/* * channels.c: Channel handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: channels.c 2.9 2009/12/05 15:28:32 kls Exp $ */ #include "channels.h" #include #include #include "device.h" #include "epg.h" #include "timers.h" // IMPORTANT NOTE: in the 'sscanf()' calls there is a blank after the '%d' // format characters in order to allow any number of blanks after a numeric // value! // --- Channel Parameter Maps ------------------------------------------------ const tChannelParameterMap InversionValues[] = { { 0, INVERSION_OFF, trNOOP("off") }, { 1, INVERSION_ON, trNOOP("on") }, { 999, INVERSION_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap BandwidthValues[] = { { 6, 6000000, "6 MHz" }, { 7, 7000000, "7 MHz" }, { 8, 8000000, "8 MHz" }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap CoderateValues[] = { { 0, FEC_NONE, trNOOP("none") }, { 12, FEC_1_2, "1/2" }, { 23, FEC_2_3, "2/3" }, { 34, FEC_3_4, "3/4" }, { 35, FEC_3_5, "3/5" }, { 45, FEC_4_5, "4/5" }, { 56, FEC_5_6, "5/6" }, { 67, FEC_6_7, "6/7" }, { 78, FEC_7_8, "7/8" }, { 89, FEC_8_9, "8/9" }, { 910, FEC_9_10, "9/10" }, { 999, FEC_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap ModulationValues[] = { { 16, QAM_16, "QAM16" }, { 32, QAM_32, "QAM32" }, { 64, QAM_64, "QAM64" }, { 128, QAM_128, "QAM128" }, { 256, QAM_256, "QAM256" }, { 2, QPSK, "QPSK" }, { 5, PSK_8, "8PSK" }, { 6, APSK_16, "16APSK" }, { 10, VSB_8, "VSB8" }, { 11, VSB_16, "VSB16" }, { 998, QAM_AUTO, "QAMAUTO" }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap SystemValues[] = { { 0, SYS_DVBS, "DVB-S" }, { 1, SYS_DVBS2, "DVB-S2" }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap TransmissionValues[] = { { 2, TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K, "2K" }, { 8, TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K, "8K" }, { 999, TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap GuardValues[] = { { 4, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4, "1/4" }, { 8, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8, "1/8" }, { 16, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16, "1/16" }, { 32, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32, "1/32" }, { 999, GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap HierarchyValues[] = { { 0, HIERARCHY_NONE, trNOOP("none") }, { 1, HIERARCHY_1, "1" }, { 2, HIERARCHY_2, "2" }, { 4, HIERARCHY_4, "4" }, { 999, HIERARCHY_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const tChannelParameterMap RollOffValues[] = { { 0, ROLLOFF_AUTO, trNOOP("auto") }, { 20, ROLLOFF_20, "0.20" }, { 25, ROLLOFF_25, "0.25" }, { 35, ROLLOFF_35, "0.35" }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; int UserIndex(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->userValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int DriverIndex(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { const tChannelParameterMap *map = Map; while (map && map->userValue != -1) { if (map->driverValue == Value) return map - Map; map++; } return -1; } int MapToUser(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map, const char **String) { int n = DriverIndex(Value, Map); if (n >= 0) { if (String) *String = tr(Map[n].userString); return Map[n].userValue; } return -1; } int MapToDriver(int Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { int n = UserIndex(Value, Map); if (n >= 0) return Map[n].driverValue; return -1; } // --- tChannelID ------------------------------------------------------------ const tChannelID tChannelID::InvalidID; tChannelID tChannelID::FromString(const char *s) { char *sourcebuf = NULL; int nid; int tid; int sid; int rid = 0; int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^-]-%d-%d-%d-%d", &sourcebuf, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid); if (fields == 4 || fields == 5) { int source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf); free(sourcebuf); if (source >= 0) return tChannelID(source, nid, tid, sid, rid); } return tChannelID::InvalidID; } cString tChannelID::ToString(void) const { char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), rid ? "%s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%s-%d-%d-%d", *cSource::ToString(source), nid, tid, sid, rid); return buffer; } tChannelID &tChannelID::ClrPolarization(void) { while (tid > 100000) tid -= 100000; return *this; } // --- cChannel -------------------------------------------------------------- cChannel::cChannel(void) { name = strdup(""); shortName = strdup(""); provider = strdup(""); portalName = strdup(""); memset(&__BeginData__, 0, (char *)&__EndData__ - (char *)&__BeginData__); inversion = INVERSION_AUTO; bandwidth = 8000000; coderateH = FEC_AUTO; coderateL = FEC_AUTO; modulation = QPSK; system = SYS_DVBS; transmission = TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO; guard = GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO; hierarchy = HIERARCHY_AUTO; rollOff = ROLLOFF_AUTO; modification = CHANNELMOD_NONE; schedule = NULL; linkChannels = NULL; refChannel = NULL; } cChannel::cChannel(const cChannel &Channel) { name = NULL; shortName = NULL; provider = NULL; portalName = NULL; schedule = NULL; linkChannels = NULL; refChannel = NULL; *this = Channel; } cChannel::~cChannel() { delete linkChannels; linkChannels = NULL; // more than one channel can link to this one, so we need the following loop for (cChannel *Channel = Channels.First(); Channel; Channel = Channels.Next(Channel)) { if (Channel->linkChannels) { for (cLinkChannel *lc = Channel->linkChannels->First(); lc; lc = Channel->linkChannels->Next(lc)) { if (lc->Channel() == this) { Channel->linkChannels->Del(lc); break; } } if (Channel->linkChannels->Count() == 0) { delete Channel->linkChannels; Channel->linkChannels = NULL; } } } free(name); free(shortName); free(provider); free(portalName); } cChannel& cChannel::operator= (const cChannel &Channel) { name = strcpyrealloc(name, Channel.name); shortName = strcpyrealloc(shortName, Channel.shortName); provider = strcpyrealloc(provider, Channel.provider); portalName = strcpyrealloc(portalName, Channel.portalName); memcpy(&__BeginData__, &Channel.__BeginData__, (char *)&Channel.__EndData__ - (char *)&Channel.__BeginData__); return *this; } int cChannel::Transponder(int Frequency, char Polarization) { // some satellites have transponders at the same frequency, just with different polarization: switch (tolower(Polarization)) { case 'h': Frequency += 100000; break; case 'v': Frequency += 200000; break; case 'l': Frequency += 300000; break; case 'r': Frequency += 400000; break; default: esyslog("ERROR: invalid value for Polarization '%c'", Polarization); } return Frequency; } int cChannel::Transponder(void) const { int tf = frequency; while (tf > 20000) tf /= 1000; if (IsSat()) tf = Transponder(tf, polarization); return tf; } bool cChannel::HasTimer(void) const { for (cTimer *Timer = Timers.First(); Timer; Timer = Timers.Next(Timer)) { if (Timer->Channel() == this) return true; } return false; } int cChannel::Modification(int Mask) { int Result = modification & Mask; modification = CHANNELMOD_NONE; return Result; } void cChannel::CopyTransponderData(const cChannel *Channel) { if (Channel) { frequency = Channel->frequency; source = Channel->source; srate = Channel->srate; polarization = Channel->polarization; inversion = Channel->inversion; bandwidth = Channel->bandwidth; coderateH = Channel->coderateH; coderateL = Channel->coderateL; modulation = Channel->modulation; system = Channel->system; transmission = Channel->transmission; guard = Channel->guard; hierarchy = Channel->hierarchy; rollOff = Channel->rollOff; } } bool cChannel::SetSatTransponderData(int Source, int Frequency, char Polarization, int Srate, int CoderateH, int Modulation, int System, int RollOff) { // Workarounds for broadcaster stupidity: // Some providers broadcast the transponder frequency of their channels with two different // values (like 12551 and 12552), so we need to allow for a little tolerance here if (abs(frequency - Frequency) <= 1) Frequency = frequency; // Sometimes the transponder frequency is set to 0, which is just wrong if (Frequency == 0) return false; // Sometimes the symbol rate is off by one if (abs(srate - Srate) <= 1) Srate = srate; if (source != Source || frequency != Frequency || polarization != Polarization || srate != Srate || coderateH != CoderateH || modulation != Modulation || system != System || rollOff != RollOff) { cString OldTransponderData = TransponderDataToString(); source = Source; frequency = Frequency; polarization = Polarization; srate = Srate; coderateH = CoderateH; modulation = Modulation; system = System; rollOff = RollOff; schedule = NULL; if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing transponder data of channel %d from %s to %s", Number(), *OldTransponderData, *TransponderDataToString()); modification |= CHANNELMOD_TRANSP; Channels.SetModified(); } } return true; } bool cChannel::SetCableTransponderData(int Source, int Frequency, int Modulation, int Srate, int CoderateH) { if (source != Source || frequency != Frequency || modulation != Modulation || srate != Srate || coderateH != CoderateH) { cString OldTransponderData = TransponderDataToString(); source = Source; frequency = Frequency; modulation = Modulation; srate = Srate; coderateH = CoderateH; schedule = NULL; if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing transponder data of channel %d from %s to %s", Number(), *OldTransponderData, *TransponderDataToString()); modification |= CHANNELMOD_TRANSP; Channels.SetModified(); } } return true; } bool cChannel::SetTerrTransponderData(int Source, int Frequency, int Bandwidth, int Modulation, int Hierarchy, int CoderateH, int CoderateL, int Guard, int Transmission) { if (source != Source || frequency != Frequency || bandwidth != Bandwidth || modulation != Modulation || hierarchy != Hierarchy || coderateH != CoderateH || coderateL != CoderateL || guard != Guard || transmission != Transmission) { cString OldTransponderData = TransponderDataToString(); source = Source; frequency = Frequency; bandwidth = Bandwidth; modulation = Modulation; hierarchy = Hierarchy; coderateH = CoderateH; coderateL = CoderateL; guard = Guard; transmission = Transmission; schedule = NULL; if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing transponder data of channel %d from %s to %s", Number(), *OldTransponderData, *TransponderDataToString()); modification |= CHANNELMOD_TRANSP; Channels.SetModified(); } } return true; } void cChannel::SetId(int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid) { if (nid != Nid || tid != Tid || sid != Sid || rid != Rid) { if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing id of channel %d from %d-%d-%d-%d to %d-%d-%d-%d", Number(), nid, tid, sid, rid, Nid, Tid, Sid, Rid); modification |= CHANNELMOD_ID; Channels.SetModified(); Channels.UnhashChannel(this); } nid = Nid; tid = Tid; sid = Sid; rid = Rid; if (Number()) Channels.HashChannel(this); schedule = NULL; } } void cChannel::SetName(const char *Name, const char *ShortName, const char *Provider) { if (!isempty(Name)) { bool nn = strcmp(name, Name) != 0; bool ns = strcmp(shortName, ShortName) != 0; bool np = strcmp(provider, Provider) != 0; if (nn || ns || np) { if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing name of channel %d from '%s,%s;%s' to '%s,%s;%s'", Number(), name, shortName, provider, Name, ShortName, Provider); modification |= CHANNELMOD_NAME; Channels.SetModified(); } if (nn) name = strcpyrealloc(name, Name); if (ns) shortName = strcpyrealloc(shortName, ShortName); if (np) provider = strcpyrealloc(provider, Provider); } } } void cChannel::SetPortalName(const char *PortalName) { if (!isempty(PortalName) && strcmp(portalName, PortalName) != 0) { if (Number()) { dsyslog("changing portal name of channel %d from '%s' to '%s'", Number(), portalName, PortalName); modification |= CHANNELMOD_NAME; Channels.SetModified(); } portalName = strcpyrealloc(portalName, PortalName); } } #define STRDIFF 0x01 #define VALDIFF 0x02 static int IntArraysDiffer(const int *a, const int *b, const char na[][MAXLANGCODE2] = NULL, const char nb[][MAXLANGCODE2] = NULL) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; a[i] || b[i]; i++) { if (a[i] && na && nb && strcmp(na[i], nb[i]) != 0) result |= STRDIFF; if (a[i] != b[i]) result |= VALDIFF; if (!a[i] || !b[i]) break; } return