
- if (tvguideConfig.useSubtitleRerun == 2 || !isempty(event->ShortText()))
- strQuery += "~";
- if (!isempty(event->ShortText()))
- strQuery += event->ShortText();
- data.useSubTitle = true;
- } else {
- data.useSubTitle = false;
- }
- data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str();
- data.mode = 0;
- data.channelNr = 0;
- data.useTitle = true;
- data.useDescription = false;
- if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) {
- cList<Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult>* list = data.pResultList;
- if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) {
- sstrReruns << tr("RERUNS OF THIS SHOW") << ':' << std::endl;
- int i = 0;
- for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < tvguideConfig.numReruns; r = list->Next(r)) {
- if ((event->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (event->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime()))
- continue;
- i++;
- sstrReruns << "- "
- << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime());
- cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true);
- if (channel)
- sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true);
- sstrReruns << ": " << r->event->Title();
- if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText()))
- sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText();
- sstrReruns << std::endl;
- }
- delete list;
- }
- }
- reruns.Set(sstrReruns.str().c_str(), fontManager.FontDetailView, contentWidth - scrollBarWidth - 2*border);
- } else
- reruns.Set("", fontManager.FontDetailView, contentWidth - scrollBarWidth);
+ if (!epgSearchPlugin)
+ return "";
-int cDetailView::heightEPGPics(void) {
- int border = 5;
- int numPicsAvailable = 0;
- for (int i=1; i <= tvguideConfig.numAdditionalEPGPictures; i++) {
- cString epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *tvguideConfig.epgImagePath, event->EventID(), i);
- FILE *fp = fopen(*epgimage, "r");
- if (fp) {
- numPicsAvailable = i;
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- numEPGPics = numPicsAvailable;
- int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge + border);
- int picLines = numPicsAvailable / picsPerLine;
- if (numPicsAvailable%picsPerLine != 0)
- picLines++;
- return picLines * (tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge + border) + 2*border;
+ if (isempty(event->Title()))
+ return "";
+ std::stringstream sstrReruns;
+ sstrReruns << tr("Reruns of ") << "\"" << event->Title() << "\":" << std::endl << std::endl;
-int cDetailView::heightActorPics(void) {
- int numActors = mediaInfo.actors.size();
- if (numActors < 1)
- return 0;
- if (mediaInfo.type == typeMovie) {
- actorThumbWidth = mediaInfo.actors[0].thumb.width/2;
- actorThumbHeight = mediaInfo.actors[0].thumb.height/2;
- } else if (mediaInfo.type == typeSeries) {
- actorThumbWidth = mediaInfo.actors[0].thumb.width/2;
- actorThumbHeight = mediaInfo.actors[0].thumb.height/2;
- }
- int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (actorThumbWidth + 2*border);
- int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine;
- if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0)
- picLines++;
- int actorsHeight = picLines * (actorThumbHeight + 2*fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Height()) + fontManager.FontDetailView->Height() + fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Height();
- return actorsHeight;
+ Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data;
+ std::string strQuery = event->Title();
-int cDetailView::heightFanartImg(void) {
- int retVal = 0;
- if (mediaInfo.fanart.size() >= 1) {
- int fanartWidthOrig = mediaInfo.fanart[0].width;
- int fanartHeightOrig = mediaInfo.fanart[0].height;
- int fanartWidth = fanartWidthOrig;
- int fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig;
- retVal = fanartHeight;
- if (fanartWidthOrig > (contentWidth - 2*border)) {
- fanartWidth = contentWidth - 2*border;
- fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)fanartWidthOrig);
- retVal = fanartHeight;
+ if (tvguideConfig.displayRerunsDetailEPGView > 0) {
+ if (tvguideConfig.useSubtitleRerun == 2 && !isempty(event->ShortText())) {
+ strQuery += "~";
+ strQuery += event->ShortText();
- }
- return retVal;
-void cDetailView::drawEPGPictures(int height) {
- int border = 5;
- int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge + border);
- int currentX = border;
- int currentY = height + border;
- int currentPicsPerLine = 1;
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- for (int i=1; i <= numEPGPics; i++) {
- cString epgimage = cString::sprintf("%d_%d", event->EventID(), i);
- if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalEPGImage(epgimage)) {
- content->DrawImage(cPoint(currentX, currentY), imgLoader.GetImage());
- int radius = 10;
- content->DrawEllipse(cRect(currentX,currentY,radius,radius), theme.Color(clrBackground), -2);
- content->DrawEllipse(cRect(currentX + tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge - radius,currentY,radius,radius), theme.Color(clrBackground), -1);
- content->DrawEllipse(cRect(currentX,currentY + tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge - radius,radius,radius), theme.Color(clrBackground), -3);
- content->DrawEllipse(cRect(currentX + tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge - radius,currentY + tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge - radius,radius,radius), theme.Color(clrBackground), -4);
- if (currentPicsPerLine < picsPerLine) {
- currentX += tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge + border;
- currentPicsPerLine++;
- } else {
- currentX = border;
- currentY += tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge + border;
- currentPicsPerLine = 1;
+ data.useSubTitle = true;
+ } else {
+ data.useSubTitle = false;
+ }
+ data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str();
+ data.mode = 0;
+ data.channelNr = 0;
+ data.useTitle = true;
+ data.useDescription = false;
+ bool foundRerun = false;
+ if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) {
+ cList<Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult>* list = data.pResultList;
+ if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) {
+ foundRerun = true;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < tvguideConfig.numReruns; r = list->Next(r)) {
+ if ((event->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (event->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime()))
+ continue;
+ i++;
+ sstrReruns << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime());
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true);
+ if (channel) {
+ sstrReruns << ", " << trVDR("Channel") << " " << channel->Number() << ":";
+ sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true);
+ }
+ sstrReruns << "\n" << r->event->Title();
+ if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText()))
+ sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText();
+ sstrReruns << std::endl << std::endl;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
-void cDetailView::drawPoster(void) {
- int border = 10;
- if (mediaInfo.posters.size() < 1)
- return;
- int posterWidthOrig = mediaInfo.posters[0].width;
- int posterHeightOrig = mediaInfo.posters[0].height;
- if ((posterWidthOrig < 10) || (posterHeightOrig < 10))
- return;
- int posterWidth = posterWidthOrig;
- int posterHeight = posterHeightOrig;
- if ((posterWidthOrig > widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig < contentHeight)) {
- posterWidth = widthPoster - 2*border;
- posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig);
- } else if ((posterWidthOrig < widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig > contentHeight)) {
- posterHeight = contentHeight - 2*border;
- posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig);
- } else if ((posterWidthOrig > widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig > contentHeight)) {
- double ratioPoster = posterHeightOrig / posterWidthOrig;
- double ratioWindow = contentHeight / widthPoster;
- if (ratioPoster >= ratioWindow) {
- posterWidth = widthPoster - 2*border;
- posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig);
- } else {
- posterHeight = contentHeight - 2*border;
- posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig);
+ delete list;
- if (!Running())
- return;
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(mediaInfo.posters[0].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) {
- int posterX = (widthPoster - posterWidth) / 2;
- int posterY = (contentHeight - posterHeight) / 2;
- if (Running() && pixmapPoster)
- pixmapPoster->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, posterY), imgLoader.GetImage());
- }
-void cDetailView::drawBanner(int height) {
- int bannerWidthOrig = mediaInfo.banner.width;
- int bannerHeightOrig = mediaInfo.banner.height;
- int bannerWidth = bannerWidthOrig;
- int bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig;
- if (bannerWidthOrig > contentWidth - 2*border) {
- bannerWidth = contentWidth - 2*border;
- bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig * ((double)bannerWidth / (double)bannerWidthOrig);
- }
- if (!Running())
- return;
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(mediaInfo.banner.path.c_str(), bannerWidth, bannerHeight)) {
- int bannerX = (contentWidth - bannerWidth) / 2;
- if (Running() && content)
- content->DrawImage(cPoint(bannerX, height), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ if (!foundRerun) {
+ sstrReruns << std::endl << tr("No reruns found");
+ return sstrReruns.str();
-void cDetailView::drawActors(int height) {
- int numActors = mediaInfo.actors.size();
- if (numActors < 1)
- return;
- tColor colorTextBack = ( == eStyleFlat)?theme.Color(clrBackground):clrTransparent;
- cString header = cString::sprintf("%s:", tr("Actors"));
- content->DrawText(cPoint(border, height), *header, theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailHeader);
- int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (actorThumbWidth + 2*border);
- int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine;
- if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0)
- picLines++;
- int x = 0;
- int y = height + fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Height();
- if (!Running())
- return;
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- int actor = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) {
- for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) {
- if (!Running())
- return;
- if (actor == numActors)
- break;
- std::string path = mediaInfo.actors[actor].thumb.path;
- if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(path.c_str(), actorThumbWidth, actorThumbHeight)) {
- if (Running() && content)
- content->DrawImage(cPoint(x + border, y), imgLoader.GetImage());
- }
- std::string name = mediaInfo.actors[actor].name;
- std::stringstream sstrRole;
