#ifndef __TVGUIDE_HELPERS_H #define __TVGUIDE_HELPERS_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <vdr/font.h> #include <vdr/recording.h> #include <vdr/plugin.h> using namespace std; cPlugin *GetScraperPlugin(void); bool FileExists(const string &fullpath); bool FileExists(const string &path, const string &name, const string &ext); class cStopWatch { private: uint64_t start; uint64_t last; public: cStopWatch(const char* message = NULL); ~cStopWatch(void) {}; void Report(const char* message); void Stop(const char* message); }; std::string CutText(std::string text, int width, const cFont *font); std::string StrToLowerCase(std::string str); std::string GetDirectoryFromTimer(std::string file); void ReadRecordingDirectories(std::vector<std::string> *folders, cList<cNestedItem> *rootFolders, cString path); void DrawRoundedCorners(cPixmap *p, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, int radius, int borderWidth, tColor borderColor); class splitstring : public std::string { std::vector<std::string> flds; public: splitstring(const char *s) : std::string(s) { }; std::vector<std::string>& split(char delim, int rep=0); }; int FindIgnoreCase(const std::string& expr, const std::string& query); char* GetAuxValue(const char* aux, const char* name); char* GetAuxValue(const cRecording *recording, const char* name); char* GetAuxValue(const cTimer* timer, const char* name); #ifndef _AFUZZY_H #define _AFUZZY_H // source from: /* Leonid Boitsov 2002. (itman@narod.ru) C version of Stas Namin. This code is a GPL software and is distributed under GNU public licence without any warranty. */ typedef unsigned int Uint; #define MaxPatSize (sizeof(Uint) * 8) typedef struct { Uint *R, *R1, *RP, *S, *RI; Uint *FilterS; int Map[256]; int FilterMap[256]; int k; Uint mask_ok; Uint filter_ok; Uint filter_shift; int r_size; int FilterSet; } AFUZZY; void afuzzy_init(const char *p, int kerr, int UseFilter, AFUZZY *fuzzy); void afuzzy_free(AFUZZY *fuzzy); int afuzzy_checkSUB(const char *t, AFUZZY *fuzzy); static int afuzzy_checkFLT(const char *t, AFUZZY *fuzzy); #endif #endif // __TVGUIDE_HELPERS_H