path: root/tvguideosd.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tvguideosd.c')
1 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvguideosd.c b/tvguideosd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fca65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvguideosd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// --- Theme -------------------------------------------------------------
+static cTheme theme;
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrBackgroundOSD, clrBlack);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrBackground, clrBlack);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrGrid1, 0xFF404749);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrGrid1Blending, 0xFF000000);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrGrid2, 0xFF20293F);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrGrid2Blending, 0xFF000000);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrHighlight, 0xFFFF4D00);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrHighlightBlending, 0xFF000000);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrFont, clrWhite);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrFontHeader, clrWhite);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrFontButtons, clrWhite);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrHeader, clrBlack);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrHeaderBlending, 0xFFE0E0E0);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrBorder, clrWhite);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline1, clrWhite);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline1Blending, 0xFF828282);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline2, clrBlack);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrTimeline2Blending, 0xFF3F3F3F);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonRed, 0xFFD42627);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonRedBlending, 0xFFE0E0E0);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonGreen, 0xFF004F00);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonGreenBlending, 0xFFE0E0E0);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonYellow, 0xFFffa300);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonYellowBlending, 0xFFE0E0E0);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonBlue, 0xFF0000fe);
+THEME_CLR(theme, clrButtonBlueBlending, 0xFFE0E0E0);
+#include "config.c"
+cTvguideConfig tvguideConfig;
+#include "osdmanager.c"
+cOsdManager osdManager;
+#include "setup.c"
+#include "imageloader.c"
+#include "styledpixmap.c"
+#include "timer.c"
+#include "messagebox.c"
+#include "timeline.c"
+#include "epggrid.c"
+#include "detailview.c"
+#include "channelcolumn.c"
+#include "footer.c"
+#include "tvguideosd.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+cTvGuideOsd::cTvGuideOsd(void) {
+ detailView = NULL;
+ detailViewActive = false;
+ timeLine = NULL;
+cTvGuideOsd::~cTvGuideOsd() {
+ delete myTime;
+ columns.Clear();
+ if (detailView)
+ delete detailView;
+ delete timeLine;
+ delete footer;
+ cMessageBox::Destroy();
+ osdManager.deleteOsd();
+void cTvGuideOsd::Show(void) {
+ int start = cTimeMs::Now();
+ bool ok = false;
+ ok = osdManager.setOsd();
+ if (ok) {
+ tvguideConfig.setDynamicValues(osdManager.Width(), osdManager.Height());
+ tvguideConfig.loadTheme();
+ osdManager.setBackground();
+ myTime = new cMyTime();
+ myTime->Now();
+ drawOsd();
+ }
+ esyslog("tvguide: Rendering took %d ms", int(cTimeMs::Now()-start));
+void cTvGuideOsd::drawOsd() {
+ cPixmap::Lock();
+ cChannel *startChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+ timeLine = new cTimeLine(myTime);
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawTimeline();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ footer = new cFooter();
+ footer->drawRedButton();
+ footer->drawGreenButton();
+ footer->drawYellowButton();
+ footer->drawBlueButton();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ readChannels(startChannel);
+ drawGridsChannelJump();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ cPixmap::Unlock();
+void cTvGuideOsd::readChannels(cChannel *channelStart) {
+ int i=0;
+ columns.Clear();
+ if (!channelStart)
+ return;
+ for (cChannel *channel = channelStart; channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) {
+ if (!channel->GroupSep()) {
+ cChannelColumn *column = new cChannelColumn(i, channel, myTime);
+ if (column->readGrids()) {
+ columns.Add(column);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ delete column;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == tvguideConfig.channelCols)
+ break;
+ }
+bool cTvGuideOsd::readChannelsReverse(cChannel *channelStart) {
+ bool doUpdate = false;
+ int i = tvguideConfig.channelCols;
+ if (!channelStart)
+ return false;
+ for (cChannel *channel = Channels.Prev(channelStart); channel; channel = Channels.Prev(channel)) {
+ if (!channel->GroupSep()) {
+ cChannelColumn *column = new cChannelColumn(i-1, channel, myTime);
+ if (column->readGrids()) {
+ if (i == tvguideConfig.channelCols) {