- sstrRole << "\"" << mediaInfo.actors[actor].role << "\"";
- std::string role = sstrRole.str();
- if (fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Width(name.c_str()) > actorThumbWidth + 2*border)
- name = CutText(name, actorThumbWidth + 2*border, fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall);
- if (fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Width(role.c_str()) > actorThumbWidth + 2*border)
- role = CutText(role, actorThumbWidth + 2*border, fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall);
- int xName = x + ((actorThumbWidth+2*border) - fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Width(name.c_str()))/2;
- int xRole = x + ((actorThumbWidth+2*border) - fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Width(role.c_str()))/2;
- if (Running() && content) {
- content->DrawText(cPoint(xName, y + actorThumbHeight), name.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall);
- content->DrawText(cPoint(xRole, y + actorThumbHeight + fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Height()), role.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), colorTextBack, fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall);
- x += actorThumbWidth + 2*border;
- }
- actor++;
- }
- x = 0;
- y += actorThumbHeight + 2 * fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall->Height();
- }
-void cDetailView::drawFanart(int height) {
- if (mediaInfo.fanart.size() < 1)
- return;
- int fanartWidthOrig = mediaInfo.fanart[0].width;
- int fanartHeightOrig = mediaInfo.fanart[0].height;
- int fanartWidth = fanartWidthOrig;
- int fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig;
- if (fanartWidthOrig > contentWidth - 2*border) {
- fanartWidth = contentWidth - 2*border;
- fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)fanartWidthOrig);
- }
- if (!Running())
+void cDetailView::Action(void) {
+ InitiateView();
+ if (!view)
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(mediaInfo.fanart[0].path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) {
- int fanartX = (contentWidth - fanartWidth) / 2;
- if (Running() && content)
- content->DrawImage(cPoint(fanartX, height), imgLoader.GetImage());
- }
+ view->SetFonts();
+ view->SetGeometry();
+ view->LoadMedia();
+ view->Start();
+ if (event)
+ view->SetAdditionalInfoText(LoadReruns());
eOSState cDetailView::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
eOSState state = osContinue;
+ if (Running())
+ return state;
switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
- case kUp:
- scrollUp();
- osdManager.flush();
- break;
- case kDown:
- scrollDown();
- osdManager.flush();
- break;
+ case kUp: {
+ bool scrolled = view->KeyUp();
+ if (scrolled) {
+ view->DrawScrollbar();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ break; }
+ case kDown: {
+ bool scrolled = view->KeyDown();
+ if (scrolled) {
+ view->DrawScrollbar();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ break; }
case kLeft:
- pageUp();
- osdManager.flush();
+ view->KeyLeft();
+ view->Start();
case kRight:
- pageDown();
- osdManager.flush();
+ view->KeyRight();
+ view->Start();
case kOk:
case kBack:
diff --git a/detailview.h b/detailview.h
index c7a6c50..58f653e 100644
--- a/detailview.h
+++ b/detailview.h
@@ -1,78 +1,27 @@
-#include <vdr/osd.h>
-#include <vdr/osdbase.h>
+#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include <vdr/epg.h>
-#include "services/tvscraper.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "tools.h"
#include "styledpixmap.h"
#include "footer.h"
+#include "view.h"
// --- cDetailView -------------------------------------------------------------
-class cEpgGrid;
class cDetailView : public cThread {
- cPixmap *back;
- cStyledPixmap *header;
- cPixmap *headerLogo;
- cPixmap *content;
- cPixmap *pixmapPoster;
- cPixmap *scrollBar;
- cFooter *footer;
const cEvent *event;
- cImage *imgScrollBar;
- cTextWrapper description;
- cTextWrapper reruns;
- TVScraperGetFullInformation mediaInfo;
- bool hasAdditionalMedia;
- int border;
- int headerWidth;
- int headerHeight;
- int width;
- int contentWidth;
- int contentHeight;
- int contentX;
- int widthPoster;
- int yBanner;
- int yEPGText;
- int yActors;
- int yFanart;
- int yAddInf;
- int yEPGPics;
- int actorThumbWidth;
- int actorThumbHeight;
- int scrollBarWidth;
- bool setContentDrawportHeight();
- int heightContent;
- int heightScrollbar;
- int numEPGPics;
- bool contentScrollable;
- void loadReruns(void);
- int heightEPGPics(void);
- int heightActorPics(void);
- int heightFanartImg(void);
- void drawEPGPictures(int height);
- void drawRecIcon(void);
- void drawPoster(void);
- void drawBanner(int height);
- void drawActors(int height);
- void drawFanart(int height);
- cImage *createScrollbar(int width, int height, tColor clrBgr, tColor clrBlend);
- void scrollUp();
- void scrollDown();
- void pageUp();
- void pageDown();
+ cFooter *footer;
+ cView *view;
+ void InitiateView(void);
+ std::string LoadReruns(void);
void Action(void);
cDetailView(const cEvent *event, cFooter *footer);
virtual ~cDetailView(void);
- void setContent();
- void createPixmaps();
- void drawHeader();
- void drawContent();
- void drawScrollbar();
eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
diff --git a/fontmanager.c b/fontmanager.c
index 7468190..b55621a 100644
--- a/fontmanager.c
+++ b/fontmanager.c
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ void cFontManager::SetFonts() {
FontButton = CreateFont(geoManager.footerHeight/3 + 4 + tvguideConfig.FontButtonDelta);
FontDetailView = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/30 + tvguideConfig.FontDetailViewDelta);
FontDetailViewSmall = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/40 + tvguideConfig.FontDetailViewSmallDelta);
- FontDetailHeader = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/25 + tvguideConfig.FontDetailHeaderDelta);
+ FontDetailHeader = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/27 + tvguideConfig.FontDetailHeaderDelta);
+ FontDetailHeaderLarge = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/20 + tvguideConfig.FontDetailHeaderDelta);
FontMessageBox = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/33 + tvguideConfig.FontMessageBoxDelta);
FontMessageBoxLarge = CreateFont(geoManager.osdHeight/30 + tvguideConfig.FontMessageBoxLargeDelta);
FontStatusHeader = CreateFont(geoManager.statusHeaderHeight/6 - 4 + tvguideConfig.FontStatusHeaderDelta);
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ void cFontManager::DeleteFonts() {
delete FontDetailView;
delete FontDetailViewSmall;
delete FontDetailHeader;
+ delete FontDetailHeaderLarge;
delete FontMessageBox;
delete FontMessageBoxLarge;
delete FontStatusHeader;
diff --git a/fontmanager.h b/fontmanager.h
index 423a1be..7253043 100644
--- a/fontmanager.h
+++ b/fontmanager.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class cFontManager {
cFont *FontDetailView;
cFont *FontDetailViewSmall;
cFont *FontDetailHeader;
+ cFont *FontDetailHeaderLarge;
cFont *FontMessageBox;
cFont *FontMessageBoxLarge;
cFont *FontRecMenuItem;
diff --git a/po/ca_ES.po b/po/ca_ES.po
index d49b448..6f8c6fb 100644
--- a/po/ca_ES.po
+++ b/po/ca_ES.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-tvguide 0.0.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-07 18:08+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-10 17:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-21 17:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: My friend <Sampep> Thanks David <Gabychan> <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ msgstr "Programa principal"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
+msgid "min"
+msgstr "min"
-msgid "Actors"
-msgstr "Actors"
+msgid "Reruns of "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "No reruns found"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No EPG Information available"
msgstr "No hi ha informació EPG"
@@ -72,9 +75,6 @@ msgstr "canal desconegut"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Durada"
-msgid "min"
-msgstr "min"
msgid "recorded at"
msgstr "enregistrat a"
@@ -612,6 +612,9 @@ msgstr "Salt (Botons 4 / 6) en hores"
msgid "Time Format (12h/24h)"
msgstr "Format de temps (12h/24h)"
+msgid "EPG Window Text Scrolling Speed"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"
msgstr "Mostre reemissions a l'EPG detallat"
@@ -837,6 +840,114 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Recording Menus Icon Cache"
msgstr ""
+msgid "No Cast available"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Cast"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "EPG Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Reruns"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Recording Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Image Galery"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Season"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "First aired"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Guest Stars"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Rating"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Series Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Genre"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Original Title"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Tagline"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "no"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Adult"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Budget"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Revenue"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Release Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Runtime"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Popularity"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Vote Average"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgstr "REEMISSIONS"
+#~ msgid "Actors"
+#~ msgstr "Actors"
#~ msgid "Use folders for instant records"
#~ msgstr "Utilitza carpetes per gravacions a l'instant"
diff --git a/po/de_DE.po b/po/de_DE.po
index 82acc4f..d2e7cdf 100755
--- a/po/de_DE.po
+++ b/po/de_DE.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-tvguide 0.0.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-07 18:08+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-10 17:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-25 17:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Horst\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ msgstr "Hauptprogramm"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
-msgstr "Wiederholungen dieser Sendung"
+msgid "min"
+msgstr "min"
+msgid "Reruns of "
+msgstr "Wiederholungen von "
-msgid "Actors"
-msgstr "Schauspieler"
+msgid "No reruns found"
+msgstr "Keine Wiederholungen gefunden"
msgid "No EPG Information available"
msgstr "Keine EPG Daten verfügbar"
@@ -69,9 +72,6 @@ msgstr "unbekannter Kanal"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Dauer"
