/* * config.c: Configuration file handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: config.c 1.86 2002/02/24 11:53:12 kls Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "dvbapi.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "interface.h" // IMPORTANT NOTE: in the 'sscanf()' calls there is a blank after the '%d' // format characters in order to allow any number of blanks after a numeric // value! // -- cKeys ------------------------------------------------------------------ tKey keyTable[] = { // "Up" and "Down" must be the first two keys! { kUp, "Up", 0 }, { kDown, "Down", 0 }, { kMenu, "Menu", 0 }, { kOk, "Ok", 0 }, { kBack, "Back", 0 }, { kLeft, "Left", 0 }, { kRight, "Right", 0 }, { kRed, "Red", 0 }, { kGreen, "Green", 0 }, { kYellow, "Yellow", 0 }, { kBlue, "Blue", 0 }, { k0, "0", 0 }, { k1, "1", 0 }, { k2, "2", 0 }, { k3, "3", 0 }, { k4, "4", 0 }, { k5, "5", 0 }, { k6, "6", 0 }, { k7, "7", 0 }, { k8, "8", 0 }, { k9, "9", 0 }, { kPower, "Power", 0 }, { kVolUp, "Volume+", 0 }, { kVolDn, "Volume-", 0 }, { kMute, "Mute", 0 }, { kNone, "", 0 }, }; cKeys::cKeys(void) { fileName = NULL; code = 0; address = 0; keys = keyTable; } void cKeys::Clear(void) { for (tKey *k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) k->code = 0; } void cKeys::SetDummyValues(void) { for (tKey *k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) k->code = k->type + 1; // '+1' to avoid 0 } bool cKeys::Load(const char *FileName) { isyslog(LOG_INFO, "loading %s", FileName); bool result = false; if (FileName) fileName = strdup(FileName); if (fileName) { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; char buffer[MAXPARSEBUFFER]; result = true; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) > 0) { line++; if (!isempty(buffer)) { char *Name = buffer; char *p = strpbrk(Name, " \t"); if (p) { *p = 0; // terminates 'Name' while (*++p && isspace(*p)) ; if (*p) { if (strcasecmp(Name, "Code") == 0) code = *p; else if (strcasecmp(Name, "Address") == 0) address = strtol(p, NULL, 16); else { for (tKey *k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) { if (strcasecmp(Name, k->name) == 0) { k->code = strtol(p, NULL, 16); Name = NULL; // to indicate that we found it break; } } if (Name) { esyslog(LOG_ERR, "unknown key in %s, line %d\n", fileName, line); result = false; break; } } } continue; } esyslog(LOG_ERR, "error in %s, line %d\n", fileName, line); result = false; break; } } fclose(f); } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "can't open '%s'\n", fileName); } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "no key configuration file name supplied!\n"); return result; } bool cKeys::Save(void) { cSafeFile f(fileName); if (f.Open()) { fprintf(f, "Code\t%c\nAddress\t%04X\n", code, address); for (tKey *k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) fprintf(f, "%s\t%08X\n", k->name, k->code); return f.Close(); } return false; } eKeys cKeys::Get(unsigned int Code) { if (Code != 0) { tKey *k; for (k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) { if (k->code == Code) break; } return k->type; } return kNone; } eKeys cKeys::Translate(const char *Command) { if (Command) { const tKey *k = keys; while ((k->type != kNone) && strcasecmp(k->name, Command) != 0) k++; return k->type; } return kNone; } unsigned int cKeys::Encode(const char *Command) { eKeys k = Translate(Command); if (k != kNone) return keys[k].code; return 0; } void cKeys::Set(eKeys Key, unsigned int Code) { for (tKey *k = keys; k->type != kNone; k++) { if (k->type == Key) { k->code = Code; break; } } } // -- cChannel --------------------------------------------------------------- char *cChannel::buffer = NULL; cChannel::cChannel(void) { *name = 0; } cChannel::cChannel(const cChannel *Channel) { strcpy(name, Channel ? Channel->name : "Pro7"); frequency = Channel ? Channel->frequency : 12480; polarization = Channel ? Channel->polarization : 'v'; diseqc = Channel ? Channel->diseqc : 0; srate = Channel ? Channel->srate : 27500; vpid = Channel ? Channel->vpid : 255; apid1 = Channel ? Channel->apid1 : 256; apid2 = Channel ? Channel->apid2 : 0; dpid1 = Channel ? Channel->dpid1 : 257; dpid2 = Channel ? Channel->dpid2 : 0; tpid = Channel ? Channel->tpid : 32; ca = Channel ? Channel->ca : 0; pnr = Channel ? Channel->pnr : 0; groupSep = Channel ? Channel->groupSep : false; } const char *cChannel::ToText(cChannel *Channel) { char buf[MaxChannelName * 2]; char *s = Channel->name; if (strchr(s, ':')) { s = strcpy(buf, s); strreplace(s, ':', '|'); } delete buffer; if (Channel->groupSep) asprintf(&buffer, ":%s\n", s); else { char apidbuf[32]; char *q = apidbuf; q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf), "%d", Channel->apid1); if (Channel->apid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ",%d", Channel->apid2); if (Channel->dpid1 || Channel->dpid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ";%d", Channel->dpid1); if (Channel->dpid2) q += snprintf(q, sizeof(apidbuf) - (q - apidbuf), ",%d", Channel->dpid2); *q = 0; asprintf(&buffer, "%s:%d:%c:%d:%d:%d:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", s, Channel->frequency, Channel->polarization, Channel->diseqc, Channel->srate, Channel->vpid, apidbuf, Channel->tpid, Channel->ca, Channel->pnr); } return buffer; } const char *cChannel::ToText(void) { return ToText(this); } bool cChannel::Parse(const char *s) { char *buffer = NULL; if (*s == ':') { if (*++s) { strn0cpy(name, s, MaxChannelName); name[strlen(name) - 1] = 0; // strip the '\n' groupSep = true; } else return false; } else { groupSep = false; char *apidbuf = NULL; int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^:]:%d :%c:%d :%d :%d :%a[^:]:%d :%d :%d ", &buffer, &frequency, &polarization, &diseqc, &srate, &vpid, &apidbuf, &tpid, &ca, &pnr); apid1 = apid2 = 0; dpid1 = dpid2 = 0; if (apidbuf) { char *p = strchr(apidbuf, ';'); if (p) *p++ = 0; sscanf(apidbuf, "%d ,%d ", &apid1, &apid2); if (p) sscanf(p, "%d ,%d ", &dpid1, &dpid2); delete apidbuf; } else return false; if (fields >= 9) { if (fields == 9) { // allow reading of old format pnr = ca; ca = tpid; tpid = 0; } strn0cpy(name, buffer, MaxChannelName); delete buffer; } else return false; } strreplace(name, '|', ':'); return true; } bool cChannel::Save(FILE *f) { return fprintf(f, ToText()) > 0; } bool cChannel::Switch(cDvbApi *DvbApi, bool Log) { if (!DvbApi) DvbApi = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi; if (!DvbApi->Recording() && !groupSep) { if (Log) isyslog(LOG_INFO, "switching to channel %d", number); for (int i = 3; i--;) { switch (DvbApi->SetChannel(number, frequency, polarization, diseqc, srate, vpid, apid1, apid2, dpid1, dpid2, tpid, ca, pnr)) { case scrOk: return true; case scrNoTransfer: if (Interface) Interface->Error(tr("Can't start Transfer Mode!")); return false; case scrFailed: break; // loop will retry } esyslog(LOG_ERR, "retrying"); } return false; } if (DvbApi->Recording()) Interface->Error(tr("Channel locked (recording)!")); return false; } // -- cTimer ----------------------------------------------------------------- char *cTimer::buffer = NULL; cTimer::cTimer(bool Instant) { startTime = stopTime = 0; recording = pending = false; active = Instant ? taActInst : taInactive; cChannel *ch = Channels.GetByNumber(cDvbApi::CurrentChannel()); channel = ch ? ch->number : 0; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm_r; struct tm *now = localtime_r(&t, &tm_r); day = now->tm_mday; start = now->tm_hour * 100 + now->tm_min; stop = start + 200; // "instant recording" records 2 hours