path: root/osd.h
diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <>2004-05-16 10:35:36 +0200
committerKlaus Schmidinger <>2004-05-16 10:35:36 +0200
commit5d99df7b7760c4a2b497c737a15b609008f6d56d (patch)
treea342f2f7465a73fe2bd63848d87566af8d646dd3 /osd.h
parent7aab06d8b1c6de59d06756d44c631984acd299b3 (diff)
Implemented 'skins' and 'themes'
Diffstat (limited to 'osd.h')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/osd.h b/osd.h
index 3835b093..2df875ed 100644
--- a/osd.h
+++ b/osd.h
@@ -4,169 +4,349 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: osd.h 1.40 2003/09/14 10:59:22 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: osd.h 1.41 2004/05/15 14:54:37 kls Exp $
#ifndef __OSD_H
#define __OSD_H
-#if defined(DEBUG_OSD)
-#include <ncurses.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "osdbase.h"
-#include "interface.h"
-#include "osdbase.h"
-#include "tools.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "font.h"
-#define MAXOSDITEMS (Setup.OSDheight - 4)
+#define MAXNUMCOLORS 256
-enum eOSState { osUnknown,
- osContinue,
- osSchedule,
- osChannels,
- osTimers,
- osRecordings,
- osPlugin,
- osSetup,
- osCommands,
- osPause,
- osRecord,
- osReplay,
- osStopRecord,
- osStopReplay,
- osCancelEdit,
- osSwitchDvb,
- osBack,
- osEnd,
- os_User, // the following values can be used locally
- osUser1,
- osUser2,
- osUser3,
- osUser4,
- osUser5,
- osUser6,
- osUser7,
- osUser8,
- osUser9,
- osUser10,
- };
+enum {
+ clrTransparent = 0x00000000,
+ clrGray50 = 0x7F000000, // 50% gray
+ clrBlack = 0xFF000000,
+ clrRed = 0xFFFC1414,
+ clrGreen = 0xFF24FC24,
+ clrYellow = 0xFFFCC024,
+ clrMagenta = 0xFFB000FC,
+ clrBlue = 0xFF0000FC,
+ clrCyan = 0xFF00FCFC,
+ clrWhite = 0xFFFCFCFC,
+ };
-class cOsd {
+enum eOsdError { oeOk,
+ oeTooManyAreas,
+ oeTooManyColors,
+ oeBppNotSupported,
+ oeAreasOverlap,
+ oeWrongAlignment,
+ oeOutOfMemory,
+ oeUnknown,
+ };
+typedef uint32_t tColor;
+typedef uint8_t tIndex;
+class cPalette {
- enum { charWidth = 12, // average character width
- lineHeight = 27 // smallest text height
- };
-#ifdef DEBUG_OSD
- static WINDOW *window;
- enum { MaxColorPairs = 16 };
- static int colorPairs[MaxColorPairs];
- static void SetColor(eDvbColor colorFg, eDvbColor colorBg = clrBackground);
- static cOsdBase *osd;
- static int cols, rows;
+ tColor color[MAXNUMCOLORS];
+ int bpp;
+ int maxColors, numColors;
+ bool modified;
+ typedef tIndex tIndexes[MAXNUMCOLORS];
- static void Initialize(void);
- static void Shutdown(void);
- static cOsdBase *OpenRaw(int x, int y);
- // Returns a raw OSD without any predefined windows or colors.
- // If the "normal" OSD is currently in use, NULL will be returned.
- // The caller must delete this object before the "normal" OSD is used again!
- static void Open(int w, int h);
- static void Close(void);
- static void Clear(void);
- static void Fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, eDvbColor color = clrBackground);
- static void SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap);
- static void ClrEol(int x, int y, eDvbColor color = clrBackground);
- static int CellWidth(void);
- static int LineHeight(void);
- static int Width(unsigned char c);
- static int WidthInCells(const char *s);
- static eDvbFont SetFont(eDvbFont Font);
- static void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor colorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor colorBg = clrBackground);
- static void Flush(void);
+ cPalette(int Bpp = 8);
+ ///< Initializes the palette with the given color depth.
+ int Bpp(void) { return bpp; }
+ void Reset(void);
+ ///< Resets the palette, making it contain no colors.