-msgid "min"
-msgstr "min"
msgid "recorded at"
msgstr "aufgenommen am"
@@ -609,6 +609,9 @@ msgstr "Sehr großer Sprung (Tasten 4 / 6) in Stunden"
msgid "Time Format (12h/24h)"
msgstr "Zeitformat (12h/24h)"
+msgid "EPG Window Text Scrolling Speed"
+msgstr "Text Scroll Geschwindigkeit des EPG Fensters"
msgid "Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"
msgstr "Wiederholungen in der detailierten EPG Ansicht anzeigen"
@@ -833,3 +836,106 @@ msgstr "Kanalgruppen Cache"
msgid "Recording Menus Icon Cache"
msgstr "Recording Menüs Icon Cache"
+msgid "No Cast available"
+msgstr "Keine Besetzung vorhanden"
+msgid "Cast"
+msgstr "Besetzung"
+msgid "EPG Info"
+msgstr "EPG Info"
+msgid "Reruns"
+msgstr "Wiederholungen"
+msgid "Recording Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Image Galery"
+msgstr "Bildergalerie"
+msgid "TheTVDB Info"
+msgstr "TheTVDB Info"
+msgid "TheTVDB Information"
+msgstr "TheTVDB Information"
+msgid "Episode"
+msgstr "Episode"
+msgid "Season"
+msgstr "Staffel"
+msgid "Episode Overview"
+msgstr "Episodenüberblick"
+msgid "First aired"
+msgstr "Erstausstrahlung"
+msgid "Guest Stars"
+msgstr "Gast Stars"
+msgid "TheMovieDB Rating"
+msgstr "TheMovieDB Wertung"
+msgid "Series Overview"
+msgstr "Serienüberblick"
+msgid "Genre"
+msgstr "Genre"
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Sendeanstalt"
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+msgid "TheMovieDB Information"
+msgstr "TheMovieDB Information"
+msgid "Original Title"
+msgstr "Original Titel"
+msgid "Tagline"
+msgstr "Zusammenfassung"
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr "Überblick"
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "Nein"
+msgid "Adult"
+msgstr "Nur für Erwachsene"
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kollektion"
+msgid "Budget"
+msgstr "Budget"
+msgid "Revenue"
+msgstr "Einnahmen"
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Homepage"
+msgid "Release Date"
+msgstr "Veröffentlicht"
+msgid "Runtime"
+msgstr "Laufzeit"
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "Minuten"
+msgid "TheMovieDB Popularity"
+msgstr "TheMovieDB Popularität"
+msgid "TheMovieDB Vote Average"
+msgstr "TheMovieDB durchschnittliche Bewertung"
diff --git a/po/ru_RU.po b/po/ru_RU.po
index 64f22b8..57bfa4d 100644
--- a/po/ru_RU.po
+++ b/po/ru_RU.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-tvguide 1.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-07 18:08+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-10 17:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-25 17:49+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: AmiD, ilya\n"
"Language-Team: Russia-Cherepovets(\n"
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ msgstr "Основная программа"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Канал"
+msgid "min"
+msgstr "мин"
-msgid "Actors"
-msgstr "Актеры"
+msgid "Reruns of "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "No reruns found"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No EPG Information available"
msgstr "Нет доступной EPG информации"
@@ -69,9 +72,6 @@ msgstr "неизвестный канал"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Продолжительность"
-msgid "min"
-msgstr "мин"
msgid "recorded at"
msgstr "записано"
@@ -609,6 +609,9 @@ msgstr "Большой прыжок (Кнопки 4 / 6) в часах"
msgid "Time Format (12h/24h)"
msgstr "Формат времени (12h/24h)"
+msgid "EPG Window Text Scrolling Speed"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"
msgstr "Показывать повторы в подробном EPG"
@@ -834,6 +837,114 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Recording Menus Icon Cache"
msgstr ""
+msgid "No Cast available"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Cast"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "EPG Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Reruns"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Recording Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Image Galery"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Season"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "First aired"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Guest Stars"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Rating"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Series Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Genre"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Original Title"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Tagline"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "no"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Adult"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Budget"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Revenue"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Release Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Runtime"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Popularity"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Vote Average"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Actors"
+#~ msgstr "Актеры"
#~ msgid "Use folders for instant records"
#~ msgstr "Использовать директории для быстрой записи"
diff --git a/po/sk_SK.po b/po/sk_SK.po
index 5d4865c..27cb5f8 100644
--- a/po/sk_SK.po
+++ b/po/sk_SK.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-tvguide 1.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-07 18:08+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-10 17:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-15 00:12+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Milan Hrala <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ msgstr "Hlavn� program"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kan�l"
-msgstr "Repr�za tohto programu"
+msgid "min"
+msgstr "min"
-msgid "Actors"
-msgstr "Herci"
+msgid "Reruns of "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "No reruns found"
+msgstr ""
msgid "No EPG Information available"
msgstr "�iadne EPG �daje nie s� k dispoz�cii"
@@ -69,9 +72,6 @@ msgstr "nezn�my Kanal"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "D�ka"
-msgid "min"
-msgstr "min"
msgid "recorded at"
msgstr "Zaznamenan�"
@@ -609,6 +609,9 @@ msgstr "Ve�mi ve�k� skoky (tla�idl� 4 / 6) v hodin�ch"
msgid "Time Format (12h/24h)"
msgstr "Form�t �asu (12h/24h)"
+msgid "EPG Window Text Scrolling Speed"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"
msgstr "Repr�zy v podrobnom zobrazen� rel�cie EPG"
@@ -834,6 +837,114 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Recording Menus Icon Cache"
msgstr ""
+msgid "No Cast available"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Cast"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "EPG Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Reruns"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Recording Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Image Galery"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Info"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheTVDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Season"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Episode Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "First aired"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Guest Stars"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Rating"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Series Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Genre"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Information"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Original Title"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Tagline"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "no"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Adult"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Budget"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Revenue"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Release Date"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Runtime"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Popularity"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "TheMovieDB Vote Average"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgstr "Repr�za tohto programu"
+#~ msgid "Actors"
+#~ msgstr "Herci"
#~ msgid "Use folders for instant records"
#~ msgstr "Pou�i� adres�re pre okam�it� nahr�vky"
diff --git a/recmanager.c b/recmanager.c
index dcb5d0c..7ad6f4c 100644
--- a/recmanager.c
+++ b/recmanager.c
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <vdr/menu.h>
#include "services/remotetimers.h"
-#include "services/tvscraper.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "switchtimer.h"
#include "timerconflict.h"
diff --git a/recmenumanager.c b/recmenumanager.c
index 8f100fd..edabf4d 100644
--- a/recmenumanager.c
+++ b/recmenumanager.c
@@ -851,10 +851,6 @@ void cRecMenuManager::DisplayDetailedView(const cEvent *ev) {
detailView = new cDetailView(ev, footer);
- detailView->setContent();
- detailView->drawHeader();
- detailView->drawContent();
- detailView->drawScrollbar();
detailViewActive = true;
diff --git a/services/scraper2vdr.h b/services/scraper2vdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703d077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/scraper2vdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#include <vdr/epg.h>
+#include <vdr/recording.h>
+enum tvType {
+ tSeries,
+ tMovie,
+ tNone,
+* Helper Structures
+class cTvMedia {
+ cTvMedia(void) {
+ path = "";
+ width = height = 0;
+ };
+ std::string path;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+class cEpisode {
+ cEpisode(void) {
+ number = 0;
+ season = 0;
+ name = "";
+ firstAired = "";
+ guestStars = "";
+ overview = "";
+ rating = 0.0;
+ };
+ int number;
+ int season;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string firstAired;
+ std::string guestStars;
+ std::string overview;
+ float rating;
+ cTvMedia episodeImage;
+class cActor {
+ cActor(void) {
+ name = "";
+ role = "";
+ };
+ std::string name;
+ std::string role;
+ cTvMedia actorThumb;
+* Data Structures for Service Calls
+// Data structure for service "GetEventType"
+class ScraperGetEventType {
+ ScraperGetEventType(void) {
+ event = NULL;
+ recording = NULL;
+ type = tNone;
+ movieId = 0;
+ seriesId = 0;
+ episodeId = 0;
+ };
+// in
+ const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
+ const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
+ tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
+ int movieId;
+ int seriesId;
+ int episodeId;
+//Data structure for full series and episode information
+class cMovie {
+ cMovie(void) {
+ title = "";
+ originalTitle = "";
+ tagline = "";
+ overview = "";
+ adult = false;
+ collectionName = "";
+ budget = 0;
+ revenue = 0;
+ genres = "";
+ homepage = "";
+ releaseDate = "";
+ runtime = 0;
+ popularity = 0.0;
+ voteAverage = 0.0;
+ };
+ int movieId; // movieId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
