/* * ci.c: Common Interface * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: ci.c 1.32 2005/10/02 14:10:51 kls Exp $ */ #include "ci.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <linux/dvb/ca.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <poll.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "pat.h" #include "tools.h" /* these might come in handy in case you want to use this code without VDR's other files: #ifndef MALLOC #define MALLOC(type, size) (type *)malloc(sizeof(type) * (size)) #endif #ifndef esyslog static int SysLogLevel = 3; #define esyslog(a...) void( (SysLogLevel > 0) ? void(fprintf(stderr, a)), void(fprintf(stderr, "\n")) : void() ) #define isyslog(a...) void( (SysLogLevel > 1) ? void(fprintf(stderr, a)), void(fprintf(stderr, "\n")) : void() ) #define dsyslog(a...) void( (SysLogLevel > 2) ? void(fprintf(stderr, a)), void(fprintf(stderr, "\n")) : void() ) #endif */ // Set these to 'true' for debug output: static bool DumpTPDUDataTransfer = false; static bool DebugProtocol = false; #define dbgprotocol(a...) if (DebugProtocol) fprintf(stderr, a) #define OK 0 #define TIMEOUT -1 #define ERROR -2 // --- Workarounds ----------------------------------------------------------- // The Irdeto AllCAM 4.7 (and maybe others, too) does not react on AOT_ENTER_MENU // during the first few seconds of a newly established connection #define WRKRND_TIME_BEFORE_ENTER_MENU 15 // seconds // --- Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------ #define SIZE_INDICATOR 0x80 static const uint8_t *GetLength(const uint8_t *Data, int &Length) ///< Gets the length field from the beginning of Data. ///< \return Returns a pointer to the first byte after the length and ///< stores the length value in Length. { Length = *Data++; if ((Length & SIZE_INDICATOR) != 0) { int l = Length & ~SIZE_INDICATOR; Length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) Length = (Length << 8) | *Data++; } return Data; } static uint8_t *SetLength(uint8_t *Data, int Length) ///< Sets the length field at the beginning of Data. ///< \return Returns a pointer to the first byte after the length. { uint8_t *p = Data; if (Length < 128) *p++ = Length; else { int n = sizeof(Length); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int b = (Length >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF; if (p != Data || b) *++p = b; } *Data = (p - Data) | SIZE_INDICATOR; p++; } return p; } static char *CopyString(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) ///< Copies the string at Data. ///< \return Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string. { // Some CAMs send funny characters at the beginning of strings. // Let's just skip them: while (Length > 0 && (*Data == 0x05 || *Data == 0x96 || *Data == 0x97)) { Length--; Data++; } char *s = MALLOC(char, Length + 1); strncpy(s, (char *)Data, Length); s[Length] = 0; return s; } static char *GetString(int &Length, const uint8_t **Data) ///< Gets the string at Data. ///< \return Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error. ///< Upon return Length and Data represent the remaining data after the string has been skipped. { if (Length > 0 && Data && *Data) { int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetLength(*Data, l); char *s = CopyString(l, d); Length -= d - *Data + l; *Data = d + l; return s; } return NULL; } // --- cTPDU ----------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_TPDU_SIZE 2048 #define MAX_TPDU_DATA (MAX_TPDU_SIZE - 4) #define DATA_INDICATOR 0x80 #define T_SB 0x80 #define T_RCV 0x81 #define T_CREATE_TC 0x82 #define T_CTC_REPLY 0x83 #define T_DELETE_TC 0x84 #define T_DTC_REPLY 0x85 #define T_REQUEST_TC 0x86 #define T_NEW_TC 0x87 #define T_TC_ERROR 0x88 #define T_DATA_LAST 0xA0 #define T_DATA_MORE 0xA1 class cTPDU { private: int size; uint8_t data[MAX_TPDU_SIZE]; const uint8_t *GetData(const uint8_t *Data, int &Length); public: cTPDU(void) { size = 0; } cTPDU(uint8_t Slot, uint8_t Tcid, uint8_t Tag, int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); uint8_t Slot(void) { return data[0]; } uint8_t Tcid(void) { return data[1]; } uint8_t Tag(void) { return data[2]; } const uint8_t *Data(int &Length) { return GetData(data + 3, Length); } uint8_t Status(void); int Write(int fd); int Read(int fd); void Dump(bool Outgoing); }; cTPDU::cTPDU(uint8_t Slot, uint8_t Tcid, uint8_t Tag, int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { size = 0; data[0] = Slot; data[1] = Tcid; data[2] = Tag; switch (Tag) { case T_RCV: case T_CREATE_TC: case T_CTC_REPLY: case T_DELETE_TC: case T_DTC_REPLY: case T_REQUEST_TC: data[3] = 1; // length data[4] = Tcid; size = 5; break; case T_NEW_TC: case T_TC_ERROR: if (Length == 1) { data[3] = 2; // length data[4] = Tcid; data[5] = Data[0]; size = 6; } else esyslog("ERROR: illegal data length for TPDU tag 0x%02X: %d", Tag, Length); break; case T_DATA_LAST: case T_DATA_MORE: if (Length <= MAX_TPDU_DATA) { uint8_t *p = data + 3; p = SetLength(p, Length + 1); *p++ = Tcid; if (Length) memcpy(p, Data, Length); size = Length + (p - data); } else esyslog("ERROR: illegal data length for TPDU tag 0x%02X: %d", Tag, Length); break; default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown TPDU tag: 0x%02X", Tag); } } int cTPDU::Write(int fd) { Dump(true); if (size) return write(fd, data, size) == size ? OK : ERROR; esyslog("ERROR: attemp to write TPDU with zero size"); return ERROR; } int cTPDU::Read(int fd) { size = safe_read(fd, data, sizeof(data)); if (size < 0) { esyslog("ERROR: %m"); size = 0; return ERROR; } Dump(false); return OK; } void cTPDU::Dump(bool Outgoing) { if (DumpTPDUDataTransfer) { #define MAX_DUMP 256 fprintf(stderr, "%s ", Outgoing ? "-->" : "<--"); for (int i = 0; i < size && i < MAX_DUMP; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", data[i]); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", size >= MAX_DUMP ? "..." : ""); if (!Outgoing) { fprintf(stderr, " "); for (int i = 0; i < size && i < MAX_DUMP; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%2c ", isprint(data[i]) ? data[i] : '.'); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", size >= MAX_DUMP ? "..." : ""); } } } const uint8_t *cTPDU::GetData(const uint8_t *Data, int &Length) { if (size) { Data = GetLength(Data, Length); if (Length) { Length--; // the first byte is always the tcid return Data + 1; } } return NULL; } uint8_t cTPDU::Status(void) { if (size >= 4 && data[size - 4] == T_SB && data[size - 3] == 2) { //XXX test tcid??? return data[size - 1]; } return 0; } // --- cCiTransportConnection ------------------------------------------------ enum eState { stIDLE, stCREATION, stACTIVE, stDELETION }; class cCiTransportConnection { friend class cCiTransportLayer; private: int fd; uint8_t slot; uint8_t tcid; eState state; cTPDU *tpdu; int lastResponse; bool dataAvailable; void Init(int Fd, uint8_t Slot, uint8_t Tcid); int SendTPDU(uint8_t Tag, int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); int RecvTPDU(void); int CreateConnection(void); int Poll(void); eState State(void) { return state; } int LastResponse(void) { return lastResponse; } bool DataAvailable(void) { return dataAvailable; } public: cCiTransportConnection(void); ~cCiTransportConnection(); int Slot(void) const { return slot; } int SendData(int Length, const uint8_t *Data); int RecvData(void); const uint8_t *Data(int &Length); //XXX Close() void Reset(void); }; cCiTransportConnection::cCiTransportConnection(void) { tpdu = NULL; Init(-1, 0, 0); } cCiTransportConnection::~cCiTransportConnection() { delete tpdu; } void cCiTransportConnection::Init(int Fd, uint8_t Slot, uint8_t Tcid) { fd = Fd; slot = Slot; tcid = Tcid; state = stIDLE; if (fd >= 0 && !tpdu) tpdu = new cTPDU; lastResponse = ERROR; dataAvailable = false; //XXX Clear()??? } int cCiTransportConnection::SendTPDU(uint8_t Tag, int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { cTPDU TPDU(slot, tcid, Tag, Length, Data); return TPDU.Write(fd); } #define CAM_READ_TIMEOUT 3500 // ms int cCiTransportConnection::RecvTPDU(void) { struct pollfd pfd[1]; pfd[0].fd = fd; pfd[0].events = POLLIN; lastResponse = ERROR; if (poll(pfd, 1, CAM_READ_TIMEOUT) > 0 && (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) && tpdu->Read(fd) == OK && tpdu->Tcid() == tcid) { switch (state) { case stIDLE: break; case stCREATION: if (tpdu->Tag() == T_CTC_REPLY) { dataAvailable = tpdu->Status() & DATA_INDICATOR; state = stACTIVE; lastResponse = tpdu->Tag(); } break; case stACTIVE: switch (tpdu->Tag()) { case T_SB: case T_DATA_LAST: case T_DATA_MORE: case T_REQUEST_TC: break; case T_DELETE_TC: if (SendTPDU(T_DTC_REPLY) != OK) return ERROR; Init(fd, slot, tcid); break; default: return ERROR; } dataAvailable = tpdu->Status() & DATA_INDICATOR; lastResponse = tpdu->Tag(); break; case stDELETION: if (tpdu->Tag() == T_DTC_REPLY) { Init(fd, slot, tcid); //XXX Status()??? lastResponse = tpdu->Tag(); } break; } } else if (FATALERRNO) { esyslog("ERROR: CAM: Read failed: slot %d, tcid %d - %m\n", slot, tcid); Init(-1, slot, tcid); } return lastResponse; } int cCiTransportConnection::SendData(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { while (state == stACTIVE && Length > 0) { uint8_t Tag = T_DATA_LAST; int l = Length; if (l > MAX_TPDU_DATA) { Tag = T_DATA_MORE; l = MAX_TPDU_DATA; } if (SendTPDU(Tag, l, Data) != OK || RecvTPDU() != T_SB) break; Length -= l; Data += l; } return Length ? ERROR : OK; } int cCiTransportConnection::RecvData(void) { if (SendTPDU(T_RCV) == OK) return RecvTPDU(); return ERROR; } const uint8_t *cCiTransportConnection::Data(int &Length) { return tpdu->Data(Length); } #define MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES 2 int cCiTransportConnection::CreateConnection(void) { if (state == stIDLE) { if (SendTPDU(T_CREATE_TC) == OK) { state = stCREATION; if (RecvTPDU() == T_CTC_REPLY) return OK; // the following is a workaround for CAMs that don't quite follow the specs... else { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES; i++) { dsyslog("CAM: retrying to establish connection"); if (RecvTPDU() == T_CTC_REPLY) { dsyslog("CAM: connection established"); return OK; } } return ERROR; } } } return ERROR; } int cCiTransportConnection::Poll(void) { if (state == stACTIVE) { if (SendTPDU(T_DATA_LAST) == OK) return RecvTPDU(); } return ERROR; } void cCiTransportConnection::Reset(void) { Init(-1, 0, 0); } // --- cCiTransportLayer ----------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_CI_CONNECT 16 // maximum possible value is 254 class cCiTransportLayer { private: int fd; int numSlots; cCiTransportConnection tc[MAX_CI_CONNECT]; public: cCiTransportLayer(int Fd, int NumSlots); cCiTransportConnection *NewConnection(int