path: root/timeline.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'timeline.c')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/timeline.c b/timeline.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2275fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/timeline.c
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "timeline.h"
+cTimeLine::cTimeLine(cMyTime *myTime) {
+ this->myTime = myTime;
+ dateViewer = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(3, cRect(0, 0, tvguideConfig.timeColWidth, tvguideConfig.headerHeight), cRect::Null, "dateViewer"), "dateViewer");
+ timeline = osdManager.requestPixmap(2, cRect(0, tvguideConfig.headerHeight, tvguideConfig.timeColWidth, tvguideConfig.osdHeight - tvguideConfig.headerHeight - tvguideConfig.footerHeight),
+ cRect(0,0, tvguideConfig.timeColWidth, 1440*tvguideConfig.minuteHeight), "timeline");
+ clock = new cStyledPixmap(osdManager.requestPixmap(3, cRect(0, tvguideConfig.osdHeight-tvguideConfig.footerHeight, tvguideConfig.timeColWidth, tvguideConfig.footerHeight-9), cRect::Null, "timeViewer"), "timeViewer");
+cTimeLine::~cTimeLine(void) {
+ delete dateViewer;
+ osdManager.releasePixmap(timeline);
+ delete clock;
+void cTimeLine::drawDateViewer() {
+ cString weekDay = myTime->GetWeekday();
+ cString date = myTime->GetDate();
+ int textHeight = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineWeekday->Height();
+ int weekdayWidth = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineWeekday->Width(*weekDay);
+ int dateWidth = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineDate->Width(*date);
+ dateViewer->setColor(theme.Color(clrHeader), theme.Color(clrHeaderBlending));
+ dateViewer->drawBackground();
+ dateViewer->drawBorder();
+ dateViewer->DrawText(cPoint((tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-weekdayWidth)/2, (tvguideConfig.headerHeight-2*textHeight)/2), *weekDay, theme.Color(clrFontHeader), clrTransparent, tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineWeekday);
+ dateViewer->DrawText(cPoint((tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-dateWidth)/2, (tvguideConfig.headerHeight-2*textHeight)/2 + textHeight + 5), *date, theme.Color(clrFontHeader), clrTransparent, tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineDate);
+void cTimeLine::drawTimeline() {
+ timeline->SetTile(true);
+ timeline->Fill(theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ tColor colorFont;
+ const cImage *img1 = createBackgroundImage(tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-4, tvguideConfig.minuteHeight*30, theme.Color(clrTimeline1), theme.Color(clrTimeline1Blending));
+ const cImage *img2 = createBackgroundImage(tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-4, tvguideConfig.minuteHeight*30, theme.Color(clrTimeline2), theme.Color(clrTimeline2Blending));
+ const cImage *img = NULL;
+ int textWidth, posY;
+ char timetext[10];
+ for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
+ if (i%2==0) {
+ img = img1;
+ colorFont = theme.Color(clrTimeline2);
+ if (tvguideConfig.timeFormat == e12Hours) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ sprintf(timetext, "12:00 PM");
+ else if (i/2 < 13)
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:00 AM", i/2);
+ else
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:00 PM", i/2-12);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:00", i/2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ img = img2;
+ colorFont = theme.Color(clrTimeline1);
+ if (tvguideConfig.timeFormat == e12Hours) {
+ if (i == 1)
+ sprintf(timetext, "12:30 PM");
+ else if (i/2 < 13)
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:30 AM", i/2);
+ else
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:30 PM", i/2-12);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(timetext, "%d:30", i/2);
+ }
+ }
+ posY = i*tvguideConfig.minuteHeight*30;
+ timeline->DrawImage(cPoint(2, posY), *img);
+ textWidth = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineTime->Width(timetext);
+ timeline->DrawText(cPoint((tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-textWidth)/2, posY + 5), timetext, colorFont, clrTransparent, tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineTime);
+ }
+ setTimeline();
+ delete img1;
+ delete img2;
+cImage *cTimeLine::createBackgroundImage(int width, int height, tColor clrBgr, tColor clrBlend) {
+ cImage *image = new cImage(cSize(width, height));
+ image->Fill(clrBgr);
+ if (tvguideConfig.useBlending) {
+ int stepY = 0.5*height / 64;
+ int alpha = 0x00;
+ tColor clr;
+ for (int i = 0; i<64; i++) {
+ clr = AlphaBlend(clrBgr, clrBlend, alpha);
+ for (int y = i*stepY; y < (i+1)*stepY; y++) {
+ for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
+ image->SetPixel(cPoint(x,y), clr);
+ }
+ }
+ alpha += 0x04;
+ }
+ }
+ return image;
+void cTimeLine::setTimeline() {
+ int offset = myTime->GetTimelineOffset();
+ timeline->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, -offset*tvguideConfig.minuteHeight));
+void cTimeLine::drawClock() {
+ cString currentTime = myTime->GetCurrentTime();
+ int textHeight = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineTime->Height();
+ int clockWidth = tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineTime->Width(*currentTime);
+ clock->setColor(theme.Color(clrHeader), theme.Color(clrHeaderBlending));
+ clock->drawBackground();
+ clock->drawBorder();
+ clock->DrawText(cPoint((tvguideConfig.timeColWidth-clockWidth)/2, (tvguideConfig.footerHeight-textHeight)/2), *currentTime, theme.Color(clrFontHeader), clrTransparent, tvguideConfig.FontTimeLineTime);
+} \ No newline at end of file