+ std::string title;
+ std::string originalTitle;
+ std::string tagline;
+ std::string overview;
+ bool adult;
+ std::string collectionName;
+ int budget;
+ int revenue;
+ std::string genres;
+ std::string homepage;
+ std::string releaseDate;
+ int runtime;
+ float popularity;
+ float voteAverage;
+ cTvMedia poster;
+ cTvMedia fanart;
+ cTvMedia collectionPoster;
+ cTvMedia collectionFanart;
+ std::vector<cActor> actors;
+//Data structure for full series and episode information
+class cSeries {
+ cSeries(void) {
+ seriesId = 0;
+ episodeId = 0;
+ name = "";
+ overview = "";
+ firstAired = "";
+ network = "";
+ genre = "";
+ rating = 0.0;
+ status = "";
+ };
+ int seriesId; // seriesId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
+ int episodeId; // episodeId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
+ std::string name;
+ std::string overview;
+ std::string firstAired;
+ std::string network;
+ std::string genre;
+ float rating;
+ std::string status;
+ cEpisode episode;
+ std::vector<cActor> actors;
+ std::vector<cTvMedia> posters;
+ std::vector<cTvMedia> banners;
+ std::vector<cTvMedia> fanarts;
+ cTvMedia seasonPoster;
+// Data structure for service "GetPosterBanner"
+class ScraperGetPosterBanner {
+ ScraperGetPosterBanner(void) {
+ type = tNone;
+ };
+// in
+ const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
+ tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
+ cTvMedia poster;
+ cTvMedia banner;
+// Data structure for service "GetPoster"
+class ScraperGetPoster {
+// in
+ const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
+ const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
+ cTvMedia poster;
+// Data structure for service "GetPosterThumb"
+class ScraperGetPosterThumb {
+// in
+ const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
+ const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
+ cTvMedia poster;
+#endif //__SCRAPER2VDRSERVICES_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/tvscraper.h b/services/tvscraper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ebb84b..0000000
--- a/services/tvscraper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <vdr/epg.h>
-enum tvMediaType {
- typeSeries,
- typeMovie,
- typeNone,
-struct tvMedia {
- std::string path;
- int width;
- int height;
-struct tvActor {
- std::string name;
- std::string role;
- tvMedia thumb;
-// Data structure for service "TVScraper-GetPosterOrBanner"
-struct TVScraperGetPosterOrBanner
-// in
- const cEvent *event; // search image for this event
- tvMediaType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
- tvMedia media; //banner or poster
-// Data structure for service "TVScraper-GetPoster"
-struct TVScraperGetPoster
-// in
- const cEvent *event; // search image for this event
- bool isRecording; // search in current EPG or recordings
- tvMedia media; //poster
-/* Data structure for service "TVScraper-GetFullEPGInformation"
-if type == typeMovie a poster and a fanart image is delivered
-if type == typeSeries a banner and up to three posters and fanarts are delivered
-struct TVScraperGetFullInformation
-// in
- const cEvent *event; // search all media for this event
- bool isRecording; // search in current EPG or recordings
- tvMediaType type;
- tvMedia banner;
- std::vector<tvMedia> posters;
- std::vector<tvMedia> fanart;
- std::vector<tvActor> actors;
- std::string description;
-#endif //__TVGUIDE_TVSCRAPER_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index f80eef3..c58af4d 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ void cTvguideSetup::Store(void) {
SetupStore("numAdditionalEPGPictures", tvguideConfig.numAdditionalEPGPictures);
SetupStore("epgImageWidthLarge", tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge);
SetupStore("epgImageHeightLarge", tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge);
+ SetupStore("detailedViewScrollStep", tvguideConfig.detailedViewScrollStep);
SetupStore("timeLineWidthPercent", tvguideConfig.timeLineWidthPercent);
SetupStore("timeLineHeightPercent", tvguideConfig.timeLineHeightPercent);
SetupStore("displayChannelName", tvguideConfig.displayChannelName);
@@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ void cMenuSetupGeneral::Set(void) {
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Big Step (Keys 1 / 3) in hours"), &tmpTvguideConfig->bigStepHours, 1, 12));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Huge Step (Keys 4 / 6) in hours"), &tmpTvguideConfig->hugeStepHours, 13, 48));
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Time Format (12h/24h)"), &tmpTvguideConfig->timeFormat, 2, timeFormatItems));
+ Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("EPG Window Text Scrolling Speed"), &tmpTvguideConfig->detailedViewScrollStep, 1, 30));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"), &tmpTvguideConfig->displayRerunsDetailEPGView));
if (tmpTvguideConfig->displayRerunsDetailEPGView) {
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(cString::sprintf("%s%s", *indent, tr("Number of reruns to display")), &tmpTvguideConfig->numReruns, 1, 10));
diff --git a/statusheader.c b/statusheader.c
index 3b04919..cac916e 100644
--- a/statusheader.c
+++ b/statusheader.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "tools.h"
-#include "services/tvscraper.h"
+#include "services/scraper2vdr.h"
#include "imageloader.h"
#include "statusheader.h"
@@ -101,28 +101,26 @@ void cStatusHeader::DrawInfoText(cGrid *grid) {
int cStatusHeader::DrawPoster(const cEvent *event, int x, int y, int height, int border) {
bool hasPoster = false;
- TVScraperGetPoster poster;
+ ScraperGetPoster posterScraper2Vdr;
int posterWidth = 0;
int posterHeight = 0;
- if (event) {
- static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
- if (pTVScraper) {
- poster.event = event;
- poster.isRecording = false;
- if (pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetPoster", &poster)) {
- hasPoster = true;
- int posterWidthOrig =;
- int posterHeightOrig =;
- if ((posterWidthOrig > 10) && (posterHeightOrig > 10)) {
- posterHeight = height;
- posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig);
- }
- }
+ static cPlugin *pScraper2Vdr = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("scraper2vdr");
+ if (pScraper2Vdr) {
+ posterScraper2Vdr.event = event;
+ posterScraper2Vdr.recording = NULL;
+ if (pScraper2Vdr->Service("GetPoster", &posterScraper2Vdr)) {
+ hasPoster = true;
+ int posterWidthOrig = posterScraper2Vdr.poster.width;
+ int posterHeightOrig = posterScraper2Vdr.poster.height;
+ posterHeight = height;
+ posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig);
+ } else {
+ hasPoster = false;
if (hasPoster) {
cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(, posterWidth, posterHeight)) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(posterScraper2Vdr.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) {
pixmapText->DrawImage(cPoint(x, y), imgLoader.GetImage());
return posterWidth + border;
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-blue.theme b/themes/tvguide-blue.theme
index 5fd6a9e..2aeda4c 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-blue.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-blue.theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 90828282
clrTimeline2 = BB000000
clrTimeline2Blending = 903F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 44003DF5
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-darkblue.theme b/themes/tvguide-darkblue.theme
index a52303e..008aa80 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-darkblue.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-darkblue.theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = FF828282
clrTimeline2 = FF000000
clrTimeline2Blending = FF3F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 99242A38
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-darkred.theme b/themes/tvguide-darkred.theme
index c11d51f..06f7c71 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-darkred.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-darkred.theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 90828282
clrTimeline2 = BB000000
clrTimeline2Blending = 903F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 66550000
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-darkredNG.theme b/themes/tvguide-darkredNG.theme
index 2374de8..93ddc41 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-darkredNG.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-darkredNG.theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 90828282
clrTimeline2 = FF000000
clrTimeline2Blending = 903F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 66660000
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-default.theme b/themes/tvguide-default.theme
index fdc0346..c8fc9b0 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-default.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-default.theme
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = FF828282
clrTimeline2 = FF000000
clrTimeline2Blending = FF3F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
-clrButtonRed = 00000000
+clrTabInactive = A01F3D7A
+clrButtonRed = FFFF0000
clrButtonRedBorder = 00000000
clrButtonGreen = 00000000
clrButtonGreenBorder = 00000000
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-green.theme b/themes/tvguide-green.theme
index 2fb2734..7fca3b0 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-green.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-green.theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 90828282
clrTimeline2 = BB000000
clrTimeline2Blending = 903F3F3F
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 33006600
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-iceblue.theme b/themes/tvguide-iceblue.theme
index 218ad20..310872a 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-iceblue.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-iceblue.theme
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 00000000
clrTimeline2 = FF000000
clrTimeline2Blending = 00000000
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 88B8B8E6
clrButtonRed = FFBB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FF000000
clrButtonGreen = FF00BB00
diff --git a/themes/tvguide-keepitsimple.theme b/themes/tvguide-keepitsimple.theme
index 5d7e560..1f325c9 100644
--- a/themes/tvguide-keepitsimple.theme
+++ b/themes/tvguide-keepitsimple.theme
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ clrTimeline1Blending = 00000000
clrTimeline2 = FF2B3856
clrTimeline2Blending = 00000000
clrTimeBase = A0FF0000
+clrTabInactive = 886fac10
clrButtonRed = 99BB0000
clrButtonRedBorder = FFBB0000
clrButtonGreen = 9900BB00
diff --git a/tvguide.c b/tvguide.c
index 848026b..029166d 100644
--- a/tvguide.c
+++ b/tvguide.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#error "VDR-2.0.0 API version or greater is required!"
