path: root/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml b/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46222ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/plug-tvguideng-recmenu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE displayplugin SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayplugin.dtd">
+<displayplugin x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0" scaletvx="0" scaletvy="0" scaletvwidth="100%" scaletvheight="100%">
+ <!-- Available Variables Background:
+ {menuwidth} menuwidth in percent of screenwidth
+ {menuheight} menuheight in percent of screenheight
+ {hasscrollbar} true if menu needs a scrollbar
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="background">
+ </viewelement>
+ <!-- Available Variables Scrollbar:
+ {menuwidth} menuwidth in percent of screenwidth
+ {posy} y position of scrollbar start in percent of screenheight
+ {totalheight} height of complete scrollbar in percent of screenheight
+ {height} height in tenth of a percent of total height
+ {offset} offset in tenth of a percent
+ -->
+ <viewelement name="scrollbar">
+ </viewelement>
+ <grid name="recmenu" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
+ <!-- Background
+ {current} true if item is currently selected
+ -->
+ <!-- info item
+ {info} true
+ {lines} number of lines to display (max. 4)
+ {line1} text of line 1
+ {line2} text of line 1
+ {line3} text of line 1
+ {line4} text of line 1
+ -->
+ <!-- button
+ {button} true
+ {buttontext} text to display on button
+ -->
+ <!-- yes / no button
+ {buttonyesno} true
+ {yes} true if button is set to yes
+ {textyes} text to display on yes button
+ {textno} text to display on no button
+ -->
+ <!-- Int Selector
+ {intselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, integer
+ -->
+ <!-- Bool Selector
+ {boolselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, true or false
+ -->
+ <!-- String Selector
+ {stringselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Text Input
+ {textinput} true
+ {editmode} true if currently in edit mode
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Time Selector
+ {timeselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector, hh:mm
+ -->
+ <!-- Day Selector
+ {dayselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {value} current value of selector,
+ -->
+ <!-- Channel Selector
+ {channelselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {channelnumber} number of currently selected channel, 0 for "all channels"
+ {channelname} name of channel or "all channels"
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ -->
+ <!-- Weekday Selector
+ {weekdayselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {dayselected} number of currently selected day (0 - 6)
+ {day0abbr} ... {day6abbr} localized one character abbrevation for weekdays from Monday to Sunday
+ {day0set} ... {day6set} true if according weekday from Monday to Sunday is set
+ -->
+ <!-- Directory Selector
+ {directoryselector} true
+ {text} title of selector
+ {folder} current folder of selector, string
+ -->
+ <!-- Timerconflict Header
+ {timerconflictheader} true
+ {text} title of Timerconflict Header
+ {conflictstart} start of conflict in hh:mm
+ {conflictstop} end of conflict in hh:mm
+ {overlapstart} start of overlap in hh:mm
+ {overlapstop} end of overlap in hh:mm
+ {overlapstartpercent} start of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapwidthpercent} width of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ -->
+ <!-- Timerconflict
+ {timerconflict} true
+ {timertitle} title of timer
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} channel ID
+ {transponder} transponder of channel
+ {starttime} start of timer in hh:mm
+ {stoptime} end of timer in hh:mm
+ {date} date of timer in
+ {weekday} weekday of timer, 3 letter abrivation
+ {infoactive} true if info icon is active
+ {deleteactive} true if delete icon is active
+ {editactive} true if edit icon is active
+ {searchactive} true if search icon is active
+ {timerstartpercent} start of timer in percent of total conflict time width
+ {timerwidthpercent} end of timer in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapstartpercent} start of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ {overlapwidthpercent} width of overlap in percent of total conflict time width
+ -->
+ <!-- Event
+ {event} true
+ {title} title of event
+ {shorttext} shorttext of event
+ {starttime} start of event in hh:mm
+ {stoptime} end of event in hh:mm
+ {date} date of event in
+ {weekday} weekday of event, 3 letter abrivation
+ {channelnumber} number of channel
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ {hastimer} true if event has a timer
+ -->
+ <!-- Recording
+ {recording} true
+ {recname} title of recording
+ {recstarttime} start of recording in hh:mm
+ {recdate} date of recording in
+ {recduration} duration of recording in min
+ {channelnumber} number of channel
+ {channelname} name of channel
+ {channelid} id of channel
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ -->
+ <!-- Searchtimer
+ {searchtimer} true
+ {timeractive} true if searchtimer is active
+ {searchstring} searchtimer search string
+ {activetimers} number of active timers caused by this searchtimer
+ {recordingsdone} number of recordings done by this searchtimer
+ {searchactive} true if search icon is active
+ {editactive} true if edit icon is active
+ {deleteactive} true if delete icon is active
+ -->
+ <!-- Timeline Header
+ {timelineheader} true
+ {date} date of current day in weekdayname
+ {timerset} true if timer info is set
+ {channelname} name of channel of timer
+ {channelid} channel ID of channel of timer
+ {channellogoexisis} true if channel logo exists
+ {channelnumber} number of channel of timer
+ {channeltransponder} transponder of channel of timer
+ {timerstart} start of timer in hh:mm
+ {timerstop} end of timer in hh:mm
+ {eventtitle} title of according event
+ {eventshorttext} short text of according event
+ {eventstart} start time of according event
+ {eventstop} end time of according event
+ -->
+ <!-- Timeline Timer
+ {timelinetimer} true
+ {timerstart} start of timer in tenth percent of complete 24h width
+ {timerwidth} width of timer in tenth percent of complete 24h width
+ -->
+ <!-- Favorites
+ {favorite} true
+ {favdesc} description of favorite
+ -->
+ </grid>