path: root/recmenuitem.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recmenuitem.c')
1 files changed, 2016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recmenuitem.c b/recmenuitem.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb931e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recmenuitem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2016 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vdr/remote.h>
+#include "recmenuitem.h"
+// --- cRecMenuItem -------------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItem::cRecMenuItem(void) {
+ height = 0;
+ action = rmsNotConsumed;
+ drawn = false;
+ font = tvguideConfig.FontRecMenuItem;
+ fontSmall = tvguideConfig.FontRecMenuItemSmall;
+cRecMenuItem::~cRecMenuItem(void) {
+void cRecMenuItem::SetGeometry(int x, int y, int width) {
+ this->x = x;
+ this->y = y;
+ this->width = width;
+void cRecMenuItem::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap)
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ else
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+void cRecMenuItem::setBackground(void) {
+ if (active) {
+ color = theme.Color(clrHighlight);
+ colorBlending = theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending);
+ colorText = theme.Color(clrFontActive);
+ } else {
+ color = theme.Color(clrGrid1);
+ colorBlending = theme.Color(clrGrid1Blending);
+ colorText = theme.Color(clrFont);
+ }
+ colorTextBack = (tvguideConfig.useBlending==0)?color:clrTransparent;
+ drawBackground();
+ drawBorder();
+// --- cRecMenuItemButton -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemButton::cRecMenuItemButton(const char *text, eRecMenuState action, bool active, bool halfWidth) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->action = action;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ this->halfWidth = halfWidth;
+cRecMenuItemButton::~cRecMenuItemButton(void) {
+int cRecMenuItemButton::GetWidth(void) {
+ return font->Width(*text);
+void cRecMenuItemButton::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (halfWidth) {
+ x += width / 4;
+ width = width / 2;
+ }
+ if (!pixmap)
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ else
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+void cRecMenuItemButton::Draw(void) {
+ int y = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ int x = (width - font->Width(*text)) / 2;;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, y), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemButton::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kOk:
+ return action;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo(cString textYes,
+ cString textNo,
+ eRecMenuState actionYes,
+ eRecMenuState actionNo,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->textYes = textYes;
+ this->textNo = textNo;
+ this->action = actionYes;
+ this->actionNo = actionNo;
+ this->active = active;
+ yesActive = true;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapNo = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::~cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo(void) {
+ if (pixmapNo)
+ delete pixmapNo;
+void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ int buttonWidth = 44 * width / 100;
+ int yesX = x + width / 25;
+ int noX = x + 52 * width / 100;
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(yesX, y, buttonWidth, height));
+ pixmapNo = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(noX, y, buttonWidth, height)));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapNo->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapNo->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapNo->SetLayer(4);
+void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::setBackground() {
+ if (active) {
+ if (yesActive) {
+ color = theme.Color(clrHighlight);
+ colorBlending = theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending);
+ colorText = theme.Color(clrFontActive);
+ pixmapNo->setColor( theme.Color(clrGrid1),
+ theme.Color(clrGrid1Blending));
+ colorTextNo = theme.Color(clrFont);
+ } else {
+ color = theme.Color(clrGrid1);
+ colorBlending = theme.Color(clrGrid1Blending);
+ colorText = theme.Color(clrFont);
+ pixmapNo->setColor( theme.Color(clrHighlight),
+ theme.Color(clrHighlightBlending));
+ colorTextNo = theme.Color(clrFontActive);
+ }
+ } else {
+ color = theme.Color(clrGrid1);
+ colorBlending = theme.Color(clrGrid1Blending);
+ colorText = theme.Color(clrFont);
+ pixmapNo->setColor( theme.Color(clrGrid1),
+ theme.Color(clrGrid1Blending));
+ colorTextNo = theme.Color(clrFont);
+ }
+ colorTextBack = (tvguideConfig.useBlending==0)?color:clrTransparent;
+ drawBackground();
+ drawBorder();
+ pixmapNo->drawBackground();
+ pixmapNo->drawBorder();
+void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::Draw(void) {
+ int textYesX = (pixmap->ViewPort().Width() - font->Width(*textYes)) / 2;
+ int textNoX = (pixmapNo->Width() - font->Width(*textNo)) / 2;
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(textYesX, textY), *textYes, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ pixmapNo->DrawText(cPoint(textNoX, textY), *textNo, colorTextNo, clrTransparent, font);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ if (!yesActive) {
+ yesActive = true;
+ setBackground();
+ Draw();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ } else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ if (yesActive) {
+ yesActive = false;
+ setBackground();
+ Draw();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ } else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kOk:
+ if (yesActive)
+ return action;
+ return actionNo;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemInfo -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemInfo::cRecMenuItemInfo(const char *text) {
+ selectable = false;
+ active = false;
+ this->text = text;
+ border = 10;
+cRecMenuItemInfo::~cRecMenuItemInfo(void) {
+void cRecMenuItemInfo::CalculateHeight(int textWidth) {
+ wrapper.Set(*text, font, textWidth);
+ height = font->Height() * wrapper.Lines() + 2*border;
+void cRecMenuItemInfo::setBackground(void) {
+ pixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cRecMenuItemInfo::Draw(void) {
+ int lines = wrapper.Lines();
+ int lineHeight = font->Height();
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = border;
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
+ x = (width - font->Width(wrapper.GetLine(i))) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x,y), wrapper.GetLine(i), theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ y += lineHeight;
+ }
+// --- cRecMenuItemInt -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemInt::cRecMenuItemInt(cString text,
+ int initialVal,
+ int minVal,
+ int maxVal,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->currentVal = initialVal;
+ this->minVal = minVal;
+ this->maxVal = maxVal;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+ fresh = true;
