#include "recmenuitem.h" #include "recmenus.h" #include "config.h" #include "helpers.h" #include #include #include long cRecMenuItem::idCounter; // --- cRecMenuItem ------------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItem::cRecMenuItem(void) { id = idCounter; idCounter++; init = true; active = false; selectable = true; action = rmsNotConsumed; height = 0; text = ""; } cRecMenuItem::~cRecMenuItem(void) { } bool cRecMenuItem::IsNew(void) { if (init) { init = false; return true; } return false; } // --- cRecMenuItemInfo ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemInfo::cRecMenuItemInfo(string line1, int numLines, string line2, string line3, string line4) { selectable = false; this->numLines = numLines; this->line1 = line1; this->line2 = line2; this->line3 = line3; this->line4 = line4; if (numLines == 1) height = 12; else if (numLines == 2) height = 16; else if (numLines == 3) height = 20; else if (numLines == 4) height = 24; this->active = false; } cRecMenuItemInfo::~cRecMenuItemInfo(void) { } void cRecMenuItemInfo::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("info", 1); menu->AddIntToken("lines", numLines); menu->AddStringToken("line1", line1); menu->AddStringToken("line2", line2); menu->AddStringToken("line3", line3); menu->AddStringToken("line4", line4); } // --- cRecMenuItemButton ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemButton::cRecMenuItemButton(string text, eRecMenuState action, bool active) { selectable = true; height = 8; this->text = text; this->action = action; this->active = active; } cRecMenuItemButton::~cRecMenuItemButton(void) { } void cRecMenuItemButton::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("button", 1); menu->AddStringToken("buttontext", text); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemButton::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kOk: return action; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo(string textYes, string textNo, eRecMenuState actionYes, eRecMenuState actionNo, bool active) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->textYes = textYes; this->textNo = textNo; this->action = actionYes; this->actionNo = actionNo; this->active = active; yesActive = true; } cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::~cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo(void) { } void cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("buttonyesno", 1); menu->AddIntToken("yes", yesActive); menu->AddStringToken("textyes", textYes); menu->AddStringToken("textno", textNo); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemButtonYesNo::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: if (!yesActive) { yesActive = true; return rmsRefresh; } else return rmsNotConsumed; break; case kRight: if (yesActive) { yesActive = false; return rmsRefresh; } else return rmsNotConsumed; break; case kOk: if (yesActive) return action; return actionNo; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemInt ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemInt::cRecMenuItemInt(string text, int initialVal, int minVal, int maxVal, bool active, int *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->currentVal = initialVal; this->minVal = minVal; this->maxVal = maxVal; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; fresh = true; } cRecMenuItemInt::~cRecMenuItemInt(void) { } void cRecMenuItemInt::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("intselector", 1); menu->AddIntToken("value", currentVal); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemInt::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int oldValue = currentVal; switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: fresh = true; if (currentVal > minVal) { currentVal--; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; } return rmsRefresh; break; case kRight: fresh = true; if (currentVal < maxVal) { currentVal++; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; } return rmsRefresh; break; case k0 ... k9: if (fresh) { currentVal = 0; fresh = false; } currentVal = currentVal * 10 + (Key - k0); if (!