+ columns.Clear();
+ doUpdate = true;
+ }
+ columns.Ins(column, columns.First());
+ i--;
+ } else {
+ delete column;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return doUpdate;
+void cTvGuideOsd::drawGridsChannelJump() {
+ if (columns.Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ activeGrid = columns.First()->getActive();
+ if (activeGrid)
+ activeGrid->SetActive();
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->createHeader();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+void cTvGuideOsd::drawGridsTimeJump() {
+ if (columns.Count() == 0)
+ return;
+ cChannelColumn *colActive = NULL;
+ if (activeGrid) {
+ colActive = activeGrid->column;
+ } else {
+ colActive = columns.First();
+ }
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->clearGrids();
+ column->readGrids();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+ activeGrid = colActive->getActive();
+ if (activeGrid) {
+ activeGrid->SetActive();
+ activeGrid->Draw();
+ }
+void cTvGuideOsd::setNextActiveGrid(cEpgGrid *next) {
+ if (!next || !activeGrid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ activeGrid->SetInActive();
+ activeGrid->Draw();
+ activeGrid = next;
+ activeGrid->SetActive();
+ activeGrid->Draw();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyUp() {
+ if (detailViewActive) {
+ detailView->scrollUp();
+ } else {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL) {
+ ScrollBack();
+ //Search for new active Grid
+ cEpgGrid *actGrid = NULL;
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ actGrid = column->getActive();
+ if (actGrid) {
+ activeGrid = actGrid;
+ activeGrid->SetActive();
+ activeGrid->Draw();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (activeGrid->StartTime() <= myTime->GetStart()) {
+ activeGrid->debug();
+ ScrollBack();
+ } else {
+ cEpgGrid *prev = NULL;
+ prev = activeGrid->column->getPrev(activeGrid);
+ if (prev) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(prev);
+ } else {
+ ScrollBack();
+ prev = activeGrid->column->getPrev(activeGrid);
+ if (prev) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(prev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyDown() {
+ if (detailViewActive) {
+ detailView->scrollDown();
+ } else {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL) {
+ ScrollForward();
+ } else if (activeGrid->EndTime() > myTime->GetStop()) {
+ ScrollForward();
+ } else {
+ cEpgGrid *next = NULL;
+ next = activeGrid->column->getNext(activeGrid);
+ if (next) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(next);
+ } else {
+ ScrollForward();
+ next = activeGrid->column->getNext(activeGrid);
+ if (next) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(next);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::ScrollForward() {
+ myTime->AddStep(tvguideConfig.stepMinutes);
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->AddNewGridsAtEnd();
+ column->ClearOutdatedStart();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+void cTvGuideOsd::ScrollBack() {
+ bool tooFarInPast = myTime->DelStep(tvguideConfig.stepMinutes);
+ if (tooFarInPast)
+ return;
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->AddNewGridsAtStart();
+ column->ClearOutdatedEnd();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyLeft() {
+ if (detailViewActive)
+ return;
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return;
+ cChannelColumn *colLeft = columns.Prev(activeGrid->column);
+ if (!colLeft) {
+ cChannel *channelLeft = activeGrid->column->getChannel();
+ while (channelLeft = Channels.Prev(channelLeft)) {
+ if (!channelLeft->GroupSep()) {
+ colLeft = new cChannelColumn(0, channelLeft, myTime);
+ if (colLeft->readGrids()) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ delete colLeft;
+ colLeft = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (colLeft) {
+ if (columns.Count() == tvguideConfig.channelCols) {
+ cChannelColumn *cLast = columns.Last();
+ columns.Del(cLast);
+ }
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->SetNum(column->GetNum() + 1);
+ column->drawHeader();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+ columns.Ins(colLeft, columns.First());
+ colLeft->createHeader();
+ colLeft->drawGrids();
+ }
+ }
+ if (colLeft) {
+ cEpgGrid *left = colLeft->getNeighbor(activeGrid);
+ if (left) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(left);
+ }
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyRight() {
+ if (detailViewActive)
+ return;
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return;
+ cChannelColumn *colRight = columns.Next(activeGrid->column);
+ if (!colRight) {
+ cChannel *channelRight = activeGrid->column->getChannel();
+ while (channelRight = Channels.Next(channelRight)) {
+ if (!channelRight->GroupSep()) {
+ colRight = new cChannelColumn(tvguideConfig.channelCols - 1, channelRight, myTime);
+ if (colRight->readGrids()) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ delete colRight;
+ colRight = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (colRight) {
+ if (columns.Count() == tvguideConfig.channelCols) {