+cRecMenuItemInt::~cRecMenuItemInt(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+void cRecMenuItemInt::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemInt::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemInt::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemInt::setBackground() {
+ cRecMenuItem::setBackground();
+ fresh = true;
+void cRecMenuItemInt::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemInt::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ cString textVal = cString::sprintf("%d", currentVal);
+ int textX = width - font->Width(*textVal) - 10;
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapVal->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), *textVal, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemInt::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ int oldValue = currentVal;
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ fresh = true;
+ if (currentVal > minVal) {
+ currentVal--;
+ DrawValue();
+ }
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ fresh = true;
+ if (currentVal < maxVal) {
+ currentVal++;
+ DrawValue();
+ }
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ case k0 ... k9:
+ if (fresh) {
+ currentVal = 0;
+ fresh = false;
+ }
+ currentVal = currentVal * 10 + (Key - k0);
+ if (!((currentVal >= minVal) && (currentVal <= maxVal)))
+ currentVal = oldValue;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemBool -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemBool::cRecMenuItemBool(cString text,
+ bool initialVal,
+ bool refresh,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->yes = initialVal;
+ this->refresh = refresh;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemBool::~cRecMenuItemBool(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+void cRecMenuItemBool::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemBool::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemBool::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemBool::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemBool::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ cString strIcon = yes?"yes":"no";
+ int iconSize = height - 8;
+ int iconX = width - iconSize - 10;
+ int iconY = (height - iconSize) / 2;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(strIcon, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapVal->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX, iconY), icon);
+ }
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemBool::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ case kRight:
+ yes = !yes;
+ DrawValue();
+ if (refresh)
+ return rmsRefresh;
+ else
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemSelect -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemSelect::cRecMenuItemSelect(cString text,
+ const char * const *Strings,
+ int initialVal,
+ int numValues,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ strings = Strings;
+ this->numValues = numValues;
+ if ((initialVal < 0) || (initialVal > numValues-1))
+ this->currentVal = 0;
+ else
+ this->currentVal = initialVal;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemSelect::~cRecMenuItemSelect(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+void cRecMenuItemSelect::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemSelect::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemSelect::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemSelect::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemSelect::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ const char *textVal = strings[currentVal];
+ int iconSize = min(128, height);
+ int textX = width - font->Width(textVal) - iconSize;
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapVal->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), textVal, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ int iconLeftX = textX - iconSize;
+ int iconRightX = width - iconSize;
+ int iconY = (height - iconSize) / 2;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon("arrow_left", iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapVal->DrawImage(cPoint(iconLeftX, iconY), icon);
+ }
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon("arrow_right", iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapVal->DrawImage(cPoint(iconRightX, iconY), icon);
+ }
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemSelect::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ int oldValue = currentVal;
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ currentVal--;
+ if (currentVal<0)
+ currentVal = numValues - 1;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ currentVal = (currentVal+1)%numValues;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemText -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemText::cRecMenuItemText(cString title,
+ char *initialVal,
+ int length,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->title = title;
+ value = initialVal;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height();
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+ pixmapKeyboard = NULL;
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight = NULL;
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons = NULL;
+ keyboardWidth = 50;
+ gridHeight = 3 * fontSmall->Height();
+ keyboardHeight = 5 * gridHeight;
+ this->length = length;
+ allowed = trVDR(FileNameChars);
+ pos = -1;
+ offset = 0;
+ insert = uppercase = false;
+ newchar = true;
+ lengthUtf8 = 0;
+ valueUtf8 = NULL;
+ allowedUtf8 = NULL;
+ charMapUtf8 = NULL;
+ currentCharUtf8 = NULL;
+ lastKey = kNone;
+ keyboardDrawn = false;
+cRecMenuItemText::~cRecMenuItemText(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+ if (pixmapKeyboard)
+ delete pixmapKeyboard;
+ if (pixmapKeyboardHighlight)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapKeyboardHighlight);
+ if (pixmapKeyboardIcons)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapKeyboardIcons);
+ delete[] valueUtf8;
+ delete[] allowedUtf8;
+ delete[] charMapUtf8;
+void cRecMenuItemText::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ int xPixmapVal = x + 20;
+ int yPixmapVal = y + height / 2 + 10;
+ int widthPixmapVal = width - 40;
+ int heightPixmapVal = height / 2 - 20;
+ int keyboardX = x + (100 - keyboardWidth)*width / 100;
+ int keyboardY = y + height;
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(xPixmapVal, yPixmapVal, widthPixmapVal, heightPixmapVal));
+ pixmapKeyboard = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(-1, cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight)));
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight = osdManager.requestPixmap(-1, cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight));
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons = osdManager.requestPixmap(-1, cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(xPixmapVal, yPixmapVal, widthPixmapVal, heightPixmapVal));
+ pixmapKeyboard->SetViewPort(cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight));
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->SetViewPort(cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight));
