/* * stats.c * * Copyright (C) Aaron Holtzman - May 1999 * * This file is part of ac3dec, a free Dolby AC-3 stream decoder. * * ac3dec is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * ac3dec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> //#include "config.h" #include "ac3.h" #include "ac3_internal.h" #include "decode.h" #include "stats.h" #include "debug.h" static const char *service_ids[8] = { "CM","ME","VI","HI", "D", "C","E", "VO" }; struct mixlev_s { float clev; char *desc; }; static const struct mixlev_s cmixlev_tbl[4] = { {0.707, "(-3.0 dB)"}, {0.595, "(-4.5 dB)"}, {0.500, "(-6.0 dB)"}, {1.0, "Invalid"} }; static const struct mixlev_s smixlev_tbl[4] = { {0.707, "(-3.0 dB)"}, {0.500, "(-6.0 dB)"}, { 0.0, "off "}, { 1.0, "Invalid"} }; static const char *language[128] = { "unknown", "Albanian", "Breton", "Catalan", "Croatian", "Welsh", "Czech", "Danish", "German", "English", "Spanish", "Esperanto", "Estonian", "Basque", "Faroese", "French", "Frisian", "Irish", "Gaelic", "Galician", "Icelandic", "Italian", "Lappish", "Latin", "Latvian", "Luxembourgian", "Lithuanian", "Hungarian", "Maltese", "Dutch", "Norwegian", "Occitan", "Polish", "Portugese", "Romanian", "Romansh", "Serbian", "Slovak", "Slovene", "Finnish", "Swedish", "Turkish", "Flemish", "Walloon", "0x2c", "0x2d", "0x2e", "0x2f", "0x30", "0x31", "0x32", "0x33", "0x34", "0x35", "0x36", "0x37", "0x38", "0x39", "0x3a", "0x3b", "0x3c", "0x3d", "0x3e", "0x3f", "background", "0x41", "0x42", "0x43", "0x44", "Zulu", "Vietnamese", "Uzbek", "Urdu", "Ukrainian", "Thai", "Telugu", "Tatar", "Tamil", "Tadzhik", "Swahili", "Sranan Tongo", "Somali", "Sinhalese", "Shona", "Serbo-Croat", "Ruthenian", "Russian", "Quechua", "Pustu", "Punjabi", "Persian", "Papamiento", "Oriya", "Nepali", "Ndebele", "Marathi", "Moldavian", "Malaysian", "Malagasay", "Macedonian", "Laotian", "Korean", "Khmer", "Kazakh", "Kannada", "Japanese", "Indonesian", "Hindi", "Hebrew", "Hausa", "Gurani", "Gujurati", "Greek", "Georgian", "Fulani", "Dari", "Churash", "Chinese", "Burmese", "Bulgarian", "Bengali", "Belorussian", "Bambora", "Azerbijani", "Assamese", "Armenian", "Arabic", "Amharic" }; void stats_print_banner(syncinfo_t *syncinfo,bsi_t *bsi) { fprintf(stdout,"ac3dec-0.6.2-cvs (C) 2000 Aaron Holtzman (aholtzma@ess.engr.uvic.ca)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"%d.%d Mode ",bsi->nfchans,bsi->lfeon); fprintf(stdout,"%2.1f KHz",syncinfo->sampling_rate * 1e-3); fprintf(stdout,"%4d kbps ",syncinfo->bit_rate); if (bsi->langcode && (bsi->langcod < 128)) fprintf(stdout,"%s ", language[bsi->langcod]); switch(bsi->bsmod) { case 0: fprintf(stdout,"Complete Main Audio Service"); break; case 1: fprintf(stdout,"Music and Effects Audio Service"); case 2: fprintf(stdout,"Visually Impaired Audio Service"); break; case 3: fprintf(stdout,"Hearing Impaired Audio Service"); break; case 4: fprintf(stdout,"Dialogue Audio Service"); break; case 5: fprintf(stdout,"Commentary Audio Service"); break; case 6: fprintf(stdout,"Emergency Audio Service"); break; case 7: fprintf(stdout,"Voice Over Audio Service"); break; } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } void stats_print_syncinfo(syncinfo_t *syncinfo) { dprintf("(syncinfo) "); switch (syncinfo->fscod) { case 2: dprintf("32 KHz "); break; case 1: dprintf("44.1 KHz "); break; case 0: dprintf("48 KHz "); break; default: dprintf("Invalid sampling rate "); break; } dprintf("%4d kbps %4d words per frame\n",syncinfo->bit_rate, syncinfo->frame_size); } void stats_print_bsi(bsi_t *bsi) { dprintf("(bsi) "); dprintf("%s",service_ids[bsi->bsmod]); dprintf(" %d.%d Mode ",bsi->nfchans,bsi->lfeon); if ((bsi->acmod & 0x1) && (bsi->acmod != 0x1)) dprintf(" Centre Mix Level %s ",cmixlev_tbl[bsi->cmixlev].desc); if (bsi->acmod & 0x4) dprintf(" Sur Mix Level %s ",smixlev_tbl[bsi->cmixlev].desc); dprintf("\n"); } char *exp_strat_tbl[4] = {"R ","D15 ","D25 ","D45 "}; void stats_print_audblk(bsi_t *bsi,audblk_t *audblk) { uint_32 i; dprintf("(audblk) "); dprintf("%s ",audblk->cplinu ? "cpl on " : "cpl off"); dprintf("%s ",audblk->baie? "bai " : " "); dprintf("%s ",audblk->snroffste? "snroffst " : " "); dprintf("%s ",audblk->deltbaie? "deltba " : " "); dprintf("%s ",audblk->phsflginu? "phsflg " : " "); dprintf("(%s %s %s %s %s) ",exp_strat_tbl[audblk->chexpstr[0]], exp_strat_tbl[audblk->chexpstr[1]],exp_strat_tbl[audblk->chexpstr[2]], exp_strat_tbl[audblk->chexpstr[3]],exp_strat_tbl[audblk->chexpstr[4]]); dprintf("["); for(i=0;i<bsi->nfchans;i++) dprintf("%1d",audblk->blksw[i]); dprintf("]"); dprintf("\n"); }