((currentVal >= minVal) && (currentVal <= maxVal))) currentVal = oldValue; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; return rmsRefresh; break; case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemBool ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemBool::cRecMenuItemBool(string text, bool initialVal, bool active, bool *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->yes = initialVal; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; } cRecMenuItemBool::~cRecMenuItemBool(void) { } void cRecMenuItemBool::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("boolselector", 1); menu->AddIntToken("value", yes); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemBool::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: case kRight: yes = !yes; if (callback) *callback = yes; return rmsRefresh; break; case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemSelect ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemSelect::cRecMenuItemSelect(string text, vector strings, int initialVal, bool active, int *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->strings = strings; numValues = strings.size(); if ((initialVal < 0) || (initialVal > numValues-1)) this->currentVal = 0; else this->currentVal = initialVal; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; } cRecMenuItemSelect::~cRecMenuItemSelect(void) { } void cRecMenuItemSelect::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("stringselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); menu->AddStringToken("value", strings[currentVal]); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemSelect::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: currentVal--; if (currentVal<0) currentVal = numValues - 1; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; return rmsRefresh; break; case kRight: currentVal = (currentVal+1)%numValues; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; return rmsRefresh; break; case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemText ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemText::cRecMenuItemText(string text, char *initialVal, int length, bool active, char *callback) { height = 16; selectable = true; this->text = text; value = initialVal; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->length = length; allowed = trVDR(FileNameChars); pos = -1; offset = 0; insert = uppercase = false; newchar = true; lengthUtf8 = 0; valueUtf8 = NULL; allowedUtf8 = NULL; charMapUtf8 = NULL; currentCharUtf8 = NULL; lastKey = kNone; buffer = ""; } cRecMenuItemText::~cRecMenuItemText(void) { delete[] valueUtf8; delete[] allowedUtf8; delete[] charMapUtf8; } void cRecMenuItemText::EnterEditMode(void) { if (!valueUtf8) { valueUtf8 = new uint[length]; lengthUtf8 = Utf8ToArray(value, valueUtf8, length); int l = strlen(allowed) + 1; allowedUtf8 = new uint[l]; Utf8ToArray(allowed, allowedUtf8, l); const char *charMap = trVDR("CharMap$ 0\t-.,1#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9"); l = strlen(charMap) + 1; charMapUtf8 = new uint[l]; Utf8ToArray(charMap, charMapUtf8, l); currentCharUtf8 = charMapUtf8; AdvancePos(); } } void cRecMenuItemText::LeaveEditMode(bool SaveValue) { if (valueUtf8) { if (SaveValue) { Utf8FromArray(valueUtf8, value, length); stripspace(value); if (callback) { strncpy(callback, value, TEXTINPUTLENGTH); } } lengthUtf8 = 0; delete[] valueUtf8; valueUtf8 = NULL; delete[] allowedUtf8; allowedUtf8 = NULL; delete[] charMapUtf8; charMapUtf8 = NULL; pos = -1; offset = 0; newchar = true; } } void cRecMenuItemText::AdvancePos(void) { if (pos < length - 2 && pos < lengthUtf8) { if (++pos >= lengthUtf8) { if (pos >= 2 && valueUtf8[pos - 1] == ' ' && valueUtf8[pos - 2] == ' ') pos--; // allow only two blanks at the end else { valueUtf8[pos] = ' '; valueUtf8[pos + 1] = 0; lengthUtf8++; } } } newchar = true; if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos])) uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); } uint cRecMenuItemText::Inc(uint c, bool Up) { uint *p = IsAllowed(c); if (!p) p = allowedUtf8; if (Up) { if (!*++p) p = allowedUtf8; } else if (--p < allowedUtf8) { p = allowedUtf8; while (*p && *(p + 1)) p++; } return *p; } void cRecMenuItemText::Type(uint c) { if (insert && lengthUtf8 < length - 1) Insert(); valueUtf8[pos] = c; if (pos < length - 2) pos++; if (pos >= lengthUtf8) { valueUtf8[pos] = ' '; valueUtf8[pos + 1] = 0; lengthUtf8 = pos + 1; } } void cRecMenuItemText::Insert(void) { memmove(valueUtf8 + pos + 1, valueUtf8 + pos, (lengthUtf8 - pos + 1) * sizeof(*valueUtf8)); lengthUtf8++; valueUtf8[pos] = ' '; } void cRecMenuItemText::Delete(void) { memmove(valueUtf8 + pos, valueUtf8 + pos + 1, (lengthUtf8 - pos) * sizeof(*valueUtf8)); lengthUtf8--; } uint *cRecMenuItemText::IsAllowed(uint c) { if (allowedUtf8) { for (uint *a = allowedUtf8; *a; a++) { if (c == *a) return a; } } return NULL; } void cRecMenuItemText::SetText(void) { if (InEditMode()) { int