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->SetViewPort(cRect(keyboardX, keyboardY, keyboardWidth*width/100, keyboardHeight));
+ }
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cRecMenuItemText::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapKeyboard->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemText::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemText::setBackground() {
+ if (!active) {
+ DeactivateKeyboard();
+ }
+ cRecMenuItem::setBackground();
+void cRecMenuItemText::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height/2 - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *title, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue(value);
+void cRecMenuItemText::DrawValue(char *newValue) {
+ tColor clrBack = InEditMode()?theme.Color(clrRecMenuTextActiveBack):theme.Color(clrRecMenuTextBack);
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrBack);
+ int textX = pixmapVal->DrawPort().Width() - font->Width(newValue) - 10;
+ int textY = (pixmapVal->DrawPort().Height() - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapVal->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), newValue, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+void cRecMenuItemText::ActivateKeyboard(void) {
+ pixmapKeyboard->SetLayer(6);
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->SetLayer(6);
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->SetLayer(6);
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if (keyboardDrawn)
+ return;
+ pixmapKeyboard->setColor(theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBack), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBack));
+ pixmapKeyboard->drawBackground();
+ int widthKeyBoard = pixmapKeyboard->Width();
+ gridWidth = widthKeyBoard / 3;
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, widthKeyBoard, keyboardHeight), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder));
+ int num = 1;
+ for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
+ int X = col*gridWidth;
+ int Y = row*gridHeight;
+ tColor clrBack = theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBack);
+ if (num==13)
+ clrBack = theme.Color(clrButtonRedKeyboard);
+ else if (num==14)
+ clrBack = theme.Color(clrButtonGreenKeyboard);
+ else if (num==15)
+ clrBack = theme.Color(clrButtonYellowKeyboard);
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawRectangle(cRect(X+2, Y+2, gridWidth-4, gridHeight-4), clrBack);
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawEllipse(cRect(X, Y, 20, 20), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder),-2);
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawEllipse(cRect(X, Y+gridHeight-20, 20, 20), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder),-3);
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawEllipse(cRect(X+gridWidth-20, Y+gridHeight-20, 20, 20), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder),-4);
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawEllipse(cRect(X+gridWidth-20, Y, 20, 20), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder),-1);
+ bool draw = false;
+ bool drawIcon = false;
+ cString strNum;
+ cString strIcon;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (num<10) {
+ strNum = *cString::sprintf("%d", num);
+ draw = true;
+ } else if (num == 11) {
+ strNum = *cString::sprintf("%d", 0);
+ draw = true;
+ } else if (num==13) {
+ strIcon = "icon_shift";
+ drawIcon = true;
+ } else if (num==14) {
+ strIcon = "icon_del_ins";
+ drawIcon = true;
+ } else if (num==15) {
+ strIcon = "icon_backspace";
+ drawIcon = true;
+ }
+ if (draw) {
+ int numX = X + (gridWidth - font->Width(*strNum))/2;
+ int numY = Y + font->Height() / 4;
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawText(cPoint(numX, numY), *strNum, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ char *smsKeys = GetSMSKeys(num);
+ int smsKeysX = X + (gridWidth - fontSmall->Width(smsKeys))/2;
+ int smsKeysY = Y + gridHeight - fontSmall->Height() - 10;
+ pixmapKeyboard->DrawText(cPoint(smsKeysX, smsKeysY), smsKeys, theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardBorder), colorTextBack, fontSmall);
+ delete[] smsKeys;
+ }
+ if (drawIcon) {
+ int iconSize = gridHeight - 10;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(strIcon, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ int iconX = X + (gridWidth - iconSize) / 2;
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX, Y + 5), icon);
+ }
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ keyboardDrawn = true;
+void cRecMenuItemText::DeactivateKeyboard(void) {
+ pixmapKeyboard->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapKeyboardIcons->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemText::HighlightSMSKey(int num) {
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ if (num == 0) {
+ x = gridWidth;
+ y = 3 * gridHeight;
+ } else {
+ x = (num-1)%3 * gridWidth;
+ y = (num-1)/3 * gridHeight;
+ }
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->DrawRectangle(cRect(x, y, gridWidth, gridHeight), theme.Color(clrRecMenuKeyboardHigh));
+void cRecMenuItemText::ClearSMSKey(void) {
+ pixmapKeyboardHighlight->Fill(clrTransparent);
+char *cRecMenuItemText::GetSMSKeys(int num) {
+ if (num == 11)
+ num = 0;
+ if (num > 9)
+ return NULL;
+ currentCharUtf8 = charMapUtf8;
+ int pos = num;
+ while (pos > 0 && *currentCharUtf8) {
+ if (*currentCharUtf8++ == '\t')
+ pos--;
+ }
+ while (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && !IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8)) {
+ currentCharUtf8++;
+ }
+ uint *startCharUtf8 = currentCharUtf8;
+ int numChars = 0;
+ bool specialChar = false;
+ while(*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8)) {
+ currentCharUtf8++;
+ if (Utf8CharSet(*currentCharUtf8) > 1)
+ specialChar = true;
+ numChars++;
+ }
+ char buf[100];
+ char *p = buf;
+ int addition = 0;
+ if (specialChar)
+ addition = 1;
+ Utf8FromArray(startCharUtf8, p, numChars+addition);
+ int maxChars = min(numChars+1+addition, 8);
+ char *smskey = new char[maxChars];
+ Utf8Strn0Cpy(smskey, p, maxChars);
+ return smskey;
+void cRecMenuItemText::EnterEditMode(void) {
+ if (!valueUtf8) {
+ valueUtf8 = new uint[length];
+ lengthUtf8 = Utf8ToArray(value, valueUtf8, length);
+ int l = strlen(allowed) + 1;
+ allowedUtf8 = new uint[l];
+ Utf8ToArray(allowed, allowedUtf8, l);
+ const char *charMap = trVDR("CharMap$ 0\t-.,1#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9");
+ l = strlen(charMap) + 1;
+ charMapUtf8 = new uint[l];
+ Utf8ToArray(charMap, charMapUtf8, l);
+ currentCharUtf8 = charMapUtf8;
+ AdvancePos();
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemText::LeaveEditMode(bool SaveValue) {
+ if (valueUtf8) {
+ if (SaveValue) {
+ Utf8FromArray(valueUtf8, value, length);
+ stripspace(value);
+ }
+ lengthUtf8 = 0;
+ delete[] valueUtf8;
+ valueUtf8 = NULL;
+ delete[] allowedUtf8;
+ allowedUtf8 = NULL;
+ delete[] charMapUtf8;
+ charMapUtf8 = NULL;
+ pos = -1;
