# User defined Makefile options for the Video Disk Recorder
# Copy this file to 'Make.config' and change the parameters as necessary.
# See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
# how to reach the author.
# $Id: Make.config.template 1.9 2006/05/26 10:41:46 kls Exp $

### The C compiler and options:

CC       = gcc
CFLAGS   = -g -O2 -Wall

CXX      = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual

### The directory environment:

#DVBDIR   = /usr/src/v4l-dvb/linux
MANDIR   = /usr/local/man
BINDIR   = /usr/local/bin

VIDEODIR = /video

### The remote control:

LIRC_DEVICE = /dev/lircd
RCU_DEVICE  = /dev/ttyS1

## Define if you want vdr to not run as root
#VDR_USER = vdr

### You don't need to touch the following:

ifdef DVBDIR
INCLUDES += -I$(DVBDIR)/include