Slot); bool ResetSlot(int Slot, bool Wait = false); bool ModuleReady(int Slot); cCiTransportConnection *Process(int Slot); }; cCiTransportLayer::cCiTransportLayer(int Fd, int NumSlots) { fd = Fd; numSlots = NumSlots; for (int s = 0; s < numSlots; s++) ResetSlot(s); cCondWait::SleepMs(2000); } cCiTransportConnection *cCiTransportLayer::NewConnection(int Slot) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_CONNECT; i++) { if (tc[i].State() == stIDLE) { dbgprotocol("Creating connection: slot %d, tcid %d\n", Slot, i + 1); tc[i].Init(fd, Slot, i + 1); if (tc[i].CreateConnection() == OK) return &tc[i]; break; } } return NULL; } bool cCiTransportLayer::ResetSlot(int Slot, bool Wait) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_CONNECT; i++) { if (tc[i].State() != stIDLE && tc[i].Slot() == Slot) tc[i].Reset(); } dbgprotocol("Resetting slot %d...", Slot); if (ioctl(fd, CA_RESET, 1 << Slot) != -1) { if (Wait) cCondWait::SleepMs(2000); dbgprotocol("ok.\n"); return true; } else esyslog("ERROR: can't reset CAM slot %d: %m", Slot); dbgprotocol("failed!\n"); return false; } bool cCiTransportLayer::ModuleReady(int Slot) { ca_slot_info_t sinfo; sinfo.num = Slot; if (ioctl(fd, CA_GET_SLOT_INFO, &sinfo) != -1) return sinfo.flags & CA_CI_MODULE_READY; else esyslog("ERROR: can't get info on CAM slot %d: %m", Slot); return false; } cCiTransportConnection *cCiTransportLayer::Process(int Slot) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_CONNECT; i++) { cCiTransportConnection *Tc = &tc[i]; if (Tc->Slot() == Slot) { switch (Tc->State()) { case stCREATION: case stACTIVE: if (!Tc->DataAvailable()) { if (Tc->Poll() != OK) ;//XXX continue; } switch (Tc->LastResponse()) { case T_REQUEST_TC: //XXX break; case T_DATA_MORE: case T_DATA_LAST: case T_CTC_REPLY: case T_SB: if (Tc->DataAvailable()) Tc->RecvData(); break; case TIMEOUT: case ERROR: default: //XXX Tc->state = stIDLE;//XXX Init()??? return NULL; break; } //XXX this will only work with _one_ transport connection per slot! return Tc; break; default: ; } } } return NULL; } // -- cCiSession ------------------------------------------------------------- // Session Tags: #define ST_SESSION_NUMBER 0x90 #define ST_OPEN_SESSION_REQUEST 0x91 #define ST_OPEN_SESSION_RESPONSE 0x92 #define ST_CREATE_SESSION 0x93 #define ST_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE 0x94 #define ST_CLOSE_SESSION_REQUEST 0x95 #define ST_CLOSE_SESSION_RESPONSE 0x96 // Session Status: #define SS_OK 0x00 #define SS_NOT_ALLOCATED 0xF0 // Resource Identifiers: #define RI_RESOURCE_MANAGER 0x00010041 #define RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION 0x00020041 #define RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT 0x00030041 #define RI_HOST_CONTROL 0x00200041 #define RI_DATE_TIME 0x00240041 #define RI_MMI 0x00400041 // Application Object Tags: #define AOT_NONE 0x000000 #define AOT_PROFILE_ENQ 0x9F8010 #define AOT_PROFILE 0x9F8011 #define AOT_PROFILE_CHANGE 0x9F8012 #define AOT_APPLICATION_INFO_ENQ 0x9F8020 #define AOT_APPLICATION_INFO 0x9F8021 #define AOT_ENTER_MENU 0x9F8022 #define AOT_CA_INFO_ENQ 0x9F8030 #define AOT_CA_INFO 0x9F8031 #define AOT_CA_PMT 0x9F8032 #define AOT_CA_PMT_REPLY 0x9F8033 #define AOT_TUNE 0x9F8400 #define AOT_REPLACE 0x9F8401 #define AOT_CLEAR_REPLACE 0x9F8402 #define AOT_ASK_RELEASE 0x9F8403 #define AOT_DATE_TIME_ENQ 0x9F8440 #define AOT_DATE_TIME 0x9F8441 #define AOT_CLOSE_MMI 0x9F8800 #define AOT_DISPLAY_CONTROL 0x9F8801 #define AOT_DISPLAY_REPLY 0x9F8802 #define AOT_TEXT_LAST 0x9F8803 #define AOT_TEXT_MORE 0x9F8804 #define AOT_KEYPAD_CONTROL 0x9F8805 #define AOT_KEYPRESS 0x9F8806 #define AOT_ENQ 0x9F8807 #define AOT_ANSW 0x9F8808 #define AOT_MENU_LAST 0x9F8809 #define AOT_MENU_MORE 0x9F880A #define AOT_MENU_ANSW 0x9F880B #define AOT_LIST_LAST 0x9F880C #define AOT_LIST_MORE 0x9F880D #define AOT_SUBTITLE_SEGMENT_LAST 0x9F880E #define AOT_SUBTITLE_SEGMENT_MORE 0x9F880F #define AOT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE 0x9F8810 #define AOT_SCENE_END_MARK 0x9F8811 #define AOT_SCENE_DONE 0x9F8812 #define AOT_SCENE_CONTROL 0x9F8813 #define AOT_SUBTITLE_DOWNLOAD_LAST 0x9F8814 #define AOT_SUBTITLE_DOWNLOAD_MORE 0x9F8815 #define AOT_FLUSH_DOWNLOAD 0x9F8816 #define AOT_DOWNLOAD_REPLY 0x9F8817 #define AOT_COMMS_CMD 0x9F8C00 #define AOT_CONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR 0x9F8C01 #define AOT_COMMS_REPLY 0x9F8C02 #define AOT_COMMS_SEND_LAST 0x9F8C03 #define AOT_COMMS_SEND_MORE 0x9F8C04 #define AOT_COMMS_RCV_LAST 0x9F8C05 #define AOT_COMMS_RCV_MORE 0x9F8C06 class cCiSession { private: int sessionId; int resourceId; cCiTransportConnection *tc; protected: int GetTag(int &Length, const uint8_t **Data); const uint8_t *GetData(const uint8_t *Data, int &Length); int SendData(int Tag, int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); public: cCiSession(int SessionId, int ResourceId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual ~cCiSession(); const cCiTransportConnection *Tc(void) { return tc; } int SessionId(void) { return sessionId; } int ResourceId(void) { return resourceId; } virtual bool HasUserIO(void) { return false; } virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); }; cCiSession::cCiSession(int SessionId, int ResourceId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) { sessionId = SessionId; resourceId = ResourceId; tc = Tc; } cCiSession::~cCiSession() { } int cCiSession::GetTag(int &Length, const uint8_t **Data) ///< Gets the tag at Data. ///< \return Returns the actual tag, or AOT_NONE in case of error. ///< Upon return Length and Data represent the remaining data after the tag has been skipped. { if (Length >= 3 && Data && *Data) { int t = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) t = (t << 8) | *(*Data)++; Length -= 3; return t; } return AOT_NONE; } const uint8_t *cCiSession::GetData(const uint8_t *Data, int &Length) { Data = GetLength(Data, Length); return Length ? Data : NULL; } int cCiSession::SendData(int Tag, int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { uint8_t buffer[2048]; uint8_t *p = buffer; *p++ = ST_SESSION_NUMBER; *p++ = 0x02; *p++ = (sessionId >> 8) & 0xFF; *p++ = sessionId & 0xFF; *p++ = (Tag >> 16) & 0xFF; *p++ = (Tag >> 8) & 0xFF; *p++ = Tag & 0xFF; p = SetLength(p, Length); if (p - buffer + Length < int(sizeof(buffer))) { memcpy(p, Data, Length); p += Length; return tc->SendData(p - buffer, buffer); } esyslog("ERROR: CAM: data length (%d) exceeds buffer size", Length); return ERROR; } bool cCiSession::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { return true; } // -- cCiResourceManager ----------------------------------------------------- class cCiResourceManager : public cCiSession { private: int state; public: cCiResourceManager(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); }; cCiResourceManager::cCiResourceManager(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) :cCiSession(SessionId, RI_RESOURCE_MANAGER, Tc) { dbgprotocol("New Resource Manager (session id %d)\n", SessionId); state = 0; } bool cCiResourceManager::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Data) { int Tag = GetTag(Length, &Data); switch (Tag) { case AOT_PROFILE_ENQ: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Profile Enquiry\n", SessionId()); int resources[] = { htonl(RI_RESOURCE_MANAGER), htonl(RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION), htonl(RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT), htonl(RI_DATE_TIME), htonl(RI_MMI) }; dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Profile\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_PROFILE, sizeof(resources), (uint8_t*)resources); state = 3; } break; case AOT_PROFILE: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Profile\n", SessionId()); if (state == 1) { int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0 && d) esyslog("CI resource manager: unexpected data"); dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Profile Change\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_PROFILE_CHANGE); state = 2; } else { esyslog("ERROR: CI resource manager: unexpected tag %06X in state %d", Tag, state); } } break; default: esyslog("ERROR: CI resource manager: unknown tag %06X", Tag); return false; } } else if (state == 0) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Profile Enq\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_PROFILE_ENQ); state = 1; } return true; } // --- cCiApplicationInformation --------------------------------------------- class cCiApplicationInformation : public cCiSession { private: int state; time_t creationTime; uint8_t applicationType; uint16_t applicationManufacturer; uint16_t manufacturerCode; char *menuString; public: cCiApplicationInformation(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual ~cCiApplicationInformation(); virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); bool EnterMenu(void); const char *GetMenuString(void) { return menuString; } }; cCiApplicationInformation::cCiApplicationInformation(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) :cCiSession(SessionId, RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION, Tc) { dbgprotocol("New Application Information (session id %d)\n", SessionId); state = 0; creationTime = time(NULL); menuString = NULL; } cCiApplicationInformation::~cCiApplicationInformation() { free(menuString); } bool cCiApplicationInformation::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Data) { int Tag = GetTag(Length, &Data); switch (Tag) { case AOT_APPLICATION_INFO: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Application Info\n", SessionId()); int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if ((l -= 1) < 0) break; applicationType = *d++; if ((l -= 2) < 0) break; applicationManufacturer = ntohs(get_unaligned((uint16_t *)d)); d += 2; if ((l -= 2) < 0) break; manufacturerCode = ntohs(get_unaligned((uint16_t *)d)); d += 2; free(menuString); menuString = GetString(l, &d); isyslog("CAM: %s, %02X, %04X, %04X", menuString, applicationType, applicationManufacturer, manufacturerCode);//XXX make externally accessible! } state = 2; break; default: esyslog("ERROR: CI application information: unknown tag %06X", Tag); return false; } } else if (state == 0) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Application Info Enq\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_APPLICATION_INFO_ENQ); state = 1; } return true; } bool cCiApplicationInformation::EnterMenu(void) { if (state == 2 && time(NULL) - creationTime > WRKRND_TIME_BEFORE_ENTER_MENU) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Enter Menu\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_ENTER_MENU); return true;//XXX } return