+ offset = 0;
+ newchar = true;
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemText::AdvancePos(void) {
+ if (pos < length - 2 && pos < lengthUtf8) {
+ if (++pos >= lengthUtf8) {
+ if (pos >= 2 && valueUtf8[pos - 1] == ' ' && valueUtf8[pos - 2] == ' ')
+ pos--; // allow only two blanks at the end
+ else {
+ valueUtf8[pos] = ' ';
+ valueUtf8[pos + 1] = 0;
+ lengthUtf8++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newchar = true;
+ if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos]))
+ uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]);
+uint cRecMenuItemText::Inc(uint c, bool Up) {
+ uint *p = IsAllowed(c);
+ if (!p)
+ p = allowedUtf8;
+ if (Up) {
+ if (!*++p)
+ p = allowedUtf8;
+ } else if (--p < allowedUtf8) {
+ p = allowedUtf8;
+ while (*p && *(p + 1))
+ p++;
+ }
+ return *p;
+void cRecMenuItemText::Type(uint c) {
+ if (insert && lengthUtf8 < length - 1)
+ Insert();
+ valueUtf8[pos] = c;
+ if (pos < length - 2)
+ pos++;
+ if (pos >= lengthUtf8) {
+ valueUtf8[pos] = ' ';
+ valueUtf8[pos + 1] = 0;
+ lengthUtf8 = pos + 1;
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemText::Insert(void) {
+ memmove(valueUtf8 + pos + 1, valueUtf8 + pos, (lengthUtf8 - pos + 1) * sizeof(*valueUtf8));
+ lengthUtf8++;
+ valueUtf8[pos] = ' ';
+void cRecMenuItemText::Delete(void) {
+ memmove(valueUtf8 + pos, valueUtf8 + pos + 1, (lengthUtf8 - pos) * sizeof(*valueUtf8));
+ lengthUtf8--;
+uint *cRecMenuItemText::IsAllowed(uint c) {
+ if (allowedUtf8) {
+ for (uint *a = allowedUtf8; *a; a++) {
+ if (c == *a)
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void cRecMenuItemText::SetText(void) {
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ int textAreaWidth = width - 20;
+ textAreaWidth -= font->Width("[]");
+ textAreaWidth -= font->Width("<>"); // reserving this anyway make the whole thing simpler
+ if (pos < offset)
+ offset = pos;
+ int WidthFromOffset = 0;
+ int EndPos = lengthUtf8;
+ for (int i = offset; i < lengthUtf8; i++) {
+ WidthFromOffset += font->Width(valueUtf8[i]);
+ if (WidthFromOffset > textAreaWidth) {
+ if (pos >= i) {
+ do {
+ WidthFromOffset -= font->Width(valueUtf8[offset]);
+ offset++;
+ } while (WidthFromOffset > textAreaWidth && offset < pos);
+ EndPos = pos + 1;
+ } else {
+ EndPos = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char buf[1000];
+ char *p = buf;
+ if (offset)
+ *p++ = '<';
+ p += Utf8FromArray(valueUtf8 + offset, p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), pos - offset);
+ *p++ = '[';
+ if (insert && newchar)
+ *p++ = ']';
+ p += Utf8FromArray(&valueUtf8[pos], p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), 1);
+ if (!(insert && newchar))
+ *p++ = ']';
+ p += Utf8FromArray(&valueUtf8[pos + 1], p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), EndPos - pos - 1);
+ if (EndPos != lengthUtf8)
+ *p++ = '>';
+ *p = 0;
+ DrawValue(buf);
+ } else {
+ DrawValue(value);
+ }
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemText::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ bool consumed = false;
+ bool SameKey = NORMALKEY(Key) == lastKey;
+ ClearSMSKey();
+ if (Key != kNone) {
+ lastKey = NORMALKEY(Key);
+ } else if (!newchar && k0 <= lastKey && lastKey <= k9 && autoAdvanceTimeout.TimedOut()) {
+ AdvancePos();
+ newchar = true;
+ currentCharUtf8 = NULL;
+ SetText();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ }
+ switch ((int)Key) {
+ case kRed: // Switch between upper- and lowercase characters
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ if (!insert || !newchar) {
+ uppercase = !uppercase;
+ valueUtf8[pos] = uppercase ? Utf8to(upper, valueUtf8[pos]) : Utf8to(lower, valueUtf8[pos]);
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kGreen: // Toggle insert/overwrite modes
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ insert = !insert;
+ newchar = true;
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kYellow|k_Repeat:
+ case kYellow: // Remove the character at the current position; in insert mode it is the character to the right of the cursor
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ if (lengthUtf8 > 1) {
+ if (!insert || pos < lengthUtf8 - 1)
+ Delete();
+ else if (insert && pos == lengthUtf8 - 1)
+ valueUtf8[pos] = ' '; // in insert mode, deleting the last character replaces it with a blank to keep the cursor position
+ // reduce position, if we removed the last character
+ if (pos == lengthUtf8)
+ pos--;
+ } else if (lengthUtf8 == 1)
+ valueUtf8[0] = ' '; // This is the last character in the string, replace it with a blank
+ if (Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos]))
+ uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]);
+ newchar = true;
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+ case kLeft:
+ if (pos > 0) {
+ if (!insert || newchar)
+ pos--;
+ newchar = true;
+ if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos]))
+ uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]);
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ break;
+ case kRight|k_Repeat:
+ case kRight:
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ AdvancePos();
+ } else {
+ EnterEditMode();
+ ActivateKeyboard();
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ break;
+ case kUp|k_Repeat:
+ case kUp:
+ case kDown|k_Repeat:
+ case kDown:
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ if (insert && newchar) {
+ // create a new character in insert mode
+ if (lengthUtf8 < length - 1)
+ Insert();
+ }
+ if (uppercase)
+ valueUtf8[pos] = Utf8to(upper, Inc(Utf8to(lower, valueUtf8[pos]), NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp));
+ else
+ valueUtf8[pos] = Inc( valueUtf8[pos], NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp);
+ newchar = false;
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case k0|k_Repeat ... k9|k_Repeat:
+ case k0 ... k9: {
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ if (Setup.NumberKeysForChars) {
+ HighlightSMSKey(NORMALKEY(Key) - k0);
+ if (!SameKey) {
+ if (!newchar)
+ AdvancePos();
+ currentCharUtf8 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!currentCharUtf8 || !*currentCharUtf8 || *currentCharUtf8 == '\t') {
+ // find the beginning of the character map entry for Key
+ int n = NORMALKEY(Key) - k0;
+ currentCharUtf8 = charMapUtf8;
+ while (n > 0 && *currentCharUtf8) {
+ if (*currentCharUtf8++ == '\t')
+ n--;
+ }
+ // find first allowed character
+ while (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && !IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8))
+ currentCharUtf8++;
+ }
+ if (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t') {
+ if (insert && newchar) {
+ // create a new character in insert mode
+ if (lengthUtf8 < length - 1)
+ Insert();
+ }
+ valueUtf8[pos] = *currentCharUtf8;
+ if (uppercase)
+ valueUtf8[pos] = Utf8to(upper, valueUtf8[pos]);
+ // find next allowed character
+ do {
+ currentCharUtf8++;
+ } while (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && !IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8));
