path: root/misc/search.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/search.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 809 deletions
diff --git a/misc/search.cpp b/misc/search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3534f1..0000000
--- a/misc/search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
- * File: search.cpp
- * Author: savop
- *
- * Created on 27. August 2009, 21:21
- */
-// uncomment this to enable debuging of the grammar
-#include <string>
-#include "search.h"
-#include "../common.h"
-#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-using namespace boost::spirit;
-// This is the standard callback function which will be overloaded
-// with all the specific callbacks
-typedef function2<void, const char*, const char*> expCallback;
-typedef function1<void, const char*> propCallback;
-typedef function1<void, const char*> opCallback;
-typedef function1<void, const char> charCallback;
-typedef function1<void, int> intCallback;
-// The defined ColumnNames
-/** @private */
-struct cProperties : symbols<const char*> {
-//struct cProperties : symbols<> {
- cProperties(){
- add
-// ("dc:description", "Description")
-// ("dc:date", "Date")
-// ("res", "Resource")
-// ("res@bitrate", "Bitrate")
-// ("res@duration", "Duration")
-// ("res@size", "Size")
-// ("res@sampleFrequency", "SampleFrequency")
-// ("res@resolution", "Resolution")
-// ("res@protocolInfo", "ProtocolInfo")
-// ;
- ;
- }
-} Properties;
-/** @private */
-struct cOperators : symbols<const char*> {
- cOperators(){
- add
- ("=", "==")
- ("!=", "!=")
- ("<", "<")
- (">", ">")
- ("<=", "<=")
- (">=", ">=")
- ("contains", "LIKE")
- ("doesNotContain", "NOT LIKE")
- ("derivedfrom", "derivedFrom")
- ;
- }
-} Operators;
-/** @private */
-struct cConcatOperators : symbols<const char*> {
- cConcatOperators(){
- add
- ("and", "AND")
- ("or", "OR")
- ;
- }
-} ConcatOperators;
-/** @private */
-struct cExistanceOperator : symbols<const char*> {
- cExistanceOperator(){
- add
- ("true", "NOT NULL")
- ("false", "NULL")
- ;
- }
-} Existance;
-// This is the grammar including the functors which calls the member functions
-// of search. The callback definitions at the end of the constructor are
-// essential. DO NOT MODIFY if you don't know how!
-/** @private */
-struct cSearchGrammar : public boost::spirit::grammar<cSearchGrammar> {
- // The callbacks members
- charCallback &endBrackedExp;
- expCallback &pushSimpleExp;
- opCallback &pushOperator;
- expCallback &pushQuotedValue;
- opCallback &pushExistance;
- propCallback &pushProperty;
- opCallback &pushConcatOp;
- charCallback &startBrackedExp;
- // Constructor with the callback functions
- cSearchGrammar(
- charCallback &endBrackedExp,
- expCallback &pushSimpleExp,
- opCallback &pushOperator,
- expCallback &pushQuotedValue,
- opCallback &pushExistance,
- propCallback &pushProperty,
- opCallback &pushConcatOp,
- charCallback &startBrackedExp):
- endBrackedExp(endBrackedExp),
- pushSimpleExp(pushSimpleExp),
- pushOperator(pushOperator),
- pushQuotedValue(pushQuotedValue),
- pushExistance(pushExistance),
- pushProperty(pushProperty),
- pushConcatOp(pushConcatOp),
- startBrackedExp(startBrackedExp){}
- template <typename scanner>
- /** @private */
- struct definition {
- boost::spirit::rule<scanner> searchCrit, searchExp, logOp, \
- relExp, binOp, relOp, stringOp, \
- existsOp, boolVal, quotedVal, \
- wChar, property, brackedExp, exp;
- const boost::spirit::rule<scanner> &start(){
- return searchCrit;
- }
- definition(const cSearchGrammar &self){
- /*************************************************************************\
- * *
- * The grammar of a UPnP search expression *
- * *
- * searchCrit ::= searchExp | asterisk *
- * *
- * searchExp ::= relExp | *
- * searchExp wChar+ logOp wChar+ searchExp | *
- * '(' wChar* searchExp wChar* ')' *
- * *
- * logOp ::= 'and' | 'or' *
- * *
- * relExp ::= property wChar+ binOp wChar+ quotedVal | *
- * property wChar* existsOp wChar+ boolVal *
- * *
- * binOp ::= relOp | stringOp *
- * *
- * relOp ::= '=' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' *
- * *
- * stringOp ::= 'contains' | 'doesNotContain' | 'derivedfrom' *
- * *
- * existsOp ::= 'exists' *
- * *
- * boolVal ::= 'true' | 'false' *
- * *
- * quotedVal ::= dQuote escapedQuote dQuote *
- * *
- * wChar ::= space | hTab | lineFeed | *
- * vTab | formFeed | return *
- * *
- * property ::= See ContentDirectory Section 2.4 *
- * *
- * escapedQuote ::= See ContentDirectory Section 2.3.1 *
- * *
- \*************************************************************************/
- searchCrit = searchExp | "*";
- searchExp = exp >> *(+wChar >> logOp >> +wChar >> exp);