false; } // --- cCiConditionalAccessSupport ------------------------------------------- #define MAXCASYSTEMIDS 16 class cCiConditionalAccessSupport : public cCiSession { private: int state; int numCaSystemIds; unsigned short caSystemIds[MAXCASYSTEMIDS + 1]; // list is zero terminated! public: cCiConditionalAccessSupport(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); const unsigned short *GetCaSystemIds(void) { return caSystemIds; } bool SendPMT(cCiCaPmt &CaPmt); }; cCiConditionalAccessSupport::cCiConditionalAccessSupport(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) :cCiSession(SessionId, RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT, Tc) { dbgprotocol("New Conditional Access Support (session id %d)\n", SessionId); state = 0; caSystemIds[numCaSystemIds = 0] = 0; } bool cCiConditionalAccessSupport::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Data) { int Tag = GetTag(Length, &Data); switch (Tag) { case AOT_CA_INFO: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Ca Info", SessionId()); int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); while (l > 1) { unsigned short id = ((unsigned short)(*d) << 8) | *(d + 1); dbgprotocol(" %04X", id); d += 2; l -= 2; if (numCaSystemIds < MAXCASYSTEMIDS) { caSystemIds[numCaSystemIds++] = id; caSystemIds[numCaSystemIds] = 0; } else esyslog("ERROR: too many CA system IDs!"); } dbgprotocol("\n"); } state = 2; break; default: esyslog("ERROR: CI conditional access support: unknown tag %06X", Tag); return false; } } else if (state == 0) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Ca Info Enq\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_CA_INFO_ENQ); state = 1; } return true; } bool cCiConditionalAccessSupport::SendPMT(cCiCaPmt &CaPmt) { if (state == 2) { SendData(AOT_CA_PMT, CaPmt.length, CaPmt.capmt); return true; } return false; } // --- cCiDateTime ----------------------------------------------------------- class cCiDateTime : public cCiSession { private: int interval; time_t lastTime; bool SendDateTime(void); public: cCiDateTime(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); }; cCiDateTime::cCiDateTime(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) :cCiSession(SessionId, RI_DATE_TIME, Tc) { interval = 0; lastTime = 0; dbgprotocol("New Date Time (session id %d)\n", SessionId); } bool cCiDateTime::SendDateTime(void) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm_gmt; struct tm tm_loc; if (gmtime_r(&t, &tm_gmt) && localtime_r(&t, &tm_loc)) { int Y = tm_gmt.tm_year; int M = tm_gmt.tm_mon + 1; int D = tm_gmt.tm_mday; int L = (M == 1 || M == 2) ? 1 : 0; int MJD = 14956 + D + int((Y - L) * 365.25) + int((M + 1 + L * 12) * 30.6001); #define DEC2BCD(d) (((d / 10) << 4) + (d % 10)) struct tTime { unsigned short mjd; uint8_t h, m, s; short offset; }; tTime T = { mjd : htons(MJD), h : DEC2BCD(tm_gmt.tm_hour), m : DEC2BCD(tm_gmt.tm_min), s : DEC2BCD(tm_gmt.tm_sec), offset : htons(tm_loc.tm_gmtoff / 60) }; dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Date Time\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_DATE_TIME, 7, (uint8_t*)&T); //XXX return value of all SendData() calls??? return true; } return false; } bool cCiDateTime::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Data) { int Tag = GetTag(Length, &Data); switch (Tag) { case AOT_DATE_TIME_ENQ: { interval = 0; int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0) interval = *d; dbgprotocol("%d: <== Date Time Enq, interval = %d\n", SessionId(), interval); lastTime = time(NULL); return SendDateTime(); } break; default: esyslog("ERROR: CI date time: unknown tag %06X", Tag); return false; } } else if (interval && time(NULL) - lastTime > interval) { lastTime = time(NULL); return SendDateTime(); } return true; } // --- cCiMMI ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Display Control Commands: #define DCC_SET_MMI_MODE 0x01 #define DCC_DISPLAY_CHARACTER_TABLE_LIST 0x02 #define DCC_INPUT_CHARACTER_TABLE_LIST 0x03 #define DCC_OVERLAY_GRAPHICS_CHARACTERISTICS 0x04 #define DCC_FULL_SCREEN_GRAPHICS_CHARACTERISTICS 0x05 // MMI Modes: #define MM_HIGH_LEVEL 0x01 #define MM_LOW_LEVEL_OVERLAY_GRAPHICS 0x02 #define MM_LOW_LEVEL_FULL_SCREEN_GRAPHICS 0x03 // Display Reply IDs: #define DRI_MMI_MODE_ACK 0x01 #define DRI_LIST_DISPLAY_CHARACTER_TABLES 0x02 #define DRI_LIST_INPUT_CHARACTER_TABLES 0x03 #define DRI_LIST_GRAPHIC_OVERLAY_CHARACTERISTICS 0x04 #define DRI_LIST_FULL_SCREEN_GRAPHIC_CHARACTERISTICS 0x05 #define DRI_UNKNOWN_DISPLAY_CONTROL_CMD 0xF0 #define DRI_UNKNOWN_MMI_MODE 0xF1 #define DRI_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_TABLE 0xF2 // Enquiry Flags: #define EF_BLIND 0x01 // Answer IDs: #define AI_CANCEL 0x00 #define AI_ANSWER 0x01 class cCiMMI : public cCiSession { private: char *GetText(int &Length, const uint8_t **Data); cCiMenu *menu, *fetchedMenu; cCiEnquiry *enquiry, *fetchedEnquiry; public: cCiMMI(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc); virtual ~cCiMMI(); virtual bool Process(int Length = 0, const uint8_t *Data = NULL); virtual bool HasUserIO(void) { return menu || enquiry; } cCiMenu *Menu(bool Clear = false); cCiEnquiry *Enquiry(bool Clear = false); bool SendMenuAnswer(uint8_t Selection); bool SendAnswer(const char *Text); bool SendCloseMMI(void); }; cCiMMI::cCiMMI(int SessionId, cCiTransportConnection *Tc) :cCiSession(SessionId, RI_MMI, Tc) { dbgprotocol("New