+ newchar = false;
+ autoAdvanceTimeout.Set(AUTO_ADVANCE_TIMEOUT);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Type('0' + NORMALKEY(Key) - k0);
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break; }
+ case kBack:
+ case kOk:
+ if (InEditMode()) {
+ LeaveEditMode(Key == kOk);
+ DeactivateKeyboard();
+ } else {
+ EnterEditMode();
+ ActivateKeyboard();
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (InEditMode() && BASICKEY(Key) == kKbd) {
+ int c = KEYKBD(Key);
+ if (c <= 0xFF) {
+ if (IsAllowed(Utf8to(lower, c)))
+ Type(c);
+ else {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 0x7F: // backspace
+ if (pos > 0) {
+ pos--;
+ ProcessKey(kYellow);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: ;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (c) {
+ case kfHome: pos = 0; break;
+ case kfEnd: pos = lengthUtf8 - 1; break;
+ case kfIns: ProcessKey(kGreen);
+ case kfDel: ProcessKey(kYellow);
+ default: ;
+ }
+ }
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ SetText();
+ if (consumed)
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemTime -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemTime::cRecMenuItemTime(cString text,
+ int initialVal,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->value = initialVal;
+ hh = value / 100;
+ mm = value % 100;
+ pos = 0;
+ fresh = true;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemTime::~cRecMenuItemTime(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+void cRecMenuItemTime::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemTime::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemTime::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemTime::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemTime::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ char buf[10];
+ switch (pos) {
+ case 1: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%01d-:--", hh / 10); break;
+ case 2: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:--", hh); break;
+ case 3: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%01d-", hh, mm / 10); break;
+ default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d", hh, mm);
+ }
+ int textX = width - font->Width(buf) - 10;
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapVal->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), buf, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemTime::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft|k_Repeat:
+ case kLeft: {
+ if (--mm < 0) {
+ mm = 59;
+ if (--hh < 0)
+ hh = 23;
+ }
+ fresh = true;
+ value = hh * 100 + mm;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case kRight|k_Repeat:
+ case kRight: {
+ if (++mm > 59) {
+ mm = 0;
+ if (++hh > 23)
+ hh = 0;
+ }
+ fresh = true;
+ value = hh * 100 + mm;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case k0|k_Repeat ... k9|k_Repeat:
+ case k0 ... k9: {
+ if (fresh || pos > 3) {
+ pos = 0;
+ fresh = false;
+ }
+ int n = Key - k0;
+ switch (pos) {
+ case 0:
+ if (n <= 2) {
+ hh = n * 10;
+ mm = 0;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (hh + n <= 23) {
+ hh += n;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (n <= 5) {
+ mm += n * 10;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (mm + n <= 59) {
+ mm += n;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: ;
+ }
+ value = hh * 100 + mm;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemDay -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemDay::cRecMenuItemDay(cString text,
+ time_t initialVal,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->currentVal = cTimer::SetTime(initialVal, 0);
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height() / 2;
+ pixmapVal = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemDay::~cRecMenuItemDay(void) {
+ if (pixmapVal)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapVal);
+void cRecMenuItemDay::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapVal->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemDay::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemDay::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapVal->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemDay::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemDay::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapVal->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ cString textVal = DateString(currentVal);
+ int textX = width - font->Width(*textVal) - 10;
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapVal->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), *textVal, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemDay::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ currentVal -= 60*60*24;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ currentVal += 60*60*24;
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemTimer -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemTimer::cRecMenuItemTimer(const cTimer *timer,
+ eRecMenuState action1,
+ eRecMenuState action2,
+ eRecMenuState action3,
+ time_t conflictStart,
+ time_t conflictStop,
+ time_t overlapStart,
+ time_t overlapStop,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->timer = timer;
+ this->action = action1;
+ this->action2 = action2;
+ this->action3 = action3;
+ iconActive = 0;
+ this->conflictStart = conflictStart;
+ this->conflictStop = conflictStop;
+ this->overlapStart = overlapStart;
+ this->overlapStop = overlapStop;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 3 * font->Height();
+ pixmapIcons = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemTimer::~cRecMenuItemTimer(void) {
+ if (pixmapIcons)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapIcons);
+ if (pixmapStatus)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapStatus);
+void cRecMenuItemTimer::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapStatus = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapIcons = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapStatus->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapIcons->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+ pixmapStatus->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapIcons->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cRecMenuItemTimer::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapStatus->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapIcons->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemTimer::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapStatus->SetLayer(5);
+ pixmapIcons->SetLayer(6);
+void cRecMenuItemTimer::Draw(void) {
+ const cChannel *channel = timer->Channel();
+ cString channelName("");
+ int channelTransponder = 0;
+ if (channel) {
+ channelName = channel->Name();
+ channelTransponder = channel->Transponder();
+ }
+ int logoX = DrawIcons();
+ int logoWidth = height * tvguideConfig.logoWidthRatio / tvguideConfig.logoHeightRatio;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (!tvguideConfig.hideChannelLogos) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(*channelName, logoWidth, height)) {