textAreaWidth = 800; if (pos < offset) offset = pos; int WidthFromOffset = 0; int EndPos = lengthUtf8; for (int i = offset; i < lengthUtf8; i++) { WidthFromOffset += 20; if (WidthFromOffset > textAreaWidth) { if (pos >= i) { do { WidthFromOffset -= 20; offset++; } while (WidthFromOffset > textAreaWidth && offset < pos); EndPos = pos + 1; } else { EndPos = i; break; } } } char buf[1000]; char *p = buf; if (offset) *p++ = '<'; p += Utf8FromArray(valueUtf8 + offset, p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), pos - offset); *p++ = '['; if (insert && newchar) *p++ = ']'; p += Utf8FromArray(&valueUtf8[pos], p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), 1); if (!(insert && newchar)) *p++ = ']'; p += Utf8FromArray(&valueUtf8[pos + 1], p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), EndPos - pos - 1); if (EndPos != lengthUtf8) *p++ = '>'; *p = 0; buffer = buf; } else { buffer = ""; } } void cRecMenuItemText::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("textinput", 1); menu->AddIntToken("editmode", InEditMode()); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); if (buffer.size() > 0) { menu->AddStringToken("value", buffer); } else { menu->AddStringToken("value", value); } } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemText::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { bool consumed = false; bool SameKey = NORMALKEY(Key) == lastKey; if (Key != kNone) { lastKey = NORMALKEY(Key); } else if (!newchar && k0 <= lastKey && lastKey <= k9 && autoAdvanceTimeout.TimedOut()) { AdvancePos(); newchar = true; currentCharUtf8 = NULL; SetText(); return rmsRefresh; } switch ((int)Key) { case kRed: // Switch between upper- and lowercase characters if (InEditMode()) { if (!insert || !newchar) { uppercase = !uppercase; valueUtf8[pos] = uppercase ? Utf8to(upper, valueUtf8[pos]) : Utf8to(lower, valueUtf8[pos]); } consumed = true; } break; case kGreen: // Toggle insert/overwrite modes if (InEditMode()) { insert = !insert; newchar = true; consumed = true; } break; case kYellow|k_Repeat: case kYellow: // Remove the character at the current position; in insert mode it is the character to the right of the cursor if (InEditMode()) { if (lengthUtf8 > 1) { if (!insert || pos < lengthUtf8 - 1) Delete(); else if (insert && pos == lengthUtf8 - 1) valueUtf8[pos] = ' '; // in insert mode, deleting the last character replaces it with a blank to keep the cursor position // reduce position, if we removed the last character if (pos == lengthUtf8) pos--; } else if (lengthUtf8 == 1) valueUtf8[0] = ' '; // This is the last character in the string, replace it with a blank if (Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos])) uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); newchar = true; consumed = true; } break; case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: if (pos > 0) { if (!insert || newchar) pos--; newchar = true; if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos])) uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); } consumed = true; break; case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: if (InEditMode()) { AdvancePos(); } else { EnterEditMode(); } consumed = true; break; case kUp|k_Repeat: case kUp: case kDown|k_Repeat: case kDown: if (InEditMode()) { if (insert && newchar) { // create a new character in insert mode if (lengthUtf8 < length - 1) Insert(); } if (uppercase) valueUtf8[pos] = Utf8to(upper, Inc(Utf8to(lower, valueUtf8[pos]), NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp)); else valueUtf8[pos] = Inc( valueUtf8[pos], NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp); newchar = false; consumed = true; } break; case k0|k_Repeat ... k9|k_Repeat: case k0 ... k9: { if (InEditMode()) { if (Setup.NumberKeysForChars) { if (!SameKey) { if (!newchar) AdvancePos(); currentCharUtf8 = NULL; } if (!currentCharUtf8 || !