/* * channels.c: Channel handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: channels.c 1.1 2002/10/05 13:22:28 kls Exp $ */ #include "channels.h" #ifdef NEWSTRUCT #include #else #include #endif #include // IMPORTANT NOTE: in the 'sscanf()' calls there is a blank after the '%d' // format characters in order to allow any number of blanks after a numeric // value! // -- Channel Parameter Maps ------------------------------------------------- const tChannelParameterMap InversionValues[] = { { 0, INVERSION_OFF }, { 1, INVERSION_ON }, { 999, INVERSION_AUTO }, { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap BandwidthValues[] = { { 6, BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ }, { 7, BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ }, { 8, BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 999, BANDWIDTH_AUTO }, #endif { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap CoderateValues[] = { { 0, FEC_NONE }, { 12, FEC_1_2 }, { 23, FEC_2_3 }, { 34, FEC_3_4 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 45, FEC_4_5 }, #endif { 56, FEC_5_6 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 67, FEC_6_7 }, #endif { 78, FEC_7_8 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 89, FEC_8_9 }, #endif { 999, FEC_AUTO }, { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap ModulationValues[] = { { 0, QPSK }, { 16, QAM_16 }, { 32, QAM_32 }, { 64, QAM_64 }, { 128, QAM_128 }, { 256, QAM_256 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 999, QAM_AUTO }, #endif { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap TransmissionValues[] = { { 2, TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K }, { 8, TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 999, TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO }, #endif { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap GuardValues[] = { { 4, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4 }, { 8, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8 }, { 16, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16 }, { 32, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 999, GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO }, #endif { -1 } }; const tChannelParameterMap HierarchyValues[] = { { 0, HIERARCHY_NONE }, { 1, HIERARCHY_1 }, { 2, HIERARCHY_2 }, { 4, HIERARCHY_4 }, #ifdef NEWSTRUCT { 999, HIERARCHY_AUTO }, #endif { -1 } }; int UserIndex(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->userValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int DriverIndex(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->driverValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int MapToUser(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { int n = DriverIndex(Value, Map); if (n >= 0) return Map[n].userValue; return -1; } int MapToDriver(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { int n = UserIndex(Value, Map); if (n >= 0) return Map[n].driverValue; return -1; } // -- cChannel --------------------------------------------------------------- char *cChannel::buffer = NULL; cChannel::cChannel(void) { *name = 0; frequency = 0; source = 0; srate = 0; vpid = 0; apid1 = 0; apid2 = 0; dpid1 = 0; dpid2 = 0; tpid = 0; ca = 0; sid = 0; groupSep = false; //XXX polarization = 'v'; inversion = INVERSION_AUTO; bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ; coderateH = FEC_AUTO;//XXX FEC_2_3 coderateL = FEC_1_2;//XXX modulation = QAM_64; transmission = TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K; guard = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32; hierarchy = HIERARCHY_NONE; } cChannel::cChannel(const cChannel *Channel) { strcpy(name, Channel ? Channel->name : "Pro7"); frequency = Channel ? Channel->frequency : 12480; source = Channel ? Channel->source : 0; srate = Channel ? Channel->srate : 27500; vpid = Channel ? Channel->vpid : 255; apid1 = Channel ? Channel->apid1 : 256; apid2 = Channel ? Channel->apid2 : 0; dpid1 = Channel ? Channel->dpid1 : 257; dpid2 = Channel ? Channel->dpid2 : 0; tpid = Channel ? Channel->tpid : 32; ca = Channel ? Channel->ca : 0; sid = Channel ? Channel->sid : 0; groupSep = Channel ? Channel->groupSep : false; //XXX polarization = Channel ? Channel->polarization : 'v'; inversion = Channel ? Channel->inversion : INVERSION_AUTO; bandwidth = Channel ? Channel->bandwidth : BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ; coderateH = Channel ? Channel->coderateH : FEC_AUTO;//XXX FEC_2_3 coderateL = Channel ? Channel->coderateL : FEC_1_2;//XXX modulation = Channel ? Channel->modulation : QAM_64; transmission = Channel ? Channel->transmission : TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K; guard = Channel ? Channel->guard : GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32; hierarchy = Channel ? Channel->hierarchy : HIERARCHY_NONE; } static int PrintParameter(char *p, char Name, int Value) { return Value > 0 && Value != 999 ? sprintf(p, "%c%d", Name, Value) : 0; } const char *cChannel::ParametersToString(void) { char type = *cSource::ToString(source); #define ST(s) if (strchr(s, type)) static char buffer[64]; char *q = buffer; *q = 0; ST(" S ") q += sprintf(q, "%c", polarization); ST("CST") q += PrintParameter(q, 'I', MapToUser(inversion, InversionValues)); ST("CST") q += PrintParameter(q, 'C', MapToUser(coderateH, CoderateValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'D', MapToUser(coderateL, CoderateValues)); ST("C