path: root/templates
diff options
authorlouis <>2015-03-12 17:22:16 +0100
committerlouis <>2015-03-12 17:22:16 +0100
commit3cc8e78e1bf00e16b49520ac416b74b5fd73c906 (patch)
tree4425c4eb4b9833d927aae2f65d0f3a99d3792f83 /templates
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
3 files changed, 579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/plug-tvguideng-detail.xml b/templates/plug-tvguideng-detail.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d4af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/plug-tvguideng-detail.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
+<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <viewelement name="background">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables scrollbar:
+ {height} height of scrollbar in tenth of a percent of total height
+ {offset} offset in tenth of a percent of total height
+ -->
+ <scrollbar>
+ </scrollbar>
+ <!-- Available Variables Footer:
+ {red1} true if red button is button 1
+ {red2} true if red button is button 2
+ {red3} true if red button is button 3
+ {red4} true if red button is button 4
+ {green1} true if green button is button 1
+ {green2} true if green button is button 2
+ {green3} true if green button is button 3
+ {green4} true if green button is button 4
+ {yellow1} true if yellow button is button 1
+ {yellow2} true if yellow button is button 2
+ {yellow3} true if yellow button is button 3
+ {yellow4} true if yellow button is button 4
+ {blue1} true if blue button is button 1
+ {blue2} true if blue button is button 2
+ {blue3} true if blue button is button 3
+ {blue4} true if blue button is button 4
+ {red} label of red button
+ {green} label of green button
+ {yellow} label of yellow button
+ {blue} label of blue button
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="footer">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables time:
+ {time} timestring in hh:mm
+ {sec} current seconds
+ {min} current minutes
+ {hour} current hours
+ {hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="time">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables in detailheader elements:
+ {title} title of event
+ {shorttext} shorttext of event
+ {start} event start time in hh::mm
+ {stop} event stop time
+ {day} Day of event as three letter abrivation
+ {date} date of current event in
+ {daynumeric} day as number
+ {month} month as number
+ {year} year as number
+ {running} true if event is currently running
+ {elapsed} elapsed time of event, if not running 0
+ {duration} duration of event
+ {durationhours} duration, full hours
+ {durationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
+ {vps} vps description string
+ {channelname} Channelname of event
+ {channelnumber} Channelnumber of event
+ {channellogoexists} true if a channel logo exists
+ {channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
+ {ismovie} true if event is scraped as a movie
+ {isseries} true if event is scraped as a series
+ {posteravailable} true if a poster is available
+ {posterwidth} width of scraped poster
+ {posterheight} height of scraped poster
+ {posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
+ {banneravailable} true if a banner is available
+ {bannerwidth} width of banner
+ {bannerheight} height of banner
+ {bannerpath} path of banner
+ {epgpicavailable} true if a epg picture is available
+ {epgpicpath} path of epg picture
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="header">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables in tab elements:
+ {title} title of event
+ {shorttext} shorttext of event
+ {description} description of event
+ {start} event start time in hh::mm
+ {stop} event stop time
+ {day} Day of event as three letter abrivation
+ {date} date of current event in
+ {daynumeric} day as number
+ {month} month as number
+ {year} year as number
+ {running} true if event is currently running
+ {elapsed} elapsed time of event, if not running 0
+ {duration} duration of event
+ {durationhours} duration, full hours
+ {durationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
+ {vps} vps description string
+ {channellogoexists} true if a channel logo exists
+ {channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
+ {hasreruns} true if reruns of this event are found
+ {reruns[]} array with reruns
+ {reruns[title]} title of rerun
+ {reruns[shorttext]} shorttext of rerun
+ {reruns[date]} date of rerun in dd:mm
+ {reruns[day]} short dayname of rerun
+ {reruns[start]} start time of rerun in hh:mm
+ {reruns[stop]} stop time of rerun in hh:mm
+ {reruns[channelname]} name of channel on which rerun occurs
+ {reruns[channelnumber]} number of channel on which rerun occurs
+ {reruns[channelid]} id of channel on which rerun occurs to display channel logo
+ {reruns[channellogoexists]} true if channel logo exists
+ {epgpic1avaialble} true if first epg picture is available
+ {epgpic2avaialble} true if first epg picture is available
+ {epgpic3avaialble} true if first epg picture is available
+ {epgpic1path} path of first epg picture
+ {epgpic2path} path of second epg picture
+ {epgpic3path} path of third epg picture
+ {ismovie} true if event is scraped as a movie
+ Available variables for movies:
+ {movietitle} movie title from themoviedb
+ {movieoriginalTitle} movie original title from themoviedb