*currentCharUtf8 || *currentCharUtf8 == '\t') { // find the beginning of the character map entry for Key int n = NORMALKEY(Key) - k0; currentCharUtf8 = charMapUtf8; while (n > 0 && *currentCharUtf8) { if (*currentCharUtf8++ == '\t') n--; } // find first allowed character while (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && !IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8)) currentCharUtf8++; } if (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t') { if (insert && newchar) { // create a new character in insert mode if (lengthUtf8 < length - 1) Insert(); } valueUtf8[pos] = *currentCharUtf8; if (uppercase) valueUtf8[pos] = Utf8to(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); // find next allowed character do { currentCharUtf8++; } while (*currentCharUtf8 && *currentCharUtf8 != '\t' && !IsAllowed(*currentCharUtf8)); newchar = false; autoAdvanceTimeout.Set(AUTO_ADVANCE_TIMEOUT); } } else { Type('0' + NORMALKEY(Key) - k0); } consumed = true; } break; } case kBack: case kOk: if (InEditMode()) { LeaveEditMode(Key == kOk); } else { EnterEditMode(); } consumed = true; break; default: if (InEditMode() && BASICKEY(Key) == kKbd) { int c = KEYKBD(Key); if (c <= 0xFF) { if (IsAllowed(Utf8to(lower, c))) Type(c); else { switch (c) { case 0x7F: // backspace if (pos > 0) { pos--; ProcessKey(kYellow); } break; default: ; } } } else { switch (c) { case kfHome: pos = 0; break; case kfEnd: pos = lengthUtf8 - 1; break; case kfIns: ProcessKey(kGreen); case kfDel: ProcessKey(kYellow); default: ; } } consumed = true; } break; } SetText(); if (consumed) return rmsRefresh; return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemTime ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemTime::cRecMenuItemTime(string text, int initialVal, bool active, int *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->value = initialVal; hh = value / 100; mm = value % 100; pos = 0; fresh = true; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; } cRecMenuItemTime::~cRecMenuItemTime(void) { } void cRecMenuItemTime::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { char buf[10]; switch (pos) { case 1: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%01d-:--", hh / 10); break; case 2: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:--", hh); break; case 3: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%01d-", hh, mm / 10); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d", hh, mm); } menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("timeselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); menu->AddStringToken("value", buf); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemTime::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: { if (--mm < 0) { mm = 59; if (--hh < 0) hh = 23; } fresh = true; value = hh * 100 + mm; if (callback) *callback = value; return rmsRefresh; break; } case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: { if (++mm > 59) { mm = 0; if (++hh > 23) hh = 0; } fresh = true; value = hh * 100 + mm; if (callback) *callback = value; return rmsRefresh; break; } case k0|k_Repeat ... k9|k_Repeat: case k0 ... k9: { if (fresh || pos > 3) { pos = 0; fresh = false; } int n = Key - k0; switch (pos) { case 0: if (n <= 2) { hh = n * 10; mm = 0; pos++; } break; case 1: if (hh + n <= 23) { hh += n; pos++; } break; case 2: if (n <= 5) { mm += n * 10; pos++; } break; case 3: if (mm + n <= 59) { mm += n; pos++; } break; default: ; } value = hh * 100 + mm; if (callback) *callback = value; return rmsRefresh; break; } case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemDay ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemDay::cRecMenuItemDay(string text, time_t initialVal, bool active, time_t *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->currentVal = cTimer::SetTime(initialVal, 0); this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; } cRecMenuItemDay::~cRecMenuItemDay(void) { } void cRecMenuItemDay::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("dayselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); menu->AddStringToken("value", *DateString(currentVal)); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemDay::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: currentVal -= 60*60*24; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; return rmsRefresh; break; case kRight: currentVal += 60*60*24; if (callback) *callback = currentVal; return rmsRefresh; break; case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemChannelChooser ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::cRecMenuItemChannelChooser(string text, cChannel *initialChannel, bool active, int *callback, eRecMenuState action) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->channel = initialChannel; if (initialChannel) initialChannelSet = true; else initialChannelSet = false; channelNumber = 0; fresh = true; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; } cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::~cRecMenuItemChannelChooser(void) { } void cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("channelselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); if (channel) { menu->AddIntToken("channelnumber", channel->Number()); menu->AddStringToken("channelname", channel->Name()); string channelId = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", channelId); menu->AddIntToken("channellogoexisis", menu->ChannelLogoExists(channelId)); } else { menu->AddIntToken("channelnumber", 0); menu->AddStringToken("channelname", tr("all Channels")); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", ""); menu->AddIntToken("channellogoexisis", false); } } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemChannelChooser::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: { fresh = true; if (!channel) return rmsConsumed; cChannel *prev = channel; cChannel *firstChannel = Channels.First(); if(firstChannel->GroupSep()) firstChannel = Channels.Next(firstChannel); if (prev == firstChannel) { if (!initialChannelSet) channel = NULL; } else { while (prev = Channels.Prev(prev)) { if(!prev->GroupSep()) { channel = prev; break; } } } if (callback) { if (channel) *callback = channel->Number(); else *callback = 0; } return rmsRefresh; break; } case kRight: { fresh = true; if (!channel) { channel = Channels.First(); if(channel->GroupSep()) channel = Channels.Next(channel); } else { cChannel *next = channel; while (next = Channels.Next(next)) { if(!next->GroupSep()) { channel = next; break; } } } if (callback) { if (channel) *callback = channel->Number(); else *callback = 0; } return rmsRefresh; break; } case k0 ... k9: { if (fresh) { channelNumber = 0; fresh = false; } channelNumber = channelNumber * 10 + (Key - k0); cChannel *chanNew = Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber); if (chanNew) { channel = chanNew; if (callback) *callback = channel->Number(); } return rmsRefresh; break; } case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemDayChooser ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemDayChooser::cRecMenuItemDayChooser(string text, int weekdays, bool active, int *callback) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; if (weekdays < 1) weekdays *= -1; this->weekdays = weekdays; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; selectedDay = 0; } cRecMenuItemDayChooser::~cRecMenuItemDayChooser(void) { } void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("weekdayselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); menu->AddIntToken("dayselected", selectedDay); string days = trVDR("MTWTFSS"); for (unsigned day=0; dayAddStringToken(nameWeekday.str(), strDay); menu->AddIntToken(nameWeekdaySet.str(), WeekDaySet(day)); } } bool cRecMenuItemDayChooser::WeekDaySet(unsigned day) { return weekdays & (1 << day); } void cRecMenuItemDayChooser::ToggleDay(void) { bool dayActive = WeekDaySet(selectedDay); int dayBit = pow(2, selectedDay); if (dayActive) { weekdays -= dayBit; } else { weekdays += dayBit; } if (callback) { *callback = weekdays; } } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemDayChooser::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: { selectedDay--; if (selectedDay<0) selectedDay += 7; return rmsRefresh; break; } case kRight: { selectedDay = (selectedDay+1)%7; return rmsRefresh; break; } case kOk: ToggleDay(); return rmsRefresh; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory::cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory(string text, string originalFolder, bool active, char *callback, eRecMenuState action, bool isSearchTimer) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->text = text; this->originalFolder = originalFolder; this->active = active; this->callback = callback; this->action = action; folders.push_back(tr("root video folder")); if (isSearchTimer && config.instRecFixedFolder.size() > 0) folders.push_back(config.instRecFixedFolder); ReadRecordingDirectories(&folders, NULL, ""); numValues = folders.size(); this->currentVal = GetInitial(); } void cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("directoryselector", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", text); menu->AddStringToken("folder", folders[currentVal]); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: currentVal--; if (currentVal<0) currentVal = numValues - 1; if (callback) { SetCallback(); } return rmsRefresh; break; case kRight: { currentVal = (currentVal+1)%numValues; if (callback) { SetCallback(); } return rmsRefresh; break; } case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } void cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory::SetCallback(void) { string newFolder = folders[currentVal]; if (!newFolder.compare(tr("root video folder"))) newFolder = ""; strncpy(callback, newFolder.c_str(), TEXTINPUTLENGTH); } int cRecMenuItemSelectDirectory::GetInitial(void) { if (originalFolder.size() == 0) return 0; for (int i=0; i < numValues; i++) { if (!folders[i].compare(originalFolder)) { return i; } } return 0; } // --- cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader(time_t conflictStart, time_t conflictStop, time_t overlapStart, time_t overlapStop) { height = 10; selectable = false; active = false; this->conflictStart = conflictStart; this->conflictStop = conflictStop; this->overlapStart = overlapStart; this->overlapStop = overlapStop; } cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::~cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader(void) { } void cRecMenuItemTimerConflictHeader::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("timerconflictheader", 1); menu->AddStringToken("text", tr("Timer Conflict")); menu->AddStringToken("conflictstart", *TimeString(conflictStart)); menu->AddStringToken("conflictstop", *TimeString(conflictStop)); menu->AddStringToken("overlapstart", *TimeString(overlapStart)); menu->AddStringToken("overlapstop", *TimeString(overlapStop)); int olStart = (double)(overlapStart - conflictStart) / (double)(conflictStop - conflictStart) * 100; int olWidth = (double)(overlapStop - overlapStart) / (double)(conflictStop - conflictStart) * 100; menu->AddIntToken("overlapstartpercent", olStart); menu->AddIntToken("overlapwidthpercent", olWidth); } // --- cRecMenuItemTimer ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemTimer::cRecMenuItemTimer(const cTimer *timer, eRecMenuState action1, eRecMenuState action2, eRecMenuState action3, eRecMenuState action4, time_t conflictStart, time_t conflictStop, time_t overlapStart, time_t overlapStop, bool active) { height = 12; selectable = true; this->timer = timer; this->action = action1; this->action2 = action2; this->action3 = action3; this->action4 = action4; iconActive = 0; this->conflictStart = conflictStart; this->conflictStop = conflictStop; this->overlapStart = overlapStart; this->overlapStop = overlapStop; this->active = active; } cRecMenuItemTimer::~cRecMenuItemTimer(void) { } void cRecMenuItemTimer::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("timerconflict", 1); const cChannel *channel = timer->Channel(); int channelTransponder = 0; string channelName = ""; string channelId = ""; if (channel) { channelTransponder = channel->Transponder(); channelName = channel->Name() ? channel->Name() : ""; channelId = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); } menu->AddIntToken("transponder", channelTransponder); menu->AddStringToken("channelname", channelName); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", channelId); const cEvent *event = timer->Event(); string timerTitle = ""; if (event && event->Title()) { timerTitle = event->Title(); } menu->AddStringToken("timertitle", timerTitle); menu->AddStringToken("starttime", *TimeString(timer->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("stoptime", *TimeString(timer->StopTime())); menu->AddStringToken("date", *ShortDateString(timer->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("weekday", *WeekDayName(timer->StartTime())); menu->AddIntToken("infoactive", (iconActive==0)?true:false); menu->AddIntToken("deleteactive", (iconActive==1)?true:false); menu->AddIntToken("editactive", (iconActive==2)?true:false); menu->AddIntToken("searchactive", (iconActive==3)?true:false); int conflictTime = conflictStop - conflictStart; int timerStart = (double)(timer->StartTime() - conflictStart) / (double)conflictTime * 100; int timerWidth = (double)(timer->StopTime() - timer->StartTime()) / (double)conflictTime * 100; int olStart = (double)(overlapStart - conflictStart) / (double)(conflictStop - conflictStart) * 100; int olWidth = (double)(overlapStop - overlapStart) / (double)(conflictStop - conflictStart) * 100; menu->AddIntToken("timerstartpercent", timerStart); menu->AddIntToken("timerwidthpercent", timerWidth); menu->AddIntToken("overlapstartpercent", olStart); menu->AddIntToken("overlapwidthpercent", olWidth); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: if (iconActive > 0) { iconActive--; return rmsRefresh; } else return rmsNotConsumed; break; case kRight: if (iconActive < 3) { iconActive++; return rmsRefresh; } else return rmsNotConsumed; break; case kOk: if (iconActive == 0) return action; else if (iconActive == 1) return action2; else