Video Disk Recorder User's Manual

* Selecting a Channel

  You can select a channel either by pressing the "Up" or "Down" key (while
  no On Screen Menu is displayed), or browsing through the channel list in
  the menu and pressing "Ok" on the desired channel.

* Instant Recording

  You can start recording the current channel by pressing the "Record"
  button. This will create a timer event named "instant" that start
  at the current time and records for two hours.
  If you want to modify the recording time you need to edit the timer.
  Stop instant recording by disabling or deleting the timer.

* Replaying a Recording

  All recordings are listed in the "Recordings" menu. Browse through the
  list with the "Up" and "Down" button and press "Ok" (or the "Red" button)
  to start playback.

* Replay Control

  - "Begin"   Positions to beginning of the recording and starts playback
              from there.
  - "Pause"   Halts playback at the current frame. Press again to continue
  - "Stop"    Stops playback and stores the current position, so that
              playback can be resumed later at that point.
  - "Search"  Runs playback forward or backward at a higher speed. Press
              again to resume normal speed.
  - "Skip"    Skips about 60 seconds forward or backward.

* Programming the Timer

  Use the "Timer" menu to maintain your list of timer controlled recordings.