path: root/dvbapi.h
diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <>2002-06-16 13:26:00 +0200
committerKlaus Schmidinger <>2002-06-16 13:26:00 +0200
commit3ab746babd6d879f05b4cbc76662c65cf4146397 (patch)
tree0312baea9a9cef76689a86d6e74ffed68320e1cc /dvbapi.h
parenta4bfddd2f995ad03409de005bc3015437c10aa06 (diff)
Changed 'cStatusMonitor' to 'cStatus'1.1.3
Diffstat (limited to 'dvbapi.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/dvbapi.h b/dvbapi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 036ded85..00000000
--- a/dvbapi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
- * dvbapi.h: Interface to the DVB driver
- *
- * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
- * how to reach the author.
- *
- * $Id: dvbapi.h 1.72 2002/05/20 10:58:20 kls Exp $
- */
-#ifndef __DVBAPI_H
-#define __DVBAPI_H
-#include <stdlib.h> // FIXME: this is apparently necessary for the ost/... header files
- // FIXME: shouldn't every header file include ALL the other header
- // FIXME: files it depends on? The sequence in which header files
- // FIXME: are included here should not matter - and it should NOT
- // FIXME: be necessary to include <stdlib.h> here!
-#include <linux/videodev.h>
-#include <ost/dmx.h>
-#include <ost/sec.h>
-#include <ost/frontend.h>
-#include <ost/video.h>
-#include <ost/audio.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "eit.h"
-#include "thread.h"
-#define FRAMESPERSEC 25
-// The maximum file size is limited by the range that can be covered
-// with 'int'. 4GB might be possible (if the range is considered
-// 'unsigned'), 2GB should be possible (even if the range is considered
-// 'signed'), so let's use 2000MB for absolute safety (the actual file size
-// may be slightly higher because we stop recording only before the next
-// 'I' frame, to have a complete Group Of Pictures):
-#define MAXVIDEOFILESIZE 2000 // MB
-#define MAXVOLUME 255
-#define VOLUMEDELTA 5 // used to increase/decrease the volume
-const char *IndexToHMSF(int Index, bool WithFrame = false);
- // Converts the given index to a string, optionally containing the frame number.
-int HMSFToIndex(const char *HMSF);
- // Converts the given string (format: "hh:mm:ss.ff") to an index.
-enum eSetChannelResult { scrOk, scrNoTransfer, scrFailed };
-class cChannel;
-class cRecordBuffer;
-class cPlayBuffer;
-class cReplayBuffer;
-class cTransferBuffer;
-class cCuttingBuffer;
-class cVideoCutter {
- static char *editedVersionName;
- static cCuttingBuffer *cuttingBuffer;
- static bool error;
- static bool ended;
- static bool Start(const char *FileName);
- static void Stop(void);
- static bool Active(void);
- static bool Error(void);
- static bool Ended(void);
- };
-class cDvbApi {
- friend class cOsd;
- friend class cRecordBuffer;
- friend class cReplayBuffer;
- friend class cTransferBuffer;
- FrontendType frontendType;
- int fd_osd, fd_frontend, fd_sec, fd_dvr, fd_audio, fd_video, fd_demuxa1, fd_demuxa2, fd_demuxd1, fd_demuxd2, fd_demuxv, fd_demuxt;
- int vPid, aPid1, aPid2, dPid1, dPid2;
- int OsdDeviceHandle(void) { return fd_osd; }
- bool SetPid(int fd, dmxPesType_t PesType, int Pid, dmxOutput_t Output);
- bool SetVpid(int Vpid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxv, DMX_PES_VIDEO, Vpid, Output); }
- bool SetApid1(int Apid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxa1, DMX_PES_AUDIO, Apid, Output); }
- bool SetApid2(int Apid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxa2, DMX_PES_OTHER, Apid, Output); }
- bool SetDpid1(int Dpid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxd1, DMX_PES_OTHER, Dpid, Output); }
- bool SetDpid2(int Dpid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxd2, DMX_PES_OTHER, Dpid, Output); }
- bool SetTpid(int Tpid, dmxOutput_t Output) { return SetPid(fd_demuxt, DMX_PES_TELETEXT, Tpid, Output); }
- bool SetPids(bool ForRecording);
- cDvbApi(int n);
- ~cDvbApi();
-#define MAXDVBAPI 4 // the maximum number of DVB cards in the system
-#define MAXCACAPS 16 // the maximum number of different CA values per DVB card
- static int NumDvbApis;
- static cDvbApi *dvbApi[MAXDVBAPI];
- static int useDvbApi;
- int cardIndex;
- int caCaps[MAXCACAPS];
- int CanShift(int Ca, int Priority, int UsedCards = 0);
- static cDvbApi *PrimaryDvbApi;
- static void SetUseDvbApi(int n);
- // Sets the 'useDvbApi' flag of the given DVB device.