result; } static int IntArrayToString(char *s, const int *a, int Base = 10, const char n[][MAXLANGCODE2] = NULL) { char *q = s; int i = 0; while (a[i] || i == 0) { q += sprintf(q, Base == 16 ? "%s%X" : "%s%d", i ? "," : "", a[i]); if (a[i] && n && *n[i]) q += sprintf(q, "=%s", n[i]); if (!a[i]) break; i++; } *q = 0; return q - s; } void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int Vtype, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Spids, char SLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid) { int mod = CHANNELMOD_NONE; if (vpid != Vpid || ppid != Ppid || vtype != Vtype || tpid != Tpid) mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS; int m = IntArraysDiffer(apids, Apids, alangs, ALangs) | IntArraysDiffer(dpids, Dpids, dlangs, DLangs) | IntArraysDiffer(spids, Spids, slangs, SLangs); if (m & STRDIFF) mod |= CHANNELMOD_LANGS; if (m & VALDIFF) mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS; if (mod) { const int BufferSize = (MAXAPIDS + MAXDPIDS) * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod+cod', +10: paranoia char OldApidsBuf[BufferSize]; char NewApidsBuf[BufferSize]; char *q = OldApidsBuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, apids, 10, alangs); if (dpids[0]) { *q++ = ';'; q += IntArrayToString(q, dpids, 10, dlangs); } *q = 0; q = NewApidsBuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, Apids, 10, ALangs); if (Dpids[0]) { *q++ = ';'; q += IntArrayToString(q, Dpids, 10, DLangs); } *q = 0; const int SBufferSize = MAXSPIDS * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod', +10: paranoia char OldSpidsBuf[SBufferSize]; char NewSpidsBuf[SBufferSize]; q = OldSpidsBuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, spids, 10, slangs); *q = 0; q = NewSpidsBuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, Spids, 10, SLangs); *q = 0; if (Number()) dsyslog("changing pids of channel %d from %d+%d=%d:%s:%s:%d to %d+%d=%d:%s:%s:%d", Number(), vpid, ppid, vtype, OldApidsBuf, OldSpidsBuf, tpid, Vpid, Ppid, Vtype, NewApidsBuf, NewSpidsBuf, Tpid); vpid = Vpid; ppid = Ppid; vtype = Vtype; for (int i = 0; i < MAXAPIDS; i++) { apids[i] = Apids[i]; strn0cpy(alangs[i], ALangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2); } apids[MAXAPIDS] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXDPIDS; i++) { dpids[i] = Dpids[i]; strn0cpy(dlangs[i], DLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2); } dpids[MAXDPIDS] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) { spids[i] = Spids[i]; strn0cpy(slangs[i], SLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2); } spids[MAXSPIDS] = 0; tpid = Tpid; modification |= mod; Channels.SetModified(); } } void cChannel::SetSubtitlingDescriptors(uchar *SubtitlingTypes, uint16_t *CompositionPageIds, uint16_t *AncillaryPageIds) { if (SubtitlingTypes) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) subtitlingTypes[i] = SubtitlingTypes[i]; } if (CompositionPageIds) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) compositionPageIds[i] = CompositionPageIds[i]; } if (AncillaryPageIds) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) ancillaryPageIds[i] = AncillaryPageIds[i]; } } void cChannel::SetCaIds(const int *CaIds) { if (caids[0] && caids[0] <= CA_USER_MAX) return; // special values will not be overwritten if (IntArraysDiffer(caids, CaIds)) { char OldCaIdsBuf[MAXCAIDS * 5 + 10]; // 5: 4 digits plus delimiting ',', 10: paranoia char NewCaIdsBuf[MAXCAIDS * 5 + 10]; IntArrayToString(OldCaIdsBuf, caids, 16); IntArrayToString(NewCaIdsBuf, CaIds, 16); if (Number()) dsyslog("changing caids of channel %d from %s to %s", Number(), OldCaIdsBuf, NewCaIdsBuf); for (int i = 0; i <= MAXCAIDS; i++) { // <= to copy the terminating 0 caids[i] = CaIds[i]; if (!CaIds[i]) break; } modification |= CHANNELMOD_CA; Channels.SetModified(); } } void cChannel::SetCaDescriptors(int Level) { if (Level > 0) { modification |= CHANNELMOD_CA; Channels.SetModified(); if (Number() && Level > 1) dsyslog("changing ca descriptors of channel %d", Number()); } } void cChannel::SetLinkChannels(cLinkChannels *LinkChannels) { if (!linkChannels && !LinkChannels) return; if (linkChannels && LinkChannels) { cLinkChannel *lca = linkChannels->First(); cLinkChannel *lcb = LinkChannels->First(); while (lca && lcb) { if (lca->Channel() != lcb->Channel()) { lca = NULL; break; } lca = linkChannels->Next(lca); lcb = LinkChannels->Next(lcb); } if (!lca && !lcb) { delete LinkChannels; return; // linkage has not changed } } char buffer[((linkChannels ? linkChannels->Count() : 0) + (LinkChannels ? LinkChannels->Count() : 0)) * 6 + 256]; // 6: 5 digit channel number plus blank, 256: other texts (see below) plus reserve char *q = buffer; q += sprintf(q, "linking channel %d from", Number()); if (linkChannels) { for (cLinkChannel *lc = linkChannels->First(); lc; lc = linkChannels->Next(lc)) { lc->Channel()->SetRefChannel(NULL); q += sprintf(q, " %d", lc->Channel()->Number()); } delete linkChannels; } else q += sprintf(q, " none"); q += sprintf(q, " to"); linkChannels = LinkChannels; if (linkChannels) { for (cLinkChannel *lc = linkChannels->First(); lc; lc = linkChannels->Next(lc)) { lc->Channel()->SetRefChannel(this); q += sprintf(q, " %d", lc->Channel()->Number()); //dsyslog("link %4d -> %4d: %s", Number(), lc->Channel()->Number(), lc->Channel()->Name()); } } else q += sprintf(q, " none"); if (Number()) dsyslog(buffer); } void cChannel::SetRefChannel(cChannel *RefChannel) { refChannel = RefChannel; } static int PrintParameter(char *p, char Name, int Value) { return Value >= 0 && Value != 999 ? sprintf(p, "%c%d", Name, Value) : 0; } cString cChannel::TransponderDataToString(void) const { if (cSource::IsTerr(source)) return cString::sprintf("%d:%s:%s", frequency, *ParametersToString(), *cSource::ToString(source)); return cString::sprintf("%d:%s:%s:%d", frequency, *ParametersToString(), *cSource::ToString(source), srate); } cString cChannel::ParametersToString(void) const { char type = **cSource::ToString(source); if (isdigit(type)) type = 'S'; #define ST(s) if (strchr(s, type)) char buffer[64]; char *q = buffer; *q = 0; ST(" S ") q += sprintf(q, "%c", polarization); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'B', MapToUser(bandwidth, BandwidthValues)); ST("CST") q += PrintParameter(q, 'C', MapToUser(coderateH, CoderateValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'D', MapToUser(coderateL, CoderateValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'G', MapToUser(guard, GuardValues)); ST("CST") q += PrintParameter(q, 'I', MapToUser(inversion, InversionValues)); ST("CST") q += PrintParameter(q, 'M', MapToUser(modulation, ModulationValues)); ST(" S ") q += PrintParameter(q, 'O', MapToUser(rollOff, RollOffValues)); ST(" S ") q += PrintParameter(q, 'S', MapToUser(system, SystemValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'T', MapToUser(transmission, TransmissionValues)); ST(" T") q += PrintParameter(q, 'Y', MapToUser(hierarchy, HierarchyValues)); return buffer; } static const char *ParseParameter(const char *s, int &Value, const tChannelParameterMap *Map) { if (*++s) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s) { Value = MapToDriver(n, Map); if (Value >= 0) return p; } } esyslog("ERROR: invalid value for parameter '%c'", *(s - 1)); return NULL; } static const char *SkipDigits(const char *s) { while (*++s && isdigit(*s)) ; return s; } bool cChannel::StringToParameters(const char *s) { while (s && *s) { switch (toupper(*s)) { case 'A': s = SkipDigits(s); break; // for compatibility with the "multiproto" approach - may be removed in future versions case 'B': s = ParseParameter(s, bandwidth, BandwidthValues); break; case 'C': s = ParseParameter(s, coderateH, CoderateValues); break; case 'D': s = ParseParameter(s, coderateL, CoderateValues); break; case 'G': s = ParseParameter(s, guard, GuardValues); break; case 'H': polarization = *s++; break; case 'I': s = ParseParameter(s, inversion, InversionValues); break; case 'L': polarization = *s++; break; case 'M': s = ParseParameter(s, modulation, ModulationValues); break; case 'O': s = ParseParameter(s, rollOff, RollOffValues); break; case 'P': s = SkipDigits(s); break; // for compatibility with the "multiproto" approach - may be removed in future versions case 'R': polarization = *s++; break; case 'S': s = ParseParameter(s, system, SystemValues); break; case 'T': s = ParseParameter(s, transmission, TransmissionValues); break; case 'V': polarization = *s++; break; case 'Y': s = ParseParameter(s, hierarchy, HierarchyValues); break; case 'Z': s = SkipDigits(s); break; // for compatibility with the original DVB-S2 patch - may be removed in future versions default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown parameter key '%c'", *s); return false; } } return true; } cString cChannel::ToText(const cChannel *Channel) { char FullName[strlen(Channel->name) + 1 + strlen(Channel->shortName) + 1 + strlen(Channel->provider) + 1 + 10]; // +10: paranoia char *q = FullName; q += sprintf(q, "%s", Channel->name); if (!isempty(Channel->shortName)) q += sprintf(q, ",%s", Channel->shortName); if (!isempty(Channel->provider)) q += sprintf(q, ";%s", Channel->provider); *q = 0; strreplace(FullName, ':', '|'); cString buffer; if (Channel->groupSep) { if (Channel->number) buffer = cString::sprintf(":@%d %s\n", Channel->number, FullName); else buffer = cString::sprintf(":%s\n", FullName); } else { char vpidbuf[32]; char *q = vpidbuf; q += snprintf(q, sizeof(vpidbuf), "%d", Channel->vpid); if (Channel->ppid && Channel->ppid != Channel->vpid) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(vpidbuf) - (q - vpidbuf), "+%d", Channel->ppid); if (Channel->vpid && Channel->vtype) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(vpidbuf) - (q - vpidbuf), "=%d", Channel->vtype); *q = 0; const int BufferSize = (MAXAPIDS + MAXDPIDS) * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod+cod', +10: paranoia char apidbuf[BufferSize]; q = apidbuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, Channel->apids, 10, Channel->alangs); if (Channel->dpids[0]) { *q++ = ';'; q += IntArrayToString(q, Channel->dpids, 10, Channel->dlangs); } *q = 0; char caidbuf[MAXCAIDS * 5 + 10]; // 5: 4 digits plus delimiting ',', 10: paranoia q = caidbuf; q += IntArrayToString(q, Channel->caids, 16); *q = 0; buffer = cString::sprintf("%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%d:%d:%d\n", FullName, Channel->frequency, *Channel->ParametersToString(), *cSource::ToString(Channel->source), Channel->srate, vpidbuf, apidbuf, Channel->tpid, caidbuf, Channel->sid, Channel->nid, Channel->tid, Channel->rid); } return buffer; } cString cChannel::ToText(void) const { return ToText(this); } bool cChannel::Parse(const char *s) { bool ok = true; if (*s == ':') { groupSep = true; if (*++s == '@' && *++s) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n > 0) { number = n; s = p; } } name = strcpyrealloc(name, skipspace(s)); strreplace(name, '|', ':'); } else { groupSep = false; char *namebuf = NULL; char *sourcebuf = NULL; char *parambuf = NULL; char *vpidbuf = NULL; char *apidbuf = NULL; char *caidbuf = NULL; int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^:]:%d :%a[^:]:%a[^:] :%d :%a[^:]:%a[^:]:%d :%a[^:]:%d :%d :%d :%d ", &namebuf, &frequency, ¶mbuf, &sourcebuf, &srate, &vpidbuf, &apidbuf, &tpid, &caidbuf, &sid, &nid, &tid, &rid); if (fields >= 9) { if (fields == 9) { // allow reading of old format sid = atoi(caidbuf); delete caidbuf; caidbuf = NULL; caids[0] = tpid; caids[1] = 0; tpid = 0; } vpid = ppid = 0; vtype = 2; // default is MPEG-2 apids[0] = 0; dpids[0] = 0; ok = false; if (parambuf && sourcebuf && vpidbuf && apidbuf) { ok = StringToParameters(parambuf) && (source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf)) >= 0; char *p; if ((p = strchr(vpidbuf, '=')) != NULL) { *p++ = 0; if (sscanf(p, "%d", &vtype) != 1) return false; } if ((p = strchr(vpidbuf, '+')) != NULL) { *p++ = 0; if (sscanf(p, "%d", &ppid) != 1) return false; } if (sscanf(vpidbuf, "%d", &vpid) != 1) return false; if (!ppid) ppid = vpid; char *dpidbuf = strchr(apidbuf, ';'); if (dpidbuf) *dpidbuf++ = 0; p = apidbuf; char *q; int NumApids = 0; char *strtok_next; while ((q = strtok_r(p, ",", &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (NumApids < MAXAPIDS) { char *l = strchr(q, '='); if (l) { *l++ = 