+ int Index(tColor Color);
+ ///< Returns the index of the given Color (the first color has index 0).
+ ///< If Color is not yet contained in this palette, it will be added if
+ ///< there is a free slot. If the color can't be added to this palette,
+ ///< 0 will be returned.
+ tColor Color(int Index) { return Index < maxColors ? color[Index] : 0; }
+ ///< Returns the color at the given Index. If Index is outside the valid
+ ///< range, 0 will be returned.
+ void SetBpp(int Bpp);
+ ///< Sets the color depth of this palette to the given value.
+ ///< The palette contents will be reset, so that it contains no colors.
+ void SetColor(int Index, tColor Color);
+ ///< Sets the palette entry at Index to Color. If Index is larger than
+ ///< the number of currently used entries in this palette, the entries
+ ///< in between will have undefined values.
+ const tColor *Colors(int &NumColors);
+ ///< Returns a pointer to the complete color table and stores the
+ ///< number of valid entries in NumColors. If no colors have been
+ ///< stored yet, NumColors will be set to 0 and the function will
+ ///< return NULL.
+ void Take(const cPalette &Palette, tIndexes *Indexes = NULL, tColor ColorFg = 0, tColor ColorBg = 0);
+ ///< Takes the colors from the given Palette and adds them to this palette,
+ ///< using existing entries if possible. If Indexes is given, it will be
+ ///< filled with the index values that each color of Palette has in this
+ ///< palette. If either of ColorFg or ColorBg is not zero, the first color
+ ///< in Palette will be taken as ColorBg, and the second color will become
+ ///< ColorFg.
-class cOsdItem : public cListObject {
+enum eTextAlignment { taCenter = 0x00,
+ taLeft = 0x01,
+ taRight = 0x02,
+ taTop = 0x04,
+ taBottom = 0x08,
+ taDefault = taTop | taLeft
+ };
+class cBitmap : public cPalette {
- char *text;
- int offset;
- eOSState state;
- bool fresh;
- bool userColor;
- eDvbColor fgColor, bgColor;
+ tIndex *bitmap;
+ int x0, y0;
+ int width, height;
+ int dirtyX1, dirtyY1, dirtyX2, dirtyY2;
+ cBitmap(int Width, int Height, int Bpp, int X0 = 0, int Y0 = 0);
+ ///< Creates a bitmap with the given Width, Height and color depth (Bpp).
+ ///< X0 and Y0 define the offset at which this bitmap will be located on the OSD.
+ ///< All coordinates given in the other functions will be relative to
+ ///< this offset (unless specified otherwise).
+ cBitmap(const char *FileName);
+ ///< Creates a bitmap and loads an XPM image from the given file.
+ cBitmap(char *Xpm[]);
+ ///< Creates a bitmap from the given XPM data.
+ virtual ~cBitmap();
+ int X0(void) const { return x0; }
+ int Y0(void) const { return y0; }
+ int Width(void) const { return width; }
+ int Height(void) const { return height; }
+ void SetSize(int Width, int Height);
+ ///< Sets the size of this bitmap to the given values. Any previous
+ ///< contents of the bitmap will be lost. If Width and Height are the same
+ ///< as the current values, nothing will happen and the bitmap remains
+ ///< unchanged.
+ bool Contains(int x, int y) const;
+ ///< Returns true if this bitmap contains the point (x, y).
+ bool Intersects(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const;
+ ///< Returns true if this bitmap intersects with the rectangle
+ ///< defined by the given coordinates.
+ bool Dirty(int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2);
+ ///< Tells whether there is a dirty area and returns the bounding
+ ///< rectangle of that area (relative to the bitmaps origin).
+ void Clean(void);
+ ///< Marks the dirty area as clean.
+ bool LoadXpm(const char *FileName);
+ ///< Calls SetXpm() with the data from the file FileName.
+ ///< Returns true if the operation was successful.
+ bool SetXpm(char *Xpm[]);
+ ///< Sets this bitmap to the given XPM data. Any previous bitmap or
+ ///< palette data will be overwritten with the new data.
+ ///< Returns true if the operation was successful.
+ void SetIndex(int x, int y, tIndex Index);
+ ///< Sets the index at the given coordinates to Index.
+ ///< Coordinates are relative to the bitmap's origin.
