#include "tvguidengosd.h" #include "epggrid.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "services/scraper2vdr.h" cEpgGrid::cEpgGrid(skindesignerapi::cOsdView *rootView, cTimeManager *timeManager) { lastSecond = -1; channelGroupLast = -1; active = NULL; oldActiveGridId = -1; this->rootView = rootView; this->timeManager = timeManager; channelsPerPage = (config.displayMode == eHorizontal) ? config.channelsPerPageHorizontal : config.channelsPerPageVertical; back = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verBackgroundHor : verBackgroundVer); back->Display(); header = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verHeaderHor : verHeaderVer); footer = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verFooterHor : verFooterVer); watch = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verTimeHor : verTimeVer); channelsGrid = rootView->GetViewGrid(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? vgChannelsHor : vgChannelsVer); epgGrid = rootView->GetViewGrid(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? vgSchedulesHor : vgSchedulesVer); skindesignerapi::cViewElement *timelineDate = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verDateTimelineHor : verDateTimelineVer); skindesignerapi::cViewElement *timeIndicator = rootView->GetViewElement(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? verTimeIndicatorHor : verTimeIndicatorVer); skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *timelineGrid = rootView->GetViewGrid(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? vgTimelineHor : vgTimelineVer); timeline = new cTimeline(timelineGrid, timelineDate, timeIndicator, timeManager); skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *channelgroupsGrid = rootView->GetViewGrid(config.displayMode == eHorizontal ? vgChannelGroupsHor : vgChannelGroupsVer); channelGroups = new cChannelgroups(channelgroupsGrid); channelGroups->Init(); } cEpgGrid::~cEpgGrid(void) { delete back; delete header; delete footer; channels.Clear(); delete channelsGrid; delete channelGroups; delete epgGrid; delete timeline; delete watch; delete rootView; } void cEpgGrid::Init(const cChannel *startChannel) { if (!startChannel) return; timeline->Init(); int numBack = channelsPerPage / 2; int offset = 0; const cChannel *newStartChannel = startChannel; for (; newStartChannel ; newStartChannel = Channels.Prev(newStartChannel)) { if (newStartChannel && !newStartChannel->GroupSep()) { offset++; } if (offset == numBack) break; } if (!newStartChannel) newStartChannel = Channels.First(); offset--; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; CreateChannels(newStartChannel, offset); } void cEpgGrid::CreateChannels(const cChannel *startChannel, int activeChannel) { int pos = 0; bool foundEnough = false; channels.Clear(); if (!startChannel) return; for (const cChannel *channel = startChannel; channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) { if (config.hideLastChannelGroup && channelGroups->IsInLastGroup(channel)) { break; } if (!channel->GroupSep()) { cChannelEpg *channelEpg = new cChannelEpg(pos, channel, timeManager); if (channelEpg->ReadGrids()) { channels.Add(channelEpg); if (pos == activeChannel) { active = channelEpg->GetActive(); if (active) { active->SetActive(); } } pos++; } else { delete channelEpg; } } if (pos == channelsPerPage) { foundEnough = true; break; } } if (!foundEnough) { int numCurrent = channels.Count(); int numBack = channelsPerPage - numCurrent; cChannelEpg *first = channels.First(); int newChannelNumber = 1; if (first) newChannelNumber = first->GetChannelNumber() - numBack; const cChannel *newStart = Channels.GetByNumber(newChannelNumber); CreateChannels(newStart, pos+1); } } void cEpgGrid::Clear(void) { timeline->Clear(); channelsGrid->Clear(); channels.Clear(); header->Clear(); footer->Clear(); active = NULL; oldActiveGridId = -1; epgGrid->Clear(); } void cEpgGrid::SetTimers(void) { for (cChannelEpg *channelEpg = channels.First(); channelEpg; channelEpg = channels.Next(channelEpg)) { channelEpg->SetTimers(); } } void cEpgGrid::RebuildEpgGrid(void) { if (!active) return; int activeChannelNumber = active->Channel()->Number(); oldActiveGridId = -1; active = NULL; epgGrid->Clear(); timeline->Clear(); timeline->Init(); for (cChannelEpg *channelEpg = channels.First(); channelEpg; channelEpg = channels.Next(channelEpg)) { channelEpg->ClearGrids(); channelEpg->ReadGrids(); if (channelEpg->Channel()->Number() == activeChannelNumber) { active = channelEpg->GetActive(); active->SetActive(); } } } void cEpgGrid::SetActiveGrid(cGridElement *newActive) { if (!newActive || !active) { return; } oldActiveGridId = active->Id(); if (newActive->Id() == active->Id()) { return; } active->SetInActive(); active = newActive; active->SetActive(); } bool cEpgGrid::TimeForward(void) { bool scrolled = false; if (!active) { return false; } bool actionDone = false; int minutesLeft = (timeManager->GetEnd() - active->EndTime())/60; if ( minutesLeft < 30 ) { actionDone = true; ScrollForward(); scrolled = true; } cGridElement *next = (cGridElement*)active->Next(); if (next) { if ( (next->EndTime() < timeManager->GetEnd()) || ( (timeManager->GetEnd() - next->StartTime())/60 > 30 ) ) { SetActiveGrid(next); actionDone = true; } } if (!actionDone) { ScrollForward(); scrolled = true; } return scrolled; } bool cEpgGrid::TimeBack(void) { bool scrolled = false; if (!active) { return false; } if (timeManager->IsStart(active->StartTime())) { oldActiveGridId = active->Id(); return false; } bool actionDone = false; int minutesLeft = (active->StartTime() - timeManager->GetStart())/60; if ( minutesLeft < 30 ) { actionDone = true; ScrollBack(); scrolled = true; } cGridElement *prev = (cGridElement*)active->Prev(); if (prev) { if ( (prev->StartTime() > timeManager->GetStart()) || ( (prev->EndTime() - timeManager->GetStart())/60 > 30 ) || ( prev->IsFirst()) ) { SetActiveGrid(prev); actionDone = true; } } if (!actionDone) { ScrollBack(); scrolled = true; } return scrolled; } bool cEpgGrid::ChannelForward(void) { if (!active) { return false; } //Scrolling in Grid cChannelEpg *channelNext = channels.Next(active->Owner()); if (!channelNext && config.hideLastChannelGroup) { const cChannel *next = SeekChannelForward(1); if (next == active->Channel()) return false; } if (channelNext) { cGridElement *neighbor = channelNext->GetNeighbor(active); if (neighbor) { SetActiveGrid(neighbor); } return false; } //end of grid reached, scrolling half page forward int numJumpForward = channelsPerPage/2; const cChannel *currentChannel = active->Channel(); const cChannel *newLastChannel = SeekChannelForward(numJumpForward); if (!newLastChannel) return false; //insert new channels at end int numInserted = 0; for (const cChannel *channel = (const cChannel*)currentChannel->Next(); channel ; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) { if (channel->GroupSep()) { continue; } cChannelEpg *channelEpg = new cChannelEpg(0, channel, timeManager); if (channelEpg->ReadGrids()) { channels.Add(channelEpg); numInserted++; } if (numInserted == 1) { cGridElement *neighbor = channelEpg->GetNeighbor(active); if (neighbor) { SetActiveGrid(neighbor); } } if (channel->Number() == newLastChannel->Number()) break; } if (!numInserted) return false; //delete first channels deletedChannels.clear(); for (int i=0; i < numInserted; i++) { cChannelEpg *first = channels.First(); first->DeleteGridViews(epgGrid); deletedChannels.insert(first->Channel()->Number()); channels.Del(first); } //renumber channels int newPos = 0; for (cChannelEpg *channelEpg = channels.First(); channelEpg; channelEpg = channels.Next(channelEpg)) { channelEpg->SetPosition(newPos); newPos++; } return true; } bool cEpgGrid::ChannelBack(void) { if (!active) { return false; } //Scrolling in Grid cChannelEpg *channelPrev = channels.Prev(active->Owner()); if (channelPrev) { cGridElement *neighbor = channelPrev->GetNeighbor(active); if (neighbor) { SetActiveGrid(neighbor); } return false; } //start of grid reached, scrolling half page back int numJumpBack = channelsPerPage/2; const cChannel *currentChannel = active->Channel(); const cChannel *newFirstChannel = SeekChannelBack(numJumpBack); if (!newFirstChannel) return false; //insert new channels at start int numInserted = 0; for (const cChannel *channel = (const cChannel*)currentChannel->Prev(); channel ; channel = Channels.Prev(channel)) { if (channel->GroupSep()) { continue; } cChannelEpg *channelEpg = new cChannelEpg(0, channel, timeManager); if (channelEpg->ReadGrids()) { channels.Ins(channelEpg, channels.First()); numInserted++; } if (numInserted == 1) { cGridElement *neighbor = channelEpg->GetNeighbor(active); if (neighbor) { SetActiveGrid(neighbor); } } if (channel->Number() == newFirstChannel->Number()) break; } if (!numInserted) return false; //delete last channels deletedChannels.clear(); for (int i=0; i < numInserted; i++) { cChannelEpg *last = channels.Last(); last->DeleteGridViews(epgGrid); deletedChannels.insert(last->Channel()->Number()); channels.Del(last); } //renumber channels int newPos = 0; for (cChannelEpg *channelEpg = channels.First(); channelEpg; channelEpg = channels.Next(channelEpg)) { channelEpg->SetPosition(newPos); newPos++; } return true; } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::GetNextChannelNumJump(void) { const cChannel *newFirst = SeekChannelForward(channelsPerPage); if (!newFirst) newFirst = Channels.Last(); return newFirst; } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::GetPrevChannelNumJump(void) { const cChannel *newFirst = SeekChannelBack(channelsPerPage); if (!newFirst) newFirst = Channels.First(); return newFirst; } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::GetNextChannelGroupJump(void) { if (!active) { return Channels.Last(); } int currentGroup = channelGroups->GetGroup(active->Channel()); int nextChannelNumber = channelGroups->GetNextGroupFirstChannel(currentGroup); const cChannel *next = Channels.GetByNumber(nextChannelNumber); if (next) return next; return Channels.Last(); } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::GetPrevChannelGroupJump(void) { if (!active) { return Channels.First(); } int currentGroup = channelGroups->GetGroup(active->Channel()); int prevChannelNumber = channelGroups->GetPrevGroupFirstChannel(currentGroup); const cChannel *prev = Channels.GetByNumber(prevChannelNumber); if (prev) return prev; return Channels.First(); } bool cEpgGrid::IsFirstGroup(void) { if (!active) { return true; } return channelGroups->IsInFirstGroup(active->Channel()); } bool cEpgGrid::IsLastGroup(void) { if (!active) { return true; } return channelGroups->IsInLastGroup(active->Channel()); } bool cEpgGrid::IsSecondLastGroup(void) { if (!active) { return true; } return channelGroups->IsInSecondLastGroup(active->Channel()); } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::GetCurrentChannel(void) { if (!active) { return NULL; } return active->Channel(); } int cEpgGrid::GetLastValidChannel(void) { return channelGroups->GetLastValidChannel(); } const cEvent *cEpgGrid::GetCurrentEvent(void) { if (!active) return NULL; return active->Event(); } void cEpgGrid::DrawChannelHeaders(void) { for (set::iterator it = deletedChannels.begin(); it != deletedChannels.end(); it++) { channelsGrid->Delete(*it); } for (cChannelEpg *channel = channels.First(); channel; channel = channels.Next(channel)) { channel->DrawHeader(channelsGrid); } channelsGrid->Display(); } void cEpgGrid::DrawChannelgroups(void) { channelGroups->Clear(); channelGroups->Draw(channels.First()->Channel(), channels.Last()->Channel()); } void cEpgGrid::DrawTimeline(void) { timeline->Draw(); } void cEpgGrid::DrawGrid(void) { if (!active) { return; } epgGrid->SetCurrent(oldActiveGridId, false); for (cChannelEpg *channel = channels.First(); channel; channel = channels.Next(channel)) { channel->DeleteOutdated(epgGrid); channel->DrawGrids(epgGrid); } epgGrid->Display(); } void cEpgGrid::UpdateActive(void) { if (!active) { return; } if (oldActiveGridId == active->Id()) return; epgGrid->SetCurrent(oldActiveGridId, false); epgGrid->SetCurrent(active->Id(), true); epgGrid->Display(); } void cEpgGrid::DrawHeader(void) { if (!active) return; if (oldActiveGridId == active->Id()) return; int isDummy = 0; string title = active->Title(); string shorttext = ""; string description = ""; string start = ""; string stop = ""; string day = ""; string date = ""; int daynumeric = 0; int month = 0; int year = 0; int running = 0; int elapsed = 0; int duration = 0; int durationhours = 0; string durationminutes = ""; string channelname = ""; int channelnumber = 0; string channelid = ""; int channellogoexists = 0; int hasposter = 0; int posterwidth = -1; int posterheight = -1; string posterpath = ""; header->ClearTokens(); header->Clear(); if (active->IsDummy()) { isDummy = 1; start = *(TimeString(active->StartTime())); stop = *(TimeString(active->EndTime())); } else { const cEvent *event = active->Event(); if (event) { shorttext = event->ShortText() ? event->ShortText() : ""; description = event->Description() ? event->Description() : ""; start = *(event->GetTimeString()); stop = *(event->GetEndTimeString()); time_t startTime = event->StartTime(); day = *WeekDayName(startTime); date = *ShortDateString(startTime); struct tm * sStartTime = localtime(&startTime); year = sStartTime->tm_year + 1900; daynumeric = sStartTime->tm_mday; month = sStartTime->tm_mon+1; time_t now = time(NULL); if ((now >= event->StartTime()) && (now <= event->EndTime())) running = 1; if (running) { elapsed = (now - event->StartTime())/60; } duration = event->Duration() / 60; durationhours = event->Duration() / 3600; durationminutes = *cString::sprintf("%.2d", (event->Duration() / 60)%60); static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (pScraper) { ScraperGetPoster call; call.event = event; if (pScraper->Service("GetPoster", &call)) { hasposter = FileExists(call.poster.path); posterwidth = call.poster.width; posterheight = call.poster.height; posterpath = call.poster.path; } } } const cChannel *channel = active->Channel(); if (channel) { channelname = channel->Name() ? channel->Name() : ""; channelid = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); channelnumber = channel->Number(); channellogoexists = header->ChannelLogoExists(channelid); } } header->AddIntToken("isdummy", isDummy); header->AddStringToken("title", title); header->AddStringToken("shorttext", shorttext); header->AddStringToken("description", description); header->AddStringToken("start", start); header->AddStringToken("stop", stop); header->AddStringToken("day", day); header->AddStringToken("date", date); header->AddIntToken("daynumeric", daynumeric); header->AddIntToken("month", month); header->AddIntToken("year", year); header->AddIntToken("running", running); header->AddIntToken("elapsed", elapsed); header->AddIntToken("duration", duration); header->AddIntToken("durationhours", durationhours); header->AddStringToken("durationminutes", durationminutes); header->AddStringToken("channelname", channelname); header->AddStringToken("channelid", channelid); header->AddIntToken("channelnumber", channelnumber); header->AddIntToken("channellogoexists", channellogoexists); header->AddIntToken("hasposter", hasposter); header->AddIntToken("posterwidth", posterwidth); header->AddIntToken("posterheight", posterheight); header->AddStringToken("posterpath", posterpath); header->Display(); } void cEpgGrid::DrawFooter(void) { if (!active) return; string textGreen = ""; string textYellow = ""; string textRed = tr("Search & Record"); string textBlue = ""; if (config.channelJumpMode == eNumJump) { textGreen = *cString::sprintf("%d %s", channelsPerPage, tr("Channels back")); textYellow = *cString::sprintf("%d %s", channelsPerPage, tr("Channels forward")); } else if (config.channelJumpMode == eGroupJump) { int currentGroup = channelGroups->GetGroup(active->Channel()); if (currentGroup == channelGroupLast) { return; } channelGroupLast = currentGroup; textGreen = channelGroups->GetPrevGroupName(currentGroup); textYellow = channelGroups->GetNextGroupName(currentGroup); } if (config.blueKeyMode == eBlueKeySwitch) { textBlue = tr("Switch"); } else if (config.blueKeyMode == eBlueKeyEPG) { textBlue = tr("Detailed EPG"); } else if (config.blueKeyMode == eBlueKeyFavorites) { textBlue = tr("Favorites"); } int colorKeys[4] = { Setup.ColorKey0, Setup.ColorKey1, Setup.ColorKey2, Setup.ColorKey3 }; footer->Clear(); footer->ClearTokens(); footer->AddStringToken("red", textRed); footer->AddStringToken("green", textGreen); footer->AddStringToken("yellow", textYellow); footer->AddStringToken("blue", textBlue); for (int button = 1; button < 5; button++) { string red = *cString::sprintf("red%d", button); string green = *cString::sprintf("green%d", button); string yellow = *cString::sprintf("yellow%d", button); string blue = *cString::sprintf("blue%d", button); bool isRed = false; bool isGreen = false; bool isYellow = false; bool isBlue = false; switch (colorKeys[button-1]) { case 0: isRed = true; break; case 1: isGreen = true; break; case 2: isYellow = true; break; case 3: isBlue = true; break; default: break; } footer->AddIntToken(red, isRed); footer->AddIntToken(green, isGreen); footer->AddIntToken(yellow, isYellow); footer->AddIntToken(blue, isBlue); } footer->Display(); } bool cEpgGrid::DrawTime(void) { time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm * now = localtime(&t); int sec = now->tm_sec; if (sec == lastSecond) return false; int min = now->tm_min; int hour = now->tm_hour; int hourMinutes = hour%12 * 5 + min / 12; char monthname[20]; char monthshort[10]; strftime(monthshort, sizeof(monthshort), "%b", now); strftime(monthname, sizeof(monthname), "%B", now); watch->Clear(); watch->ClearTokens(); watch->AddIntToken("sec", sec); watch->AddIntToken("min", min); watch->AddIntToken("hour", hour); watch->AddIntToken("hmins", hourMinutes); watch->AddIntToken("year", now->tm_year + 1900); watch->AddIntToken("day", now->tm_mday); watch->AddStringToken("time", *TimeString(t)); watch->AddStringToken("monthname", monthname); watch->AddStringToken("monthnameshort", monthshort); watch->AddStringToken("month", *cString::sprintf("%02d", now->tm_mon + 1)); watch->AddStringToken("dayleadingzero", *cString::sprintf("%02d", now->tm_mday)); watch->AddStringToken("dayname", *WeekDayNameFull(now->tm_wday)); watch->AddStringToken("daynameshort", *WeekDayName(now->tm_wday)); watch->Display(); lastSecond = sec; return true; } cChannelJump *cEpgGrid::GetChannelJumper(void) { skindesignerapi::cViewElement *channelJump = rootView->GetViewElement(verChannelJump); int lastValidChannel = GetLastValidChannel(); return new cChannelJump(channelJump, lastValidChannel); } /******************************************************************************************************* * Private Functions *******************************************************************************************************/ void cEpgGrid::ScrollForward(void) { timeManager->AddMinutes(config.timeStep); timeline->ScrollForward(config.timeStep); timeline->Draw(); for (cChannelEpg *channel = channels.First(); channel; channel = channels.Next(channel)) { channel->AddNewGridsAtEnd(); channel->ClearOutdatedStart(); } } void cEpgGrid::ScrollBack(void) { timeManager->DelMinutes(config.timeStep); timeline->ScrollBack(config.timeStep); timeline->Draw(); for (cChannelEpg *channel = channels.First(); channel; channel = channels.Next(channel)) { channel->AddNewGridsAtStart(); channel->ClearOutdatedEnd(); } } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::SeekChannelForward(int num) { if (!active) return NULL; const cChannel *currentChannel = active->Channel(); const cChannel *destChannel; int found = 0; for (destChannel = currentChannel; destChannel ; destChannel = Channels.Next(destChannel)) { if (destChannel->GroupSep()) { continue; } if (config.hideLastChannelGroup && channelGroups->IsInLastGroup(destChannel)) { destChannel = Channels.Prev(destChannel); while (destChannel && destChannel->GroupSep()) { destChannel = Channels.Prev(destChannel); } break; } if (found == num) break; found++; } if (!destChannel) destChannel = Channels.Last(); while (destChannel && destChannel->GroupSep()) { destChannel = Channels.Prev(destChannel); } return destChannel; } const cChannel *cEpgGrid::SeekChannelBack(int num) { if (!active) return NULL; const cChannel *currentChannel = active->Channel(); const cChannel *destChannel; int found = 0; for (destChannel = currentChannel; destChannel ; destChannel = Channels.Prev(destChannel)) { if (destChannel->GroupSep()) { continue; } if (found == num) break; found++; } if (!destChannel) destChannel = Channels.First(); while (destChannel && destChannel->GroupSep()) { destChannel = Channels.Next(destChannel); } return destChannel; } void cEpgGrid::Debug(void) { esyslog("tvguideng: ------------ debugging EpgGrid -------------"); timeManager->Debug(); for (cChannelEpg *channel = channels.First(); channel; channel = channels.Next(channel)) { channel->Debug(); } if (active) { esyslog("tvguideng: Active Grid Element:"); active->Debug(); } else { esyslog("tvguideng: No Active Grid Element"); } esyslog("tvguideng: -----------------------------------------------"); }