if (iconActive == 2) return action3; else if (iconActive == 3) return action4; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemEvent ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemEvent::cRecMenuItemEvent(const cEvent *event, eRecMenuState action1, eRecMenuState action2, bool active) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->event = event; this->action = action1; this->action2 = action2; iconActive = 0; this->active = active; } cRecMenuItemEvent::~cRecMenuItemEvent(void) { } void cRecMenuItemEvent::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("event", 1); const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID()); string channelName = ""; string channelId = ""; if (channel && channel->Name()) { channelName = channel->Name(); channelId = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); menu->AddIntToken("channelnumber", channel->Number()); } menu->AddStringToken("channelname", channelName); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", channelId); menu->AddIntToken("channellogoexisis", menu->ChannelLogoExists(channelId)); menu->AddStringToken("title", event->Title() ? event->Title() : ""); menu->AddStringToken("shorttext", event->ShortText() ? event->ShortText() : ""); menu->AddStringToken("date", *ShortDateString(event->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("weekday", *WeekDayName(event->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("starttime", *TimeString(event->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("stoptime", *TimeString(event->EndTime())); menu->AddIntToken("hastimer", event->HasTimer()); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemEvent::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kOk: return action; break; case kRed: if (!event->HasTimer()) return action2; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemRecording ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemRecording::cRecMenuItemRecording(cRecording *recording, bool active) { height = 8; selectable = true; this->recording = recording; this->active = active; } void cRecMenuItemRecording::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("recording", 1); if (!recording) return; const cRecordingInfo *recInfo = recording->Info(); cChannel *channel = NULL; if (recInfo) channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(recInfo->ChannelID()); string channelName = tr("unknown channel"); string channelId = ""; if (channel && channel->Name()) { channelName = channel->Name(); channelId = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); menu->AddIntToken("channelnumber", channel->Number()); } menu->AddStringToken("channelname", channelName); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", channelId); menu->AddIntToken("channellogoexisis", menu->ChannelLogoExists(channelId)); string recName = recording->Name() ? recording->Name() : ""; string recDate = *ShortDateString(recording->Start()); string recStartTime = *TimeString(recording->Start()); int recDuration = recording->LengthInSeconds() / 60; menu->AddStringToken("recname", recName); menu->AddStringToken("recdate", recDate); menu->AddStringToken("recstarttime", recStartTime); menu->AddIntToken("recduration", recDuration); } // --- cRecMenuItemSearchTimer ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemSearchTimer::cRecMenuItemSearchTimer(cTVGuideSearchTimer timer, eRecMenuState action1, eRecMenuState action2, eRecMenuState action3, bool active) { height = 8; this->timer = timer; this->action = action1; this->action2 = action2; this->action3 = action3; selectable = true; this->active = active; iconActive = 0; } cRecMenuItemSearchTimer::~cRecMenuItemSearchTimer(void) { } void cRecMenuItemSearchTimer::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("searchtimer", 1); menu->AddIntToken("timeractive", timer.Active()); menu->AddStringToken("searchstring", timer.SearchString()); menu->AddIntToken("activetimers", timer.GetNumTimers()); menu->AddIntToken("recordingsdone", timer.GetNumRecordings()); menu->AddIntToken("searchactive", (iconActive==0)?true:false); menu->AddIntToken("editactive", (iconActive==1)?true:false); menu->AddIntToken("deleteactive", (iconActive==2)?true:false); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemSearchTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kLeft: if (iconActive > 0) { iconActive--; return rmsRefresh; } return rmsNotConsumed; break; case kRight: { if (iconActive < 2) { iconActive++; return rmsRefresh; } return