VDR Plugin 'tvtv' Revision History
2009-01-08: Version 0.4.0

2008-12-21: Add italian translation (thx to Diego Pierotto)

2008-12-01: Version 0.3.3p8
- Take care of Start/Stop margins for timer check (thx to monty35)
- Adjust log level for all the bugs (thx to monty35)
- Adjust log level for TVTV receiving line for better error tracking (thx to monty35)
- Add support for manual timezone offset fix, supported also DST or non-DST only and can
   be also ignored (thx to monty35)
- examples/tvtv_channelmap.conf_DVB-S: fix ARTE (reported by uclara)
- change translation support from i18n to gettext (mo/po)

2008-11-11: Version 0.3.3p7
- Create a toggle to control adding of ongoing non-VPS timers ((thx to monty35)
  Note: if "off", this avoids a restart of a deleted running record/timer on
   next TVTV update

2008-10-28: Version 0.3.3p6
- Minor change to be compatible to 1.6.0
- Fix segfault after manual update
- The time shift bugfix is now extended, option "auto" detects current
  used timezone automatically and takes care (this covers daylight 
  saving time switches) (thx to monty35)
- Add option to define the format of the filename, Nature(Genre) and 
  Format can be included now (thx to monty35)
  Note: existing timers would not be updated after a change (needs to be
- Add autofix of buggy received timezone offset (thx to monty35)
  TVTV transmit still +0200 for CET times (20081028)
- Do not readd outdated timers (thx to monty35)
  TVTV still transmit outdated timers, which otherwise would be added
   by plugin and shortly deleted by vdr

2007-02-06: Version 0.3.3
- The plugin needed to be restarted if username or password were changed
  since the "Packed String" (contains username and password) was only 
  generated once during start-up
- The time shift bugfix is now configurable via a new setup option
  solving problems with timers not using CET/CEST as timezone (e.g. BBC)
- In case a channel is not found in the tvtv_channelmap.conf file, the 
  channels name as well as its ID is printed in the logfile. This should
  help adding new channels to the config file.
- tvtv_channelmap.conf updated

2007-01-02: Version 0.3.2
- Code clean up
- Deleted timer object might cause VDR to be killed if timer is deleted
  within TVTV. (thx to monty35)

2006-10-23: Version 0.3.1
- added some #IFs making it compile on older VDR versions again.
- Code clean up
- tvtv_channelmap.conf updated
- "not confirmed" message removed from logfile by using an own routine
  to display OSD-Message
- TVTV bugfix now also works with VPS-Timers
- empty entry in config file may lead to segfault (thx to monty35 for
  reporting this one)

2006-10-09: Version 0.3.0
- new SVDRP command "UPDATE" to update TVTV timers.
- ChannelMap.h replaced by config file tvtv_channelmap.conf making it 
  easier to maintain. The format of the configfile is slightly different
  to the older ChannelMap.h now supporting different satellites and 
  countries. The channel map can be reloaded by the plugins setup menu.
- The new SVDRP command "RELOAD" reloads the channel map configuration
- Timer updates are rejected if shifted 1 or 2 hours earlier (depending
  on the current time zone). This behaviour can be controlled by a new 
  setup option.
- Replaced comparison of string::npos with "unsigned int" in routine
  ProcessImportedFile() since it may lead to problems on 64bit machines.

2006-09-25: Version 0.2.14
- i18n.c updated
- ChannelMap.h updated
- Timer updates are rejected if shifted 2 hours earlier. Successful and
  rejected updates are documented in the logfile (thx to monty35).

2006-04-25: Version 0.2.13a
- Function ShowName() in class cChannel is not available on VDR
  older than 1.3.15. Added an ifdef to solve this (thanks to GTRDRIVER
  for reporting this one)

2006-04-18: Version 0.2.13
- new setup option decides whether to use the description coming
  with the data from TVTV or not (just available for VDR 1.3.44+).
  Starting with VDR 1.3.44 timer description is only taken from 
  EPG so there is no need for the description from TVTV anymore.
- Added logging of downloaded data to /var/log/vdr_tvtv.log for
  debugging purpose (suggested by Schlappo)
- Station name of timer is now added to File Name of recording. 
  This behaviour can be controlled by a new setup option.
- Adapted Makefile due to new requirements of VDR 1.3.47+

2006-03-16: Version 0.2.12
- added basic support for VDR 1.3.44. Timer description coming
  from TVTV is now put into the Aux field of Timer-Object. Need
  to investigate how this works with recordings without EPG.
- Non-initialized data structure for HTTP download might cause
  VDR to be killed. Proper initialization should solve this.
- Missing define statements disabled VPS support in 0.2.11
- added BBC channels to ChannelMap.h