+ cChannelColumn *cFirst = columns.First();
+ columns.Del(cFirst);
+ }
+ for (cChannelColumn *column = columns.First(); column; column = columns.Next(column)) {
+ column->SetNum(column->GetNum() - 1);
+ column->drawHeader();
+ column->drawGrids();
+ }
+ columns.Add(colRight);
+ colRight->createHeader();
+ colRight->drawGrids();
+ }
+ }
+ if (colRight) {
+ cEpgGrid *right = colRight->getNeighbor(activeGrid);
+ if (right) {
+ setNextActiveGrid(right);
+ }
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyOk() {
+ if (detailViewActive) {
+ delete detailView;
+ detailView = NULL;
+ detailViewActive = false;
+ osdManager.flush();
+ } else {
+ detailViewActive = true;
+ detailView = new cDetailView(activeGrid);
+ detailView->Start();
+ }
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyRed() {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return;
+ cTimer *timer = new cTimer(activeGrid->GetEvent());
+ cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer);
+ cString msg;
+ if (t) {
+ isyslog("timer %s already exists", *timer->ToDescr());
+ delete timer;
+ msg = cString::sprintf(tr("Timer not set! There is already a timer for this item."));
+ } else {
+ Timers.Add(timer);
+ Timers.SetModified();
+ msg = cString::sprintf("%s:\n%s (%s) %s - %s", tr("Timer set"), activeGrid->GetEvent()->Title(), timer->Channel()->Name(), *DayDateTime(timer->StartTime()), *TimeString(timer->StopTime()));
+ timer->SetEvent(activeGrid->GetEvent());
+ activeGrid->setTimer();
+ activeGrid->column->setTimer();
+ activeGrid->SetDirty();
+ activeGrid->Draw();
+ osdManager.flush();
+ isyslog("timer %s added (active)", *timer->ToDescr());
+ }
+ cMessageBox::Start(4000, msg);
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyGreen() {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return;
+ cChannel *currentChannel = activeGrid->column->getChannel();
+ bool doUpdate = readChannelsReverse(currentChannel);
+ if (doUpdate && (columns.Count() > 0)) {
+ drawGridsChannelJump();
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKeyYellow() {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return;
+ cChannel *currentChannel = activeGrid->column->getChannel();
+ cChannel *next = NULL;
+ int i=0;
+ for (cChannel *channel = currentChannel; channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) {
+ if (!channel->GroupSep()) {
+ next = channel;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == (tvguideConfig.jumpChannels+1))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (next) {
+ readChannels(next);
+ if (columns.Count() > 0) {
+ drawGridsChannelJump();
+ }
+ osdManager.flush();
+ }
+eOSState cTvGuideOsd::processKeyBlue() {
+ if (activeGrid == NULL)
+ return osContinue;
+ cChannel *currentChannel = activeGrid->column->getChannel();
+ if (currentChannel) {
+ cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(currentChannel, true);
+ return osEnd;
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey1() {
+ bool tooFarInPast = myTime->DelStep(tvguideConfig.bigStepHours*60);
+ if (tooFarInPast)
+ return;
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey3() {
+ myTime->AddStep(tvguideConfig.bigStepHours*60);
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey4() {
+ bool tooFarInPast = myTime->DelStep(tvguideConfig.hugeStepHours*60);
+ if (tooFarInPast)
+ return;
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey6() {
+ myTime->AddStep(tvguideConfig.hugeStepHours*60);
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey7() {
+ cMyTime *primeChecker = new cMyTime();
+ primeChecker->Now();
+ time_t prevPrime = primeChecker->getPrevPrimetime(myTime->GetStart());
+ if (primeChecker->tooFarInPast(prevPrime))
+ return;
+ myTime->SetTime(prevPrime);
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+void cTvGuideOsd::processKey9() {
+ cMyTime *primeChecker = new cMyTime();
+ time_t nextPrime = primeChecker->getNextPrimetime(myTime->GetStart());
+ myTime->SetTime(nextPrime);
+ drawGridsTimeJump();
+ timeLine->drawDateViewer();
+ timeLine->drawClock();
+ timeLine->setTimeline();
+ osdManager.flush();
+eOSState cTvGuideOsd::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
+ eOSState state = cOsdObject::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ cPixmap::Lock();
+ state = osContinue;
+ switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) {
+ case kUp: processKeyUp(); break;
+ case kDown: processKeyDown(); break;
+ case kLeft: processKeyLeft(); break;
+ case kRight: processKeyRight(); break;
+ case kRed: processKeyRed(); break;
+ case kGreen: processKeyGreen(); break;
+ case kYellow: processKeyYellow(); break;
+ case kBlue: state = processKeyBlue(); break;
+ case kOk: processKeyOk(); break;
+ case kBack: state=osEnd; break;
+ case k1: processKey1(); break;
+ case k3: processKey3(); break;
+ case k4: processKey4(); break;
+ case k6: processKey6(); break;
+ case k7: processKey7(); break;
+ case k9: processKey9(); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ cPixmap::Unlock();
+ }
+ return state;
+} \ No newline at end of file