MMI (session id %d)\n", SessionId); menu = fetchedMenu = NULL; enquiry = fetchedEnquiry = NULL; } cCiMMI::~cCiMMI() { if (fetchedMenu) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&fetchedMenu->mutex); fetchedMenu->mmi = NULL; } delete menu; if (fetchedEnquiry) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&fetchedEnquiry->mutex); fetchedEnquiry->mmi = NULL; } delete enquiry; } char *cCiMMI::GetText(int &Length, const uint8_t **Data) ///< Gets the text at Data. ///< \return Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string, or NULL in case of error. ///< Upon return Length and Data represent the remaining data after the text has been skipped. { int Tag = GetTag(Length, Data); if (Tag == AOT_TEXT_LAST) { char *s = GetString(Length, Data); dbgprotocol("%d: <== Text Last '%s'\n", SessionId(), s); return s; } else esyslog("CI MMI: unexpected text tag: %06X", Tag); return NULL; } bool cCiMMI::Process(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Data) { int Tag = GetTag(Length, &Data); switch (Tag) { case AOT_DISPLAY_CONTROL: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Display Control\n", SessionId()); int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0) { switch (*d) { case DCC_SET_MMI_MODE: if (l == 2 && *++d == MM_HIGH_LEVEL) { struct tDisplayReply { uint8_t id; uint8_t mode; }; tDisplayReply dr = { id : DRI_MMI_MODE_ACK, mode : MM_HIGH_LEVEL }; dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Display Reply\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_DISPLAY_REPLY, 2, (uint8_t *)&dr); } break; default: esyslog("CI MMI: unsupported display control command %02X", *d); return false; } } } break; case AOT_LIST_LAST: case AOT_MENU_LAST: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Menu Last\n", SessionId()); delete menu; menu = new cCiMenu(this, Tag == AOT_MENU_LAST); int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0) { // since the specification allows choiceNb to be undefined it is useless, so let's just skip it: d++; l--; if (l > 0) menu->titleText = GetText(l, &d); if (l > 0) menu->subTitleText = GetText(l, &d); if (l > 0) menu->bottomText = GetText(l, &d); while (l > 0) { char *s = GetText(l, &d); if (s) { if (!menu->AddEntry(s)) free(s); } else break; } } } break; case AOT_ENQ: { dbgprotocol("%d: <== Enq\n", SessionId()); delete enquiry; enquiry = new cCiEnquiry(this); int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0) { uint8_t blind = *d++; //XXX GetByte()??? l--; enquiry->blind = blind & EF_BLIND; enquiry->expectedLength = *d++; l--; // I really wonder why there is no text length field here... enquiry->text = CopyString(l, d); } } break; case AOT_CLOSE_MMI: { int id = -1; int delay = -1; int l = 0; const uint8_t *d = GetData(Data, l); if (l > 0) { id = *d++; if (l > 1) delay = *d; } dbgprotocol("%d: <== Close MMI id = %02X delay = %d\n", SessionId(), id, delay); } break; default: esyslog("ERROR: CI MMI: unknown tag %06X", Tag); return false; } } return true; } cCiMenu *cCiMMI::Menu(bool Clear) { if (Clear) fetchedMenu = NULL; else if (menu) { fetchedMenu = menu; menu = NULL; } return fetchedMenu; } cCiEnquiry *cCiMMI::Enquiry(bool Clear) { if (Clear) fetchedEnquiry = NULL; else if (enquiry) { fetchedEnquiry = enquiry; enquiry = NULL; } return fetchedEnquiry; } bool cCiMMI::SendMenuAnswer(uint8_t Selection) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Menu Answ\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_MENU_ANSW, 1, &Selection); //XXX return value of all SendData() calls??? return true; } bool cCiMMI::SendAnswer(const char *Text) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Answ\n", SessionId()); struct tAnswer { uint8_t id; char text[256]; };//XXX tAnswer answer; answer.id = Text ? AI_ANSWER : AI_CANCEL; if (Text) strncpy(answer.text, Text, sizeof(answer.text)); SendData(AOT_ANSW, Text ? strlen(Text) + 1 : 1, (uint8_t *)&answer); //XXX return value of all SendData() calls??? return true; } bool cCiMMI::SendCloseMMI(void) { dbgprotocol("%d: ==> Close MMI\n", SessionId()); SendData(AOT_CLOSE_MMI, 0); //XXX return value of all SendData() calls??? return true; } // --- cCiMenu --------------------------------------------------------------- cCiMenu::cCiMenu(cCiMMI *MMI, bool Selectable) { mmi = MMI; selectable = Selectable; titleText = subTitleText = bottomText = NULL; numEntries = 0; } cCiMenu::~cCiMenu() { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (mmi) mmi->Menu(true); free(titleText); free(subTitleText); free(bottomText); for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) free(entries[i]); } bool cCiMenu::AddEntry(char *s) { if (numEntries < MAX_CIMENU_ENTRIES) { entries[numEntries++] = s; return true; } return false; } bool cCiMenu::HasUpdate(void) { return mmi->HasUserIO(); } bool cCiMenu::Select(int Index) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (mmi && -1 <= Index && Index < numEntries) return mmi->SendMenuAnswer(Index + 1); return false; } bool cCiMenu::Cancel(void) { return Select(-1); } bool cCiMenu::Abort(void) { return mmi->SendCloseMMI(); } // --- cCiEnquiry ------------------------------------------------------------ cCiEnquiry::cCiEnquiry(cCiMMI *MMI) { mmi = MMI; text = NULL; blind = false;; expectedLength = 0;; } cCiEnquiry::~cCiEnquiry() { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (mmi) mmi->Enquiry(true); free(text); } bool