T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'M', MapToUser(modulation, ModulationValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'B', MapToUser(bandwidth, BandwidthValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'T', MapToUser(transmission, TransmissionValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'G', MapToUser(guard, GuardValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'Y', MapToUser(hierarchy, HierarchyValues)); return buffer; } static const char *ParseParameter(const char *s, int &Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { if (*++s) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s) { Value = MapToDriver(n, Map); if (Value >= 0) return p; } } esyslog("ERROR: illegal value for parameter '%c'", *(s - 1)); return NULL; } bool cChannel::StringToParameters(const char *s) { while (s && *s) { switch (toupper(*s)) { case 'B': s = ParseParameter(s, bandwidth, BandwidthValues); break; case 'C': s = ParseParameter(s, coderateH, CoderateValues); break; case 'D': s = ParseParameter(s, coderateL, CoderateValues); break; case 'G': s = ParseParameter(s, guard, GuardValues); break; case 'H': polarization = *s++; break; case 'I': s = ParseParameter(s, inversion, InversionValues); break; // 'L' reserved for possible circular polarization case 'M': s = ParseParameter(s, modulation, ModulationValues); break; // 'R' reserved for possible circular polarization case 'T': s = ParseParameter(s, transmission, TransmissionValues); break; case 'V': polarization = *s++; break; case 'Y': s = ParseParameter(s, hierarchy, HierarchyValues); break; default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown parameter key '%c'", *s); return false; } } return true; } const char *cChannel::ToText(cChannel *Channel) { char buf[MaxChannelName * 2]; char *s = Channel->name; if (strchr(s, ':')) { s = strcpy(buf, s); strreplace(s, ':', '|'); } free(buffer); if (Channel->groupSep) asprintf(&buffer, ":%s\n", s); else { char apidbuf[32]; char *q = apidbuf; q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf), "%d", Channel->apid1); if (Channel->apid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ",%d", Channel->apid2); if (Channel->dpid1 || Channel->dpid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ";%d", Channel->dpid1); if (Channel->dpid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ",%d", Channel->dpid2); *q = 0; asprintf(&buffer, "%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", s, Channel->frequency, Channel->ParametersToString(), cSource::ToString(Channel->source), Channel->srate, Channel->vpid, apidbuf, Channel->tpid, Channel->ca, Channel->sid); } return buffer; } const char *cChannel::ToText(void) { return ToText(this); } bool cChannel::Parse(const char *s) { if (*s == ':') { if (*++s) { strn0cpy(name, s, MaxChannelName); groupSep = true; number = 0; } else return false; } else { groupSep = false; char *namebuf = NULL; char *sourcebuf = NULL; char *parambuf = NULL; char *apidbuf = NULL; int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^:]:%d :%a[^:]:%a[^:] :%d :%d :%a[^:]:%d :%d :%d ", &namebuf, &frequency, ¶mbuf, &sourcebuf, &srate, &vpid, &apidbuf, &tpid, &ca, &sid); if (fields >= 9) { if (fields == 9) { // allow reading of old format sid = ca; ca = tpid; tpid = 0; } apid1 = apid2 = 0; dpid1 = dpid2 = 0; bool ok = false; if (parambuf && sourcebuf && apidbuf) { ok = StringToParameters(parambuf) && (source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf)) >= 0; char *p = strchr(apidbuf, ';'); if (p) *p++ = 0; sscanf(apidbuf, "%d ,%d ", &apid1, &apid2); if (p) sscanf(p, "%d ,%d ", &dpid1, &dpid2); } strn0cpy(name, namebuf, MaxChannelName); free(parambuf); free(sourcebuf); free(apidbuf); free(namebuf); return ok; } else return false; } strreplace(name, '|', ':'); return true; } bool cChannel::Save(FILE *f) { return fprintf(f, ToText()) > 0; } // -- cChannels -------------------------------------------------------------- cChannels Channels; bool cChannels::Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments) { if (cConfig::Load(FileName, AllowComments)) { ReNumber(); return true; } return false; } int cChannels::GetNextGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && !channel->GroupSep()) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetPrevGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(--Idx); while (channel && !channel->GroupSep()) channel = Get(--Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetNextNormal(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && channel->GroupSep()) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } void cChannels::ReNumber( void ) { int Number = 0; cChannel *ch = (cChannel *)First(); while (ch) { if (!ch->GroupSep()) ch->SetNumber(++Number); ch = (cChannel *)ch->Next(); } maxNumber = Number; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByNumber(int Number) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)First(); while (channel) { if (!channel->GroupSep() && channel->Number() == Number) return channel; channel = (cChannel *)channel->Next(); } return NULL; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByServiceID(unsigned short ServiceId) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)First(); while (channel) { if (!channel->GroupSep() && channel->Sid() == ServiceId) return channel; channel = (cChannel *)channel->Next(); } return NULL; } bool cChannels::SwitchTo(int Number) { cChannel *channel = GetByNumber(Number); return channel && cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(channel, true); } const char *cChannels::GetChannelNameByNumber(int Number) { cChannel *channel = GetByNumber(Number); return channel ? channel->Name() : NULL; }