rmsNotConsumed; break; } case kOk: if (iconActive == 0) return action; else if (iconActive == 1) return action2; else if (iconActive == 2) return action3; break; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader::cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader(time_t day) { height = 15; timer = NULL; this->day = day; selectable = false; active = false; } cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader::~cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader(void) { } void cRecMenuItemTimelineHeader::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("timelineheader", 1); string daydate = *DateString(day); menu->AddStringToken("date", daydate); if (!timer) { menu->AddIntToken("timerset", false); return; } menu->AddIntToken("timerset", true); const cChannel *channel = timer->Channel(); string channelName = ""; string channelId = ""; int channelNumber = 0; int transponder = 0; if (channel) { channelName = channel->Name() ? channel->Name() : ""; channelId = *(channel->GetChannelID().ToString()); channelNumber = channel->Number(); transponder = channel->Transponder(); } menu->AddStringToken("channelname", channelName); menu->AddStringToken("channelid", channelId); menu->AddIntToken("channelnumber", channelNumber); menu->AddIntToken("channeltransponder", transponder); menu->AddIntToken("channellogoexisis", menu->ChannelLogoExists(channelId)); menu->AddStringToken("timerstart", *TimeString(timer->StartTime())); menu->AddStringToken("timerstop", *TimeString(timer->StopTime())); const cEvent *event = timer->Event(); string eventTitle = ""; string eventShortText = ""; string eventStart = ""; string eventStop = ""; if (event) { eventTitle = event->Title() ? event->Title() : ""; eventShortText = event->ShortText() ? event->ShortText() : ""; eventStart = *event->GetTimeString(); eventStop = *event->GetEndTimeString(); } menu->AddStringToken("eventtitle", eventTitle); menu->AddStringToken("eventshorttext", eventShortText); menu->AddStringToken("eventstart", eventStart); menu->AddStringToken("eventstop", eventStop); } // --- cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer::cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer(cTimer *timer, time_t start, time_t stop, bool active) { height = 8; this->timer = timer; this->start = start; this->stop = stop; selectable = true; this->active = active; } cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer::~cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer(void) { } void cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("timelinetimer", 1); int secsPerDay = 24*60*60; time_t timerStart = timer->StartTime() - start; time_t timerStop = timer->StopTime() - start; if (timerStart < 0) timerStart = 0; if (timerStop > secsPerDay) timerStop = secsPerDay; int percentStart = ((double)timerStart / (double)secsPerDay) * 1000; int percentWidth = ((double)(timerStop - timerStart) / (double)secsPerDay) * 1000; menu->AddIntToken("timerstart", percentStart); menu->AddIntToken("timerwidth", percentWidth); } cTimer *cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer::GetTimer(void) { return timer; } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemTimelineTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kOk: return rmsTimelineTimerEdit; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemFavorite ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemFavorite::cRecMenuItemFavorite(cTVGuideSearchTimer favorite, eRecMenuState action1, bool active) { height = 8; this->favorite = favorite; this->action = action1; selectable = true; this->active = active; } void cRecMenuItemFavorite::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("favorite", 1); menu->AddStringToken("favdesc", favorite.SearchString()); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemFavorite::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; } // --- cRecMenuItemFavoriteStatic ------------------------------------------------------- cRecMenuItemFavoriteStatic::cRecMenuItemFavoriteStatic(string text, eRecMenuState action, bool active) { height = 8; this->text = text; this->action = action; selectable = true; this->active = active; } void cRecMenuItemFavoriteStatic::SetTokens(skindesignerapi::cViewGrid *menu) { menu->ClearTokens(); menu->AddIntToken("favorite", 1); menu->AddStringToken("favdesc", text); } eRecMenuState cRecMenuItemFavoriteStatic::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key & ~k_Repeat) { case kOk: return action; default: break; } return rmsNotConsumed; }