/* * player.c: A player for still pictures * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: player.c 3.1 2014/02/08 12:48:12 kls Exp $ */ #include "player.h" #include <vdr/remote.h> #include <vdr/tools.h> int SlideShowDelay = 3; // seconds cString HandleUnderscores(const char *s) { // Skip anything before and including the first '_' and replace // any remaining '_' with blanks: const char *p = strchr(s, '_'); if (p) { p++; char buf[strlen(p) + 1]; strcpy(buf, p); return strreplace(buf, '_', ' '); } return s; } // --- cPicturePlayer -------------------------------------------------------- class cPicturePlayer : public cPlayer { private: int size; int length; uchar *buffer; virtual void Activate(bool On); public: cPicturePlayer(void); ~cPicturePlayer(); void SetPicture(const char *FileName); }; cPicturePlayer::cPicturePlayer(void) { size = KILOBYTE(100); // will be adjusted automatically if files are larger length = 0; buffer = MALLOC(uchar, size); } cPicturePlayer::~cPicturePlayer() { free(buffer); } void cPicturePlayer::Activate(bool On) { if (length > 0) DeviceStillPicture(buffer, length); } void cPicturePlayer::SetPicture(const char *FileName) { int f = open(FileName, O_RDONLY); if (f >= 0) { for (;;) { length = read(f, buffer, size); if (length > 0) { if (length >= size) { int NewSize = size * 3 / 2; if (uchar *NewBuffer = (uchar *)realloc(buffer, NewSize)) { buffer = NewBuffer; size = NewSize; } else { LOG_ERROR_STR("out of memory"); break; } lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); continue; } DeviceStillPicture(buffer, length); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); break; } close(f); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); } // --- cPictureControl ------------------------------------------------------- int cPictureControl::active = 0; cString cPictureControl::lastDisplayed; cPictureControl::cPictureControl(cPictureEntry *Pictures, const cPictureEntry *PictureEntry, bool SlideShow) :cControl(player = new cPicturePlayer) { pictures = Pictures; pictureEntry = PictureEntry; osd = NULL; lastPath = "/"; slideShowDelay.Set(SlideShowDelay * 1000); slideShow = SlideShow; alwaysDisplayCaption = false; NextPicture(slideShow && pictureEntry->IsDirectory() ? 1 : 0); active++; } cPictureControl::~cPictureControl() { active--; delete osd; delete player; delete pictures; } void cPictureControl::NextPicture(int Direction) { if (Direction) { const cPictureEntry *pe = Direction > 0 ? pictureEntry->NextPicture() : pictureEntry->PrevPicture(); if (pe) pictureEntry = pe; } if (pictureEntry) { player->SetPicture(pictureEntry->Path()); DisplayCaption(); } } void cPictureControl::NextDirectory(int Direction) { // This only works reliable if a directory contains only subdirectories or pictures, not both! if (Direction) { const cPictureEntry *pe = Direction > 0 ? pictureEntry->Parent()->Entries()->Last()->NextPicture() : pictureEntry->Parent()->Entries()->First()->PrevPicture(); if (pe && Direction < 0) pe = pe->Parent()->Entries()->First(); if (pe && pe != pictureEntry) { pictureEntry = pe; player->SetPicture(pictureEntry->Path()); DisplayCaption(); } } } static void DrawTextOutlined(cOsd *Osd, int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font) { for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { if (dx || dy) Osd->DrawText(x + dx, y + dy, s, ColorBg, clrTransparent, Font); } } Osd->DrawText(x, y, s, ColorFg, clrTransparent, Font); } void cPictureControl::DisplayCaption(void) { bool Force = false; cString Path = pictureEntry->Path(); lastDisplayed = Path + strlen(pictures->Name()) + 1; const char *p = strrchr(Path, '/'); const char *q = strrchr(lastPath, '/'); if (p && q) { int lp = p - Path; int lq = q - lastPath; if (lp != lq || strncmp(lastPath, Path, lp)) { lastPath = Path; Force = true; } } if (!alwaysDisplayCaption && !Force) { DELETENULL(osd); return; } const cFont *Font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd); int w = cOsd::OsdWidth(); int h = 2 * Font->Height(); if (!osd) { osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(cOsd::OsdLeft(), cOsd::OsdTop() + cOsd::OsdHeight() - h, OSD_LEVEL_SUBTITLES); tArea Areas[] = { { 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, 8 } }; if (Setup.AntiAlias && osd->CanHandleAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea)) == oeOk) osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea)); else { tArea Areas[] = { { 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, 4 } }; osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea)); } } const char *Year = pictureEntry->Parent()->Parent() ? pictureEntry->Parent()->Parent()->Name() : ""; cString Description = HandleUnderscores(pictureEntry->Parent()->Name()); osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, clrTransparent); DrawTextOutlined(osd, 0, 0, Description, clrWhite, clrBlack, Font); DrawTextOutlined(osd, 0, h / 2, Year, clrWhite, clrBlack, Font); struct stat sb; if (stat(Path, &sb) == 0) { cString Time = DayDateTime(sb.st_mtime); DrawTextOutlined(osd, w - Font->Width(Time), h / 2, Time, clrWhite, clrBlack, Font); } p++; Path.Truncate(-4); // don't display the ".mpg" extension DrawTextOutlined(osd, w - Font->Width(p), 0, p, clrWhite, clrBlack, Font); osd->Flush(); } cString cPictureControl::GetHeader(void) { return tr("Pictures"); } eOSState cPictureControl::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (int(Key)) { case kUp: case kPlay: slideShowDelay.Set(); slideShow = true; break; case kDown: case kPause: slideShow = false; break; case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: NextPicture(-1); slideShow = false; break; case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: NextPicture(+1); slideShow = false; break; case kOk: if (osd && !alwaysDisplayCaption) DELETENULL(osd); else { alwaysDisplayCaption = !alwaysDisplayCaption; DisplayCaption(); } break; case kGreen: case kPrev: NextDirectory(-1); slideShow = false; break; case kYellow: case kNext: NextDirectory(+1); slideShow = false; break; case kBlue: case kStop: return osEnd; case kBack: slideShow = false; cRemote::CallPlugin(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N); break; default: break; } if (slideShow && slideShowDelay.TimedOut()) { NextPicture(+1); slideShowDelay.Set(SlideShowDelay * 1000); } return osContinue; } const char *cPictureControl::LastDisplayed(void) { return lastDisplayed; }