-static const char *VERSION = "1.2.1";
+static const char *VERSION = "1.2.2";
static const char *DESCRIPTION = "A fancy 2d EPG Viewer";
static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = "Tvguide";
diff --git a/tvguideosd.c b/tvguideosd.c
index 15f84bd..9770d82 100644
--- a/tvguideosd.c
+++ b/tvguideosd.c
@@ -547,10 +547,6 @@ void cTvGuideOsd::DetailedEPG() {
detailView = new cDetailView(activeGrid->GetEvent(), footer);
- detailView->setContent();
- detailView->drawHeader();
- detailView->drawContent();
- detailView->drawScrollbar();
diff --git a/view.c b/view.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7608c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+#include "detailview.h"
+* cView
+cView::cView(void) {
+ activeView = 0;
+ scrollable = false;
+ tabbed = false;
+ font = NULL;
+ fontSmall = NULL;
+ fontHeader = NULL;
+ fontHeaderLarge = NULL;
+ pixmapBackground = NULL;
+ pixmapHeader = NULL;
+ pixmapHeaderLogo = NULL;
+ pixmapContent = NULL;
+ pixmapTabs = NULL;
+ pixmapScrollbar = NULL;
+ pixmapScrollbarBack = NULL;
+ imgScrollBar = NULL;
+ title = "";
+ subTitle = "";
+ dateTime = "";
+ infoText = "";
+ channel = NULL;
+ eventID = 0;
+ event = NULL;
+ x = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ width = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ border = 0;
+ headerHeight = 0;
+ contentHeight = 0;
+ tabHeight = 0;
+ headerDrawn = false;
+cView::~cView(void) {
+ if (pixmapBackground)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapBackground);
+ if (pixmapHeader)
+ delete pixmapHeader;
+ if (pixmapHeaderLogo)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapHeaderLogo);
+ if (pixmapContent)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapContent);
+ if (pixmapTabs)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapTabs);
+ if (pixmapScrollbar)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapScrollbar);
+ if (pixmapScrollbarBack)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapScrollbarBack);
+ if (imgScrollBar)
+ delete imgScrollBar;
+void cView::SetFonts(void) {
+ font = fontManager.FontDetailView;
+ fontSmall = fontManager.FontDetailViewSmall;
+ fontHeaderLarge = fontManager.FontDetailHeaderLarge;
+ fontHeader = fontManager.FontDetailHeader;
+void cView::SetGeometry(void) {
+ x = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ scrollbarWidth = 40;
+ width = geoManager.osdWidth - scrollbarWidth;
+ height = geoManager.osdHeight;
+ border = tvguideConfig.epgViewBorder;
+ headerWidth = geoManager.headerContentWidth;
+ headerHeight = geoManager.epgViewHeaderHeight;
+ if (tabbed)
+ tabHeight = font->Height() * 3 / 2;
+ contentHeight = height - headerHeight - tabHeight - geoManager.footerHeight;
+void cView::DrawHeader(void) {
+ if (!pixmapHeader) {
+ pixmapHeader = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(0, 0, headerWidth, headerHeight)));
+ pixmapHeader->setColor(theme.Color(clrHeader), theme.Color(clrHeaderBlending));
+ }
+ if (!pixmapHeaderLogo) {
+ pixmapHeaderLogo = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(0, 0, width, headerHeight));
+ }
+ pixmapHeader->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapHeaderLogo->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if ( == eStyleGraphical) {
+ if (tvguideConfig.scaleVideo) {
+ pixmapHeader->drawBackgroundGraphical(bgStatusHeaderWindowed);
+ } else {
+ pixmapHeader->drawBackgroundGraphical(bgStatusHeaderFull);
+ }
+ } else {
+ pixmapHeader->drawBackground();
+ pixmapHeader->drawBoldBorder();
+ }
+ //Channel Logo
+ int logoHeight = 2 * headerHeight / 3;
+ int logoWidth = logoHeight * tvguideConfig.logoWidthRatio / tvguideConfig.logoHeightRatio;
+ int xText = border / 2;
+ if (channel && !tvguideConfig.hideChannelLogos) {
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(channel, logoWidth, logoHeight)) {
+ cImage logo = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapHeaderLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(border/2, (headerHeight - logoHeight)/2), logo);
+ xText += logoWidth + border / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ //Date and Time, Title, Subtitle
+ int yDateTime = border / 2;
+ int yTitle = (headerHeight - fontHeaderLarge->Height()) / 2;
+ int ySubtitle = headerHeight - fontHeader->Height() - border / 3;
+ int textWidthMax = headerWidth - xText;
+ pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, yDateTime), CutText(dateTime, textWidthMax, fontHeader).c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), theme.Color(clrStatusHeader), fontHeader);
+ pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, yTitle), CutText(title, textWidthMax, fontHeaderLarge).c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), theme.Color(clrStatusHeader), fontHeaderLarge);
+ pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, ySubtitle), CutText(subTitle, textWidthMax, fontHeader).c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), theme.Color(clrStatusHeader), fontHeader);
+ //REC Icon
+ eTimerMatch timerMatch=tmNone;
+ cTimer *ti;
+ if (!event)
+ return;
+ if (tvguideConfig.useRemoteTimers && pRemoteTimers) {
+ RemoteTimers_GetMatch_v1_0 rtMatch;
+ rtMatch.event = event;
+ pRemoteTimers->Service("RemoteTimers::GetMatch-v1.0", &rtMatch);
+ timerMatch = (eTimerMatch)rtMatch.timerMatch;
+ ti = rtMatch.timer;
+ } else {
+ ti=Timers.GetMatch(event, &timerMatch);
+ }
+ if (timerMatch == tmFull) {
+ cString recIconText(" REC ");
+ int widthIcon = fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Width(*recIconText);
+ int height = fontManager.FontDetailHeader->Height()+10;
+ int posX = headerWidth - widthIcon - 20;
+ int posY = 20;
+ pixmapHeader->DrawRectangle( cRect(posX, posY, widthIcon, height), theme.Color(clrButtonRed));
+ pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(posX, posY+5), *recIconText, theme.Color(clrFont), theme.Color(clrButtonRed), fontManager.FontDetailHeader);
+ }
+void cView::DrawTabs(void) {
+ if (!pixmapTabs) {
+ pixmapTabs = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(0, y + headerHeight + contentHeight, width + scrollbarWidth, tabHeight));
+ }
+ tColor bgColor = theme.Color(clrTabInactive);
+ pixmapTabs->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, width, 2), bgColor);
+ int numTabs = tabs.size();
+ int xCurrent = 0;
+ for (int tab = 0; tab < numTabs; tab++) {
+ std::string tabText = tabs[tab];
+ int textWidth = font->Width(tabText.c_str());
+ int tabWidth = textWidth + border;
+ pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent, (tab == activeView) ? 0 : 2, tabWidth - 2, tabHeight), bgColor);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent, tabHeight - border/2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, -3);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + tabWidth - border / 2 - 2, tabHeight - border/2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, -4);
+ if (tab == activeView) {
+ pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent + 2, 0, tabWidth - 6, tabHeight - border/2 - 1), clrTransparent);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent + border / 2, tabHeight - border/2 - 1, tabWidth - border, border/2 - 1), clrTransparent);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + 2, tabHeight - border/2 - 2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, 3);
+ pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + tabWidth - border / 2 - 4, tabHeight - border/2 - 2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, 4);
+ }
+ pixmapTabs->DrawText(cPoint(xCurrent + (tabWidth - textWidth) / 2, 2 + (tabHeight - font->Height())/2), tabText.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), (tab == activeView) ? clrTransparent : bgColor, font);
+ xCurrent += tabWidth;
+ }
+void cView::ClearContent(void) {
+ if (pixmapContent && Running()) {
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapContent);
+ pixmapContent = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pixmapBackground && Running()) {
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapBackground);
+ pixmapBackground = NULL;
+ }
+void cView::CreateContent(int fullHeight) {
+ scrollable = false;
+ pixmapBackground = osdManager.requestPixmap(3, cRect(x, y + headerHeight, width + scrollbarWidth, contentHeight + tabHeight));
+ pixmapBackground->Fill(theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ int drawPortHeight = contentHeight;
+ if (fullHeight > contentHeight) {
+ drawPortHeight = fullHeight;
+ scrollable = true;
+ }
+ pixmapContent = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y + headerHeight, width, contentHeight), cRect(0, 0, width, drawPortHeight));
+ pixmapContent->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cView::DrawContent(std::string *text) {
+ cTextWrapper wText;
+ wText.Set(text->c_str(), font, width - 2 * border);
+ int lineHeight = font->Height();
+ int textLines = wText.Lines();
+ int textHeight = lineHeight * textLines + 2*border;
+ int yText = border;
+ CreateContent(textHeight);
+ for (int i=0; i < textLines; i++) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wText.GetLine(i), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ yText += lineHeight;
+ }
+void cView::DrawFloatingContent(std::string *infoText, cTvMedia *img, cTvMedia *img2) {
+ cTextWrapper wTextTall;
+ cTextWrapper wTextFull;
+ int imgWidth = img->width;
+ int imgHeight = img->height;
+ int imgWidth2 = 0;
+ int imgHeight2 = 0;
+ if (imgHeight > (contentHeight - 2 * border)) {
+ imgHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border;
+ imgWidth = imgWidth * ((double)imgHeight / (double)img->height);
+ }
+ int imgHeightTotal = imgHeight;
+ if (img2) {
+ imgWidth2 = imgWidth;
+ imgHeight2 = img2->height * ((double)img2->width / (double)imgWidth2);
+ imgHeightTotal += img2->height + border;
+ }
+ CreateFloatingTextWrapper(&wTextTall, &wTextFull, infoText, imgWidth, imgHeightTotal);
+ int lineHeight = font->Height();
+ int textLinesTall = wTextTall.Lines();
+ int textLinesFull = wTextFull.Lines();
+ int textHeight = lineHeight * (textLinesTall + textLinesFull) + 2*border;
+ int yText = border;
+ CreateContent(max(textHeight, imgHeight + 2*border));