cCiEnquiry::Reply(const char *s) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); return mmi ? mmi->SendAnswer(s) : false; } bool cCiEnquiry::Cancel(void) { return Reply(NULL); } // --- cCiCaPmt -------------------------------------------------------------- // Ca Pmt List Management: #define CPLM_MORE 0x00 #define CPLM_FIRST 0x01 #define CPLM_LAST 0x02 #define CPLM_ONLY 0x03 #define CPLM_ADD 0x04 #define CPLM_UPDATE 0x05 // Ca Pmt Cmd Ids: #define CPCI_OK_DESCRAMBLING 0x01 #define CPCI_OK_MMI 0x02 #define CPCI_QUERY 0x03 #define CPCI_NOT_SELECTED 0x04 cCiCaPmt::cCiCaPmt(int Source, int Transponder, int ProgramNumber, const unsigned short *CaSystemIds) { caDescriptorsLength = GetCaDescriptors(Source, Transponder, ProgramNumber, CaSystemIds, sizeof(caDescriptors), caDescriptors, streamFlag); length = 0; capmt[length++] = CPLM_ONLY; capmt[length++] = (ProgramNumber >> 8) & 0xFF; capmt[length++] = ProgramNumber & 0xFF; capmt[length++] = 0x01; // version_number, current_next_indicator - apparently vn doesn't matter, but cni must be 1 esInfoLengthPos = length; capmt[length++] = 0x00; // program_info_length H (at program level) capmt[length++] = 0x00; // program_info_length L if (!streamFlag) AddCaDescriptors(caDescriptorsLength, caDescriptors); } bool cCiCaPmt::Valid(void) { return caDescriptorsLength > 0; } void cCiCaPmt::AddPid(int Pid, uint8_t StreamType) { if (Pid) { //XXX buffer overflow check??? capmt[length++] = StreamType; capmt[length++] = (Pid >> 8) & 0xFF; capmt[length++] = Pid & 0xFF; esInfoLengthPos = length; capmt[length++] = 0x00; // ES_info_length H (at ES level) capmt[length++] = 0x00; // ES_info_length L if (streamFlag) AddCaDescriptors(caDescriptorsLength, caDescriptors); } } void cCiCaPmt::AddCaDescriptors(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (esInfoLengthPos) { if (length + Length < int(sizeof(capmt))) { capmt[length++] = CPCI_OK_DESCRAMBLING; memcpy(capmt + length, Data, Length); length += Length; int l = length - esInfoLengthPos - 2; capmt[esInfoLengthPos] = (l >> 8) & 0xFF; capmt[esInfoLengthPos + 1] = l & 0xFF; } else esyslog("ERROR: buffer overflow in CA descriptor"); esInfoLengthPos = 0; } else esyslog("ERROR: adding CA descriptor without Pid!"); } // -- cCiHandler ------------------------------------------------------------- cCiHandler::cCiHandler(int Fd, int NumSlots) { fd = Fd; numSlots = NumSlots; newCaSupport = false; hasUserIO = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) sessions[i] = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SLOT; i++) moduleReady[i] = false; tpl = new cCiTransportLayer(Fd, numSlots); tc = NULL; } cCiHandler::~cCiHandler() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) delete sessions[i]; delete tpl; close(fd); } cCiHandler *cCiHandler::CreateCiHandler(const char *FileName) { int fd_ca = open(FileName, O_RDWR); if (fd_ca >= 0) { ca_caps_t Caps; if (ioctl(fd_ca, CA_GET_CAP, &Caps) == 0) { int NumSlots = Caps.slot_num; if (NumSlots > 0) { //XXX dsyslog("CAM: found %d CAM slots", NumSlots); // TODO let's do this only once we can be sure that there _really_ is a CAM adapter! if ((Caps.slot_type & CA_CI_LINK) != 0) return new cCiHandler(fd_ca, NumSlots); else isyslog("CAM doesn't support link layer interface"); } else esyslog("ERROR: no CAM slots found"); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); close(fd_ca); } return NULL; } int cCiHandler::ResourceIdToInt(const uint8_t *Data) { return (ntohl(get_unaligned((int32_t *)Data))); } bool cCiHandler::Send(uint8_t Tag, int SessionId, int ResourceId, int Status) { uint8_t buffer[16]; uint8_t *p = buffer; *p++ = Tag; *p++ = 0x00; // will contain length if (Status >= 0) *p++ = Status; if (ResourceId) { put_unaligned(htonl(ResourceId), (int32_t *)p); p += 4; } put_unaligned(htons(SessionId), (uint16_t *)p); p += 2; buffer[1] = p - buffer - 2; // length return tc && tc->SendData(p - buffer, buffer) == OK; } cCiSession *cCiHandler::GetSessionBySessionId(int SessionId) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) { if (sessions[i] && sessions[i]->SessionId() == SessionId) return sessions[i]; } return NULL; } cCiSession *cCiHandler::GetSessionByResourceId(int ResourceId, int Slot) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) { if (sessions[i] && sessions[i]->Tc()->Slot() == Slot && sessions[i]->ResourceId() == ResourceId) return sessions[i]; } return NULL; } cCiSession *cCiHandler::CreateSession(int ResourceId) { if (!GetSessionByResourceId(ResourceId, tc->Slot())) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) { if (!sessions[i]) { switch (ResourceId) { case RI_RESOURCE_MANAGER: return sessions[i] = new cCiResourceManager(i + 1, tc); case RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION: return sessions[i] = new cCiApplicationInformation(i + 1, tc); case RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT: newCaSupport = true; return sessions[i] = new cCiConditionalAccessSupport(i + 1, tc); case RI_HOST_CONTROL: break; //XXX case RI_DATE_TIME: return sessions[i] = new cCiDateTime(i + 1, tc); case RI_MMI: return sessions[i] = new cCiMMI(i + 1, tc); } } } } return NULL; } bool cCiHandler::OpenSession(int Length, const uint8_t *Data) { if (Length == 6 && *(Data + 1) == 0x04) { int ResourceId = ResourceIdToInt(Data + 