Video Disk Recorder File Formats -------------------------------- * channels.conf This file contains the channel setup. It consists of two types of lines: "group delimiters" and "channel definitions". A "group delimiter" is a line starting with a ':' as the very first character, followed by arbitrary text. Example: ":First group" A "channel definition" is a line with channel data, where the fields are separated by ':' characters: Example: "RTL:12188:h:1:27500:163:104:0:0:12003" The fields in a channel definition have the following meaning (from left to right): - Name: the channel's name (if the name originally contains a ':' character it has to be replaced by '|') - Frequency in MHz (as an integer) - Polarization (one of 'h', 'H', 'v', 'V') ** - Diseqc number ** - Symbol rate - Video PID - Audio PID - Teletext PID - Conditional Access (0 = Free To Air, 1 = can be decrypted by the first DVB card, 2 = can be decrypted by the second DVB card) - Program Number Fields marked with ** are only meaningful for DVB-S (satellite) receivers. DVB-C receivers simply ignore these. * timers.conf This file contains the timer setup. The fields in a timer definition have the following meaning (from left to right): - Timer active (0 = inaactive, 1 = active) - Program number of the channel to record - Day of recording, either one or more of M------ = Monday -T----- = Tuesday --W---- = Wednesday ---T--- = Thrusday ----F-- = Friday -----S- = Saturday ------S = Sunday (any combination is possible, for example MTWTF--, and the days may be indicated by any characters except '-', so for example ABC---- would set a timer that records on monday, tuesday and wednesday) or the "day of month" (1..31) - Start time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes) - End time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes) - Priority (from 00 to 99, 00 = lowest prioity, 99 = highest priority) - Guaranteed lifetime of recording (in days) - Name of timer (will be used to name the recording); if the name contains any ':' characters, these have to be replaced with '|' - Summary (any newline characters in the summary have to be replaced with '|'; the summary may contain ':' characters) * setup.conf This file contains the basic configuration options for VDR. Each line contains one option in the format "Name = Value". See the MANUAL file for a description of the available options. * commands.conf This file contains the definitions of commands that can be executed from the "Main" menus "Commands" option. Each line contains one command definition in the following format: title : command where 'title' is the string the will be displayed in the "Commands" menu, and 'command' is the actual command string that will be executed when this option is selected. The delimiting ':' may be surrounded by any number of white space characters. In order to avoid error messages to stderr, every command should have stderr redirected to stdout. Everything the command prints to stdout will be displayed in a result window, with 'title' as its title. Examples: 1 Check for new mail: /usr/local/bin/checkmail 2>&1 2 CPU status : /usr/loval/bin/cpustatus 2>&1 3 Disk space : df -h | grep '/video' | awk '{ print 100 - $5 "% free"; }' If the first non-blank character of the 'title' is a digit in the range 1..9, the command can be selected directly by pressing the respective numerical key on the remote control. * marks.vdr This file (if present in a recording directory) contains the editing marks defined for this recording. Each line contains the definition of one mark in the following format: hh:mm:ss.ff comment where 'hh:mm:ss.ff' is a frame position within the recording, given as "hours, minutes, seconds and (optional) frame number". 'comment' can be any string and may be used to describe this mark. If present, 'comment' must be separated from the frame position by at least one blank. The lines in this file need not necessarily appear in the correct temporal sequence, they will be automatically sorted by time index. CURRENT RESTRICTIONS: - the 'comment' is currently not used by VDR - marks must have a frame number, and that frame MUST be an I-frame (this means that only marks generated by VDR itself can be used, since they will always be guaranteed to mark I-frames).