2006-02-17: Version 0.2.11
- split the source code into separate files making it easier to
- TVTV-Server can now be selected via OSD
- libcurl is now used to download data from TVTV adding proxy
  support to the plugin. 
- do not delete timers that are currently recording, even if it's 
  just updated.
- Plugin may hang on 64bit machines in routine calc_field_cnt() due
  to compare values with different types (thx to bunghole)

2005-12-15: Version 0.2.10a
- VDR crashes if a timer with an empty summary exists and a timer
  is added by TVTV (thx to mag128)

2005-12-14: Version 0.2.10
- ostringstream is used instead of snprintf() to create timer
- Buffer for http download increased to 500kB
- Timer entries are now created with full date if VDR 1.3.23+ 
  is used
- Debug messages added

2005-11-07: Version 0.2.9
- Updated for VDR 1.3.36: Timer entry is no longer limited
  and description is not cut off if VDR-Version 1.3.36+ is

2005-11-02: Version 0.2.8a
- Timer entry needs an additional cut off

2005-11-01: Version 0.2.8
- TVTV crashes if timer entry exceeds 10kB. Description is
  cut off to keep it shorter (thx to monty35)
- Global constant MAXPARSEBUFFER is used instead of
  plain values

2005-10-16: Version 0.2.7
- ChannelMap.h updated

2005-10-03: Version 0.2.6b
- Timers are deleted even if they have changed since the 
  last update (thx to monty35)
- Debug messages updated (thx to monty35)

2005-10-03: Version 0.2.6a
- ChannelMap.h updated ('NICK' added, thx to wilderigel)

2005-10-03: Version 0.2.6
- Timers may be updated by adding the UID coming from
  TVTV at the end of the description (thx to monty35)
- Timers with colon in title will be handled as suggested in
  VDRs manual

2005-09-28: Version 0.2.5
- ChannelMap.h updated ('Das Vierte' added)
- split_csv() routine might cause vdr to be killed
  (thx to ck-one for reporting this one)

2005-09-24: Version 0.2.4
- English translations updated
- Debug messages updated (thx to monty35)
- Fixed handling of VPS-Timers starting at midnight
  (thx to uclara)

2005-05-15: Version 0.2.3
- ChannelMap.h updated
- Number of timers is no longer limited by the plugin.
- "Delete-Patch" replaced by following the action coming
  with the timer. 
- Filename of created timer does not contain "TVTV+" anymore
- New setup option "Use VPS" decides whether timers created 
  via TVTV use VPS or not. Timers set via EPG are not effected.
- Compiles on VDR older than 1.3.18
- German translations updated

2005-05-09: Version 0.2.2
- Timer is now created by using the time zone information
  to be able to record e.g. english channels.
  (thx to Briandorling for bringing this up)
- does not use clear() method anymore

2005-05-08: Version 0.2.1
- ChannelMap.h updated (thx to monty35)
- Ignore folder setting if nature is empty (thx to monty35)

2005-05-06: Version 0.2.0
- Data format changed to CSV (Comma Separated Values)

2003-01-28: Version 0.1.6
- Plugin can make a HTTP-Request without "wget".
  And XML File will be not more created ;-))
- OSD-Setup Menu Item "Show/Hide TVTV in Main menu"

2002-12-01: Version 0.1.5

- You are need a no changes (tools.h) in VDR Version >= 1.1.18
- For XML file will be used your "Video" Directory

2002-11-24: Version 0.1.4

- IMPORTANT: Command Line settings is default settings.
  after Save in OSD Setup, it will be skipped.
  You can delete now your default settings.
  Your settings will be saved in (/video)/setup.conf
- Support VDR 1.1.17
  You are need VDR Version >= 1.1.17
- DefaultPriority & DefaultLifeTime Settings will be used
- Timers After (Now + 1 Month) will be imported later
- Extended File Format Setup Line inserted
  If you want to have Nature like Main-Folder then set it to "yes"
  (Default "no")

2002-11-23: Version 0.1.3

- MarginStart & MarginStop will be used
- EPG Text Data will be saved too
- File name format will be so one: Nature~Title ,-)

2002-11-20: Version 0.1.2

- Autoupdate
- OSD Plugin Setup. Command Line will be used as Default Settings.

2002-11-19: Version 0.1.0

- Initial revision.

This ist a Initial Version.