Video Disk Recorder File Formats

* channels.conf

  This file contains the channel setup.
  It consists of two types of lines: "group delimiters" and "channel

  A "group delimiter" is a line starting with a ':' as the very first
  character, followed by arbitrary text.
  Example: ":First group"

  A "channel definition" is a line with channel data, where the fields
  are separated by ':' characters:
  Example: "RTL:12188:h:1:27500:163:104:0:12003"

  The fields in a channel definition have the following meaning (from left
  to right):

  - Name: the channel's name (if the name originally contains a ':' character
    it has to be replaced by '|')
  - Frequency in MHz (as an integer)
  - Polarization (one of 'h', 'H', 'v', 'V')
  - Diseqc number
  - Symbol rate
  - Video PID
  - Audio PID
  - Conditional Access (0 = Free To Air, 1 = can be decrypted by the first
    DVB card, 2 = can be decrypted by the second DVB card)
  - Program Number

* timers.conf

  This file contains the timer setup.

  The fields in a timer definition have the following meaning (from left
  to right):

  - Timer active (0 = inaactive, 1 = active)
  - Program number of the channel to record
  - Day of recording, either one or more of
      M------ = Monday
      -T----- = Tuesday
      --W---- = Wednesday
      ---T--- = Thrusday
      ----F-- = Friday
      -----S- = Saturday
      ------S = Sunday
    (any combination is possible, for example MTWTF--) or the "day of month" (1..31)
  - Star time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes)
  - End time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes)
  - Priority (from 00 to 99, 00 = lowest prioity, 99 = highest priority)
  - Guaranteed lifetime of recording (in days)
  - Name of timer (will be used to name the recording)
  - Summary