+ void DrawPixel(int x, int y, tColor Color);
+ ///< Sets the pixel at the given coordinates to the given Color, which is
+ ///< a full 32 bit ARGB value.
+ ///< If the coordinates are outside the bitmap area, no pixel will be set.
+ void DrawBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tColor ColorFg = 0, tColor ColorBg = 0);
+ ///< Sets the pixels in this bitmap with the data from the given
+ ///< Bitmap, putting the upper left corner of the Bitmap at (x, y).
+ ///< If ColorFg or ColorBg is given, the first palette entry of the Bitmap
+ ///< will be mapped to ColorBg and the second palette entry will be mapped to
+ ///< ColorFg (palette indexes are defined so that 0 is the background and
+ ///< 1 is the foreground color).
+ void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width = 0, int Height = 0, int Alignment = taDefault);
+ ///< Draws the given string at coordinates (x, y) with the given foreground
+ ///< and background color and font. If Width and Height are given, the text
+ ///< will be drawn into a rectangle with the given size and the given
+ ///< Alignment (default is top-left).
+ void DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color);
+ ///< Draws a filled rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and lower right
+ ///< (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. If the rectangle covers the entire
+ ///< bitmap area, the color palette will be reset, so that new colors can be
+ ///< used for drawing.
+ void DrawEllipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Quadrants = 0);
+ ///< Draws a filled ellipse defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and lower right
+ ///< (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. Quadrants controls which parts of
+ ///< the ellipse are actually drawn:
+ ///< 0 draws the entire ellipse
+ ///< 1..4 draws only the first, second, third or fourth quadrant, respectively
+ ///< 5..8 draws the right, top, left or bottom half, respectively
+ ///< -1..-8 draws the inverted part of the given quadrant(s)
+ ///< If Quadrants is not 0, the coordinates are those of the actual area, not
+ ///< the full circle!
+ void DrawSlope(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Type);
+ ///< Draws a "slope" into the rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and
+ ///< lower right (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. Type controls the
+ ///< direction of the slope and which side of it will be drawn:
+ ///< 0: horizontal, rising, lower
+ ///< 1: horizontal, rising, upper
+ ///< 2: horizontal, falling, lower
+ ///< 3: horizontal, falling, upper
+ ///< 4: vertical, rising, lower
+ ///< 5: vertical, rising, upper
+ ///< 6: vertical, falling, lower
+ ///< 7: vertical, falling, upper
+ const tIndex *Data(int x, int y);
+ ///< Returns the address of the index byte at the given coordinates.
+ };
+struct tArea {
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ int bpp;
+ int Width(void) const { return x2 - x1 + 1; }
+ int Height(void) const { return y2 - y1 + 1; }
+ bool Intersects(const tArea &Area) const { return !(x2 < Area.x1 || x1 > Area.x2 || y2 < Area.y1 || y1 > Area.y2); }
+ };
+#define MAXOSDAREAS 16
+class cOsd {
+ static bool isOpen;
+ cBitmap *savedRegion;
+ cBitmap *bitmaps[MAXOSDAREAS];
+ int numBitmaps;
+ int left, top, width, height;
- cOsdItem(eOSState State = osUnknown);
- cOsdItem(const char *Text, eOSState State = osUnknown);
- virtual ~cOsdItem();
- bool HasUserColor(void) { return userColor; }
- void SetText(const char *Text, bool Copy = true);
- void SetColor(eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor = clrBackground);
- const char *Text(void) { return text; }
- virtual void Display(int Offset = -1, eDvbColor FgColor = clrWhite, eDvbColor BgColor = clrBackground);
- virtual void Set(void) {}
- virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+ cOsd(int Left, int Top);
+ ///< Initializes the OSD with the given coordinates.
+ ///< By default it is assumed that the full area will be able to display
+ ///< full 32 bit graphics (ARGB with eight bit for each color and the alpha
+ ///< value, repectively). However, the actual hardware in use may not be
+ ///< able to display such a high resolution OSD, so there is an option to
+ ///< divide the full OSD area into several sub-areas with lower color depths
+ ///< and individual palettes. The sub-areas need not necessarily cover the
+ ///< entire OSD area, but only the OSD area actually covered by sub-areas
+ ///< will be available for drawing.