+ for (int i=0; i < textLinesTall; i++) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wTextTall.GetLine(i), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ yText += lineHeight;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i < textLinesFull; i++) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wTextFull.GetLine(i), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ yText += lineHeight;
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(img->path.c_str(), imgWidth, imgHeight)) {
+ if (Running() && pixmapContent)
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth - border, border), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ }
+ if (!img2)
+ return;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(img2->path.c_str(), imgWidth2, imgHeight2)) {
+ if (Running() && pixmapContent)
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth2 - border, imgHeight + 2*border), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ }
+void cView::CreateFloatingTextWrapper(cTextWrapper *twNarrow, cTextWrapper *twFull, std::string *text, int widthImg, int heightImg) {
+ int lineHeight = font->Height();
+ int linesNarrow = (heightImg + 2*border)/ lineHeight;
+ int linesDrawn = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int widthNarrow = width - 3 * border - widthImg;
+ bool drawNarrow = true;
+ splitstring s(text->c_str());
+ std::vector<std::string> flds = s.split('\n', 1);
+ if (flds.size() < 1)
+ return;
+ std::stringstream sstrTextTall;
+ std::stringstream sstrTextFull;
+ for (int i=0; i<flds.size(); i++) {
+ if (!flds[i].size()) {
+ //empty line
+ linesDrawn++;
+ y += lineHeight;
+ if (drawNarrow)
+ sstrTextTall << "\n";
+ else
+ sstrTextFull << "\n";
+ } else {
+ cTextWrapper wrapper;
+ if (drawNarrow) {
+ wrapper.Set((flds[i].c_str()), font, widthNarrow);
+ int newLines = wrapper.Lines();
+ //check if wrapper fits completely into narrow area
+ if (linesDrawn + newLines < linesNarrow) {
+ for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) {
+ sstrTextTall << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " ";
+ }
+ sstrTextTall << "\n";
+ linesDrawn += newLines;
+ } else {
+ //this wrapper has to be splitted
+ for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) {
+ if (line + linesDrawn < linesNarrow) {
+ sstrTextTall << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " ";
+ } else {
+ sstrTextFull << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " ";
+ }
+ }
+ sstrTextFull << "\n";
+ drawNarrow = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ wrapper.Set((flds[i].c_str()), font, width - 2*border);
+ for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) {
+ sstrTextFull << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " ";
+ }
+ sstrTextFull << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ twNarrow->Set(sstrTextTall.str().c_str(), font, widthNarrow);
+ twFull->Set(sstrTextFull.str().c_str(), font, width - 2 * border);
+void cView::DrawActors(std::vector<cActor> *actors) {
+ int numActors = actors->size();
+ if (numActors < 1) {
+ CreateContent(100);
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, border), tr("No Cast available"), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge);
+ return;
+ }
+ int thumbWidth = actors->at(0).actorThumb.width;
+ int thumbHeight = actors->at(0).actorThumb.height;
+ int picsPerLine = width / (thumbWidth + 2 * border);
+ if (picsPerLine < 1)
+ return;
+ int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine;
+ if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0)
+ picLines++;
+ int totalHeight = picLines * (thumbHeight + 2*fontSmall->Height() + border + border/2) + 2*border + fontHeaderLarge->Height();
+ CreateContent(totalHeight);
+ cString header = cString::sprintf("%s:", tr("Cast"));
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, border), *header, theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge);
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 2 * border + fontHeaderLarge->Height();
+ if (!Running())
+ return;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ int actor = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) {
+ if (!Running())
+ return;
+ if (actor == numActors)
+ break;
+ std::string path = actors->at(actor).actorThumb.path;
+ std::string name = actors->at(actor).name;
+ std::stringstream sstrRole;
+ sstrRole << "\"" << actors->at(actor).role << "\"";
+ std::string role = sstrRole.str();
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(path.c_str(), thumbWidth, thumbHeight)) {
+ if (Running() && pixmapContent)
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(x + border, y), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ }
+ if (fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()) > thumbWidth + 2*border)
+ name = CutText(name, thumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall);
+ if (fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()) > thumbWidth + 2*border)
+ role = CutText(role, thumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall);
+ int xName = x + ((thumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()))/2;
+ int xRole = x + ((thumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()))/2;
+ if (Running() && pixmapContent) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xName, y + thumbHeight + border/2), name.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xRole, y + thumbHeight + border/2 + fontSmall->Height()), role.c_str(), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ x += thumbWidth + 2*border;
+ }
+ actor++;
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+ x = 0;
+ y += thumbHeight + 2 * fontSmall->Height() + border + border/2;
+ }
+void cView::ClearScrollbar(void) {
+ if (pixmapScrollbar)
+ pixmapScrollbar->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if (pixmapScrollbarBack)
+ pixmapScrollbarBack->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cView::ClearScrollbarImage(void) {
+ if (imgScrollBar) {
+ delete imgScrollBar;
+ imgScrollBar = NULL;
+ }
+void cView::DrawScrollbar(void) {
+ ClearScrollbar();
+ if (!scrollable || !pixmapContent)
+ return;
+ if (!pixmapScrollbar) {
+ pixmapScrollbar = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(width, y + headerHeight, scrollbarWidth, contentHeight));
+ pixmapScrollbar->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ }
+ if (!pixmapScrollbarBack) {
+ pixmapScrollbarBack = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(width, y + headerHeight, scrollbarWidth, contentHeight));
+ pixmapScrollbarBack->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ }
+ int totalBarHeight = pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Height() - 6;
+ int aktHeight = (-1)*pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y();
+ int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height();
+ int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height();
+ int barHeight = (double)(screenHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ;
+ int barTop = (double)(aktHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ;
+ if (!imgScrollBar) {
+ imgScrollBar = CreateScrollbarImage(pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Width()-10, barHeight, theme.Color(clrHighlight), theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending));
+ }
+ pixmapScrollbarBack->Fill(theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending));
+ pixmapScrollbarBack->DrawRectangle(cRect(2, 2, pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Width() - 4, pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Height() - 4), theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending));
+ pixmapScrollbar->DrawImage(cPoint(3, 3 + barTop), *imgScrollBar);
+cImage *cView::CreateScrollbarImage(int width, int height, tColor clrBgr, tColor clrBlend) {
+ cImage *image = new cImage(cSize(width, height));
+ image->Fill(clrBgr);
+ if ( != eStyleFlat) {
+ int numSteps = 64;
+ int alphaStep = 0x03;
+ if (height < 30)
+ return image;
+ else if (height < 100) {
+ numSteps = 32;
+ alphaStep = 0x06;
+ }
+ int stepY = 0.5*height / numSteps;
+ if (stepY == 0)
+ stepY = 1;
+ int alpha = 0x40;
+ tColor clr;
+ for (int i = 0; i<numSteps; i++) {
+ clr = AlphaBlend(clrBgr, clrBlend, alpha);
+ for (int y = i*stepY; y < (i+1)*stepY; y++) {
+ for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
+ image->SetPixel(cPoint(x,y), clr);
+ }
+ }
+ alpha += alphaStep;
+ }
+ }
+ return image;
+bool cView::KeyUp(void) {
+ if (!scrollable)
+ return false;
+ int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y();
+ int lineHeight = font->Height();
+ if (aktHeight >= 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int step = tvguideConfig.detailedViewScrollStep * font->Height();
+ int newY = aktHeight + step;
+ if (newY > 0)
+ newY = 0;
+ pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ return true;
+bool cView::KeyDown(void) {
+ if (!scrollable)
+ return false;
+ int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y();
+ int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height();
+ int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height();
+ if (totalHeight - ((-1)*aktHeight) == screenHeight) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int step = tvguideConfig.detailedViewScrollStep * font->Height();
+ int newY = aktHeight - step;
+ if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight)
+ newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight);
+ pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ return true;
+* cEPGView : cView
+cEPGView::cEPGView(void) : cView() {
+ tabbed = true;
+ numEPGPics = -1;
+ numTabs = 0;
+cEPGView::~cEPGView(void) {
+ Cancel(-1);
+ while (Active())
+ cCondWait::SleepMs(10);
+void cEPGView::SetTabs(void) {
+ tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info"));
+ if (eventID > 0)
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns"));
+ else
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information"));
+ if (numEPGPics > 0)
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery"));
+ numTabs = tabs.size();
+void cEPGView::CheckEPGImages(void) {
+ if (eventID > 0) {
+ for (int i=1; i <= tvguideConfig.numAdditionalEPGPictures; i++) {
+ cString epgimage;
+ epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *tvguideConfig.epgImagePath, eventID, i);
+ FILE *fp = fopen(*epgimage, "r");
+ if (fp) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << i;
