diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <>2010-01-02 14:56:03 +0100
committerKlaus Schmidinger <>2010-01-02 14:56:03 +0100
commit4577bfdd9ef7edc4a76de7cef30bda960e22e576 (patch)
parentb5edaaa7ccb55ae13f197be2b40c8de460233fd4 (diff)
Improved the description of the transponder parameters in vdr.5
3 files changed, 57 insertions, 4 deletions
index 872f6d23..864f0e82 100644
@@ -2470,6 +2470,7 @@ Michael Nork <>
Winfried K�hler <>
for fixing wrong value for TableIdBAT in libsi/si.h
for making several code modifications to avoid compiler warnings
+ for improving the description of the transponder parameters in vdr.5
Igor M. Liplianin <>
for a patch that was used to convert VDR to the S2API driver API
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 68bf671c..1b49e23c 100644
@@ -6197,7 +6197,7 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
- Fixed the default value for "Pause key handling" in the MANUAL (reported by
Diego Pierotto).
-2010-01-01: Version 1.7.11
+2010-01-02: Version 1.7.11
- Fixed resetting the file size when regenerating the index file.
- The new function cDevice::PatPmtParser() can be used in derived devices to access
@@ -6252,3 +6252,5 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
- The new command line options --edit and --genindex can be used to edit a
recording or generate its index without actually starting the entire VDR
(based on a patch from Helmut Auer).
+- Improved the description of the transponder parameters in vdr.5 (thanks to
+ Winfried K�hler).
diff --git a/vdr.5 b/vdr.5
index b026b011..58818e22 100644
--- a/vdr.5
+++ b/vdr.5
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
.\" License as specified in the file COPYING that comes with the
.\" vdr distribution.
-.\" $Id: vdr.5 2.8 2009/12/24 10:47:38 kls Exp $
+.\" $Id: vdr.5 2.9 2010/01/02 14:50:29 kls Exp $
.TH vdr 5 "10 Feb 2008" "1.6" "Video Disk Recorder Files"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Such a delimiter will not appear in the Channels menu.
A \fBchannel definition\fR is a line with channel data, where the fields
are separated by ':' characters. Example:
-\fBRTL Television,RTL:12188:h:S19.2E:27500:163:104:105:0:12003:1:1089:0\fR
+\fBRTL Television,RTL;RTL World:12187:hC34M2O0S0:S19.2E:27500:163=2:104=deu;106=deu:105:0:12003:1:1089:0\fR
The line number of a channel definition (not counting group separators,
and based on a possible previous '@...' parameter)
@@ -103,6 +103,47 @@ l l.
\fBY\fR@hierarchY (0, 1, 2, 4)
+\fBBandwidth:\fR The bandwidth of the channel in MHz (DVB-T only).
+\fBCode rate high priority:\fR Forward Error Correction (FEC) of the high priority stream (DVB-T).
+For DVB-S/DVB-S2 this parameter specifies the inner FEC scheme.
+12 = 1/2, 23 = 2/3, 34 = 3/4, ...
+\fBCode rate low priority:\fR Forward Error Correction (FEC) of the low priority stream (DVB-T only).
+If no hierarchy is used, set to 0.
+\fBGuard interval:\fR The guard interval value (DVB-T only): 4 = 1/4, 8 = 1/8, 16 = 1/16, 32 = 1/32.
+\fBInversion:\fR Specifes whether the DVB frontend needs spectral inversion (DVB-T and DVB-C only). This is frontend specific, if in doubt, omit.
+\fBModulation:\fR Specifies the modulation/constellation of the channel as follows:
+tab (@);
+l l.
+\fB2\fR@QPSK (DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T)
+\fB5\fR@8PSK (DVB-S2)
+\fB6\fR@16APSK (DVB-S2)
+\fB10\fR@VSB8 (ATSC aerial)
+\fB11\fR@VSB16 (ATSC aerial)
+\fB16\fR@QAM16 (DVB-T)
+\fB64\fR@QAM64 (DVB-C, DVB-T)
+\fB128\fR@QAM128 (DVB-C)
+\fB256\fR@QAM256 (DVB-C)
+\fBRolloff:\fR The Nyquist filter rolloff factor for DVB-S (\fB35\fR) and DVB-S2 (\fB35\fR, 25, 20),
+35 = 0.35, 25 = 0.25, 20 = 0.20, DVB-S/DVB-S2 default value is 0.35
+\fBTransmission mode:\fR Number of DVB-T OFDM carriers, 8 = 8k, 2 = 2k. If in doubt, try 8k.
+\fBHierarchy:\fR If set to 1, this transponder uses two streams, high priority and low priority.
+If in doubt, try 0 (off). (DVB-T only).
+\fBDelivery System:\fR The satellite delivery system (0 = DVB-S, 1 = DVB-S2).
+\fBPolarization:\fR Satellite antenna polarization.
+h = horizontal, v = vertical, r = circular right, l = circular left.
The polarization parameters have no integer numbers following them. This is for
compatibility with files from older versions and also to keep the DVB-S entries
as simple as possible.
@@ -111,8 +152,17 @@ The special value \fB999\fR is used for "automatic", which means the driver
will automatically determine the proper value (if possible).
An example of a parameter field for a DVB-T channel might look like this:
+An example of a parameter field for a DVB-C channel might look like this:
+An example of a parameter field for a DVB-S channel might look like this:
+An example of a parameter field for a DVB-S2 channel might look like this:
.B Source
The signal source of this channel, as defined in the file \fIsources.conf\fR.