by default if (stop >= 2400) stop -= 2400; //TODO VPS??? priority = Setup.DefaultPriority; lifetime = Setup.DefaultLifetime; *file = 0; firstday = 0; summary = NULL; if (Instant && ch) snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s%s", Setup.MarkInstantRecord ? "@" : "", *Setup.NameInstantRecord ? Setup.NameInstantRecord : ch->name); } cTimer::cTimer(const cEventInfo *EventInfo) { startTime = stopTime = 0; recording = pending = false; active = true; cChannel *ch = Channels.GetByServiceID(EventInfo->GetServiceID()); channel = ch ? ch->number : 0; time_t tstart = EventInfo->GetTime(); time_t tstop = tstart + EventInfo->GetDuration() + Setup.MarginStop * 60; tstart -= Setup.MarginStart * 60; struct tm tm_r; struct tm *time = localtime_r(&tstart, &tm_r); day = time->tm_mday; start = time->tm_hour * 100 + time->tm_min; time = localtime_r(&tstop, &tm_r); stop = time->tm_hour * 100 + time->tm_min; if (stop >= 2400) stop -= 2400; priority = Setup.DefaultPriority; lifetime = Setup.DefaultLifetime; *file = 0; const char *Title = EventInfo->GetTitle(); if (!isempty(Title)) strn0cpy(file, EventInfo->GetTitle(), sizeof(file)); firstday = 0; summary = NULL; } cTimer::~cTimer() { delete summary; } cTimer& cTimer::operator= (const cTimer &Timer) { memcpy(this, &Timer, sizeof(*this)); if (summary) summary = strdup(summary); return *this; } bool cTimer::operator< (const cTimer &Timer) { time_t t1 = StartTime(); time_t t2 = (*(cTimer *)&Timer).StartTime(); return t1 < t2 || (t1 == t2 && priority > Timer.priority); } const char *cTimer::ToText(cTimer *Timer) { delete buffer; strreplace(Timer->file, ':', '|'); strreplace(Timer->summary, '\n', '|'); asprintf(&buffer, "%d:%d:%s:%04d:%04d:%d:%d:%s:%s\n", Timer->active, Timer->channel, PrintDay(Timer->day, Timer->firstday), Timer->start, Timer->stop, Timer->priority, Timer->lifetime, Timer->file, Timer->summary ? Timer->summary : ""); strreplace(Timer->summary, '|', '\n'); strreplace(Timer->file, '|', ':'); return buffer; } const char *cTimer::ToText(void) { return ToText(this); } int cTimer::TimeToInt(int t) { return (t / 100 * 60 + t % 100) * 60; } int cTimer::ParseDay(const char *s, time_t *FirstDay) { char *tail; int d = strtol(s, &tail, 10); if (FirstDay) *FirstDay = 0; if (tail && *tail) { d = 0; if (tail == s) { const char *first = strchr(s, '@'); int l = first ? first - s : strlen(s); if (l == 7) { for (const char *p = s + 6; p >= s; p--) { d <<= 1; d |= (*p != '-'); } d |= 0x80000000; } if (FirstDay && first) { ++first; if (strlen(first) == 10) { struct tm tm_r; if (3 == sscanf(first, "%d-%d-%d", &tm_r.tm_year, &tm_r.tm_mon, &tm_r.tm_mday)) { tm_r.tm_year -= 1900; tm_r.tm_mon--; tm_r.tm_hour = tm_r.tm_min = tm_r.tm_sec = 0; *FirstDay = mktime(&tm_r); } } else d = 0; } } } else if (d < 1 || d > 31) d = 0; return d; } const char *cTimer::PrintDay(int d, time_t FirstDay) { #define DAYBUFFERSIZE 32 static char buffer[DAYBUFFERSIZE]; if ((d & 0x80000000) != 0) { char *b = buffer; const char *w = tr("MTWTFSS"); while (*w) { *b++ = (d & 1) ? *w : '-'; d >>= 1; w++; } if (FirstDay) { struct tm tm_r; localtime_r(&FirstDay, &tm_r); b += strftime(b, DAYBUFFERSIZE - (b - buffer), "@%Y-%m-%d", &tm_r); } *b = 0; } else sprintf(buffer, "%d", d); return buffer; } const char *cTimer::PrintFirstDay(void) { if (firstday) { const char *s = PrintDay(day, firstday); if (strlen(s) == 18) return s + 8; } return ""; // not NULL, so the caller can always use the result } bool cTimer::Parse(const char *s) { char *buffer1 = NULL; char *buffer2 = NULL; delete summary; summary = NULL; //XXX Apparently sscanf() doesn't work correctly if the last %a argument //XXX results in an empty string (this first occured when the EIT gathering //XXX was put into a separate thread - don't know why this happens... //XXX As a cure we copy the original string and add a blank. //XXX If anybody can shed some light on why sscanf() failes here, I'd love //XXX to hear about that! char *s2 = NULL; int l2 = strlen(s); while (l2 > 0 && isspace(s[l2 - 1])) l2--; if (s[l2 - 1] == ':') { s2 = (char *)malloc(l2 + 3); strcat(strn0cpy(s2, s, l2 + 1), " \n"); s = s2; } if (8 <= sscanf(s, "%d :%d :%a[^:]:%d :%d :%d :%d :%a[^:\n]:%a[^\n]", &active, &channel, &buffer1, &start, &stop, &priority, &lifetime, &buffer2, &summary)) { if (summary && !