- // If this function is not called before Initialize(), all DVB devices
- // will be used.
- static bool SetPrimaryDvbApi(int n);
- // Sets the primary DVB device to 'n' (which must be in the range
- // 1...NumDvbApis) and returns true if this was possible.
- static cDvbApi *GetDvbApi(int Ca, int Priority);
- // Selects a free DVB device, avoiding the PrimaryDvbApi if possible.
- // If Ca is not 0, the device with the given number will be returned
- // in case Ca is <= MAXDVBAPI, or the device that provides the given
- // value in its caCaps.
- // If all DVB devices are currently recording, the one recording the
- // lowest priority timer (if any) that is lower than the given Priority
- // will be returned.
- // The caller must check whether the returned DVB device is actually
- // recording and stop recording if necessary.
- int CardIndex(void) const { return cardIndex; }
- // Returns the card index of this DvbApi (0 ... MAXDVBAPI - 1).
- static void SetCaCaps(void);
- // Sets the CaCaps of all DVB devices according to the Setup data.
- int ProvidesCa(int Ca);
- // Checks whether this DVB device provides the given value in its
- // caCaps. Returns 0 if the value is not provided, 1 if only this
- // value is provided, and > 1 if this and other values are provided.
- // If the given value is equal to the number of this DVB device,
- // 1 is returned. If it is 0 (FTA), 1 plus the number of other values
- // in caCaps is returned.
- static bool Probe(const char *FileName);
- // Probes for existing DVB devices.
- static bool Initialize(void);
- // Initializes the DVB API.
- // Must be called before accessing any DVB functions.
- static void Shutdown(void);
- // Closes down all DVB devices.
- // Must be called at the end of the program.
- // EIT facilities
- cSIProcessor *siProcessor;
- // Image Grab facilities
- bool GrabImage(const char *FileName, bool Jpeg = true, int Quality = -1, int SizeX = -1, int SizeY = -1);
- // Video format facilities:
- void SetVideoFormat(videoFormat_t Format);
- // Channel facilities
- int currentChannel;
- eSetChannelResult SetChannel(int ChannelNumber, int Frequency, char Polarization, int Diseqc, int Srate, int Vpid, int Apid1, int Apid2, int Dpid1, int Dpid2, int Tpid, int Ca, int Pnr);
- static int CurrentChannel(void) { return PrimaryDvbApi ? PrimaryDvbApi->currentChannel : 0; }
- int Channel(void) { return currentChannel; }
- // Transfer facilities
- cTransferBuffer *transferBuffer;
- cDvbApi *transferringFromDvbApi;
- bool Transferring(void);
- // Returns true if we are currently transferring video data.
- cDvbApi *StartTransfer(int TransferToVideoDev);
- // Starts transferring video data from this DVB device to TransferToVideoDev.
- void StopTransfer(void);
- // Stops transferring video data (in case a transfer is currently active).