- ;
- exp = relExp
- | brackedExp
- ;
- brackedExp = confix_p(
- ch_p('(')[self.startBrackedExp],
- *wChar >> searchExp >> *wChar,
- ch_p(')')[self.endBrackedExp]
- )
- ;
- logOp = ConcatOperators[self.pushConcatOp]
- ;
- relExp = (property >> +wChar >> binOp >> +wChar >> quotedVal) [self.pushSimpleExp]
- | (property >> +wChar >> existsOp >> +wChar >> boolVal) [self.pushSimpleExp]
- ;
- binOp = Operators[self.pushOperator]
- ;
- existsOp = str_p("exists")
- ;
- boolVal = Existance[self.pushExistance]
- ;
- quotedVal = confix_p('"', (*c_escape_ch_p)[self.pushQuotedValue], '"');
- wChar = space_p;
- property = Properties[self.pushProperty]
- ;
- // Debug mode
- #endif
- }
- };
-/** @private */
-struct cSortGrammar : public boost::spirit::grammar<cSortGrammar> {
- // The callback members
- propCallback &pushProperty;
- charCallback &pushDirection;
- cSortGrammar(
- propCallback &pushProperty,
- charCallback &pushDirection):
- pushProperty(pushProperty),
- pushDirection(pushDirection){}
- template <typename scanner>
- /** @private */
- struct definition {
- boost::spirit::rule<scanner> sortCrit, sortExp, property, direction;
- const boost::spirit::rule<scanner> &start(){
- return sortCrit;
- }
- definition(const cSortGrammar &self){
- sortCrit = sortExp
- ;
- sortExp = direction >> property >> *(ch_p(',') >> sortExp)
- ;
- direction = sign_p[self.pushDirection]
- ;
- property = Properties[self.pushProperty]
- ;
- }
- };
-/** @private */
-struct cFilterGrammar : public boost::spirit::grammar<cFilterGrammar> {
- // The callback members
- propCallback &pushProperty;
- charCallback &pushAsterisk;
- cFilterGrammar(
- propCallback &pushProperty,
- charCallback &pushAsterisk):
- pushProperty(pushProperty),
- pushAsterisk(pushAsterisk){}
- template <typename scanner>
- /** @private */
- struct definition {
- boost::spirit::rule<scanner> filterCrit, filterExp, property;
- const boost::spirit::rule<scanner> &start(){
- return filterCrit;
- }
- definition(const cFilterGrammar &self){
- filterCrit = filterExp
- | ch_p('*')[self.pushAsterisk]
- ;
- filterExp = property >> *(ch_p(',') >> filterExp)
- ;
- property = Properties[self.pushProperty]
- ;
- }
- };
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The actors *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-void cSearch::pushEndBrackedExp(const char){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing closing bracket");
- if(asprintf(&this->SQLWhereStmt, "%s)", this->SQLWhereStmt)==-1){
- ERROR("Unable to allocate SQL Statement");
- return;
- }
-void cSearch::pushExpression(const char*, const char*){
- const char* Property = this->CurrentProperty;
- const char* Operator = this->CurrentOperator;
- const char* Value = this->CurrentValue;
- if(Property && Operator && Value){
- char* Statement;
- long int IntegerValue;
- if(sscanf(Value, "%ld", &IntegerValue)!=EOF && sscanf(Value, "%*4d-%*2d-%*2d")==EOF){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Popping '%s %s %ld'",Property, Operator, IntegerValue);
- if(asprintf(&Statement, "%s %s %ld", Property, Operator, IntegerValue)==-1){
- ERROR("Failed to allocated memory for statement.");
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(!strcasecmp(Operator, "IS")){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Popping '%s %s %s'", Property, Operator, Value);
- if(asprintf(&Statement, "%s %s %s", Property, Operator, Value)==-1){
- ERROR("Failed to allocated memory for statement.");
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Popping '%s %s \"%s\"'",Property, Operator, Value);
- if(asprintf(&Statement, "%s %s '%s'", Property, Operator, Value)==-1){
- ERROR("Failed to allocated memory for statement.");
- return;
- }
- }
- if(asprintf(&this->SQLWhereStmt, "%s %s", this->SQLWhereStmt, Statement)==-1){
- ERROR("Unable to allocate SQL Statement");
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
-void cSearch::pushProperty(const char* Property){
- this->CurrentProperty = strdup(Property);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Property %s added",Property);
-void cSearch::pushOperator(const char* Operator){
- this->CurrentOperator = strdup(Operator);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Operator %s added",Operator);
-void cSearch::pushValue(const char* Start, const char* End){
- const char* Value = string(Start,End).c_str();
- if(!Value || !strcmp(Value,"")) return;
- this->CurrentValue = strdup(Value);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Value %s added", Value);
-void cSearch::pushExistance(const char* Exists){
- this->CurrentValue = strdup(Exists);
- this->CurrentOperator = strdup("IS");