0; strn0cpy(alangs[NumApids], l, MAXLANGCODE2); } else *alangs[NumApids] = 0; apids[NumApids++] = strtol(q, NULL, 10); } else esyslog("ERROR: too many APIDs!"); // no need to set ok to 'false' p = NULL; } apids[NumApids] = 0; if (dpidbuf) { char *p = dpidbuf; char *q; int NumDpids = 0; char *strtok_next; while ((q = strtok_r(p, ",", &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { char *l = strchr(q, '='); if (l) { *l++ = 0; strn0cpy(dlangs[NumDpids], l, MAXLANGCODE2); } else *dlangs[NumDpids] = 0; dpids[NumDpids++] = strtol(q, NULL, 10); } else esyslog("ERROR: too many DPIDs!"); // no need to set ok to 'false' p = NULL; } dpids[NumDpids] = 0; } if (caidbuf) { char *p = caidbuf; char *q; int NumCaIds = 0; char *strtok_next; while ((q = strtok_r(p, ",", &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (NumCaIds < MAXCAIDS) { caids[NumCaIds++] = strtol(q, NULL, 16) & 0xFFFF; if (NumCaIds == 1 && caids[0] <= CA_USER_MAX) break; } else esyslog("ERROR: too many CA ids!"); // no need to set ok to 'false' p = NULL; } caids[NumCaIds] = 0; } } strreplace(namebuf, '|', ':'); char *p = strchr(namebuf, ';'); if (p) { *p++ = 0; provider = strcpyrealloc(provider, p); } p = strchr(namebuf, ','); if (p) { *p++ = 0; shortName = strcpyrealloc(shortName, p); } name = strcpyrealloc(name, namebuf); free(parambuf); free(sourcebuf); free(vpidbuf); free(apidbuf); free(caidbuf); free(namebuf); if (!GetChannelID().Valid()) { esyslog("ERROR: channel data results in invalid ID!"); return false; } } else return false; } return ok; } bool cChannel::Save(FILE *f) { return fprintf(f, "%s", *ToText()) > 0; } // --- cChannelSorter -------------------------------------------------------- class cChannelSorter : public cListObject { public: cChannel *channel; tChannelID channelID; cChannelSorter(cChannel *Channel) { channel = Channel; channelID = channel->GetChannelID(); } virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const { cChannelSorter *cs = (cChannelSorter *)&ListObject; return memcmp(&channelID, &cs->channelID, sizeof(channelID)); } }; // --- cChannels ------------------------------------------------------------- cChannels Channels; cChannels::cChannels(void) { maxNumber = 0; modified = CHANNELSMOD_NONE; } void cChannels::DeleteDuplicateChannels(void) { cList ChannelSorter; for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) { if (!channel->GroupSep()) ChannelSorter.Add(new cChannelSorter(channel)); } ChannelSorter.Sort(); cChannelSorter *cs = ChannelSorter.First(); while (cs) { cChannelSorter *next = ChannelSorter.Next(cs); if (next && cs->channelID == next->channelID) { dsyslog("deleting duplicate channel %s", *next->channel->ToText()); Del(next->channel); } cs = next; } } bool cChannels::Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments, bool MustExist) { if (cConfig::Load(FileName, AllowComments, MustExist)) { DeleteDuplicateChannels(); ReNumber(); return true; } return false; } void cChannels::HashChannel(cChannel *Channel) { channelsHashSid.Add(Channel, Channel->Sid()); } void cChannels::UnhashChannel(cChannel *Channel) { channelsHashSid.Del(Channel, Channel->Sid()); } int cChannels::GetNextGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && !(channel->GroupSep() && *channel->Name())) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetPrevGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(--Idx); while (channel && !(channel->GroupSep() && *channel->Name())) channel = Get(--Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetNextNormal(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && channel->GroupSep()) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetPrevNormal(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(--Idx); while (channel && channel->GroupSep()) channel = Get(--Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } void cChannels::ReNumber(void) { channelsHashSid.Clear(); maxNumber = 0; int Number = 1; for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) { if (channel->GroupSep()) { if (channel->Number() > Number) Number = channel->Number(); } else { HashChannel(channel); maxNumber = Number; channel->SetNumber(Number++); } } } cChannel *cChannels::GetByNumber(int Number, int SkipGap) { cChannel *previous = NULL; for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) { if (!channel->GroupSep()) { if (channel->Number() == Number) return channel; else if (SkipGap && channel->Number() > Number) return SkipGap > 0 ? channel : previous; previous = channel; } } return NULL; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByServiceID(int Source, int Transponder, unsigned short ServiceID) { cList *list = channelsHashSid.GetList(ServiceID); if (list) { for (cHashObject *hobj = list->First(); hobj; hobj = list->Next(hobj)) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)hobj->Object(); if (channel->Sid() == ServiceID && channel->Source() == Source && ISTRANSPONDER(channel->Transponder(), Transponder)) return channel; } } return NULL; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByChannelID(tChannelID ChannelID, bool TryWithoutRid, bool TryWithoutPolarization) { int sid = ChannelID.Sid(); cList *list = channelsHashSid.GetList(sid); if (list) { for (cHashObject *hobj = list->First(); hobj; hobj = list->Next(hobj)) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)hobj->Object(); if (channel->Sid() == sid && channel->GetChannelID() == ChannelID) return channel; } if (TryWithoutRid) { ChannelID.ClrRid(); for (cHashObject *hobj = list->First(); hobj; hobj = list->Next(hobj)) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)hobj->Object(); if (channel->Sid() == sid && channel->GetChannelID().ClrRid() == ChannelID) return channel; } } if (TryWithoutPolarization) { ChannelID.ClrPolarization(); for (cHashObject *hobj = list->First(); hobj; hobj = list->Next(hobj)) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)hobj->Object(); if (channel->Sid() == sid && channel->GetChannelID().ClrPolarization() == ChannelID) return channel; } } } return NULL; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByTransponderID(tChannelID ChannelID) { int source = ChannelID.Source(); int nid = ChannelID.Nid(); int tid = ChannelID.Tid(); for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) { if (channel->Tid() == tid && channel->Nid() == nid && channel->Source() == source) return channel; } return NULL; } bool cChannels::HasUniqueChannelID(cChannel *NewChannel, cChannel *OldChannel) { tChannelID NewChannelID = NewChannel->GetChannelID(); for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) { if (!channel->GroupSep() && channel != OldChannel && channel->GetChannelID() == NewChannelID) return false; } return true; } bool cChannels::SwitchTo(int Number) { cChannel *channel = GetByNumber(Number); return channel && cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(channel, true); } void cChannels::SetModified(bool ByUser) { modified = ByUser ? CHANNELSMOD_USER : !modified ? CHANNELSMOD_AUTO : modified; } int cChannels::Modified(void) { int Result = modified; modified = CHANNELSMOD_NONE; return Result; } cChannel *cChannels::NewChannel(const cChannel *Transponder, const char *Name, const char *ShortName, const char *Provider, int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid) { if (Transponder) { dsyslog("creating new channel '%s,%s;%s' on %s transponder %d with id %d-%d-%d-%d", Name, ShortName, Provider, *cSource::ToString(Transponder->Source()), Transponder->Transponder(), Nid, Tid, Sid, Rid); cChannel *NewChannel = new cChannel; NewChannel->CopyTransponderData(Transponder); NewChannel->SetId(Nid, Tid, Sid, Rid); NewChannel->SetName(Name, ShortName, Provider); Add(NewChannel); ReNumber(); return NewChannel; } return NULL; } cString ChannelString(const cChannel *Channel, int Number) { char buffer[256]; if (Channel) { if (Channel->GroupSep()) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", Channel->Name()); else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d%s %s", Channel->Number(), Number ? "-" : "", Channel->Name()); } else if (Number) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d-", Number); else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", tr("*** Invalid Channel ***")); return buffer; }