AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-10-27Fixed seeking in recordings with more than one file.methodus
2012-10-27Fixed file size type in dvbProfiler for recordings.methodus
2012-10-27Fixed Partial Content Header titlemethodus
2012-10-27Fixed duration calculation of recordings.methodus
2012-10-27Fixed type bug in parsing Range header.methodus
2012-10-26Temporarily removed search from the CDS service as this causes WMP to fail op...methodus
2012-10-26The database file is now saved in config directory because resource directory...methodus
2012-10-22fixed version numbermethodus
2012-10-22added missing slash between directory and database filemethodus
2012-10-22Fixed issue, that the database file is stored in the directory where the VDR ...methodus
2012-10-22Revert "Rearraged makefiles"methodus
2012-10-22Revert "Cleaned CDS.xml from optional tags."methodus
2012-10-22Rearraged makefilesmethodus
2012-10-22Cleaned CDS.xml from optional tags.methodus
2012-10-22Fixed static initialization bug. Fixed linefeed bugmethodus
2012-10-22Fixed segfault, if database connection failedmethodus
2012-10-22Reviewed README. Removed old contents.methodus
2012-10-22Fixed issue, that symbolic link is required to link the plugins agains the up...methodus
2012-10-22Added check for PES recordings. Sorry, those aren't supported, yet.methodus
2012-10-22added .gitignoremethodus
2012-10-22Filled README and HISTORYmethodus
2012-10-22Seeking finally works even on TV sets.methodus
2012-10-22Seeking finally works even on TV sets.methodus
2012-10-22Seeking finally works even on TV sets.methodus
2012-10-22Further improvements to make seeking possible.methodus
2012-10-21Some minor improvements to the bytes position calculation.methodus
2012-10-15First success to stream recordings. However, seeking and different play speed...methodus
2012-10-15Removed ffmpeg headers. I don't need them.methodus
2012-10-15Continued recProvider to stream recordings. Finished vdrDVBProfiler. It detec...methodus
2012-10-14Continued recProvider to navigate through the recordings listmethodus
2012-10-13Added recProvider to load and stream recordingsmethodus
2012-10-13Added recProvider to load and stream recordingsmethodus
2012-10-13Added codec toolkit for getting detailed media informationmethodus
2012-10-12Fixed some minor issues. Added current event from schedule to channel details.methodus
2012-10-12Continued DVBProfiler for recordings and Live-TV channelsmethodus
2012-10-12Added DVBProfiler for recordings and Live-TV channelsmethodus
2012-10-12Third step to scan directories provided by plugable providers.methodus
2012-10-11Second step to scan directories provided by plugable providers.methodus
2012-10-11Second step to scan directories provided by plugable providers.methodus
2012-10-11First attempts to scan directories provided by plugable providers.methodus
2012-10-09Made makefile more generic. VDRLIBDIR might be set by environment.methodus
2012-10-09First attempts to get live-TV working. Not yet successful.methodus
2012-10-04Finnally got the plugin interface working, hurray...methodus
2012-10-03Added missing files.methodus
2012-10-03Added missing files.methodus
2012-10-03Added missing header.methodus
2012-10-03Splitted tools.h into several tool headers to avoid clashed for example when ...methodus
2012-10-03Splitted tools.h into several tool headers to avoid clashed for example when ...methodus
2012-10-02VDRProvider plugin for serving live tv started.methodus
2012-10-02VDRProvider plugin for serving live tv started.methodus