+ ///< At least one area must be defined in order to set the actual width and
+ ///< height of the OSD. Also, the caller must first try to use an area that
+ ///< consists of only one sub-area that covers the entire drawing space,
+ ///< and should require only the minimum necessary color depth. This is
+ ///< because a derived cOsd class may or may not be able to handle more
+ ///< than one area.
+ virtual ~cOsd();
+ ///< Shuts down the OSD.
+ static bool IsOpen(void) { return isOpen; }
+ int Left(void) { return left; }
+ int Top(void) { return top; }
+ int Width(void) { return width; }
+ int Height(void) { return height; }
+ cBitmap *GetBitmap(int Area);
+ ///< Returns a pointer to the bitmap for the given Area, or NULL if no
+ ///< such bitmap exists.
+ virtual eOsdError CanHandleAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas);
+ ///< Checks whether the OSD can display the given set of sub-areas.
+ ///< The return value indicates whether a call to SetAreas() with this
+ ///< set of areas will succeed. CanHandleAreas() may be called with an
+ ///< OSD that is already in use with other areas and will not interfere
+ ///< with the current operation of the OSD.
+ ///< A derived class must first call the base class CanHandleAreas()
+ ///< to check the basic conditions, like not overlapping etc.
+ virtual eOsdError SetAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas);
+ ///< Sets the sub-areas to the given areas.
+ ///< The return value indicates whether the operation was successful.
+ ///< If an error is reported, nothing will have changed and the previous
+ ///< OSD (if any) will still be displayed as before.
+ ///< If the OSD has been divided into several sub-areas, all areas that
+ ///< are part of the rectangle that surrounds a given drawing operation
+ ///< will be drawn into, with the proper offsets.
+ virtual void SaveRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+ ///< Saves the region defined by the given coordinates for later restoration
+ ///< through RestoreRegion(). Only one saved region can be active at any
+ ///< given time.
+ virtual void RestoreRegion(void);
+ ///< Restores the region previously saved by a call to SaveRegion().
+ ///< If SaveRegion() has not been called before, nothing will happen.
+ virtual eOsdError SetPalette(const cPalette &Palette, int Area);
+ ///< Sets the Palette for the given Area (the first area is numbered 0).
+ virtual void DrawPixel(int x, int y, tColor Color);
+ ///< Sets the pixel at the given coordinates to the given Color, which is
+ ///< a full 32 bit ARGB value.
+ ///< If the OSD area has been divided into separate sub-areas, and the
+ ///< given coordinates don't fall into any of these sub-areas, no pixel will
+ ///< be set.
+ virtual void DrawBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tColor ColorFg = 0, tColor ColorBg = 0);
+ ///< Sets the pixels in the OSD with the data from the given
+ ///< Bitmap, putting the upper left corner of the Bitmap at (x, y).
+ ///< If ColorFg or ColorBg is given, the first palette entry of the Bitmap
+ ///< will be mapped to ColorBg and the second palette entry will be mapped to
+ ///< ColorFg (palette indexes are defined so that 0 is the background and
+ ///< 1 is the foreground color).
+ virtual void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width = 0, int Height = 0, int Alignment = taDefault);
+ ///< Draws the given string at coordinates (x, y) with the given foreground
+ ///< and background color and font. If Width and Height are given, the text
+ ///< will be drawn into a rectangle with the given size and the given
+ ///< Alignment (default is top-left).
+ virtual void DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color);
+ ///< Draws a filled rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and lower right
+ ///< (x2, y2) corners with the given Color.
+ virtual void DrawEllipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Quadrants = 0);
+ ///< Draws a filled ellipse defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and lower right
+ ///< (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. Quadrants controls which parts of
+ ///< the ellipse are actually drawn:
+ ///< 0 draws the entire ellipse
+ ///< 1..4 draws only the first, second, third or fourth quadrant, respectively
+ ///< 5..8 draws the right, top, left or bottom half, respectively
+ ///< -1..-8 draws the inverted part of the given quadrant(s)
+ ///< If Quadrants is not 0, the coordinates are those of the actual area, not
+ ///< the full circle!