- // Record/Replay facilities
- cRecordBuffer *recordBuffer;
- cPlayBuffer *replayBuffer;
- int ca;
- int priority;
- int Priority(void);
- // Returns the priority of the current recording session (0..MAXPRIORITY),
- // or -1 if no recording is currently active. The primary DVB device will
- // always return at least Setup.PrimaryLimit-1.
- int SetModeRecord(void);
- // Initiates recording mode and returns the file handle to read from.
- void SetModeReplay(void);
- void SetModeNormal(bool FromRecording);
- int Ca(void) { return ca; }
- // Returns the ca of the current recording session.
- int SecondsToFrames(int Seconds);
- // Returns the number of frames corresponding to the given number of seconds.
- bool Recording(void);
- // Returns true if we are currently recording.
- bool Replaying(void);
- // Returns true if we are currently replaying.
- bool StartRecord(const char *FileName, int Ca, int Priority);
- // Starts recording the current channel into the given file, with
- // the given ca and priority.
- // In order to be able to record longer movies,
- // a numerical suffix will be appended to the file name. The inital
- // value of that suffix will be larger than any existing file under
- // the given name, thus allowing an interrupted recording to continue
- // gracefully.
- // Returns true if recording was started successfully.
- // If there is already a recording session active, false will be
- // returned.
- void StopRecord(void);
- // Stops the current recording session (if any).
- bool StartReplay(const char *FileName);
- // Starts replaying the given file.
- // If there is already a replay session active, it will be stopped
- // and the new file will be played back.
- void StopReplay(void);
- // Stops the current replay session (if any).
- void Pause(void);
- // Pauses the current replay session, or resumes a paused session.
- void Play(void);
- // Resumes normal replay mode.
- void Forward(void);
- // Runs the current replay session forward at a higher speed.
- void Backward(void);
- // Runs the current replay session backwards at a higher speed.
- void SkipSeconds(int Seconds);
- // Skips the given number of seconds in the current replay session.
- // The sign of 'Seconds' determines the direction in which to skip.
- // Use a very large negative value to go all the way back to the
- // beginning of the recording.
- int SkipFrames(int Frames);
- // Returns the new index into the current replay session after skipping
- // the given number of frames (no actual repositioning is done!).
- // The sign of 'Frames' determines the direction in which to skip.
- bool GetIndex(int &Current, int &Total, bool SnapToIFrame = false);
- // Returns the current and total frame index, optionally snapped to the
- // nearest I-frame.
- bool GetReplayMode(bool &Play, bool &Forward, int &Speed);
- // Returns the current replay mode (if applicable).
- // 'Play' tells whether we are playing or pausing, 'Forward' tells whether
- // we are going forward or backward and 'Speed' is -1 if this is normal
- // play/pause mode, 0 if it is single speed fast/slow forward/back mode
- // and >0 if this is multi speed mode.
- void Goto(int Index, bool Still = false);
- // Positions to the given index and displays that frame as a still picture
- // if Still is true.
- // Audio track facilities
- bool CanToggleAudioTrack(void);
- // Returns true if we are currently replaying and this recording has two
- // audio tracks, or if the current channel has two audio PIDs.
- bool ToggleAudioTrack(void);
- // Toggles the audio track if possible.
- // Dolby Digital audio facilities
- static char *audioCommand;
- static void SetAudioCommand(const char *Command);
- static const char *AudioCommand(void) { return audioCommand; }
- // Volume facilities:
- bool mute;
- int volume;
- bool IsMute(void) { return mute; }
- bool ToggleMute(void);
- // Turns the volume off or on and returns the new mute state.
- void SetVolume(int Volume, bool Absolute = false);
- // Sets the volume to the given value, either absolutely or relative to
- // the current volume.
- static int CurrentVolume(void) { return PrimaryDvbApi ? PrimaryDvbApi->volume : 0; }
- };
-#endif //__DVBAPI_H