// // Default settings // var Version = "0.28.04"; //weather var city = "Almelo"; var api_key = "0ab9bddd602f50993f13bb67caf67c9a"; // You can get your own key from http://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_in //news newssite = new Array("http://www.nu.nl/rss/Algemeen","http://www.nu.nl/rss/Economie","http://www.nu.nl/rss/Internet","http://www.spiegel.de/international/index.rss","http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/index.rss","http://rss.dw.de/rdf/rss-en-all","http://rss.dw.de/rdf/rss-de-all"); var newssiteID = 0; var newsID = 0; server_ip_array = new Array("","","","","","","",""); //server_ip_array[0] isn't used, when set to 0 script tries to find the server var server_ip; // default server var PowerDownServer = 0; // Power Down server from menu by sending cmds. (0 = no /1 = yes) var PowerDown = 9; //With Easyvdr 0.806 it is cmds 9. var StartVolume = 15; // Volume on (re)start of the portal. var currChan = 1; // default channel var Global_Server = 1;// 1 = old style. 0 = every channel needs server_address[channel_number] var Server_Address = new Array(); var Global_Multicast = 0;// 1 = use only MultiCast var txtfull_screen = 1;// 0 = 50/50 % txt/tv, 1 = 100% txt var KeepTrying = 1;//No display of error, but keep trying to restart the stream var TryingInterval = 30 * 1000; // 30 Seconds. var Cron_Action; //0= off, 1 = box turns standby, 2 switch to preset channel var Cron_reload; // if set reload script at cron_hour / cron_min -1 var Cron_switch_channel; //Channel to switch to, if not set current channel. var Cron_hour = 05;// Hour for cron job var Cron_min = 00; // Minute for cron job var Use_DLNA;// DLNA testing var MenuOffID; //Menu remove timeout var MenuTimeOut = 1 * 60 * 1000; // 1 minutes TimeOut var Delay_Play = 0; // Patched VDR or Only FTA channels = 0, Unpatched VDR = 1 var RadioGroup = 9; OSDLang = new Array ("English", "Nederlands", "Deutsch", "Suomi"); langfile = new Array ("languages/lang_eng.js", "languages/lang_dut.js","languages/lang_ger.js", "languages/lang_fin.js"); var conf_dir = "config/"; lang_prio = new Array("dut,eng,und","ger,deu,eng","eng,und","fre,fra,eng","swe,eng","fin,eng"); cssfile = new Array ("blue","black"); cssres = new Array(); cssres[0] = new Array ("576","720","1080"); //blue.css cssres[1] = new Array ("","","1080"); //black.css css_maxlines = new Array(); //Max number of lines show with epglist/ medialist/ recordingslist etc css_maxlines2 = new Array(); //Max number of lines show with timers, epg etc from server css_maxlines[0] = 14; css_maxlines2[0] = 10; // timers, epg etc from server css_maxlines[1] = 20; css_maxlines2[1] = 20; var css_nr; var subs_prio = "dut,eng"; //Subtitle prio var PromoChannel;//Special option for promo channel, normal not needed. var PromoChannelNR;//Channel number for promo channel, normal not needed. var get_timer = 1; // gettimersserver 1 = smarttvweb, 0 = restfulapi var get_recordings = 1; // getrecordings 0 = restfulapi(only showing no play), 1 = smarttvweb, 2 = streamdev var get_marks = 1;// getmarks 1 = smarttvweb, 0 = restfulapi var subgroup_old = 1 ;// 0 = use old routine for sub group in recordings listing. var SortByDate = 1; //Sort recordings by date var ShowSubDir = 1 ; // 0 = no, 1 = yes (default) // show seperate maps for subdirs in menu recordings var showClock = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes var SwitchGuide = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes var PipSwitchGuide = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes // use second/pip player for getting epg update in guide view // !!Unstable!! box might restart var TimeShift = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes timeshift var KillStream = 1; // 1 = Close stream on Standby var ShowProtectedChannels = 1; // 0 = yes show, 1 = don't show protected channels (default) var ProtectTimeOut = 60 * (60 * 1000); //time out in minutes (0 = no timeout) var ShowSource = 1; // show source in OSD var pipPlayer = 0; // 0 = no, 1 = yes Pip var mediaRecorder = 1; // 0 = no, 1 = yes local recording. var PauseOnServer = 0; // 0 = no pause on server, 1 = pause live TV on server var ShowMPD = 0; // 0 = don't use MPD, 1 = make use of MPD (http://www.musicpd.org/) var fullupdate = 1; // If guideview is too slow, set it to 0 (for 1910/1960), faster boxes can use 1 // to force the use on boxes other then 19x3 use 2!! var ShowOsdTime = 5 * 1000; //Time to show OSD, in seconds * 1000 var ShowSetTimer = 3 * 1000; //Time to show set timer popup, in seconds * 1000 var ChangeTime = 1 * 1000; // Time before the channel change happens (was only with OK) var serverEPGdays = 3 * (60 * 60 * 24); // the higher the longer you wait while getting the epg info var VolumeStep = 5; // Steps the volume buttons make var ShowVolumeTime = 1 * 1000; //Time to show Volume OSD, in seconds * 1000 // Server for Recordings var recServ = ":" + "8000"; var RestFulAPI = ":" + "8002"; var MPDAddress = ":" + "8888"; var StreamPort = ":" + "3000" + "/"; //var StreamPort = ":" + "8000" + "/live/"; var channeldigits = 2; // 0 - Max 9, 1 max 99, 2 max 999 or 3 max 9999 channels directly selectable by numbers var autodigits = 1; //0 like before, 1 if max in group is < 99 autoset digits to 1, if max < 9 autoset to 0. Autoset can't be > channeldigits var Fav_group = 10; // Favorite Group 10 var EPGMode = 1; // 1 = FILTER_MODE_PF_AND_SCHEDULE 0 = FILTER_MODE_PF_ONLY var RecCmds = new Array(-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); var RecCmdsIcon = new Array("","\uE005","","","","","","","",""); var preRecTime = 300 ;// for local recordings time before recording in seconds var afterRecTime = 600 ; // for local recordings time after recording in seconds // // No need to change anything from here on. // var lang_nr; var ShowSubs; //Flash stored VideoOutputModes = new Array(4,5,7); // Modes for the portal. VideoOutputModes_txt = new Array("NO_VIDEO_MODE","480I60","576I50","480P60","576P50","720P50","720P60","1080I50","1080I60","1080P23976","1080P24", "1080P25","1080P29970","1080P30","1080P50","1080P59940","1080P60") // NO_VIDEO_MODE = 0 // VIDEO_MODE_480I60 = 1 // VIDEO_MODE_576I50 = 2 // VIDEO_MODE_480P60 = 3 // VIDEO_MODE_576P50 = 4 <-- // VIDEO_MODE_720P50 = 5 <-- // VIDEO_MODE_720P60 = 6 // VIDEO_MODE_1080I50 = 7 <-- // VIDEO_MODE_1080I60 = 8 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P23976 = 9 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P24 = 10 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P25 = 11 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P29970 = 12 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P30 = 13 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P50 = 14 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P59940 = 15 // VIDEO_MODE_1080P60 = 16 var videoConfig; var Set_Res; var audio = 0; var audio_dyn = 0; var subs_dyn = 0; var lang_prio_dyn = new Array(); //Used for dynamic audio track selection var subs_prio_dyn = new Array(); //Used for dynamic subs track selection var ChanGroup = Number(String((currChan / 1000)).substring(0,1)); // default group var OldChanGroup = ChanGroup; var minChan = new Array();var minchan = new Array(); var maxChan = new Array(); var defChan = new Array(); var baseChn = new Array(); var protChn = new Array(); var ServerAdres = new Array(); // Define settings for Channels. var NN = new Array(); var Lang = new Array(); var CLang = new Array(); var isFullscreen = 1; var Volume = StartVolume; var AudioOut = 3; // AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_ANALOG = 0; AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_SPDIF = 1; AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_HDMI = 2;AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_DECODER = 3;AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_BUFFER = 4;AUDIO_CONNECTION_TYPE_I2S = 5; var prevChan = currChan; var oldChan; var channels = new Array(); var channelsnames = new Array(); var channelsepglang = new Array(); var currMed = 0; var listMed = 0; var DelisOK = 0; var recPath = "/recordings.xml"; var menu = 0; var menuitem = 0; var isMediaMenu = 0; var isVisible = 0; var isSetupMenu = 0; var isSchedule = 0; var MainMenu = 0; var mediaPlayer = null; var Change = 0; var ChangeOK = 0; var Extok = 0; var count = 0; //Remote settings //keys var KEY_0 = "U+0030"; var KEY_1 = "U+0031"; var KEY_2 = "U+0032"; var KEY_3 = "U+0033"; var KEY_4 = "U+0034"; var KEY_5 = "U+0035"; var KEY_6 = "U+0036"; var KEY_7 = "U+0037"; var KEY_8 = "U+0038"; var KEY_9 = "U+0039"; var KEY_MENU = "Menu"; var KEY_REC = "U+00bd"; var KEY_REC2 = "MediaRecord"; var KEY_OK = "Accept"; var KEY_LEFT = "Left"; var KEY_RIGHT = "Right"; var KEY_DOWN = "Down"; var KEY_UP = "Up"; //Extra keys var KEY_DOWN1 = "ChannelDown"; var KEY_UP1 = "ChannelUp"; // Comhem Remote var KEY_FAV = "U+e0003"; var KEY_FILM = "U+e0033"; var KEY_HELP2 = "U+f0001"; // old kpn (vip1710/1760) var KEY_OPNAMES = "U+0046"; var KEY_HELP = "Info"; var KEY_DIENSTEN = "Portal"; var KEY_A = "U+0041"; // |> var KEY_B = "U+0042"; // hh var KEY_C = "U+0043"; // @ var KEY_D = "U+0044"; // >@ // Comx keyboard var KEY_DVR = "DVR"; var KEY_WWW = "Web"; var KEY_STOP = "U+001B"; var KEY_EPG = "List"; var KEY_MPT = "MediaPreviousTrack"; var KEY_MNT = "MediaNextTrack"; // Comx remote // Motorola NYX remote var KEY_RIGHT2 = "ScrollRight"; var KEY_LEFT2 = "ScrollLeft"; var KEY_UP2 = "ScrollUp"; var KEY_DOWN2 = "ScrollDown"; //End of Remote settings var eitCache = null; var events = null; var eitService = null; var EPGShortnext; var EPGShortnow; var listChan = 0; var NowNext = 0; var EpgInfo = new Array(); var EpgExtInfo = new Array(); var files = new Array(); // //NowNext, 1 = programma naam event.name ,currchan //0 1 2 = start event.time //2 = schedule 3 = lengte event.duration (/60 = minuten) // 4 = shortinfo // 5 = extinfo // 6 = eventid // 7 = EPGNow / EPGNext // 8 = ParentalRating // 9 = ContentNibbles var EPG = new Array(); EPG[0] = new Array(); EPG[1] = new Array(); EPG[2] = new Array(); EPG[0][1] = new Array(); EPG[0][2] = new Array(); EPG[0][3] = new Array(); EPG[0][4] = new Array(); EPG[0][5] = new Array(); EPG[0][6] = new Array(); EPG[0][7] = new Array(); EPG[0][8] = new Array(); EPG[0][9] = new Array(); EPG[1][1] = new Array(); EPG[1][2] = new Array(); EPG[1][3] = new Array(); EPG[1][4] = new Array(); EPG[1][5] = new Array(); EPG[1][6] = new Array(); EPG[1][7] = new Array(); EPG[1][8] = new Array(); EPG[1][9] = new Array(); EPG[2][1] = new Array(); EPG[2][2] = new Array(); EPG[2][3] = new Array(); EPG[2][4] = new Array(); EPG[2][5] = new