+ cImage logo = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(logoX, 0), logo);
+ logoX += logoWidth + 5;
+ }
+ }
+ int textX = logoX;
+ int textHeightLine1 = (height/2 - font->Height()) / 2;
+ int textHeightLine2 = height/2 - 5 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height()) / 2;
+ int textHeightLine3 = 3*height/4 - 5 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height()) / 2;
+ const cEvent *event = timer->Event();
+ cString timerTitle("");
+ if (event)
+ timerTitle = event->Title();
+ cString timeStart = DayDateTime(timer->StartTime());
+ cString timeEnd = TimeString(timer->StopTime());
+ cString timerTime = cString::sprintf("%s - %s", *timeStart, *timeEnd);
+ cString channelInfo = cString::sprintf("%s, %s %d", *channelName, tr("Transp."), channelTransponder);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine1), *timerTitle, theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine2), *timerTime, theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine3), *channelInfo, theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ DrawTimerConflict();
+int cRecMenuItemTimer::DrawIcons(void) {
+ int iconsX = 10;
+ int iconSize = 64;
+ int iconY = (height - iconSize) / 2;
+ cString iconInfo, iconDelete, iconEdit;
+ if (active) {
+ iconInfo = (iconActive==0)?"info_active":"info_inactive";
+ iconDelete = (iconActive==1)?"delete_active":"delete_inactive";
+ iconEdit = (iconActive==2)?"edit_active":"edit_inactive";
+ } else {
+ iconInfo = "info_inactive";
+ iconDelete = "delete_inactive";
+ iconEdit = "edit_inactive";
+ }
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(iconInfo, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconsX, iconY), icon);
+ iconsX += iconSize + 5;
+ }
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(iconDelete, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconsX, iconY), icon);
+ iconsX += iconSize + 5;
+ }
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(iconEdit, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconsX, iconY), icon);
+ iconsX += iconSize + 5;
+ }
+ return iconsX;
+void cRecMenuItemTimer::DrawTimerConflict(void) {
+ int widthConfl = 30 * width / 100;
+ int xConfl = width - widthConfl;
+ int heightConflBar = height / 4;
+ int yConflBar = (height - heightConflBar) / 2;
+ pixmapStatus->DrawRectangle(cRect(xConfl, 0, widthConfl, height), theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictBackground));
+ int completeWidthSecs = conflictStop - conflictStart;
+ int xConfBar = xConfl + (timer->StartTime() - conflictStart) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ int widthConfBar = (timer->StopTime() - timer->StartTime()) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ pixmapStatus->DrawRectangle(cRect(xConfBar, yConflBar, widthConfBar, heightConflBar), theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictBar));
+ int xOverlap = xConfl + (overlapStart - conflictStart) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ int widthOverlap = (overlapStop - overlapStart) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ pixmapIcons->DrawRectangle(cRect(xOverlap, 0, widthOverlap, height), theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictOverlap));
+ pixmapStatus->DrawRectangle(cRect(xConfl-3,2,1,height-4), theme.Color(clrBorder));
+ pixmapStatus->DrawRectangle(cRect(xConfl-2,0,2,height), theme.Color(clrBackground));
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ if (iconActive > 0) {
+ iconActive--;
+ DrawIcons();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ } else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight:
+ if (iconActive < 2) {
+ iconActive++;
+ DrawIcons();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ } else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kOk:
+ if (iconActive == 0)
+ return action;
+ else if (iconActive == 1)
+ return action2;
+ else if (iconActive == 2)
+ return action3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader(time_t conflictStart,
+ time_t conflictStop,
+ time_t overlapStart,
+ time_t overlapStop) {
+ selectable = false;
+ active = false;
+ this->conflictStart = conflictStart;
+ this->conflictStop = conflictStop;
+ this->overlapStart = overlapStart;
+ this->overlapStop = overlapStop;
+ height = 3*font->Height()/2;
+ pixmapStatus = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::~cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader(void) {
+ if (pixmapStatus)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapStatus);
+void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapStatus = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapStatus->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapStatus->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapStatus->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::setBackground(void) {
+ pixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::Draw(void) {
+ int widthConfl = 30 * width / 100;
+ int xConfl = width - widthConfl;
+ cString headerText = tr("Timer Conflict");
+ int xHeader = (xConfl - font->Width(*headerText)) / 2;
+ int yHeader = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(xHeader, yHeader), *headerText, theme.Color(clrFont), clrTransparent, font);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(xConfl, 0, widthConfl, height), theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictBackground));
+ int completeWidthSecs = conflictStop - conflictStart;
+ int xOverlap = xConfl + (overlapStart - conflictStart) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ int yOverlap = height - fontSmall->Height();
+ int widthOverlap = (overlapStop - overlapStart) * widthConfl / completeWidthSecs;
+ pixmapStatus->DrawRectangle(cRect(xOverlap, yOverlap, widthOverlap, height), theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictOverlap));
+ cString strConflStart = TimeString(conflictStart);
+ cString strConflStop = TimeString(conflictStop);
+ cString strOverlapStart = TimeString(overlapStart);
+ cString strOverlapStop = TimeString(overlapStop);
+ int y1 = 5;
+ int y2 = yOverlap;
+ int xConflStart = xConfl + 2;
+ int xConflStop = width - fontSmall->Width(*strConflStop) - 2;
+ int xOverlapStart = xOverlap - fontSmall->Width(*strOverlapStart) - 2;
+ int xOverlapStop = xOverlap + widthOverlap + 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(xConflStart, y1), *strConflStart, theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictBar), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(xConflStop, y1), *strConflStop, theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictBar), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(xOverlapStart, y2), *strOverlapStart, theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictOverlap), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(xOverlapStop, y2), *strOverlapStop, theme.Color(clrRecMenuTimerConflictOverlap), clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+// --- cRecMenuItemEvent -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemEvent::cRecMenuItemEvent(const cEvent *event,
