/* * source.h: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #ifndef __source_h #define __source_h #include #include "maps.h" #include "import.h" #include "parse.h" #include "debug.h" #define EPGSOURCES "/var/lib/epgsources" // NEVER (!) CHANGE THIS #define EITSOURCE "EIT" class cEPGChannel : public cListObject { private: bool inuse; const char *name; public: cEPGChannel(const char *Name, bool InUse=false); ~cEPGChannel(); virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const; bool InUse() { return inuse; } void SetUsage(bool InUse) { inuse=InUse; } const char *Name() { return name; } }; class cEPGChannels : public cList {}; class cImport; class cGlobals; class cEPGSource : public cListObject { private: const char *name; const char *confdir; const char *pin; const char *epgfile; int loglen; cParse *parse; cImport *import; bool ready2parse; bool usepipe; bool needpin; bool running; bool disabled; bool haspics; bool usepics; int daysinadvance; int exec_weekday; int exec_time; int daysmax; int lastretcode; bool ReadConfig(); int ReadOutput(char *&result, size_t &l); cEPGChannels channels; public: cEPGSource(const char *Name, cGlobals *Global); ~cEPGSource(); bool Trace() { return (logfile!=NULL); } int Execute(cEPGExecutor &myExecutor); int Import(cEPGExecutor &myExecutor); bool RunItNow(bool ForceDownload=false); time_t NextRunTime(time_t Now=(time_t) 0); void Store(void); void ChangeChannelSelection(int *Selection); char *Log; bool Disabled() { return disabled; } void Disable() { disabled=true; } void Enable() { disabled=false; } cEPGChannels *ChannelList() { return &channels; } int LastRetCode() { return lastretcode; } int ExecTime() { return exec_time; } int ExecWeekDay() { return exec_weekday; } int DaysMax() { return daysmax; } int DaysInAdvance() { return daysinadvance; } bool NeedPin() { return needpin; } bool HasPics() { return haspics; } bool UsePics() { return usepics; } const char *Name() { return name; } const char *Pin() { return pin; } void ChangeExec(int Time, int WeekDay) { exec_time=Time; exec_weekday=WeekDay; } void ChangeDaysInAdvance(int NewDaysInAdvance) { daysinadvance=NewDaysInAdvance; } void ChangePin(const char *NewPin) { if (pin) free((void *) pin); pin=strdup(NewPin); } void ChangePics(bool NewVal) { usepics=NewVal; } void Add2Log(struct tm *Tm, const char Prefix, const char *Line); bool Active() { return running; } }; class cEPGSources : public cList { private: bool epgsearchexists; public: cEPGSources(); void ReadIn(cGlobals *Global, bool Reload=false); bool RunItNow(); time_t NextRunTime(); bool Exists(const char *Name); cEPGSource *GetSource(const char *Name); cEPGSource *GetSourceDB(const char *EpgFile); int GetSourceIdx(const char *Name); void Remove(); bool MoveEPGSource(cGlobals *Global, int From, int To); bool EPGSearchExists() { return epgsearchexists; } }; class cPluginXmltv2vdr; class cEPGExecutor : public cThread { private: cEPGSources *sources; bool forcedownload; int forceimportsrc; public: cEPGExecutor(cEPGSources *Sources); bool StillRunning() { return Running(); } void Stop() { Cancel(3); } void SetForceDownload() { forcedownload=true; } void SetForceImport(int SourceIdx) { forceimportsrc=-1; if (!sources) return; if (SourceIdx>sources->Count()) return; if (SourceIdx<0) return; forceimportsrc=SourceIdx; } virtual void Action(); }; #endif