Array(); EPG[2][6] = new Array(); EPG[2][7] = new Array(); EPG[2][8] = new Array(); EPG[2][9] = new Array(); var content; var connib = 0x00000000; var osdtimeout = 0; var osdVolumetimeout = 0; var epgactive = 0; var preChan = 0; var preGrp = 0; var timerChan = 10; var TimerActions; var initialDelayID = 0; var initialDelayPlayTime = 1000; // wait 1000 ms before zap to next channel var initialDelayPlayNormal = 5000; // back to normal after 5000ms var CAdelayID = 0; var ProtectID = 0; var SleepTimer = 0; var SleepTimerID = -1; var initialDelayPlayID = -1; var TimedChangeID = -1; var instanttimer = new Array(); var inst_timer = 0; var switchicon = "\uE003"; var CAicon = "\uE00F"; var RECicon = "\uE003"; var Radioicon = "\uE003"; var AvInfo = new Array(); var xx = 0; var subsmode = 0; // "cfg.media.subtitling.modepriority","Teletext,DVB" var rec_lst = new Array(); // Full recording list, used for sorting var recTitl = new Array(); // title of recording var recLink = new Array(); // link to get recording var recDesc = new Array(); // description of the recording var recDura = new Array(); // duration of the recording var recStrt = new Array(); // date of recording var recList = new Array(); // used to verify if the right recording is going to be deleted var recMark = new Array(); // marks made in the recording, eg by Noad, Markad var rec_New = new Array(); // Flag if recording is new (unseen) var recGUID = new Array(); // GUID of recording var recChan = new Array(); // Channel ID var recDummy= new Array(); // var recGroup= new Array(); // group index var recProt = new Array(); // protect recording based on channelgroup var recSubGroup = new Array(); // used for subgroups var subgroup= 0 ; // Used for subdirs in recording view var subsubgroup = 0;// Used for subdirs in recording view var MaxInGroup=14; // Used for subdirs in recording view var Group_Header = new Array(); // Header for submenu. var posMark = 0; var recMap = 0; var timersID = new Array(); var timersFlag = new Array(); var timersStrt = new Array(); var timersStop = new Array(); var timersDays = new Array(); var timersDay = new Array(); var timersName = new Array(); var timersFile = new Array(); var timersEvnt = new Array(); var timersChan = new Array(); var maxTimers = 0; var timerOK = 0; var searchtimersID = new Array(); var searchtimersSearch = new Array(); var searchtimersFlag = new Array(); var SearchTimer = new Array(); var getRecOK = 0; var position = 0; var timer = new Array(); var timers = new Array(); var searchtimers = new Array(); var getbookingID = 0; var timerID = 0; var nrMedia = 0; var MPDListener = 0; //vdr status var free_space = 0; var perc_space = 0; var isPause = 0; //used by pause routine. var Fav_base = Fav_group * 1000; var Fav_max_channel; baseChn[Fav_group] = Fav_base; defChan[Fav_group] = Fav_base + 1; minChan[Fav_group] = Fav_base + 1; // var Chan_Ver = "Not set"; var Fav_key1; var set_yellow_key = 0; var URL; var initialDelayPlay = 0; var PlayDelayID; var PIPDelayID; var ErrorAgain = 0; var smartTVplugin; // Turn on or off the use of smartTVplugin var Restfulapiplugin; // Turn on or off the use of Restfulapiplugin var localRecording = 0; var box_ip; // Used for testing plugins var test_ip; // Used for testing plugins var color_switchtimer = "color_switchtimer"; var color_default = "color_default"; var color_error = "color_error"; var MACaddress; //BOX mac address, used for uniq box config loading Sw_Timer = new Array("None", "SwitchOnly", "Record Server", "Record Local" , "Sleeptimer");