2); dbgprotocol("OpenSession %08X\n", ResourceId); switch (ResourceId) { case RI_RESOURCE_MANAGER: case RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION: case RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT: case RI_HOST_CONTROL: case RI_DATE_TIME: case RI_MMI: { cCiSession *Session = CreateSession(ResourceId); if (Session) { Send(ST_OPEN_SESSION_RESPONSE, Session->SessionId(), Session->ResourceId(), SS_OK); return true; } esyslog("ERROR: can't create session for resource identifier: %08X", ResourceId); } default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown resource identifier: %08X", ResourceId); } } return false; } bool cCiHandler::CloseSession(int SessionId) { dbgprotocol("CloseSession %08X\n", SessionId); cCiSession *Session = GetSessionBySessionId(SessionId); if (Session && sessions[SessionId - 1] == Session) { delete Session; sessions[SessionId - 1] = NULL; Send(ST_CLOSE_SESSION_RESPONSE, SessionId, 0, SS_OK); return true; } else { esyslog("ERROR: unknown session id: %d", SessionId); Send(ST_CLOSE_SESSION_RESPONSE, SessionId, 0, SS_NOT_ALLOCATED); } return false; } int cCiHandler::CloseAllSessions(int Slot) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) { if (sessions[i] && sessions[i]->Tc()->Slot() == Slot) { CloseSession(sessions[i]->SessionId()); result++; } } return result; } bool cCiHandler::Ready(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < numSlots; Slot++) { if (moduleReady[Slot]) { cCiConditionalAccessSupport *cas = (cCiConditionalAccessSupport *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT, Slot); if (!cas || !*cas->GetCaSystemIds()) return false; } } return true; } bool cCiHandler::Process(void) { bool result = true; cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < numSlots; Slot++) { tc = tpl->Process(Slot); if (tc) { int Length; const uint8_t *Data = tc->Data(Length); if (Data && Length > 1) { switch (*Data) { case ST_SESSION_NUMBER: if (Length > 4) { int SessionId = ntohs(get_unaligned((uint16_t *)&Data[2])); cCiSession *Session = GetSessionBySessionId(SessionId); if (Session) Session->Process(Length - 4, Data + 4); else esyslog("ERROR: unknown session id: %d", SessionId); } break; case ST_OPEN_SESSION_REQUEST: OpenSession(Length, Data); break; case ST_CLOSE_SESSION_REQUEST: if (Length == 4) CloseSession(ntohs(get_unaligned((uint16_t *)&Data[2]))); break; case ST_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE: //XXX fall through to default case ST_CLOSE_SESSION_RESPONSE: //XXX fall through to default default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown session tag: %02X", *Data); } } } else if (CloseAllSessions(Slot)) { tpl->ResetSlot(Slot); result = false; } else if (tpl->ModuleReady(Slot)) { dbgprotocol("Module ready in slot %d\n", Slot); moduleReady[Slot] = true; tpl->NewConnection(Slot); } } bool UserIO = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CI_SESSION; i++) { if (sessions[i] && sessions[i]->Process()) UserIO |= sessions[i]->HasUserIO(); } hasUserIO = UserIO; if (newCaSupport) newCaSupport = result = false; // triggers new SetCaPmt at caller! return result; } bool cCiHandler::EnterMenu(int Slot) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); cCiApplicationInformation *api = (cCiApplicationInformation *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION, Slot); return api ? api->EnterMenu() : false; } cCiMenu *cCiHandler::GetMenu(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < numSlots; Slot++) { cCiMMI *mmi = (cCiMMI *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_MMI, Slot); if (mmi) return mmi->Menu(); } return NULL; } cCiEnquiry *cCiHandler::GetEnquiry(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < numSlots; Slot++) { cCiMMI *mmi = (cCiMMI *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_MMI, Slot); if (mmi) return mmi->Enquiry(); } return NULL; } const char *cCiHandler::GetCamName(int Slot) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); cCiApplicationInformation *ai = (cCiApplicationInformation *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_APPLICATION_INFORMATION, Slot); return ai ? ai->GetMenuString() : NULL; } const unsigned short *cCiHandler::GetCaSystemIds(int Slot) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); cCiConditionalAccessSupport *cas = (cCiConditionalAccessSupport *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT, Slot); return cas ? cas->GetCaSystemIds() : NULL; } bool cCiHandler::ProvidesCa(const unsigned short *CaSystemIds) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int Slot = 0; Slot < numSlots; Slot++) { cCiConditionalAccessSupport *cas = (cCiConditionalAccessSupport *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT, Slot); if (cas) { for (const unsigned short *ids = cas->GetCaSystemIds(); ids && *ids; ids++) { for (const unsigned short *id = CaSystemIds; *id; id++) { if (*id == *ids) return true; } } } } return false; } bool cCiHandler::SetCaPmt(cCiCaPmt &CaPmt, int Slot) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); cCiConditionalAccessSupport *cas = (cCiConditionalAccessSupport *)GetSessionByResourceId(RI_CONDITIONAL_ACCESS_SUPPORT, Slot); return cas && cas->SendPMT(CaPmt); } bool cCiHandler::Reset(int Slot) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); CloseAllSessions(Slot); return tpl->ResetSlot(Slot, true); }