+ {movietagline} movie tagline from themoviedb
+ {movieoverview} movie overview from themoviedb
+ {movieadult} true if movie is rated as adult
+ {moviebudget} movie budget from themoviedb in $
+ {movierevenue} movie revenue from themoviedb in $
+ {moviegenres} movie genres from themoviedb
+ {moviehomepage} movie homepage from themoviedb
+ {moviereleasedate} movie release date from themoviedb
+ {movieruntime} movie runtime from themoviedb
+ {moviepopularity} movie popularity from themoviedb
+ {movievoteaverage} movie vote average from themoviedb
+ {posterwidth} width of scraped poster
+ {posterheight} height of scraped poster
+ {posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
+ {fanartwidth} width of scraped fanart
+ {fanartheight} height of scraped fanart
+ {fanartpath} absolute path of scraped fanart
+ {movieiscollection} true if movie is part of a collection
+ {moviecollectionName} name of movie collection
+ {collectionposterwidth} width of scraped collection poster
+ {collectionposterheight} height of scraped collection poster
+ {collectionposterpath} absolute path of scraped collection poster
+ {collectionfanartwidth} width of scraped collection fanart
+ {collectionfanartheight} height of scraped collection fanart
+ {collectionfanartpath} absolute path of scraped collection fanart
+ {actors[]} array with movie actors
+ {actors[name]} real name of actor
+ {actors[role]} actor role
+ {actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
+ {actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
+ {actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
+ {isseries} true if event is scraped as a series
+ Available variables for series:
+ {seriesname} name of series
+ {seriesoverview} series overview
+ {seriesfirstaired} first aired date
+ {seriesnetwork} network which produces series
+ {seriesgenre} series genre
+ {seriesrating} series thetvdb rating
+ {seriesstatus} status of series (running / finished)
+ {episodetitle} title of episode
+ {episodenumber} number of episode
+ {episodeseason} season of episode
+ {episodefirstaired} first aired date of episode
+ {episodegueststars} guest stars of episode
+ {episodeoverview} episode overview
+ {episoderating} user rating for episode
+ {episodeimagewidth} episode image width
+ {episodeimageheight} episode image height
+ {episodeimagepath} episode image path
+ {seasonposterwidth} episode season poster width
+ {seasonposterheight} episode season poster height
+ {seasonposterpath} episode season poster path
+ {seriesposter1width} width of 1st poster
+ {seriesposter1height} height of 1st poster
+ {seriesposter1path} path of 1st poster
+ {seriesposter2width} width of 2nd poster
+ {seriesposter2height} height of 2nd poster
+ {seriesposter2path} path of 2nd poster
+ {seriesposter3width} width of 3rd poster
+ {seriesposter3height} height of 3rd poster
+ {seriesposter3path} path of 3rd poster
+ {seriesfanart1width} width of 1st fanart
+ {seriesfanart1height} height of 1st fanart
+ {seriesfanart1path} path of 1st fanart
+ {seriesfanart2width} width of 2nd fanart
+ {seriesfanart2height} height of 2nd fanart
+ {seriesfanart2path} path of 2nd fanart
+ {seriesfanart3width} width of 3rd fanart
+ {seriesfanart3height} height of 3rd fanart
+ {seriesfanart3path} path of 3rd fanart
+ {seriesbanner1width} width of 1st banner
+ {seriesbanner1height} height of 1st banner
+ {seriesbanner1path} path of 1st banner
+ {seriesbanner2width} width of 2nd banner
+ {seriesbanner2height} height of 2nd banner
+ {seriesbanner2path} path of 2nd banner
+ {seriesbanner3width} width of 3rd banner
+ {seriesbanner3height} height of 3rd banner
+ {seriesbanner3path} path of 3rd fanart
+ {actors[]} array with movie actors
+ {actors[name]} real name of actor
+ {actors[role]} actor role
+ {actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
+ {actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
+ {actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
+ -->
+ <!-- a tab is one scrolling area, just position and draw as inside a normal area -->
+ <!-- just define as many tabs as needed -->
+ <!-- TAB EPGINFO -->
+ <tab name="EPG Info" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layer="1" scrollheight="{areaheight}/4">
+ </tab>
+ <!-- Available Variables tablabels:
+ {currenttab} name of currently active tab
+ {prevtab} name of prev tab
+ {nexttab} name of next tab
+ {tabs[]} array with available tab labels
+ {tabs[title]} title of tab
+ {tabs[current]} true if tab is displayed currently
+ -->
+ <tablabels>
+ </tablabels>
diff --git a/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml b/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46222ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
+<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <!-- Available Variables Background:
+ {menuwidth} menuwidth in percent of screenwidth
+ {menuheight} menuheight in percent of screenheight
+ {hasscrollbar} true if menu needs a scrollbar
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="background">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables Scrollbar:
+ {menuwidth} menuwidth in percent of screenwidth
+ {posy} y position of scrollbar start in percent of screenheight
+ {totalheight} height of complete scrollbar in percent of screenheight