+ eRecMenuState action1,
+ eRecMenuState action2,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->event = event;
+ this->action = action1;
+ this->action2 = action2;
+ iconActive = 0;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = font->Height() + 2*fontSmall->Height() + 10;
+ pixmapText = NULL;
+ pixmapIcons = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemEvent::~cRecMenuItemEvent(void) {
+ if (pixmapIcons)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapIcons);
+ if (pixmapText)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapText);
+void cRecMenuItemEvent::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapIcons = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapIcons->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapIcons->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemEvent::Draw(void) {
+ if (!event)
+ return;
+ int logoX = DrawIcons();
+ const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID());
+ cString channelName("");
+ if (channel) {
+ channelName = channel->Name();
+ }
+ int logoWidth = height * tvguideConfig.logoWidthRatio / tvguideConfig.logoHeightRatio;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (!tvguideConfig.hideChannelLogos) {
+ if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(*channelName, logoWidth, height)) {
+ cImage logo = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapText->DrawImage(cPoint(logoX, 0), logo);
+ logoX += logoWidth + 5;
+ }
+ }
+ int textX = logoX;
+ int textHeightLine1 = 5;
+ int textHeightLine2 = 5 + fontSmall->Height();
+ int textHeightLine3 = height - fontSmall->Height() - 5;
+ cString title = event->Title();
+ cString desc = event->ShortText();
+ cString start = DayDateTime(event->StartTime());
+ cString end = event->GetEndTimeString();
+ colorText = active?theme.Color(clrFontActive):theme.Color(clrFont);
+ cString info = cString::sprintf("%s - %s, %s", *start, *end, *channelName);
+ pixmapText->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine1), *info, colorText, clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+ pixmapText->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine2), *title, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ pixmapText->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textHeightLine3), *desc, colorText, clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+int cRecMenuItemEvent::DrawIcons(void) {
+ pixmapIcons->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ int iconsX = 10;
+ int iconSize = 64;
+ int iconY = (height - iconSize) / 2;
+ cString iconInfo, iconRecord;
+ if (active) {
+ iconInfo = (iconActive==0)?"info_active":"info_inactive";
+ if (action2 != rmsDisabled)
+ iconRecord = (iconActive==1)?"record_active":"record_inactive";
+ } else {
+ iconInfo = "info_inactive";
+ if (action2 != rmsDisabled)
+ iconRecord = "record_inactive";
+ }
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(iconInfo, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconsX, iconY), icon);
+ iconsX += iconSize + 5;
+ }
+ if ((action2 != rmsDisabled) && imgLoader.LoadIcon(iconRecord, iconSize)) {
+ cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconsX, iconY), icon);
+ iconsX += iconSize + 5;
+ }
+ return iconsX;
+void cRecMenuItemEvent::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapText->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapIcons->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemEvent::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapText->SetLayer(5);
+ pixmapIcons->SetLayer(6);
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemEvent::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ bool consumed = false;
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft:
+ if (action2 == rmsDisabled)
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ if (iconActive == 1) {
+ iconActive = 0;
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ DrawIcons();
+ if (consumed)
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break;
+ case kRight: {
+ if (action2 == rmsDisabled)
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ if (iconActive == 0) {
+ iconActive = 1;
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ DrawIcons();
+ if (consumed)
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ else
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case kOk:
+ if (iconActive == 0)
+ return action;
+ else if (iconActive == 1)
+ return action2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemChannelChooser -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::cRecMenuItemChannelChooser(cString text,
+ cChannel *initialChannel,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->channel = initialChannel;
+ if (initialChannel)
+ initialChannelSet = true;
+ else
+ initialChannelSet = false;
+ channelNumber = 0;
+ fresh = true;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 2 * font->Height();
+ pixmapChannel = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::~cRecMenuItemChannelChooser(void) {
+ if (pixmapChannel)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapChannel);
+void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapChannel = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapChannel->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapChannel->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapChannel->SetLayer(5);
+void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawValue();
+void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::DrawValue(void) {
+ pixmapChannel->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ if (channel) {
+ cString textVal = cString::sprintf("%d - %s", channel->Number(), channel->Name());
+ int textX = width - font->Width(*textVal) - 10;
+ pixmapChannel->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), *textVal, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ int logoWidth = height * tvguideConfig.logoWidthRatio / tvguideConfig.logoHeightRatio;
+ int logoX = textX - logoWidth - 10;
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(channel->Name(), logoWidth, height)) {
+ cImage logo = imgLoader.GetImage();
+ pixmapChannel->DrawImage(cPoint(logoX, 0), logo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cString textVal = tr("all Channels");
+ int textX = width - font->Width(*textVal) - 10;
+ pixmapChannel->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), *textVal, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ }
+int cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::GetIntValue(void) {
+ if (channel)
+ return channel->Number();
+ return 0;
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft: {
+ fresh = true;
+ if (!channel)
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ cChannel *prev = channel;
+ cChannel *firstChannel = Channels.First();
+ if(firstChannel->GroupSep())
+ firstChannel = Channels.Next(firstChannel);
+ if (prev == firstChannel) {
