#include "recmenu.h" #include "recmenus.h" #include "switchtimer.h" #include "recmenumanager.h" cRecMenuManager::cRecMenuManager(void) { active = false; activeMenu = NULL; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; recManager = new cRecManager(); recManager->SetEPGSearchPlugin(); instantRecord = false; folderChoosen = false; currentConflict = -1; templateID = -1; timer = NULL; recFolder = ""; searchWithOptions = false; detailViewActive = false; } cRecMenuManager::~cRecMenuManager(void) { if (activeMenu) { active = false; delete activeMenu; activeMenu = NULL; } delete recManager; } void cRecMenuManager::Start(const cEvent *event) { active = true; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; instantRecord = false; folderChoosen = false; currentConflict = -1; templateID = -1; timer = NULL; recFolder = ""; searchWithOptions = false; detailViewActive = false; SetBackground(); this->event = event; activeMenu = new cRecMenuMain(recManager->EpgSearchAvailable(), recManager->CheckEventForTimer(event), SwitchTimers.EventInSwitchList(event)); activeMenu->Display(); osdManager.flush(); } void cRecMenuManager::Close(void) { event = NULL; active = false; if (activeMenu) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = NULL; } DeleteBackground(); } void cRecMenuManager::SetBackground(void) { int backgroundWidth = geoManager.osdWidth; int backgroundHeight = geoManager.osdHeight; pixmapBackground = osdManager.requestPixmap(3, cRect(0, 0, backgroundWidth, backgroundHeight)); pixmapBackground->Fill(theme.Color(clrRecMenuBackground)); if (tvguideConfig.scaleVideo) { int tvHeight = geoManager.statusHeaderHeight; int tvWidth = tvHeight * 16 / 9; int tvX = geoManager.osdWidth - tvWidth; pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(tvX, 0, tvWidth, tvHeight), clrTransparent); } } void cRecMenuManager::DeleteBackground(void) { osdManager.releasePixmap(pixmapBackground); } eOSState cRecMenuManager::StateMachine(eRecMenuState nextState) { eOSState state = osContinue; switch (nextState) { /* * --------- INSTANT RECORDING --------------------------- */ case rmsInstantRecord: { //Creating timer for active Event //if no conflict, confirm and exit instantRecord = true; cString folder = ""; if (folderChoosen) { int activeItem = activeMenu->GetActive(false); if (activeItem > 0) folder = activeMenu->GetStringValue(activeItem); } delete activeMenu; cTimer *timer = recManager->createTimer(event, *folder); if (!displayTimerConflict(timer)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsInstantRecordFolder: //Asking for Folder folderChoosen = true; delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuAskFolder(event, rmsInstantRecord); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsIgnoreTimerConflict: //Confirming created Timer if (instantRecord) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); } else { state = osEnd; Close(); } break; case rmsTimerConflictShowInfo: { int timerIndex = activeMenu->GetActive(true); int timerID = conflictList[currentConflict].timerIDs[timerIndex]; cTimer *t = Timers.Get(timerID); if (t) { const cEvent *ev = t->Event(); if (ev) { activeMenu->Hide(); detailView = new cDetailView(ev); detailView->drawHeader(); detailView->drawContent(); detailView->drawScrollbar(); detailViewActive = true; } } break;} case rmsDeleteTimerConflictMenu: { //delete timer out of current timer conflict //active menu: cRecMenuTimerConflict int timerIndex = activeMenu->GetActive(true); int timerID = conflictList[currentConflict].timerIDs[timerIndex]; recManager->DeleteTimer(timerID); delete activeMenu; if (!displayTimerConflict(timerID)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsEditTimerConflictMenu: { //edit timer out of current timer conflict //active menu: cRecMenuTimerConflict int activeItem = activeMenu->GetActive(true); int timerID = conflictList[currentConflict].timerIDs[activeItem]; timer = Timers.Get(timerID); if (timer) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuEditTimer(timer, rmsSaveTimerConflictMenu); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsSaveTimerConflictMenu: { //save timer from current timer conflict recManager->SaveTimer(timer, activeMenu); delete activeMenu; if (!displayTimerConflict(timer)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsDeleteTimer: //delete timer for active event delete activeMenu; if (recManager->IsRecorded(event)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuAskDeleteTimer(event); } else { recManager->DeleteTimer(event); activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmDeleteTimer(event); } activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsDeleteTimerConfirmation: //delete running timer for active event recManager->DeleteTimer(event); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmDeleteTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsEditTimer: { //edit timer for active event timer = recManager->GetTimerForEvent(event); if (timer) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuEditTimer(timer, rmsSaveTimer); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsSaveTimer: { //save timer for active event recManager->SaveTimer(timer, activeMenu); state = osEnd; Close(); break; } /* * --------- SERIES TIMER --------------------------------- */ case rmsSeriesTimer: { recFolder = ""; if (folderChoosen) { int activeItem = activeMenu->GetActive(false); if (activeItem > 0) recFolder = activeMenu->GetStringValue(activeItem); } delete activeMenu; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID()); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSeriesTimer(channel, event); activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSeriesTimerFolder: //Asking for Folder folderChoosen = true; delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuAskFolder(event, rmsSeriesTimer); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsSeriesTimerCreate: { cTimer *seriesTimer = recManager->CreateSeriesTimer(activeMenu, *recFolder); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuConfirmSeriesTimer(seriesTimer); activeMenu->Display(); break; } /* * --------- SEARCH TIMER --------------------------------- */ case rmsSearchTimer: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimer(event); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsSearchTimerOptions: { searchString = *activeMenu->GetStringValue(1); delete activeMenu; if (isempty(*searchString)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimer(event); } else { epgSearchTemplates = recManager->ReadEPGSearchTemplates(); int numTemplates = epgSearchTemplates.size(); if (numTemplates > 0) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerTemplates(searchString, epgSearchTemplates); } else { activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerOptions(searchString); } } activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSearchTimerOptionsReload: { int numTemplates = epgSearchTemplates.size(); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerTemplates(searchString, epgSearchTemplates); activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSearchTimerUseTemplate: { templateID = activeMenu->GetActive(true) - 1; delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerTemplatesCreate(searchString, epgSearchTemplates[templateID].name.c_str()); activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSearchTimerOptionsManually: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerOptions(searchString); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsSearchTimerTestTemplate: { std::string epgSearchString = recManager->BuildEPGSearchString(searchString, epgSearchTemplates[templateID].templValue); int numSearchResults = 0; const cEvent **searchResult = recManager->PerformSearchTimerSearch(epgSearchString, numSearchResults); if (searchResult) { activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerResults(searchString, searchResult, numSearchResults, epgSearchTemplates[templateID].name); activeMenu->Display(); } else { activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerNothingFound(searchString, epgSearchTemplates[templateID].name); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsSearchTimerTestManually: { std::string epgSearchString = recManager->BuildEPGSearchString(searchString, activeMenu); int numSearchResults = 0; const cEvent **searchResult = recManager->PerformSearchTimerSearch(epgSearchString, numSearchResults); if (searchResult) { activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerResults(searchString, searchResult, numSearchResults, ""); activeMenu->Display(); } else { activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerNothingFound(searchString, ""); activeMenu->Display(); } break; } case rmsSearchTimerNothingFoundConfirm: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = activeMenuBuffer; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; activeMenu->Show(); break; case rmsSearchTimerCreateManually: case rmsSearchTimerCreateTemplate: { std::string epgSearchString; if (nextState == rmsSearchTimerCreateManually) { epgSearchString = recManager->BuildEPGSearchString(searchString, activeMenu); } else if (nextState = rmsSearchTimerCreateTemplate) { epgSearchString = recManager->BuildEPGSearchString(searchString, epgSearchTemplates[templateID].templValue); } bool success = createSearchTimer(epgSearchString); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchTimerCreateConfirm(success); activeMenu->Display(); break; } /* * --------- SWITCH TIMER --------------------------------- */ case rmsSwitchTimer: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSwitchTimer(); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsSwitchTimerCreate: { bool success = recManager->CreateSwitchTimer(event, activeMenu); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSwitchTimerConfirm(success); activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSwitchTimerDelete: recManager->DeleteSwitchTimer(event); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSwitchTimerDelete(); activeMenu->Display(); break; /* * --------- RECORDINGS SEARCH --------------------------------- */ case rmsRecordingSearch: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuRecordingSearch(event); activeMenu->Display(); break; case rmsRecordingSearchResult: { searchString = activeMenu->GetStringValue(1); delete activeMenu; if (isempty(*searchString)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuRecordingSearch(event); } else { int numSearchResults = 0; cRecording **searchResult = recManager->SearchForRecordings(searchString, numSearchResults); if (numSearchResults == 0) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuRecordingSearchNotFound(searchString); } else { activeMenu = new cRecMenuRecordingSearchResults(searchString, searchResult, numSearchResults); } } activeMenu->Display(); break; } /* * --------- SEARCH --------------------------------- */ case rmsSearch: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearch(event); activeMenu->Display(); searchWithOptions = false; break; case rmsSearchWithOptions: { cString searchString = activeMenu->GetStringValue(1); delete activeMenu; if (isempty(*searchString)) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearch(event); } else { activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearch(event, *searchString); searchWithOptions = true; } activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSearchPerform: { cString searchString = activeMenu->GetStringValue(1); if (isempty(*searchString)) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearch(event); } else { int numSearchResults = 0; const cEvent **searchResult = recManager->PerformSearch(activeMenu, searchWithOptions, numSearchResults); if (searchResult) { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchResults(searchString, searchResult, numSearchResults); } else { activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchNothingFound(searchString); } } activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsSearchNothingFoundConfirm: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = activeMenuBuffer; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; activeMenu->Show(); break; case rmsSearchShowInfo: { const cEvent *ev = activeMenu->GetEventValue(activeMenu->GetActive(false)); if (ev) { activeMenu->Hide(); detailView = new cDetailView(ev); detailView->drawHeader(); detailView->drawContent(); detailView->drawScrollbar(); detailViewActive = true; } break;} case rmsSearchRecord: { const cEvent *ev = activeMenu->GetEventValue(activeMenu->GetActive(false)); cTimer *timer = recManager->createTimer(ev, ""); activeMenuBuffer = activeMenu; activeMenuBuffer->Hide(); activeMenu = new cRecMenuSearchConfirmTimer(ev); activeMenu->Display(); break;} case rmsSearchRecordConfirm: delete activeMenu; activeMenu = activeMenuBuffer; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; activeMenu->Show(); break; /* * --------- CHECK FOR TIMER CONFLICTS --------------------------------- */ case rmsTimerConflicts: { //Show timer conflict //active menu: cRecMenuTimerConflicts conflictList = recManager->CheckTimerConflict(); delete activeMenu; int numConflicts = conflictList.size(); if (numConflicts > 0) { activeMenu = new cRecMenuTimerConflicts(conflictList); } else { activeMenu = new cRecMenuNoTimerConflict(); } activeMenu->Display(); break; } case rmsTimerConflict: //Show timer conflict //active menu: cRecMenuTimerConflicts currentConflict = activeMenu->GetActive(true); delete activeMenu; activeMenu = new cRecMenuTimerConflict(conflictList[currentConflict]); activeMenu->Display(); break; /* * --------- COMMON --------------------------------- */ case rmsClose: { if (activeMenuBuffer == NULL) { state = osEnd; Close(); } else { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = activeMenuBuffer; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; activeMenu->Show(); state = osContinue; } break; } default: break; } return state; } bool cRecMenuManager::displayTimerConflict(cTimer *timer) { int timerID = 0; for (cTimer *t = Timers.First(); t; t = Timers.Next(t)) { if (t == timer) return displayTimerConflict(timerID); timerID++; } return false; } bool cRecMenuManager::displayTimerConflict(int timerID) { conflictList = recManager->CheckTimerConflict(); int numConflicts = conflictList.size(); int showTimerConflict = -1; if (numConflicts > 0) { for (int i=0; i<numConflicts; i++) { if (conflictList[i].timerInvolved(timerID)) { showTimerConflict = i; break; } } } if (showTimerConflict > -1) { currentConflict = showTimerConflict; activeMenu = new cRecMenuTimerConflict(conflictList[currentConflict]); activeMenu->Display(); return true; } return false; } bool cRecMenuManager::createSearchTimer(std::string epgSearchString) { int newTimerID = recManager->CreateSearchTimer(epgSearchString); bool success = false; if (newTimerID > -1) { recManager->UpdateSearchTimers(); success = true; } return success; } eOSState cRecMenuManager::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = osContinue; eRecMenuState nextState = rmsContinue; if (!activeMenu) return state; if (detailViewActive) { state = detailView->ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osEnd) { delete detailView; detailView = NULL; detailViewActive = false; activeMenu->Show(); state = osContinue; } } else { nextState = activeMenu->ProcessKey(Key); if ((nextState == rmsClose) || ((nextState == rmsNotConsumed)&&(Key == kBack))){ if (activeMenuBuffer == NULL) { state = osEnd; Close(); } else { delete activeMenu; activeMenu = activeMenuBuffer; activeMenuBuffer = NULL; activeMenu->Show(); state = osContinue; osdManager.flush(); } return state; } state = StateMachine(nextState); } osdManager.flush(); return state; }