/* * parser.cpp * * Created on: 16.09.2012 * Author: savop */ // uncomment this to enable debuging of the grammar //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG #include #include "../include/parser.h" #include "../include/plugin.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace boost; namespace sp = boost::spirit::classic; namespace upnp { // This is the standard callback function which will be overloaded // with all the specific callbacks typedef function2 expCallback; typedef function1 propCallback; typedef function1 opCallback; typedef function1 charCallback; typedef function1 intCallback; // The defined ColumnNames /** @private */ struct cProperties : sp::symbols { //struct cProperties : symbols<> { cProperties(){ add (property::object::KEY_TITLE, property::object::KEY_TITLE) (property::object::KEY_CREATOR, property::object::KEY_CREATOR) (property::object::KEY_DESCRIPTION, property::object::KEY_DESCRIPTION) (property::object::KEY_LONG_DESCRIPTION, property::object::KEY_LONG_DESCRIPTION) (property::object::KEY_CLASS, property::object::KEY_CLASS) (property::object::KEY_DATE, property::object::KEY_DATE) (property::object::KEY_LANGUAGE, property::object::KEY_LANGUAGE) (property::resource::KEY_PROTOCOL_INFO, property::resource::KEY_PROTOCOL_INFO) ; } } Properties; /** @private */ struct cOperators : sp::symbols { cOperators(){ add ("=", "==") ("!=", "!=") ("<", "<") (">", ">") ("<=", "<=") (">=", ">=") ("contains", "LIKE") ("doesNotContain", "NOT LIKE") ("derivedfrom", "LIKE") ; } } Operators; /** @private */ struct cConcatOperators : sp::symbols { cConcatOperators(){ add ("and", "AND") ("or", "OR") ; } } ConcatOperators; /** @private */ struct cExistanceOperator : sp::symbols { cExistanceOperator(){ add ("true", "NOT NULL") ("false", "NULL") ; } } Existance; // THE GRAMMAR! // This is the grammar including the functors which calls the member functions // of search. The callback definitions at the end of the constructor are // essential. DO NOT MODIFY if you don't know how! /** @private */ struct cSearchGrammar : public sp::grammar { // The callbacks members charCallback &endBrackedExp; expCallback &pushSimpleExp; opCallback &pushOperator; expCallback &pushQuotedValue; opCallback &pushExistance; propCallback &pushProperty; opCallback &pushConcatOp; charCallback &startBrackedExp; // Constructor with the callback functions cSearchGrammar( charCallback &endBrackedExp, expCallback &pushSimpleExp, opCallback &pushOperator, expCallback &pushQuotedValue, opCallback &pushExistance, propCallback &pushProperty, opCallback &pushConcatOp, charCallback &startBrackedExp): endBrackedExp(endBrackedExp), pushSimpleExp(pushSimpleExp), pushOperator(pushOperator), pushQuotedValue(pushQuotedValue), pushExistance(pushExistance), pushProperty(pushProperty), pushConcatOp(pushConcatOp), startBrackedExp(startBrackedExp){} template /** @private */ struct definition { sp::rule searchCrit, searchExp, logOp, \ relExp, binOp, relOp, stringOp, \ existsOp, boolVal, quotedVal, \ wChar, property, brackedExp, exp; const sp::rule &start(){ return searchCrit; } definition(const cSearchGrammar &self){ /*************************************************************************\ * * * The grammar of a UPnP search expression * * * * searchCrit ::= searchExp | asterisk * * * * searchExp ::= relExp | * * searchExp wChar+ logOp wChar+ searchExp | * * '(' wChar* searchExp wChar* ')' * * * * logOp ::= 'and' | 'or' * * * * relExp ::= property wChar+ binOp wChar+ quotedVal | * * property wChar* existsOp wChar+ boolVal * * * * binOp ::= relOp | stringOp * * * * relOp ::= '=' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' * * * * stringOp ::= 'contains' | 'doesNotContain' | 'derivedfrom' * * * * existsOp ::= 'exists' * * * * boolVal ::= 'true' | 'false' * * * * quotedVal ::= dQuote escapedQuote dQuote * * * * wChar ::= space | hTab | lineFeed | * * vTab | formFeed | return * * * * property ::= See ContentDirectory Section 2.4 * * * * escapedQuote ::= See ContentDirectory Section 2.3.1 * * * \*************************************************************************/ searchCrit = searchExp | "*"; searchExp = exp >> *(+wChar >> logOp >> +wChar >> exp); ; exp = relExp | brackedExp ; brackedExp = sp::confix_p( sp::ch_p('(')[self.startBrackedExp], *wChar >> searchExp >> *wChar, sp::ch_p(')')[self.endBrackedExp] ) ; logOp = ConcatOperators[self.pushConcatOp] ; relExp = (property >> +wChar >> binOp >> +wChar >> quotedVal) [self.pushSimpleExp] | (property >> +wChar >> existsOp >> +wChar >> boolVal) [self.pushSimpleExp] ; binOp = Operators[self.pushOperator] ; existsOp = sp::str_p("exists") ; boolVal = Existance[self.pushExistance] ; quotedVal = sp::confix_p('"', (*sp::c_escape_ch_p)[self.pushQuotedValue], '"') ; wChar = sp::space_p ; property = Properties[self.pushProperty] ; // Debug mode #ifdef BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(searchCrit); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(searchExp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(logOp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(relExp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(binOp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(relOp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(stringOp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(existsOp); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(boolVal); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(quotedVal); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(wChar); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(property); #endif } }; }; /**********************************************\ * * * The actors * * * \**********************************************/ void cSearch::pushEndBrackedExp(const char){ sqlWhereStmt << ") "; } void cSearch::pushExpression(const char*, const char*){ sqlWhereStmt << currentProperty << " " << currentOperator << " " << currentValue << " "; return; } void cSearch::pushProperty(string property){ currentProperty = property; } void cSearch::pushOperator(string op){ currentOperator = op; } void cSearch::pushValue(const char* start, const char* end){ stringstream s; s << "'"; if(currentOperator.find("LIKE") != string::npos) s << "%" << string(start, end) << "%"; else s << string(start, end); s << "'"; currentValue = s.str(); } void cSearch::pushExistance(string Exists){ currentValue = Exists; currentOperator = "IS"; } void cSearch::pushConcatOp(string Operator){ sqlWhereStmt << Operator << " "; } void cSearch::pushStartBrackedExp(const char){ sqlWhereStmt << "( "; } /**********************************************\ * * * The rest * * * \**********************************************/ string cSearch::parse(const string& search){ static cSearch searchCrit; if(searchCrit.parseCriteria(search)){ return searchCrit.sqlWhereStmt.str(); } return string(); } bool cSearch::parseCriteria(string search){ sqlWhereStmt.str(string()); charCallback endBrackedExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushEndBrackedExp, this, _1)); expCallback pushSimpleExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushExpression, this, _1, _2)); opCallback pushOperatorCB(bind(&cSearch::pushOperator, this, _1)); expCallback pushQuotedValueCB(bind(&cSearch::pushValue, this, _1, _2)); opCallback pushExistanceCB(bind(&cSearch::pushExistance, this, _1)); propCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cSearch::pushProperty, this, _1)); opCallback pushConcatOpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushConcatOp, this, _1)); charCallback startBrackedExpCB(bind(&cSearch::pushStartBrackedExp, this, _1)); // Craft the grammar cSearchGrammar Grammar(endBrackedExpCB, pushSimpleExpCB, pushOperatorCB, pushQuotedValueCB, pushExistanceCB, pushPropertyCB, pushConcatOpCB, startBrackedExpCB); if(!sp::parse(search.c_str(), Grammar).full){ return false; } return true; } cSearch::cSearch(){} cSearch::~cSearch(){} /**********************************************\ * * * The filter * * * \**********************************************/ /** @private */ struct cFilterGrammar : public sp::grammar { // The