/* * update.c: TVTV plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include "update.h" cUpdate::cUpdate() { active = false; data.memory = NULL; data.size = 0; chanmap = new cChannelMap(); } cUpdate::~cUpdate() { if (active) { active = false; Cancel(3); } if (data.memory) { free(data.memory); data.memory = NULL; data.size = 0; } } void cUpdate::StartUpdate() { if (!active) Start(); else { active = false; Cancel(3); usleep(250); Start(); } } int cUpdate::ReloadChannelMap() { return chanmap->ReloadChannelMap(); } void cUpdate::Action(void) { dsyslog("TVTV: Timer Thread started (pid=%d)", getpid()); active = true; do { MakeTimerUpdate(); if (TVTVConfig.autoupdate && TVTVConfig.updatetime > 0) for (long i = 0; active && i < TVTVConfig.updatetime * 60 * 2; i++) usleep(500000); } while (active && TVTVConfig.autoupdate && TVTVConfig.updatetime > 0); active = false; dsyslog("TVTV: Timer Thread ended (pid=%d)", getpid()); Cancel(0); } void cUpdate::Get_Packed_String(char *sOut) { char *s; unsigned char signature[17]; asprintf(&s, "EPGSync%s%s", TVTVConfig.username, TVTVConfig.password); MD5_CTX ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *)s, strlen(s)); MD5Final(signature, &ctx); signature[16] = 0; char aStr[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; char aOut[30]; int j = 0; aOut[16] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i+= 3) { uint8_t x, y; x = signature[i]; x >>= 2; x = x & 0x3f; aOut[j++] = aStr[x]; y = signature[i]; y = y & 0x3; y <<= 4; x = signature[i + 1]; x >>= 4; x = x & 0x0f; x = x ^ y; aOut[j++] = aStr[x]; if (i + 1 < 16) { y = signature[i + 1]; y = y & 0x0f; y <<= 2; // 3 x = signature[i + 2]; x = x & 0xff; x >>= 6; x = x ^ y; aOut[j++] = aStr[x]; // 4 x = signature[i + 2]; x &= 0x3f; aOut[j++] = aStr[x]; } else { aOut[j++] = (char) 0x3d; aOut[j++] = (char) 0x3d; } aOut[j] = '\0'; } strcpy(sOut, aOut); free(s); } static size_t WriteMemoryCallback( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) { size_t realsize = size * nmemb; struct MemoryStruct *mem = (struct MemoryStruct *)data; if (mem->memory) mem->memory = (char *)realloc(mem->memory, mem->size + realsize + 1); else mem->memory = (char *)malloc(mem->size + realsize + 1); if (mem->memory) { memcpy(&(mem->memory[mem->size]), ptr, realsize); mem->size += realsize; mem->memory[mem->size] = 0; } return realsize; } int cUpdate::DownloadCSVData(const char *url) { CURL *curl_handle; // Initialize 'data' struct if (data.memory) free(data.memory); data.memory = NULL; data.size = 0; if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != 0) { esyslog("TVTV: Something went wrong with curl_global_init()"); return -1; } curl_handle = curl_easy_init(); if (curl_handle == NULL) { esyslog("TVTV: Unable to get handle from curl_easy_init()"); return -1; } curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, url); // Specify URL to get if (TVTVConfig.useproxy) { curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, TVTVConfig.httpproxy); // Specify HTTP proxy } curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback); // Send all data to this function curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&data); // Pass our 'data' struct to the callback function curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE, 1048576); // Set maximum file size to get (bytes) curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); // No progress meter curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); // No signaling curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // Set timeout to 30 seconds curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, TVTV_USERAGENT); // Some servers don't like requests that are made without a user-agent field if (curl_easy_perform(curl_handle) != 0) { curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle); // Cleanup curl stuff if (data.memory) { free(data.memory); data.memory = NULL; data.size = 0; } esyslog("TVTV: Couldn't download the stream"); return -1; } curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle); // Cleanup curl stuff return data.size; } uint8_t cUpdate::toHex(const uint8_t &x) { return x > 9 ? x + 55: x + 48; } void cUpdate::URLEncode(const char *sIn, char *sOut) { register char *pOutTmp = NULL; char *pOutBuf = NULL; register char *pInTmp = NULL; char *pInBuf = (char *)sIn; //alloc out buffer pOutBuf = sOut; if(pOutBuf) { pInTmp = pInBuf; pOutTmp = pOutBuf; // do encoding while (*pInTmp) { if(isalnum(*pInTmp)) *pOutTmp++ = *pInTmp; else if(isspace(*pInTmp)) *pOutTmp++ = '+'; else { *pOutTmp++ = '%'; *pOutTmp++ = toHex(*pInTmp>>4); *pOutTmp++ = toHex(*pInTmp%16); } pInTmp++; } *pOutTmp = '\0'; } } bool cUpdate::MakeTimerUpdate(void) { char *sEnCryptS = NULL; char *sPackedString = NULL; char *url = NULL; sPackedString = (char *)calloc(30, sizeof (char)); sEnCryptS = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof (char)); Get_Packed_String(sPackedString); dsyslog("TVTV: Packed String: %s", sPackedString); URLEncode(sPackedString, sEnCryptS); asprintf(&url, "http://%s/cgi-bin/WebObjects/TVSync.woa/wa/getjobs?