Tested on
Motorola Vip : 1960, 1910, 1903, 1963.
VDR 1.7.29+
0.25 Get recordings from Streamdev, Restfulapi or SmartTVweb.
Check if SmartTVweb is on the server if not turn SmartTVweb options off
Check if Restfulapi is on the server if not turn Restfulapi options off
Streamdev can also do Rewind, pause, Fastforward.
Added German translation (Google Translate) so it must be corrected.
Fixed in GuideView the functionkey information. (After pressing Yellow, Back it wasn't right)
Duration of recording is show in Recordings list.
In recordings listing there is an other sublevel for directories, (use subgroup_old = 0 for old version)
In recordings listing, first sub directory is shown in Header
Removed some old, not in use, code for recordings listings and direct local recording
Better support for local recordings, (only 1 local recording is possible)