+ epgPics.push_back(ss.str());
+ fclose(fp);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ numEPGPics = epgPics.size();
+void cEPGView::DrawImages(void) {
+ int imgWidth = tvguideConfig.epgImageWidthLarge;
+ int imgHeight = tvguideConfig.epgImageHeightLarge;
+ int totalHeight = numEPGPics * (imgHeight + border);
+ CreateContent(totalHeight);
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ int yPic = border;
+ for (int pic = 0; pic < numEPGPics; pic++) {
+ bool drawPic = false;
+ if (eventID > 0) {
+ cString epgimage = cString::sprintf("%d_%d", eventID, atoi(epgPics[pic].c_str()));
+ if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalEPGImage(epgimage)) {
+ drawPic = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (drawPic) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - imgWidth) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += imgHeight + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+void cEPGView::KeyLeft(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView--;
+ if (activeView < 0)
+ activeView = numTabs - 1;
+void cEPGView::KeyRight(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView = (activeView + 1) % numTabs;
+void cEPGView::Action(void) {
+ ClearContent();
+ if (!headerDrawn) {
+ DrawHeader();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ headerDrawn = true;
+ }
+ if (tabs.size() == 0) {
+ CheckEPGImages();
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+ DrawTabs();
+ switch (activeView) {
+ case evtInfo:
+ DrawContent(&infoText);
+ break;
+ case evtAddInfo:
+ DrawContent(&addInfoText);
+ break;
+ case evtImages:
+ DrawImages();
+ break;
+ }
+ DrawScrollbar();
+ osdManager.flush();
+* cSeriesView : cView
+cSeriesView::cSeriesView(int seriesId, int episodeId) : cView() {
+ this->seriesId = seriesId;
+ this->episodeId = episodeId;
+ tvdbInfo = "";
+ tabbed = true;
+cSeriesView::~cSeriesView(void) {
+ Cancel(-1);
+ while (Active())
+ cCondWait::SleepMs(10);
+void cSeriesView::LoadMedia(void) {
+ static cPlugin *pScraper2Vdr = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("scraper2vdr");
+ if (!pScraper2Vdr || seriesId < 1)
+ return;
+ series.seriesId = seriesId;
+ series.episodeId = episodeId;
+ pScraper2Vdr->Service("GetSeries", &series);
+void cSeriesView::SetTabs(void) {
+ tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info"));
+ if (eventID > 0)
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns"));
+ else
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Cast"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("TheTVDB Info"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery"));
+void cSeriesView::CreateTVDBInfo(void) {
+ if (tvdbInfo.size() > 0)
+ return;
+ std::stringstream info;
+ info << tr("TheTVDB Information") << ":\n\n";
+ if ( > 0) {
+ info << tr("Episode") << ": " << << " (" << tr("Season") << " " << series.episode.season << ", " << tr("Episode") << " " << series.episode.number << ")\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.episode.overview.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Episode Overview") << ": " << series.episode.overview << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.episode.firstAired.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.episode.firstAired << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.episode.guestStars.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Guest Stars") << ": " << series.episode.guestStars << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.episode.rating > 0) {
+ info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.episode.rating << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.overview.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Series Overview") << ": " << series.overview << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.firstAired.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.firstAired << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.genre.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Genre") << ": " << series.genre << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if ( > 0) {
+ info << tr("Network") << ": " << << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.rating > 0) {
+ info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.rating << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (series.status.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Status") << ": " << series.status << "\n\n";
+ }
+ tvdbInfo = info.str();
+void cSeriesView::DrawImages(void) {
+ int numPosters = series.posters.size();
+ int numFanarts = series.fanarts.size();
+ int numBanners = series.banners.size();
+ int totalHeight = border;
+ //Fanart Height
+ int fanartWidth = width - 2 * border;
+ int fanartHeight = 0;
+ if (numFanarts > 0 && series.fanarts[0].width > 0) {
+ fanartHeight = series.fanarts[0].height * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)series.fanarts[0].width);
+ if (fanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) {
+ int fanartHeightOrig = fanartHeight;
+ fanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border;
+ fanartWidth = fanartWidth * ((double)fanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig);
+ }
+ totalHeight += series.fanarts.size() * (fanartHeight + border);
+ }
+ //Poster Height
+ int posterWidth = (width - 4 * border) / 2;
+ int posterHeight = 0;
+ if (numPosters > 0 && series.posters[0].width > 0) {
+ posterHeight = series.posters[0].height * ((double)posterWidth / (double)series.posters[0].width);
+ }
+ if (numPosters > 0)
+ totalHeight += posterHeight + border;
+ if (numPosters == 3)
+ totalHeight += posterHeight + border;
+ //Banners Height
+ if (numBanners > 0)
+ totalHeight += (series.banners[0].height + border) * numBanners;
+ CreateContent(totalHeight);
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ int yPic = border;
+ for (int i=0; i < numFanarts; i++) {
+ if (numBanners > i) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.banners[i].path.c_str(), series.banners[i].width, series.banners[i].height) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - series.banners[i].width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += series.banners[i].height + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.fanarts[i].path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - fanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += fanartHeight + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (numPosters >= 1) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[0].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(border, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ osdManager.flush();
+ yPic += posterHeight + border;
+ }
+ }
+ if (numPosters >= 2) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[1].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(2 * border + posterWidth, yPic - posterHeight - border), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (numPosters == 3) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[2].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - posterWidth) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+int cSeriesView::GetRandomPoster(void) {
+ int numPosters = series.posters.size();
+ if (numPosters == 0)
+ return -1;
+ srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
+ int randPoster = rand()%numPosters;
+ return randPoster;
+void cSeriesView::KeyLeft(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView--;
+ if (activeView < 0)
+ activeView = mvtCount - 1;
+void cSeriesView::KeyRight(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView = (activeView + 1) % mvtCount;
+void cSeriesView::Action(void) {
+ ClearContent();
+ if (!headerDrawn) {
+ DrawHeader();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ headerDrawn = true;
+ }
+ if (tabs.size() == 0) {
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+ DrawTabs();
+ int randomPoster = GetRandomPoster();
+ switch (activeView) {
+ case mvtInfo:
+ if (randomPoster >= 0) {
+ DrawFloatingContent(&infoText, &series.posters[randomPoster]);
+ } else
+ DrawContent(&infoText);
+ break;
+ case mvtAddInfo:
+ if (randomPoster >= 0)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&addInfoText, &series.posters[randomPoster]);
+ else
+ DrawContent(&addInfoText);
+ break;
+ case mvtCast:
+ DrawActors(&series.actors);
+ break;
+ case mvtOnlineInfo:
+ CreateTVDBInfo();
+ if ((series.seasonPoster.path.size() > 0) && series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.episode.episodeImage, &series.seasonPoster);
+ else if (series.seasonPoster.path.size() > 0)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.seasonPoster);
+ else if (series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.episode.episodeImage);
+ else if (randomPoster >= 0)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.posters[randomPoster]);
+ else
+ DrawContent(&tvdbInfo);
+ break;
+ case mvtImages:
+ DrawImages();
+ break;
+ }
+ DrawScrollbar();
+ osdManager.flush();
+* cMovieView : cView
+cMovieView::cMovieView(int movieId) : cView() {
+ this->movieId = movieId;
+ tabbed = true;
+cMovieView::~cMovieView(void) {
+ Cancel(-1);
+ while (Active())
+ cCondWait::SleepMs(10);
+void cMovieView::LoadMedia(void) {
+ static cPlugin *pScraper2Vdr = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("scraper2vdr");
+ if (!pScraper2Vdr || movieId < 1)
+ return;
+ movie.movieId = movieId;
+ pScraper2Vdr->Service("GetMovie", &movie);
+void cMovieView::SetTabs(void) {
+ tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info"));
+ if (eventID > 0)
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns"));
+ else
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Cast"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("TheTVDB Info"));
+ tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery"));
+void cMovieView::CreateMovieDBInfo(void) {
+ if (movieDBInfo.size() > 0)
+ return;
+ std::stringstream info;
+ info << tr("TheMovieDB Information") << ":\n\n";
+ if (movie.originalTitle.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Original Title") << ": " << movie.originalTitle << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.tagline.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Tagline") << ": " << movie.tagline << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.overview.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Overview") << ": " << movie.overview << "\n\n";