&serial=0&account=%s&product=35&target=%s&doctype=csv&access=%s", TVTV_SERVERS[TVTVConfig.tvtv_server], TVTVConfig.username, TVTV_SERVERS[TVTVConfig.tvtv_server], sEnCryptS); isyslog("TVTV: Timer Update started"); int iFileSize = DownloadCSVData(url); if (iFileSize > 0) { dsyslog("TVTV: Received %d Bytes", iFileSize); /* process CSV file */ ProcessImportedFile(data.memory); isyslog("TVTV: Timer File processed"); } else { esyslog("TVTV: Download Error"); } // Clean up if (data.memory) { free(data.memory); data.memory = NULL; data.size = 0; } if (url) free(url); if (sEnCryptS) free(sEnCryptS); if (sPackedString) free(sPackedString); return true; } int cUpdate::calc_field_cnt(string *s) { int n=0; size_t p = 0; if ((s == NULL) || (s->empty())) return 0; p = s->find(',', 0); while (p != string::npos) { n++; p = s->find(',', p+1); } n++; return n; } char *cUpdate::strip_str(char *s) { char *m=NULL; unsigned int i=0; if (s==NULL) return NULL; m=(char *)calloc(strlen(s)+1, sizeof(char)); for (i=0; i tvtv_timer; string *sLine=NULL; string s; const string sTokenTvtvUid = "TVTV-UID: "; dsyslog("TVTV: Processing CSV data"); // skip header do { sLine = read_line_from_buffer(sBuffer, &p); field_cnt = calc_field_cnt(sLine); } while (( field_cnt < 10 ) && ( !sLine->empty() )); fields=split_csv(sLine->c_str(), field_cnt); dsyslog("TVTV: Found %d fields in CSV data", field_cnt); // read timer jobs and create timers dsyslog("TVTV: Start reading timer jobs"); sLine = read_line_from_buffer(sBuffer, &p); while (!sLine->empty()) { dsyslog("TVTV: Received '%s...'", sLine->substr(0,130).c_str()); tvtvjob=split_csv(sLine->c_str(), field_cnt); if (tvtvjob != NULL) { for (int i=0; iGetChanID(atoi(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHID].c_str())); if (!(vdrch == tChannelID::InvalidID)) { #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10305 oTVTVChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID(vdrch, true, true); #else oTVTVChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID(vdrch, true); #endif if (oTVTVChannel) { oTimer = new cTimer; // Calc Start and Stop Time sscanf(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_STM].c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d", &tStart.tm_year, &tStart.tm_mon, &tStart.tm_mday, &tStart.tm_hour, &tStart.tm_min, &tStart.tm_sec, &StartTZ); sscanf(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_VTM].c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d", &tVps.tm_year, &tVps.tm_mon, &tVps.tm_mday, &tVps.tm_hour, &tVps.tm_min, &tVps.tm_sec, &VpsTZ); sscanf(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_ETM].c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d", &tEnd.tm_year, &tEnd.tm_mon, &tEnd.tm_mday, &tEnd.tm_hour, &tEnd.tm_min, &tEnd.tm_sec, &EndTZ); tStart.tm_year -= 1900; tStart.tm_mon -= 1; tStart.tm_isdst = -1; tVps.tm_year -= 1900; tVps.tm_mon -= 1; tVps.tm_isdst = -1; tEnd.tm_year -= 1900; tEnd.tm_mon -= 1; tEnd.tm_isdst = -1; tStartTime = timegm(&tStart); tVpsTime = timegm(&tVps); tEndTime = timegm(&tEnd); time(&tCurrentTime); /* current time */ // VPS was introduced with VDR 1.3.5 #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10305 vps = Setup.UseVps && (tVpsTime != -1) && TVTVConfig.usevps; #else vps = false; #endif // fix buggy received timezones timelocal = localtime(&tStartTime); if (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36 != StartTZ) { dsyslog("TVTV: buggy timezone in tSTartTime detected: %+05d, fix to: %+05d", StartTZ, (int) (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36)); StartTZ = timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36; }; timelocal = localtime(&tEndTime); if (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36 != EndTZ) { dsyslog("TVTV: buggy timezone in tEndTime detected: %+05d, fix to: %+05d", EndTZ, (int) (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36)); EndTZ = timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36; }; tStartTime -= StartTZ*36; tEndTime -= EndTZ*36; if (vps) { timelocal = localtime(&tVpsTime); if (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36 != VpsTZ) { dsyslog("TVTV: buggy timezone in tVpsTime detected: %+05d, fix to: %+05d", VpsTZ, (int) (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36)); VpsTZ = timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 36; }; tVpsTime -= VpsTZ*36; }; tStartTime -= Setup.MarginStart * 60; if (!vps) tEndTime += Setup.MarginStop * 60; localtime_r(&tStartTime, &tStart); localtime_r(&tVpsTime, &tVps); localtime_r(&tEndTime, &tEnd); s = ""; // start // Adding optional Station Name to File Name to make it more unique if (TVTVConfig.usestation) #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10315 s = s + oTVTVChannel->ShortName(true) + "~"; #else s = s + oTVTVChannel->Name() + "~"; #endif // Format as 1st if (((TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_FormatNatureTitle) || (TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_FormatTitleNature)) && ! tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_FRM].empty()) { s = tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_FRM] + "~"; }; // Nature as 1st or 2nd before title if (((TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_NatureTitle) || (TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_FormatNatureTitle)) && ! tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_NAT].empty()) { s = tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_NAT] + "~"; }; // Add Title to File Name s += tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_TIT]; // Nature after title if (((TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_TitleNature) || (TVTVConfig.FormatRecordName == eRecordName_FormatTitleNature)) && ! tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_NAT].empty()) { s = "~" + tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_NAT]; }; // Colons should be replaced by '|' in title rp = s.find(':',0 ); while (rp != string::npos) { s.replace(rp, 1, 1, '|'); rp = s.find(':',0 ); } // create timer string ostringstream oss(ostringstream::out); oss.fill('0'); #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10305 oss << (tfActive|(vps?tfVps:tfNone)) << ":"; #else oss << "1:"; #endif channelID = oTVTVChannel->GetChannelID(); oss << *channelID.ToString(); oss << ":"; // Starting with VDR 1.3.23 timer entries support a full date in ISO notation. #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10323 oss.width(4); oss << ((vps?(tVps.tm_year):(tStart.tm_year))+1900) << "-"; oss.width(2); oss << ((vps?(tVps.tm_mon):(tStart.tm_mon))+1) << "-"; #endif oss.width(2); oss << (vps?(tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday)) << ":"; oss.width(4); oss << (vps?(tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min)) << ":"; oss.width(4); oss << tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min << ":"; oss << Setup.DefaultPriority << ":"; oss << Setup.DefaultLifetime << ":"; oss << s.c_str() << ":"; dsyslog("TVTV: Timer entry '%s'", oss.str().c_str()); s=oss.str(); // Starting with VDR 1.3.44 the description within info.vdr is taken // just from EPG. A description coming with a timer is added as a comment // to info.vdr. This setup parameter decides whether to add this description // as a comment or not. #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10344 if (TVTVConfig.usetvtvdescr) { #endif // Recording summary changed in VDR 1.3.25 #if VDRVERSNUM < 10325 s += tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_TIT]; if ((tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_PERS].length() > 0)||(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_DESC].length() > 0)) s += "||"; #endif if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_PERS].length() > 0) { s += "Darsteller: " + tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_PERS]; if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_DESC].length() > 0) s += "||" + tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_DESC]; } else { if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_DESC].length() > 0) s += tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_DESC]; } // Length of timer entry is limited to less than 10240 characters. Keeping off another // 15 to avoid problems with additional characters (like newline). // This is not needed for VDR 1.3.36+ anymore! #if VDRVERSNUM < 10336 max_desc_len = MAXPARSEBUFFER - sTokenTvtvUid.length() - tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].length() - 15; if (s.length() > max_desc_len) { dsyslog("TVTV: received description too long, cutted (%d -> %d)", s.length(), max_desc_len); s.erase(max_desc_len); } #endif #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10344 } #endif // Add Timer's UID to description to identify it later on if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].length() > 0) s += "||" + sTokenTvtvUid + tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID]; if (oTimer->Parse(s.c_str())) { cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(oTimer); if (t) { // Timer exists if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_ACT] == "delete") { if (t->Recording()) { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d recording, will be deleted after recording has ended (%s)", t->Index() + 1, t->File()); } else { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d deleted [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->Index() + 1, tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-"); Timers.Del(t); } } else { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d exist (%s)", t->Index() + 1, t->File()); } delete oTimer; } else { // if (t) // try to figure out if timer needs to be updated timer_update=false; ti = Timers.First(); while (ti != NULL) { #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10344 if (ti->Aux() != NULL) { s=ti->Aux(); #else if (ti->Summary() != NULL) { s=ti->Summary(); #endif if (s.find(sTokenTvtvUid + tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID], 0) != string::npos) { timer_update=true; break; } else { ti = Timers.Next(ti); } } else { ti = Timers.Next(ti); } } if (timer_update) { // Timer exists if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_ACT] == "rec") { // avoid Timer updates if Timer is shifted (TVTV UTC Problem) if (TVTVConfig.tvtv_bugfix == eTimeShiftBugfixManual) { // exactly configured hours dsyslog("TVTV: manual configured timezone shift: %d hrs", TVTVConfig.tvtv_bugfix_hrs); tvtv_bugfix_secs = TVTVConfig.tvtv_bugfix_hrs * 3600; } else if (TVTVConfig.tvtv_bugfix == eTimeShiftBugfixAuto) { // autodetect time zone distance time(&tloc); timelocal = localtime(&tloc); dsyslog("TVTV: autodetected timezone: %s, shift: %d hrs", timelocal->tm_zone, (int) (timelocal->tm_gmtoff / 3600)); tvtv_bugfix_secs = timelocal->tm_gmtoff; }; if ((TVTVConfig.tvtv_bugfix != eTimeShiftBugfixOff) && ((((ti->StartTime() - tStartTime) == tvtv_bugfix_secs) && ((ti->StopTime() - tEndTime) == tvtv_bugfix_secs)) || (vps && ((ti->StopTime() - tEndTime) == tvtv_bugfix_secs)) )) { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d update rejected (%s) [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", ti->Index() + 1, ti->File(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-" ); } else { if (ti->Recording()) { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d recording, will be deleted after recording has ended (%s)", ti->Index() + 1, ti->File()); } else { Timers.Del(ti); } Timers.Add(oTimer); isyslog("TVTV: timer %d updated (%s) [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->Index() + 1, oTimer->File(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-" ); } } else if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_ACT] == "delete") { if (ti->Recording()) { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d recording, will be deleted after recording has ended (%s)", ti->Index() + 1, ti->File()); } else { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d deleted [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->Index() + 1, tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-"); Timers.Del(ti); } } } else { // if (timer_update) if (tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_ACT] == "rec") { if ((tEndTime < tCurrentTime) && (vps == false)) { // Do not add timer entry in the past, if vps is not active isyslog("TVTV: timer NOT added (EndTime in the past) (%s) [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->File(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-"); } else { // if (tEndTime < tCurrentTime) if ((tStartTime < tCurrentTime) && (vps == false) && (TVTVConfig.AddOngoingNonVpsTimers == 0)) { // Do not add timer entry with start time in the past, if vps is not active isyslog("TVTV: timer NOT added (StartTime in the past & AddOngoingNonVpsTimers=off) (%s) [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->File(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-"); } else { Timers.Add(oTimer); isyslog("TVTV: timer %d added (%s) [%s/%s/%d/%04d-%04d/%s]", oTimer->Index() + 1, oTimer->File(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_UID].c_str(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), vps ? (tVps.tm_mday):(tStart.tm_mday), vps ? (tVps.tm_hour * 100 + tVps.tm_min):(tStart.tm_hour * 100 + tStart.tm_min), tEnd.tm_hour * 100 + tEnd.tm_min, vps ? "VPS":"-"); if ((tEndTime < tCurrentTime) && (vps == false)) { isyslog("TVTV: timer %d notice: StartTime is behind CurrentTime (AddOngoingNonVpsTimers=on)", oTimer->Index() + 1); }; } } // if (tEndTime < tCurrentTime) } } } } else { isyslog("TVTV: Timer Error: %s", s.c_str()); } } else { // if (oTVTVChannel) isyslog("TVTV: ChannelID <%s> for Channel <%s> was not found in channels.conf!", (const char *)vdrch.ToString(), tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str()); } } else { // if (!(vdrch == tChannelID::InvalidID)) isyslog("TVTV: Channel <%s (ID: %d)> is not found!", tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHN].c_str(), atoi(tvtv_timer[DEF_TVTV_SCHEDULE_CHID].c_str())); } // read next line sLine = read_line_from_buffer(sBuffer, &p); tvtv_timer.clear(); } // while (!sLine->empty()) Timers.Save(); }