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Existance expression called. '%s'", Exists);
-void cSearch::pushConcatOp(const char* Operator){
- if(asprintf(&this->SQLWhereStmt, "%s %s ", this->SQLWhereStmt, Operator)==-1){
- ERROR("Unable to allocate SQL Statement");
- return;
- }
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Concatenation expression called. '%s'", Operator);
-void cSearch::pushStartBrackedExp(const char){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing opening bracket");
- if(asprintf(&this->SQLWhereStmt, "%s(", this->SQLWhereStmt)==-1){
- ERROR("Unable to allocate SQL Statement");
- return;
- }
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The rest *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-cSearch* cSearch::mInstance = NULL;
-const char* cSearch::parse(const char* Search){
- if(!cSearch::mInstance) cSearch::mInstance = new cSearch();
- if(cSearch::mInstance && cSearch::mInstance->parseCriteria(Search)){
- return cSearch::mInstance->SQLWhereStmt;
- }
- return NULL;
-bool cSearch::parseCriteria(const char* Search){
- charCallback endBrackedExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushEndBrackedExp, this, _1));
- expCallback pushSimpleExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushExpression, this, _1, _2));
- opCallback pushOperatorCB(bind(&cSearch::pushOperator, this, _1));
- expCallback pushQuotedValueCB(bind(&cSearch::pushValue, this, _1, _2));
- opCallback pushExistanceCB(bind(&cSearch::pushExistance, this, _1));
- propCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cSearch::pushProperty, this, _1));
- opCallback pushConcatOpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushConcatOp, this, _1));
- charCallback startBrackedExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushStartBrackedExp, this, _1));
- // Craft the grammar
- cSearchGrammar Grammar(endBrackedExpCB,
- pushSimpleExpCB,
- pushOperatorCB,
- pushQuotedValueCB,
- pushExistanceCB,
- pushPropertyCB,
- pushConcatOpCB,
- startBrackedExpCB);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Starting search parsing");
- if(boost::spirit::parse(Search, Grammar).full){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_DIDL, "Parsed search expression successfuly");
- }
- else {
- ERROR("Parsing search expression failed");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- this->CurrentOperator = NULL;
- this->CurrentProperty = NULL;
- this->CurrentValue = NULL;
- this->SQLWhereStmt = strdup("");
- delete this->CurrentOperator;
- delete this->CurrentProperty;
- delete this->CurrentValue;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The filter *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
- this->mFilterList = NULL;
-cStringList* cFilterCriteria::parse(const char* Filter){
- cFilterCriteria* FilterParser = new cFilterCriteria;
- cStringList* List = NULL;
- if(FilterParser && FilterParser->parseFilter(Filter)){
- List = FilterParser->getFilterList();
- }
- delete FilterParser;
- return List;
-bool cFilterCriteria::parseFilter(const char* Filter){
- this->mFilterList = new cStringList;
- if(Filter && !strcasecmp(Filter, "")){
- return true;
- }
- charCallback pushAsteriskCB(bind(&cFilterCriteria::pushAsterisk,this,_1));
- propCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cFilterCriteria::pushProperty,this,_1));
- cFilterGrammar Grammar(pushPropertyCB, pushAsteriskCB);
- if(boost::spirit::parse(Filter, Grammar).full){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Parse filter successful");
- }
- else {
- ERROR("Parsing filter failed");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The actors *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-void cFilterCriteria::pushProperty(const char* Property){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing property");
- this->mFilterList->Append(strdup(Property));
-void cFilterCriteria::pushAsterisk(const char){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing asterisk (*)");
- if(this->mFilterList) delete this->mFilterList;
- this->mFilterList = NULL;
- return;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The sorter *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
- this->mCriteriaList = new cList<cSortCrit>;
- this->mCurrentCrit = NULL;
-cList<cSortCrit>* cSortCriteria::parse(const char* Sort){
- cSortCriteria* SortParser = new cSortCriteria;
- cList<cSortCrit>* List = NULL;
- if(SortParser && SortParser->parseSort(Sort)){
- List = SortParser->getSortList();
- }
- delete SortParser;
- return List;
-bool cSortCriteria::parseSort(const char* Sort){
- if(!Sort || !strcasecmp(Sort, "")){
- return true;
- }
- charCallback pushDirectionCB(bind(&cSortCriteria::pushDirection,this,_1));
- propCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cSortCriteria::pushProperty,this,_1));
- cSortGrammar Grammar(pushPropertyCB, pushDirectionCB);
- if(boost::spirit::parse(Sort, Grammar).full){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Parse Sort successful");
- }
- else {
- ERROR("Parsing Sort failed");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The actors *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-void cSortCriteria::pushProperty(const char* Property){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing property '%s'", Property);
- this->mCurrentCrit->Property = strdup(Property);
- this->mCriteriaList->Add(this->mCurrentCrit);
- return;
-void cSortCriteria::pushDirection(const char Direction){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing direction '%c'", Direction);
- this->mCurrentCrit = new cSortCrit;
- this->mCurrentCrit->SortDescending = (Direction=='-')?true:false;
- return;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The pathparser *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-/** @private */
-struct cWebserverSections : symbols<> {
- cWebserverSections(){
- add
- ;
- }
-} WebserverSections;
-/** @private */
-struct cWebserverMethods : symbols<int> {
- cWebserverMethods(){
- add
- ;
- }
-} WebserverMethods;
-/** @private */
-struct cPathParserGrammar : public boost::spirit::grammar<cPathParserGrammar> {
- intCallback &pushSection;
- intCallback &pushMethod;
- expCallback &pushPropertyKey;
- expCallback &pushPropertyValue;
- cPathParserGrammar(intCallback &pushSection,
- intCallback &pushMethod,
- expCallback &pushPropertyKey,
- expCallback &pushPropertyValue):
- pushSection(pushSection),
- pushMethod(pushMethod),
- pushPropertyKey(pushPropertyKey),
- pushPropertyValue(pushPropertyValue){}
- template <typename scanner>
- /** @private */
- struct definition {
- boost::spirit::rule<scanner> pathExp, section, method, methodProperties,
- property, key, value, uncriticalChar;
- const boost::spirit::rule<scanner> &start(){
- return pathExp;
- }
- definition(const cPathParserGrammar &self){
- pathExp = section >> ch_p('/') >> method >> ch_p('?') >> methodProperties
- ;
- section = WebserverSections[self.pushSection]
- ;
- method = WebserverMethods[self.pushMethod]
- ;
- methodProperties = property >> *(ch_p('&') >> methodProperties)
- ;
- property = key >> ch_p('=') >> value
- ;
- key = (+alnum_p)[self.pushPropertyKey]
- ;
- value = (*uncriticalChar)[self.pushPropertyValue]
- ;
- uncriticalChar = chset_p("-_.%~0-9A-Za-z")
- ;
- }
- };
- this->mSection = 0;
- this->mMethod = 0;
-bool cPathParser::parse(const char* Path, int* Section, int* Method, propertyMap* Properties){
- cPathParser* Parser = new cPathParser();
- bool ret = (Parser && Parser->parsePath(Path, Section, Method, Properties)) ? true : false;
- delete Parser;
- return ret;
-bool cPathParser::parsePath(const char* Path, int* Section, int* Method, propertyMap* Properties){
- if(!Path){
- return false;
- }
- intCallback pushSectionCB(bind(&cPathParser::pushSection,this,_1));
- intCallback pushMethodCB(bind(&cPathParser::pushMethod,this,_1));
- expCallback pushPropertyKeyCB(bind(&cPathParser::pushPropertyKey, this, _1, _2));
- expCallback pushPropertyValueCB(bind(&cPathParser::pushPropertyValue, this, _1, _2));
- cPathParserGrammar Grammar(pushSectionCB, pushMethodCB, pushPropertyKeyCB, pushPropertyValueCB);
- if(boost::spirit::parse(Path, Grammar).full){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Parse path successful");
- *Section = this->mSection;
- *Method = this->mMethod;
- *Properties = this->mProperties;
- return true;
- }
- else {
- ERROR("Parsing path failed");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * The actors *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
-void cPathParser::pushPropertyKey(const char* Start, const char* End){
- char* Key = strndup(Start, End-Start);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing key '%s'", Key);
- this->mKey = Key;
- free(Key);
-void cPathParser::pushPropertyValue(const char* Start, const char* End){
- char* Value = strndup(Start, End-Start);
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing value '%s'", Value);
- // TODO: urlDecode Value
- if(*this->mKey){
- char* Key = strdup(this->mKey);
- this->mProperties[Key] = Value;
- }
-void cPathParser::pushMethod(int Method){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing method '%d'", Method);
- this->mMethod = Method;
-void cPathParser::pushSection(int Section){
- MESSAGE(VERBOSE_PARSERS, "Pushing section '%d'", Section);
- this->mSection = Section;
-} \ No newline at end of file