+ {height} height in tenth of a percent of total height
+ {offset} offset in tenth of a percent
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="scrollbar">
+ </viewelement>
+ <grid name="recmenu" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ <!-- Background
+ {current} true if item is currently selected
+ -->
+ <!-- info item
+ {info} true
+ {lines} number of lines to display (max. 4)
+ {line1} text of line 1
+ {line2} text of line 1
+ {line3} text of line 1
+ {line4} text of line 1
+ -->
+ <!-- button
+ {button} true
+ {buttontext} text to display on button
+ -->
+ <!-- yes / no button
+ {buttonyesno} true
+ {yes} true if button is set to yes
+ {textyes} text to display on yes button
+ {textno} text to display on no button
+ -->
+ <!-- Int Selector
+ {intselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, integer
+ -->
+ <!-- Bool Selector
+ {boolselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, true or false
+ -->
+ <!-- String Selector
+ {stringselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Text Input
+ {textinput} true
+ {editmode} true if currently in edit mode
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Time Selector
+ {timeselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, hh:mm
+ -->
+ <!-- Day Selector
+ {dayselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector,
+ -->
+ <!-- Channel Selector
+ {channelselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {channelnumber} number of currently selected channel, 0 for "all channels"
+ {channelname} name of channel or "all channels"
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ -->
+ <!-- Weekday Selector
+ {weekdayselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {dayselected} number of currently selected day (0 - 6)
+ {day0abbr} ... {day6abbr} localized one character abbrevation for weekdays from Monday to Sunday
+ {day0set} ... {day6set} true if according weekday from Monday to Sunday is set
+ -->
+ <!-- Directory Selector
+ {directoryselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {folder} current folder of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Timerconflict Header
+ {timerconflictheader} true
+ {text} title of Timerconflict Header
+ {conflictstart} start of conflict in hh:mm
+ {conflictstop} end of conflict in hh:mm
+ {overlapstart} start of overlap in hh:mm
+ {overlapstop} end of overlap in hh:mm
+ {overlapstartpercent} start of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapwidthpercent} width of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ -->
+ <!-- Timerconflict
+ {timerconflict} true
+ {timertitle} title of timer
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} channel ID
+ {transponder} transponder of channel
+ {starttime} start of timer in hh:mm
+ {stoptime} end of timer in hh:mm
+ {date} date of timer in
+ {weekday} weekday of timer, 3 letter abrivation
+ {infoactive} true if info icon is active
+ {deleteactive} true if delete icon is active
+ {editactive} true if edit icon is active
+ {searchactive} true if search icon is active
+ {timerstartpercent} start of timer in percent of total conflict time width
+ {timerwidthpercent} end of timer in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapstartpercent} start of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapwidthpercent} width of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ -->
+ <!-- Event
+ {event} true
+ {title} title of event
+ {shorttext} shorttext of event
+ {starttime} start of event in hh:mm
+ {stoptime} end of event in hh:mm
+ {date} date of event in
+ {weekday} weekday of event, 3 letter abrivation
+ {channelnumber} number of channel
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ {hastimer} true if event has a timer
+ -->
+ <!-- Recording
+ {recording} true
+ {recname} title of recording
+ {recstarttime} start of recording in hh:mm
+ {recdate} date of recording in
+ {recduration} duration of recording in min
+ {channelnumber} number of channel
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ -->
+ <!-- Searchtimer
+ {searchtimer} true
+ {timeractive} true if searchtimer is active
+ {searchstring} searchtimer search string
+ {activetimers} number of active timers caused by this searchtimer
+ {recordingsdone} number of recordings done by this searchtimer
+ {searchactive} true if search icon is active
+ {editactive} true if edit icon is active
+ {deleteactive} true if delete icon is active
+ -->
+ <!-- Timeline Header
+ {timelineheader} true
+ {date} date of current day in weekdayname
+ {timerset} true if timer info is set
+ {channelname} name of channel of timer
+ {channelid} channel ID of channel of timer
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ {channelnumber} number of channel of timer
+ {channeltransponder} transponder of channel of timer
+ {timerstart} start of timer in hh:mm
+ {timerstop} end of timer in hh:mm
+ {eventtitle} title of according event
+ {eventshorttext} short text of according event
+ {eventstart} start time of according event
+ {eventstop} end time of according event
+ -->
+ <!-- Timeline Timer
+ {timelinetimer} true
+ {timerstart} start of timer in tenth percent of complete 24h width
+ {timerwidth} width of timer in tenth percent of complete 24h width
+ -->
+ <!-- Favorites
+ {favorite} true
+ {favdesc} description of favorite