+ void DrawSlope(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Type);
+ ///< Draws a "slope" into the rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and
+ ///< lower right (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. Type controls the
+ ///< direction of the slope and which side of it will be drawn:
+ ///< 0: horizontal, rising, lower
+ ///< 1: horizontal, rising, upper
+ ///< 2: horizontal, falling, lower
+ ///< 3: horizontal, falling, upper
+ ///< 4: vertical, rising, lower
+ ///< 5: vertical, rising, upper
+ ///< 6: vertical, falling, lower
+ ///< 7: vertical, falling, upper
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ ///< Actually commits all data to the OSD hardware.
-class cOsdObject {
- friend class cOsdMenu;
+class cOsdProvider {
- bool isMenu;
+ static cOsdProvider *osdProvider;
- bool needsFastResponse;
+ virtual cOsd *CreateOsd(int Left, int Top) = 0;
+ ///< Returns a pointer to a newly created cOsd object, which will be located
+ ///< at the given coordinates.
- cOsdObject(bool FastResponse = false) { isMenu = false; needsFastResponse = FastResponse; }
- virtual ~cOsdObject() {}
- int Width(void) { return Interface->Width(); }
- int Height(void) { return Interface->Height(); }
- bool NeedsFastResponse(void) { return needsFastResponse; }
- bool IsMenu(void) { return isMenu; }
- virtual void Show(void) {}
- virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { return osUnknown; }
+ cOsdProvider(void);
+ //XXX maybe parameter to make this one "sticky"??? (frame-buffer etc.)
+ virtual ~cOsdProvider();
+ static cOsd *NewOsd(int Left, int Top);
+ ///< Returns a pointer to a newly created cOsd object, which will be located
+ ///< at the given coordinates. When the cOsd object is no longer needed, the
+ ///< caller must delete it.
+ static void Shutdown(void);
+ ///< Shuts down the OSD provider facility by deleting the current OSD provider.
-class cOsdMenu : public cOsdObject, public cList<cOsdItem> {
+class cTextScroller {
- char *title;
- int cols[cInterface::MaxCols];
- int first, current, marked;
- cOsdMenu *subMenu;
- const char *helpRed, *helpGreen, *helpYellow, *helpBlue;
- char *status;
- int digit;
- bool hasHotkeys;
- bool visible;
- const char *hk(const char *s);
- void SetHasHotkeys(void);
- virtual void Clear(void);
- bool SpecialItem(int idx);
- void SetCurrent(cOsdItem *Item);
- void RefreshCurrent(void);
- void DisplayCurrent(bool Current);
- void CursorUp(void);
- void CursorDown(void);
- void PageUp(void);
- void PageDown(void);
- void Mark(void);
- eOSState HotKey(eKeys Key);
- eOSState AddSubMenu(cOsdMenu *SubMenu);
- eOSState CloseSubMenu();
- bool HasSubMenu(void) { return subMenu; }
- void SetStatus(const char *s);
- void SetTitle(const char *Title, bool ShowDate = true);
- void SetHelp(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL);
- virtual void Del(int Index);
+ cOsd *osd;
+ int left, top, width, height;
+ const cFont *font;
+ tColor colorFg, colorBg;
+ int offset, shown;
+ cTextWrapper textWrapper;
+ void DrawText(void);
- cOsdMenu(const char *Title, int c0 = 0, int c1 = 0, int c2 = 0, int c3 = 0, int c4 = 0);
- virtual ~cOsdMenu();
- int Current(void) { return current; }
- void Add(cOsdItem *Item, bool Current = false, cOsdItem *After = NULL);
- void Ins(cOsdItem *Item, bool Current = false, cOsdItem *Before = NULL);
- virtual void Display(void);
- virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
+ cTextScroller(void);
+ cTextScroller(cOsd *Osd, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, const char *Text, const cFont *Font, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg);
+ void Set(cOsd *Osd, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, const char *Text, const cFont *Font, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg);
+ void Reset(void);
+ int Left(void) { return left; }
+ int Top(void) { return top; }
+ int Width(void) { return width; }
+ int Height(void) { return height; }
+ int Total(void) { return textWrapper.Lines(); }
+ int Offset(void) { return offset; }
+ int Shown(void) { return shown; }
+ bool CanScroll(void) { return CanScrollUp() || CanScrollDown(); }
+ bool CanScrollUp(void) { return offset > 0; }
+ bool CanScrollDown(void) { return offset + shown < Total(); }
+ void Scroll(bool Up, bool Page);
#endif //__OSD_H