+ if (!initialChannelSet)
+ channel = NULL;
+ } else {
+ while (prev = Channels.Prev(prev)) {
+ if(!prev->GroupSep()) {
+ channel = prev;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case kRight: {
+ fresh = true;
+ if (!channel) {
+ channel = Channels.First();
+ if(channel->GroupSep())
+ channel = Channels.Next(channel);
+ } else {
+ cChannel *next = channel;
+ while (next = Channels.Next(next)) {
+ if(!next->GroupSep()) {
+ channel = next;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DrawValue();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case k0 ... k9: {
+ if (fresh) {
+ channelNumber = 0;
+ fresh = false;
+ }
+ channelNumber = channelNumber * 10 + (Key - k0);
+ cChannel *chanNew = Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber);
+ if (chanNew) {
+ channel = chanNew;
+ DrawValue();
+ }
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemDayChooser -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemDayChooser::cRecMenuItemDayChooser(cString text,
+ int weekdays,
+ bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->text = text;
+ this->weekdays = weekdays;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = 2 * font->Height();
+ selectedDay = 0;
+ pixmapWeekdays = NULL;
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemDayChooser::~cRecMenuItemDayChooser(void) {
+ if (pixmapWeekdays)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapWeekdays);
+ if (pixmapWeekdaysSelect)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapWeekdaysSelect);
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapWeekdays = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect = osdManager.requestPixmap(6, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapWeekdays->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+ SetSizes();
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapWeekdays->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapWeekdays->SetLayer(5);
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect->SetLayer(6);
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::SetSizes(void) {
+ days = trVDR("MTWTFSS");
+ int maxWidth = 0;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<days.length(); ++i) {
+ int charWidth = font->Width(;
+ if (charWidth > maxWidth)
+ maxWidth = charWidth;
+ }
+ daysSize = min(maxWidth + 15, height-4);
+ daysX = width - 10 - 7*daysSize;
+ daysY = (height - daysSize) / 2;
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::setBackground() {
+ cRecMenuItem::setBackground();
+ if (active) {
+ DrawHighlight(selectedDay);
+ } else {
+ DrawHighlight(-1);
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::Draw(void) {
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(10, textY), *text, colorText, colorTextBack, font);
+ DrawDays();
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::DrawDays(void) {
+ pixmapWeekdays->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ int textY = (height - font->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapWeekdays->DrawRectangle(cRect(daysX, daysY, 7*daysSize, daysSize), theme.Color(clrBorder));
+ int currentX = daysX;
+ for (unsigned day=0; day<days.length(); ++day) {
+ cString strDay = cString::sprintf("%c",;
+ pixmapWeekdays->DrawRectangle(cRect(currentX+2, daysY+2, daysSize-4, daysSize-4), theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ tColor colorDay = WeekDaySet(day)?theme.Color(clrRecMenuDayActive)
+ :theme.Color(clrRecMenuDayInactive);
+ int textX = currentX + (daysSize - font->Width(*strDay)) / 2;
+ pixmapWeekdays->DrawText(cPoint(textX, textY), *strDay, colorDay, clrTransparent, font);
+ currentX += daysSize;
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::DrawHighlight(int day) {
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if (day > -1) {
+ int currentX = daysX + day*daysSize;
+ pixmapWeekdaysSelect->DrawRectangle(cRect(currentX, daysY, daysSize, daysSize), theme.Color(clrRecMenuDayHighlight));
+ }
+bool cRecMenuItemDayChooser::WeekDaySet(unsigned day) {
+ return weekdays & (1 << day);
+void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::ToggleDay(void) {
+ bool dayActive = WeekDaySet(selectedDay);
+ int dayBit = pow(2, selectedDay);
+ if (dayActive) {
+ weekdays -= dayBit;
+ } else {
+ weekdays += dayBit;
+ }
+eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemDayChooser::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kLeft: {
+ selectedDay--;
+ if (selectedDay<0)
+ selectedDay += 7;
+ DrawHighlight(selectedDay);
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case kRight: {
+ selectedDay = (selectedDay+1)%7;
+ DrawHighlight(selectedDay);
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break; }
+ case kOk:
+ ToggleDay();
+ DrawDays();
+ return rmsConsumed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rmsNotConsumed;
+// --- cRecMenuItemRecording -------------------------------------------------------
+cRecMenuItemRecording::cRecMenuItemRecording(cRecording *recording, bool active) {
+ selectable = true;
+ this->recording = recording;
+ this->active = active;
+ height = font->Height() + 2*fontSmall->Height() + 10;
+ pixmapText = NULL;
+cRecMenuItemRecording::~cRecMenuItemRecording(void) {
+ if (pixmapText)
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapText);
+void cRecMenuItemRecording::SetPixmaps(void) {
+ if (!pixmap) {
+ pixmap = osdManager.requestPixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText = osdManager.requestPixmap(5, cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ } else {
+ pixmap->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ pixmapText->SetViewPort(cRect(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+void cRecMenuItemRecording::Draw(void) {
+ if (!recording)
+ return;
+ const cRecordingInfo *recInfo = recording->Info();
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(recInfo->ChannelID());
+ cString channelName = tr("unknown channel");
+ if (channel)
+ channelName = channel->Name();
+ cString name = recording->Name();
+ cString dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s, %s", *DateString(recording->Start()), *TimeString(recording->Start()));
+ int recDuration = recording->LengthInSeconds() / 60;
+ cString recDetails = cString::sprintf("%s: %d %s, %s %s %s \"%s\"", tr("Duration"), recDuration, tr("min"), tr("recorded at"), *dateTime, tr("from"), *channelName);
+ recDetails = CutText(*recDetails, width - 40, fontSmall).c_str();
+ int text1Y = (height/2 - font->Height()) / 2 + 5;
+ int text2Y = height/2 + (height/2 - fontSmall->Height())/2 - 5;
+ colorText = active?theme.Color(clrFontActive):theme.Color(clrFont);
+ pixmapText->DrawText(cPoint(10, text1Y), *name, colorText, clrTransparent, font);
+ pixmapText->DrawText(cPoint(10, text2Y), *recDetails, colorText, clrTransparent, fontSmall);
+void cRecMenuItemRecording::Hide(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(-1);
+ pixmapText->SetLayer(-1);
+void cRecMenuItemRecording::Show(void) {
+ pixmap->SetLayer(4);
+ pixmapText->SetLayer(5);