+ -->
+ </grid>
diff --git a/templates/plug-tvguideng-root.xml b/templates/plug-tvguideng-root.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2c329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/plug-tvguideng-root.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
+<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <viewelement name="background_hor">
+ </viewelement>
+ <viewelement name="background_ver">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in Header
+ {isdummy} true if active element is a dummy element
+ {title} title of event of active grid
+ {shorttext} shorttext of event of active grid
+ {description} detailed description of event of active grid
+ {start} event start time in hh::mm
+ {stop} event stop time
+ {day} day of event of active grid
+ {date} date of event of active grid in
+ {daynumeric} day as number
+ {month} month as number
+ {year} year as number
+ {running} true if event is currently running
+ {elapsed} elapsed time of event, if not running 0
+ {duration} duration of event
+ {durationhours} duration, full hours
+ {durationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
+ {channelname} Channel Name
+ {channelnumber} Channel Number
+ {channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
+ {channellogoexists} true if channel logo exists
+ {hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for this element
+ {posterwidth} width of scraped poster
+ {posterheight} height of scraped poster
+ {posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="header">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables Footer:
+ {red1} true if red button is button 1
+ {red2} true if red button is button 2
+ {red3} true if red button is button 3
+ {red4} true if red button is button 4
+ {green1} true if green button is button 1
+ {green2} true if green button is button 2
+ {green3} true if green button is button 3
+ {green4} true if green button is button 4
+ {yellow1} true if yellow button is button 1
+ {yellow2} true if yellow button is button 2
+ {yellow3} true if yellow button is button 3
+ {yellow4} true if yellow button is button 4
+ {blue1} true if blue button is button 1
+ {blue2} true if blue button is button 2
+ {blue3} true if blue button is button 3
+ {blue4} true if blue button is button 4
+ {red} label of red button
+ {green} label of green button
+ {yellow} label of yellow button
+ {blue} label of blue button
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="footer">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables time:
+ {time} timestring in hh:mm
+ {sec} current seconds
+ {min} current minutes
+ {hour} current hours
+ {hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
+ {day} day in digits
+ {dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
+ {dayname} Full name of the day
+ {daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
+ {month} month in digits with leading 0
+ {monthname} Full name of the month
+ {monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
+ {year} year in yyyy
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="time">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in datetimeline
+ {weekday} weekday of current display
+ {date} date of current display
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="datetimeline_hor">
+ </viewelement>
+ <viewelement name="datetimeline_ver">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in timeindicator
+ {percenttotal} position of current time indicator in tenth of a percent of complete time shown
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="timeindicator_hor">
+ </viewelement>
+ <viewelement name="timeindicator_ver">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Tokens available in timeline
+ {timestring} time of grid in hh:mm
+ -->
+ <grid name="timeline_hor" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <grid name="timeline_ver" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <!-- Tokens available in channels
+ {name} name of channel
+ {number} number of channel
+ {channelid} id of channel to display channel logo
+ {channellogoexists} true if channel logo exists
+ -->
+ <grid name="channels_hor" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <grid name="channels_ver" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <!-- Tokens available in channelgroups
+ {color} alternates grid by grid from true to false
+ {group} name of channel group
+ -->
+ <grid name="channelgroups_hor" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <grid name="channelgroups_ver" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <!-- Tokens available in schedules
+ {color} alternates grid by grid from true to false
+ {dummy} true if grid is a dummy grid
+ {timer} true if a timer is set for the according event
+ {switchtimer} true if a switchtimer is set for the according event
+ {title} title of grid
+ {shorttext} shorttext of grid
+ {start} start time in hh:mm
+ {stop} stop time in hh:dd
+ -->
+ <grid name="schedules_hor" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <grid name="schedules_ver" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ </grid>
+ <!-- Tokens available in channeljump
+ {channel} current user input for channel jump
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="channeljump">
+ </viewelement>