*skipspace(summary)) { delete summary; summary = NULL; } //TODO add more plausibility checks day = ParseDay(buffer1, &firstday); strn0cpy(file, buffer2, MaxFileName); strreplace(file, '|', ':'); strreplace(summary, '|', '\n'); delete buffer1; delete buffer2; delete s2; return day != 0; } delete s2; return false; } bool cTimer::Save(FILE *f) { return fprintf(f, ToText()) > 0; } bool cTimer::IsSingleEvent(void) { return (day & 0x80000000) == 0; } int cTimer::GetMDay(time_t t) { struct tm tm_r; return localtime_r(&t, &tm_r)->tm_mday; } int cTimer::GetWDay(time_t t) { struct tm tm_r; int weekday = localtime_r(&t, &tm_r)->tm_wday; return weekday == 0 ? 6 : weekday - 1; // we start with monday==0! } bool cTimer::DayMatches(time_t t) { return IsSingleEvent() ? GetMDay(t) == day : (day & (1 << GetWDay(t))) != 0; } time_t cTimer::IncDay(time_t t, int Days) { struct tm tm_r; tm tm = *localtime_r(&t, &tm_r); tm.tm_mday += Days; // now tm_mday may be out of its valid range int h = tm.tm_hour; // save original hour to compensate for DST change t = mktime(&tm); // normalize all values tm.tm_hour = h; // compensate for DST change return mktime(&tm); // calculate final result } time_t cTimer::SetTime(time_t t, int SecondsFromMidnight) { struct tm tm_r; tm tm = *localtime_r(&t, &tm_r); tm.tm_hour = SecondsFromMidnight / 3600; tm.tm_min = (SecondsFromMidnight % 3600) / 60; tm.tm_sec = SecondsFromMidnight % 60; return mktime(&tm); } char *cTimer::SetFile(const char *File) { if (!isempty(File)) strn0cpy(file, File, sizeof(file)); return file; } bool cTimer::Matches(time_t t) { startTime = stopTime = 0; if (t == 0) t = time(NULL); int begin = TimeToInt(start); // seconds from midnight int length = TimeToInt(stop) - begin; if (length < 0) length += SECSINDAY; int DaysToCheck = IsSingleEvent() ? 61 : 7; // 61 to handle months with 31/30/31 for (int i = -1; i <= DaysToCheck; i++) { time_t t0 = IncDay(t, i); if (DayMatches(t0)) { time_t a = SetTime(t0, begin); time_t b = a + length; if ((!firstday || a >= firstday) && t <= b) { startTime = a; stopTime = b; if (t >= firstday) firstday = 0; break; } } } if (!startTime) startTime = firstday; // just to have something that's more than a week in the future return active && startTime <= t && t < stopTime; // must stop *before* stopTime to allow adjacent timers } time_t cTimer::StartTime(void) { if (!startTime) Matches(); return startTime; } time_t cTimer::StopTime(void) { if (!stopTime) Matches(); return stopTime; } void cTimer::SetRecording(bool Recording) { recording = Recording; isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d %s", Index() + 1, recording ? "start" : "stop"); } void cTimer::SetPending(bool Pending) { pending = Pending; } void cTimer::SkipToday(void) { firstday = IncDay(SetTime(recording ? StartTime() : time(NULL), 0), 1); } // --- cCommand ------------------------------------------------------------- char *cCommand::result = NULL; cCommand::cCommand(void) { title = command = NULL; } cCommand::~cCommand() { delete title; delete command; } bool cCommand::Parse(const char *s) { const char *p = strchr(s, ':'); if (p) { int l = p - s; if (l > 0) { title = new char[l + 1]; strn0cpy(title, s, l + 1); if (!isempty(title)) { command = stripspace(strdup(skipspace(p + 1))); return !isempty(command); } } } return false; } const char *cCommand::Execute(void) { dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "executing command '%s'", command); delete result; result = NULL; FILE *p = popen(command, "r"); if (p) { int l = 0; int c; while ((c = fgetc(p)) != EOF) { if (l % 20 == 0) result = (char *)realloc(result, l + 21); result[l++] = c; } if (result) result[l] = 0; pclose(p); } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't open pipe for command '%s'", command); return result; } // -- cSVDRPhost ------------------------------------------------------------- cSVDRPhost::cSVDRPhost(void) { addr.s_addr = 0; mask = 0; } bool cSVDRPhost::Parse(const char *s) { mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; const char *p = strchr(s, '/'); if (p) { char *error = NULL; int m = strtoul(p + 1, &error, 10); if (error && !isspace(*error) || m > 32) return false; *(char *)p = 0; // yes, we know it's 'const' - will be restored! if (m == 0) mask = 0; else mask >>= (32 - m); } int result = inet_aton(s, &addr); if (p) *(char *)p = '/'; // there it is again return result != 0 && (mask != 0 || addr.s_addr == 0); } bool cSVDRPhost::Accepts(in_addr_t Address) { return (Address & mask) == addr.s_addr; } // -- cKeys ------------------------------------------------------------------ cKeys Keys; // -- cCommands -------------------------------------------------------------- cCommands Commands; // -- cChannels -------------------------------------------------------------- cChannels Channels; bool cChannels::Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments) { if (cConfig::Load(FileName, AllowComments)) { ReNumber(); return true; } return false; } int cChannels::GetNextGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && !channel->groupSep) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetPrevGroup(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(--Idx); while (channel && !channel->groupSep) channel = Get(--Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } int cChannels::GetNextNormal(int Idx) { cChannel *channel = Get(++Idx); while (channel && channel->groupSep) channel = Get(++Idx); return channel ? Idx : -1; } void cChannels::ReNumber( void ) { int Number = 0; cChannel *ch = (cChannel *)First(); while (ch) { if (!ch->groupSep) ch->number = ++Number; ch = (cChannel *)ch->Next(); } maxNumber = Number; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByNumber(int Number) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)First(); while (channel) { if (channel->number == Number) return channel; channel = (cChannel *)channel->Next(); } return NULL; } cChannel *cChannels::GetByServiceID(unsigned short ServiceId) { cChannel *channel = (cChannel *)First(); while (channel) { if (channel->pnr == ServiceId) return channel; channel = (cChannel *)channel->Next(); } return NULL; } bool cChannels::SwitchTo(int Number, cDvbApi *DvbApi) { cChannel *channel = GetByNumber(Number); return channel && channel->Switch(DvbApi); } const char *cChannels::GetChannelNameByNumber(int Number) { cChannel *channel = GetByNumber(Number); return channel ? channel->name : NULL; } // -- cTimers ---------------------------------------------------------------- cTimers Timers; cTimer *cTimers::GetTimer(cTimer *Timer) { cTimer *ti = (cTimer *)First(); while (ti) { if (ti->channel == Timer->channel && ti->day == Timer->day && ti->start == Timer->start && ti->stop == Timer->stop) return ti; ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next(); } return NULL; } cTimer *cTimers::GetMatch(time_t t) { cTimer *t0 = NULL; cTimer *ti = First(); while (ti) { if (!ti->recording && ti->Matches(t)) { if (!t0 || ti->priority > t0->priority) t0 = ti; } ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next(); } return t0; } cTimer *cTimers::GetNextActiveTimer(void) { cTimer *t0 = NULL; cTimer *ti = First(); while (ti) { if (ti->active && (!t0 || *ti < *t0)) t0 = ti; ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next(); } return t0; } // -- cSVDRPhosts ------------------------------------------------------------ cSVDRPhosts SVDRPhosts; bool cSVDRPhosts::Acceptable(in_addr_t Address) { cSVDRPhost *h = First(); while (h) { if (h->Accepts(Address)) return true; h = (cSVDRPhost *)h->Next(); } return false; } // -- cSetup ----------------------------------------------------------------- cSetup Setup; char *cSetup::fileName = NULL; cSetup::cSetup(void) { OSDLanguage = 0; PrimaryDVB = 1; ShowInfoOnChSwitch = 1; MenuScrollPage = 1; MarkInstantRecord = 1; strcpy(NameInstantRecord, "TITLE EPISODE"); LnbSLOF = 11700; LnbFrequLo = 9750; LnbFrequHi = 10600; DiSEqC = 0; SetSystemTime = 0; MarginStart = 2; MarginStop = 10; EPGScanTimeout = 5; EPGBugfixLevel = 2; SVDRPTimeout = 300; SortTimers = 1; PrimaryLimit = 0; DefaultPriority = 50; DefaultLifetime = 50; UseSubtitle = 1; RecordingDirs = 1; VideoFormat = VIDEO_FORMAT_4_3; RecordDolbyDigital = 1; ChannelInfoPos = 0; OSDwidth = 52; OSDheight = 18; OSDMessageTime = 1; MaxVideoFileSize = MAXVIDEOFILESIZE; SplitEditedFiles = 0; MinEventTimeout = 30; MinUserInactivity = 120; MultiSpeedMode = 0; ShowReplayMode = 0; CurrentChannel = -1; CurrentVolume = MAXVOLUME; } bool cSetup::Parse(char *s) { char *p = strchr(s, '='); if (p) { *p = 0; char *Name = compactspace(s); char *Value = compactspace(p + 1); if (*Name && *Value) { if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDLanguage")) OSDLanguage = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "PrimaryDVB")) PrimaryDVB = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShowInfoOnChSwitch")) ShowInfoOnChSwitch = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MenuScrollPage")) MenuScrollPage = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MarkInstantRecord")) MarkInstantRecord = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NameInstantRecord")) strn0cpy(NameInstantRecord, Value, MaxFileName); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LnbSLOF")) LnbSLOF = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LnbFrequLo")) LnbFrequLo = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LnbFrequHi")) LnbFrequHi = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DiSEqC")) DiSEqC = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SetSystemTime")) SetSystemTime = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MarginStart")) MarginStart = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MarginStop")) MarginStop = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EPGScanTimeout")) EPGScanTimeout = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EPGBugfixLevel")) EPGBugfixLevel = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SVDRPTimeout")) SVDRPTimeout = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SortTimers")) SortTimers = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "PrimaryLimit")) PrimaryLimit = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DefaultPriority")) DefaultPriority = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DefaultLifetime")) DefaultLifetime = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UseSubtitle")) UseSubtitle = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RecordingDirs")) RecordingDirs = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "VideoFormat")) VideoFormat = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RecordDolbyDigital")) RecordDolbyDigital = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ChannelInfoPos")) ChannelInfoPos = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDwidth")) OSDwidth = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDheight")) OSDheight = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDMessageTime")) OSDMessageTime = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MaxVideoFileSize")) MaxVideoFileSize = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SplitEditedFiles")) SplitEditedFiles = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MinEventTimeout")) MinEventTimeout = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MinUserInactivity")) MinUserInactivity = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MultiSpeedMode")) MultiSpeedMode = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShowReplayMode")) ShowReplayMode = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CurrentChannel")) CurrentChannel = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CurrentVolume")) CurrentVolume = atoi(Value); else return false; return true; } } return false; } bool cSetup::Load(const char *FileName) { isyslog(LOG_INFO, "loading %s", FileName); delete fileName; fileName = strdup(FileName); FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; char buffer[MAXPARSEBUFFER]; bool result = true; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) > 0) { line++; stripspace(buffer); if (!isempty(buffer)) { if (*buffer != '#' && !Parse(buffer)) { esyslog(LOG_ERR, "error in %s, line %d\n", fileName, line); result = false; break; } } } fclose(f); return result; } else LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); return false; } bool cSetup::Save(const char *FileName) { if (!FileName) FileName = fileName; if (FileName) { cSafeFile f(FileName); if (f.Open()) { fprintf(f, "# VDR Setup\n"); fprintf(f, "OSDLanguage = %d\n", OSDLanguage); fprintf(f, "PrimaryDVB = %d\n", PrimaryDVB); fprintf(f, "ShowInfoOnChSwitch = %d\n", ShowInfoOnChSwitch); fprintf(f, "MenuScrollPage = %d\n", MenuScrollPage); fprintf(f, "MarkInstantRecord = %d\n", MarkInstantRecord); fprintf(f, "NameInstantRecord = %s\n", NameInstantRecord); fprintf(f, "LnbSLOF = %d\n", LnbSLOF); fprintf(f, "LnbFrequLo = %d\n", LnbFrequLo); fprintf(f, "LnbFrequHi = %d\n", LnbFrequHi); fprintf(f, "DiSEqC = %d\n", DiSEqC); fprintf(f, "SetSystemTime = %d\n", SetSystemTime); fprintf(f, "MarginStart = %d\n", MarginStart); fprintf(f, "MarginStop = %d\n", MarginStop); fprintf(f, "EPGScanTimeout = %d\n", EPGScanTimeout); fprintf(f, "EPGBugfixLevel = %d\n", EPGBugfixLevel); fprintf(f, "SVDRPTimeout = %d\n", SVDRPTimeout); fprintf(f, "SortTimers = %d\n", SortTimers); fprintf(f, "PrimaryLimit = %d\n", PrimaryLimit); fprintf(f, "DefaultPriority = %d\n", DefaultPriority); fprintf(f, "DefaultLifetime = %d\n", DefaultLifetime); fprintf(f, "UseSubtitle = %d\n", UseSubtitle); fprintf(f, "RecordingDirs = %d\n", RecordingDirs); fprintf(f, "VideoFormat = %d\n", VideoFormat); fprintf(f, "RecordDolbyDigital = %d\n", RecordDolbyDigital); fprintf(f, "ChannelInfoPos = %d\n", ChannelInfoPos); fprintf(f, "OSDwidth = %d\n", OSDwidth); fprintf(f, "OSDheight = %d\n", OSDheight); fprintf(f, "OSDMessageTime = %d\n", OSDMessageTime); fprintf(f, "MaxVideoFileSize = %d\n", MaxVideoFileSize); fprintf(f, "SplitEditedFiles = %d\n", SplitEditedFiles); fprintf(f, "MinEventTimeout = %d\n", MinEventTimeout); fprintf(f, "MinUserInactivity = %d\n", MinUserInactivity); fprintf(f, "MultiSpeedMode = %d\n", MultiSpeedMode); fprintf(f, "ShowReplayMode = %d\n", ShowReplayMode); fprintf(f, "CurrentChannel = %d\n", CurrentChannel); fprintf(f, "CurrentVolume = %d\n", CurrentVolume); if (f.Close()) { isyslog(LOG_INFO, "saved setup to %s", FileName); return true; } } } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "attempt to save setup without file name"); return false; }