AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-10-11First attempts to scan directories provided by plugable providers.methodus
2012-10-09Made makefile more generic. VDRLIBDIR might be set by environment.methodus
2012-10-09First attempts to get live-TV working. Not yet successful.methodus
2012-10-04Finnally got the plugin interface working, hurray...methodus
2012-10-03Added missing files.methodus
2012-10-03Added missing files.methodus
2012-10-03Added missing header.methodus
2012-10-03Splitted tools.h into several tool headers to avoid clashed for example when ...methodus
2012-10-03Splitted tools.h into several tool headers to avoid clashed for example when ...methodus
2012-10-02VDRProvider plugin for serving live tv started.methodus
2012-10-02VDRProvider plugin for serving live tv started.methodus
2012-10-02VDRProvider plugin for serving live tv started.methodus
2012-09-30Working on plugin interface. Created initial structure and makefiles for prim...methodus
2012-09-30Working on plugin interface. Created initial structure and makefiles for prim...methodus
2012-09-30Working on plugin interface. PluginManager almost done.methodus
2012-09-29Streamer almost completed. First tests successful. However, there are no plug...methodus
2012-09-29Streamer almost completed. First tests successful. However, there are no plug...methodus
2012-09-26Added streamer interface which connects the webserver with the resource provi...methodus
2012-09-23Added setup menu and the possibility to use live-plugin instead of the intern...methodus
2012-09-21Extracted database name to constant stringmethodus
2012-09-21Continued work on browsing. First attempt of fixing compatibility issues with...methodus
2012-09-21Continued work on browsing.methodus
2012-09-20Continued work on browsing.methodus
2012-09-19Fixed check for device udn and continued work on browsing.methodus
2012-09-18Changed database columns to property names for faster accessmethodus
2012-09-16Removed Getter/Setter for constant properties in plugin.hmethodus
2012-09-16Added constant property keys to plugin interfacemethodus
2012-09-16Added SQL statement for select objects via browse()methodus
2012-09-16Fixed some bugs in the SortCriteria parser.methodus
2012-09-16Fixed some bugs in the FilterCriteria parser.methodus
2012-09-16Tests für Parser hinzugefügtmethodus
2012-09-16Tests für Parser hinzugefügtmethodus
2012-09-16Plugin.h.txt wieder gelöschtmethodus
2012-09-16Parser für Suche, Filter und Sortierung hinzugefügtmethodus
2012-09-15Ausversehen hinzugefügte Objektdateien wieder gelöschtmethodus
2012-09-15Ausversehen hinzugefügte Objektdateien wieder gelöschtmethodus
2012-09-15Merge branch 'master' of
2012-09-15Master geleertmethodus
2012-09-15Anpassung der Plugin-Schnittstellemethodus
2012-09-13Initial commitDenis Loh
2010-01-27Added automatic recording update after a new record was madeDenis Loh
2010-01-27Added filter functionality, added max length of metadataDenis Loh
2010-01-25Removed documentation from repositoryDenis Loh
2010-01-25Fixed small bug which leads to an empty TV folderDenis Loh
2010-01-25Fixed small bug which leads to an empty TV folderDenis Loh
2010-01-24Added (finally) the record streaming function and some other thingsDenis Loh
2009-12-29Added mpeg4 p2 profilesDenis Loh
2009-11-19Added options for verbosity level and auto detect settingsDenis Loh
2009-10-30Fixed memory leak with device descriptionDenis Loh
2009-10-30Fixed issue due changing statement parsingDenis Loh