+ }
+ std::string strAdult = ("yes")):(tr("no"));
+ info << tr("Adult") << ": " << strAdult << "\n\n";
+ if (movie.collectionName.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Collection") << ": " << movie.collectionName << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.budget > 0) {
+ info << tr("Budget") << ": " << movie.budget << "$\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.revenue > 0) {
+ info << tr("Revenue") << ": " << movie.revenue << "$\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.genres.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Genre") << ": " << movie.genres << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.homepage.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Homepage") << ": " << movie.homepage << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.releaseDate.size() > 0) {
+ info << tr("Release Date") << ": " << movie.releaseDate << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.runtime > 0) {
+ info << tr("Runtime") << ": " << movie.runtime << " " << tr("minutes") << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.popularity > 0) {
+ info << tr("TheMovieDB Popularity") << ": " << movie.popularity << "\n\n";
+ }
+ if (movie.voteAverage > 0) {
+ info << tr("TheMovieDB Vote Average") << ": " << movie.voteAverage << "\n\n";
+ }
+ movieDBInfo = info.str();
+void cMovieView::DrawImages(void) {
+ int totalHeight = border;
+ //Fanart Height
+ int fanartWidth = width - 2 * border;
+ int fanartHeight = 0;
+ if (movie.fanart.width > 0 && movie.fanart.height > 0 && movie.fanart.path.size() > 0) {
+ fanartHeight = movie.fanart.height * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)movie.fanart.width);
+ if (fanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) {
+ int fanartHeightOrig = fanartHeight;
+ fanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border;
+ fanartWidth = fanartWidth * ((double)fanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig);
+ }
+ totalHeight += fanartHeight + border;
+ }
+ //Collection Fanart Height
+ int collectionFanartWidth = width - 2 * border;
+ int collectionFanartHeight = 0;
+ if (movie.collectionFanart.width > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.height > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) {
+ collectionFanartHeight = movie.collectionFanart.height * ((double)collectionFanartWidth / (double)movie.collectionFanart.width);
+ if (collectionFanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) {
+ int fanartHeightOrig = collectionFanartHeight;
+ collectionFanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border;
+ collectionFanartWidth = collectionFanartWidth * ((double)collectionFanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig);
+ }
+ totalHeight += collectionFanartHeight + border;
+ }
+ //Poster Height
+ if (movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0 && movie.poster.path.size() > 0) {
+ totalHeight += movie.poster.height + border;
+ }
+ //Collection Popster Height
+ if (movie.collectionPoster.width > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.height > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.path.size() > 0) {
+ totalHeight += movie.collectionPoster.height + border;
+ }
+ CreateContent(totalHeight);
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ int yPic = border;
+ if (movie.fanart.width > 0 && movie.fanart.height > 0 && movie.fanart.path.size() > 0) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.fanart.path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - fanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += fanartHeight + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (movie.collectionFanart.width > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.height > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.collectionFanart.path.c_str(), collectionFanartWidth, collectionFanartHeight) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - collectionFanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += collectionFanartHeight + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0 && movie.poster.path.size() > 0) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.poster.path.c_str(), movie.poster.width, movie.poster.height) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - movie.poster.width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += movie.poster.height + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ if (movie.collectionPoster.width > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.height > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.path.size() > 0) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.collectionPoster.path.c_str(), movie.collectionPoster.width, movie.collectionPoster.height) && Running()) {
+ pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - movie.collectionPoster.width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ yPic += movie.collectionPoster.height + border;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+ }
+void cMovieView::KeyLeft(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView--;
+ if (activeView < 0)
+ activeView = mvtCount - 1;
+void cMovieView::KeyRight(void) {
+ if (Running())
+ return;
+ ClearScrollbarImage();
+ activeView = (activeView + 1) % mvtCount;
+void cMovieView::Action(void) {
+ ClearContent();
+ if (!headerDrawn) {
+ DrawHeader();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ headerDrawn = true;
+ }
+ if (tabs.size() == 0) {
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+ DrawTabs();
+ bool posterAvailable = (movie.poster.path.size() > 0 && movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0) ? true : false;
+ switch (activeView) {
+ case mvtInfo:
+ if (posterAvailable)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&infoText, &movie.poster);
+ else
+ DrawContent(&infoText);
+ break;
+ case mvtAddInfo:
+ if (posterAvailable)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&addInfoText, &movie.poster);
+ else
+ DrawContent(&addInfoText);
+ break;
+ case mvtCast:
+ DrawActors(&movie.actors);
+ break;
+ case mvtOnlineInfo:
+ CreateMovieDBInfo();
+ if (posterAvailable)
+ DrawFloatingContent(&movieDBInfo, &movie.poster);
+ else
+ DrawContent(&movieDBInfo);
+ break;
+ case mvtImages:
+ DrawImages();
+ break;
+ }
+ DrawScrollbar();
+ osdManager.flush();
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view.h b/view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5581390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#ifndef __TVGUIDE_VIEW_H
+#define __TVGUIDE_VIEW_H
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vdr/skins.h>
+#include "services/scraper2vdr.h"
+#include "services/epgsearch.h"
+#include "services/remotetimers.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "imagecache.h"
+#include "imageloader.h"
+#include "tools.h"
+enum eEPGViewTabs {
+ evtInfo = 0,
+ evtAddInfo,
+ evtImages,
+ evtCount
+enum eMediaViewTabs {
+ mvtInfo = 0,
+ mvtAddInfo,
+ mvtCast,
+ mvtOnlineInfo,
+ mvtImages,
+ mvtCount
+class cView : public cThread {
+ const cEvent *event;
+ cPixmap *pixmapBackground;
+ cStyledPixmap *pixmapHeader;
+ cPixmap *pixmapHeaderLogo;
+ cPixmap *pixmapContent;
+ cPixmap *pixmapScrollbar;
+ cPixmap *pixmapScrollbarBack;
+ cPixmap *pixmapTabs;
+ cFont *font, *fontSmall, *fontHeader, *fontHeaderLarge;
+ cImage *imgScrollBar;
+ int activeView;
+ bool scrollable;
+ bool tabbed;
+ int x, y;
+ int width, height;
+ int border;
+ int headerWidth, headerHeight;
+ int contentHeight;
+ int tabHeight;
+ int scrollbarWidth;
+ std::vector<std::string> tabs;
+ std::string title;
+ std::string subTitle;
+ std::string dateTime;
+ std::string infoText;
+ std::string addInfoText;
+ const cChannel *channel;
+ int eventID;
+ bool headerDrawn;
+ void DrawHeader(void);
+ void ClearContent(void);
+ void CreateContent(int fullHeight);
+ void DrawContent(std::string *text);
+ void DrawFloatingContent(std::string *infoText, cTvMedia *img, cTvMedia *img2 = NULL);
+ void CreateFloatingTextWrapper(cTextWrapper *twNarrow, cTextWrapper *twFull, std::string *text, int widthImg, int heightImg);
+ void DrawActors(std::vector<cActor> *actors);
+ void ClearScrollbar(void);
+ void ClearScrollbarImage(void);
+ cImage *CreateScrollbarImage(int width, int height, tColor clrBgr, tColor clrBlend);
+ virtual void SetTabs(void) {};
+ void DrawTabs(void);
+ cView(void);
+ virtual ~cView(void);
+ void SetTitle(const char *t) { title = t ? t : ""; };
+ void SetSubTitle(const char *s) { subTitle = s ? s : ""; };
+ void SetDateTime(const char *dt) { dateTime = dt; };
+ void SetInfoText(const char *i) { infoText = i ? i : ""; };
+ void SetAdditionalInfoText(std::string addInfo) { addInfoText = addInfo; };
+ void SetChannel(const cChannel *c) { channel = c; };
+ void SetEventID(int id) { eventID = id; };
+ void SetEvent(const cEvent *event) { this->event = event; };
+ virtual void LoadMedia(void) {};
+ void SetGeometry(void);
+ void SetFonts(void);
+ virtual bool KeyUp(void);
+ virtual bool KeyDown(void);
+ virtual void KeyLeft(void) {};
+ virtual void KeyRight(void) {};
+ void DrawScrollbar(void);
+ virtual void Action(void) {};
+class cEPGView : public cView {
+ std::vector<std::string> epgPics;
+ int numEPGPics;
+ int numTabs;
+ void SetTabs(void);
+ void CheckEPGImages(void);
+ void DrawImages(void);
+ cEPGView(void);
+ virtual ~cEPGView(void);
+ void KeyLeft(void);
+ void KeyRight(void);
+ void Action(void);
+class cSeriesView : public cView {
+ int seriesId;
+ int episodeId;
+ cSeries series;
+ std::string tvdbInfo;
+ void SetTabs(void);
+ void CreateTVDBInfo(void);
+ void DrawImages(void);
+ int GetRandomPoster(void);
+ cSeriesView(int seriesId, int episodeId);
+ virtual ~cSeriesView(void);
+ void LoadMedia(void);
+ void KeyLeft(void);
+ void KeyRight(void);
+ void Action(void);
+class cMovieView : public cView {
+ int movieId;
+ cMovie movie;
+ std::string movieDBInfo;
+ void SetTabs(void);
+ void CreateMovieDBInfo(void);
+ void DrawImages(void);
+ cMovieView(int movieId);
+ virtual ~cMovieView(void);
+ void LoadMedia(void);
+ void KeyLeft(void);
+ void KeyRight(void);
+ void Action(void);
+#endif //__TVGUIDE_VIEW_H \ No newline at end of file