Thanks go to the following people for patches and contributions: Carsten Koch <> for adding LIRC support for making the 'Recordings' menu be listed alphabetically for implementing the 'Summary' feature for adding the 'epg2timers' tool (see Tools/epg2timers) for his idea of using multiple disks (and for testing this feature) Plamen Ganev <> for fixing the frequency offset for Hotbird channels for adding the 'xtvrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/xtvrc2vdr) for adding the 'dvbrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/dvbrc2vdr) for implementing "channel grouping" Heino Goldenstein <> for modifying scrolling through lists to make it page up and down Guido Fiala <> for implementing slow forward/back for implementing the SVDRP command 'HITK' for implementing image grabbing Robert Schneider <> for implementing EIT support for displaying the current/next info Niels de Carpentier <> for adding a workaround for a driver timing problem in cDvbApi::Cmd() Martin Hammerschmid <> for suggesting to display the direct channel select input on the OSD