/* * ci.h: Common Interface * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: ci.h 1.19 2005/11/26 13:37:42 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __CI_H #define __CI_H #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "thread.h" #include "tools.h" class cCiMMI; class cCiMenu { friend class cCiHandler; friend class cCiMMI; private: enum { MAX_CIMENU_ENTRIES = 64 }; ///< XXX is there a specified maximum? cCiMMI *mmi; cMutex *mutex; bool selectable; char *titleText; char *subTitleText; char *bottomText; char *entries[MAX_CIMENU_ENTRIES]; int numEntries; bool AddEntry(char *s); cCiMenu(cCiMMI *MMI, bool Selectable); public: ~cCiMenu(); const char *TitleText(void) { return titleText; } const char *SubTitleText(void) { return subTitleText; } const char *BottomText(void) { return bottomText; } const char *Entry(int n) { return n < numEntries ? entries[n] : NULL; } int NumEntries(void) { return numEntries; } bool Selectable(void) { return selectable; } bool Select(int Index); bool Cancel(void); bool Abort(void); bool HasUpdate(void); }; class cCiEnquiry { friend class cCiHandler; friend class cCiMMI; private: cCiMMI *mmi; cMutex *mutex; char *text; bool blind; int expectedLength; cCiEnquiry(cCiMMI *MMI); public: ~cCiEnquiry(); const char *Text(void) { return text; } bool Blind(void) { return blind; } int ExpectedLength(void) { return expectedLength; } bool Reply(const char *s); bool Cancel(void); bool Abort(void); }; #define MAX_CI_SESSION 16 //XXX #define MAX_CI_SLOT 16 class cCiCaPidData : public cListObject { public: bool active; int pid; int streamType; cCiCaPidData(int Pid, int StreamType) { active = false; pid = Pid; streamType = StreamType; } }; class cCiCaProgramData : public cListObject { public: int programNumber; cList<cCiCaPidData> pidList; cCiCaProgramData(int ProgramNumber) { programNumber = ProgramNumber; } }; class cCiSession; class cCiTransportLayer; class cCiTransportConnection; class cCiHandler { private: cMutex mutex; int fd; int numSlots; bool newCaSupport; bool hasUserIO; bool moduleReady[MAX_CI_SLOT]; cCiSession *sessions[MAX_CI_SESSION]; cCiTransportLayer *tpl; cCiTransportConnection *tc; int source; int transponder; cList<cCiCaProgramData> caProgramList; int ResourceIdToInt(const uint8_t *Data); bool Send(uint8_t Tag, int SessionId, int ResourceId = 0, int Status = -1); cCiSession *GetSessionBySessionId(int SessionId); cCiSession *GetSessionByResourceId(int ResourceId, int Slot); cCiSession *CreateSession(int ResourceId); bool OpenSession(int Length, const uint8_t *Data); bool CloseSession(int SessionId); int CloseAllSessions(int Slot); cCiHandler(int Fd, int NumSlots); void SendCaPmt(void); public: ~cCiHandler(); static cCiHandler *CreateCiHandler(const char *FileName); int NumSlots(void) { return numSlots; } bool Ready(void); bool Process(int Slot = -1); ///< Processes the given Slot. If Slot is -1, all slots are processed. ///< Returns false in case of an error. bool HasUserIO(void) { return hasUserIO; } bool EnterMenu(int Slot); cCiMenu *GetMenu(void); cCiEnquiry *GetEnquiry(void); const char *GetCamName(int Slot); const unsigned short *GetCaSystemIds(int Slot); bool ProvidesCa(const unsigned short *CaSystemIds); //XXX Slot??? void SetSource(int Source, int Transponder); ///< Sets the Source and Transponder of the device this cCiHandler is ///< currently tuned to. If Source or Transponder are different than ///< what was given in a previous call to SetSource(), any previously ///< added PIDs will be cleared. void AddPid(int ProgramNumber, int Pid, int StreamType); ///< Adds the given PID information to the list of PIDs. A later call ///< to SetPid() will (de)activate one of these entries. void SetPid(int Pid, bool Active); ///< Sets the given Pid (which has previously been added through a ///< call to AddPid()) to Active. If Active is true, a later call to ///< StartDecrypting() will send the full list of currently active CA_PMT ///< entries to the CAM, including this one. bool CanDecrypt(int ProgramNumber); ///< XXX void StartDecrypting(void); ///< Triggers sending all currently active CA_PMT entries to the CAM, ///< so that it will start decrypting. bool Reset(int Slot); }; #endif //__CI_H