callback members expCallback &pushProperty; charCallback &pushAsterisk; cFilterGrammar( expCallback &pushProperty, charCallback &pushAsterisk): pushProperty(pushProperty), pushAsterisk(pushAsterisk){} template /** @private */ struct definition { sp::rule filterCrit, filterExp, property, propString; const sp::rule &start(){ return filterCrit; } definition(const cFilterGrammar &self){ filterCrit = sp::ch_p('*')[self.pushAsterisk] | filterExp ; filterExp = property >> *(sp::ch_p(',') >> *sp::space_p >> filterExp) ; property = propString[self.pushProperty] ; // TODO: improve this grammer. // A property has the following pattern: // [:]property[@attribute] OR @id, @parentID, @restricted // propString = *(sp::alpha_p | sp::ch_p(':') | sp::ch_p('@')) ; } }; }; cFilterCriteria::cFilterCriteria(){} cFilterCriteria::~cFilterCriteria(){} StringList cFilterCriteria::parse(const string& filter){ static cFilterCriteria filterParser; StringList list; if(filterParser.parseFilter(filter)){ list = filterParser.getFilterList(); } return list; } bool cFilterCriteria::parseFilter(string filter){ mFilterList.clear(); mFilterList.push_back(property::object::KEY_OBJECTID); mFilterList.push_back(property::object::KEY_PARENTID); mFilterList.push_back(property::object::KEY_TITLE); mFilterList.push_back(property::object::KEY_CLASS); mFilterList.push_back(property::object::KEY_RESTRICTED); mFilterList.push_back(property::resource::KEY_RESOURCE); mFilterList.push_back(property::resource::KEY_PROTOCOL_INFO); if(filter.empty()){ return true; } charCallback pushAsteriskCB(bind(&cFilterCriteria::pushAsterisk,this,_1)); expCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cFilterCriteria::pushProperty,this,_1, _2)); cFilterGrammar Grammar(pushPropertyCB, pushAsteriskCB); if(!sp::parse(filter.c_str(), Grammar).full){ return false; } return true; } /**********************************************\ * * * The actors * * * \**********************************************/ void cFilterCriteria::pushProperty(const char* start, const char* end){ string s(start, end); for(StringList::iterator it = mFilterList.begin(); it != mFilterList.end(); ++it){ if((*it).compare(s) == 0) return; } mFilterList.push_back(s); } void cFilterCriteria::pushAsterisk(const char){ mFilterList.clear(); mFilterList.push_back("*"); return; } /**********************************************\ * * * The sorter * * * \**********************************************/ /** @private */ struct cSortGrammar : public sp::grammar { // The callback members propCallback &pushProperty; charCallback &pushDirection; cSortGrammar( propCallback &pushProperty, charCallback &pushDirection): pushProperty(pushProperty), pushDirection(pushDirection){} template /** @private */ struct definition { sp::rule sortCrit, sortExp, property, direction; const sp::rule &start(){ return sortCrit; } definition(const cSortGrammar &self){ sortCrit = sortExp ; sortExp = direction >> property >> *(sp::ch_p(',') >> sortExp) ; direction = sp::sign_p[self.pushDirection] ; property = Properties[self.pushProperty] ; } }; }; cSortCriteria::cSortCriteria(){} cSortCriteria::~cSortCriteria(){} list cSortCriteria::parse(const string& sort){ static cSortCriteria sortParser; list list; if(sortParser.parseSort(sort)){ list = sortParser.getSortList(); } return list; } bool cSortCriteria::parseSort(string sort){ mCriteriaList.clear(); if(sort.empty()){ return true; } charCallback pushDirectionCB(bind(&cSortCriteria::pushDirection,this,_1)); propCallback pushPropertyCB(bind(&cSortCriteria::pushProperty,this,_1)); cSortGrammar Grammar(pushPropertyCB, pushDirectionCB); if(!sp::parse(sort.c_str(), Grammar).full){ return false; } return true; } /**********************************************\ * * * The actors * * * \**********************************************/ void cSortCriteria::pushProperty(string property){ mCurrentCrit.property = property; mCriteriaList.push_back(mCurrentCrit); return; } void cSortCriteria::pushDirection(bool desc){ mCurrentCrit.sortDescending = (desc)?true:false; return; } } // namespace upnp