/* * config.h: Configuration file handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: config.h 1.127 2002/09/09 21:35:55 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __CONFIG_H #define __CONFIG_H #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "device.h" #include "eit.h" #include "tools.h" #define VDRVERSION "1.1.10" #define MAXPRIORITY 99 #define MAXLIFETIME 99 #define MINOSDWIDTH 40 #define MAXOSDWIDTH 56 #define MINOSDHEIGHT 12 #define MAXOSDHEIGHT 21 enum eKeys { // "Up" and "Down" must be the first two keys! kUp, kDown, kMenu, kOk, kBack, kLeft, kRight, kRed, kGreen, kYellow, kBlue, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, kPower, kVolUp, kVolDn, kMute, kNone, // The following flags are OR'd with the above codes: k_Repeat = 0x8000, k_Release = 0x4000, k_Flags = k_Repeat | k_Release, }; // This is in preparation for having more key codes: #define kMarkToggle k0 #define kMarkMoveBack k4 #define kMarkMoveForward k6 #define kMarkJumpBack k7 #define kMarkJumpForward k9 #define kEditCut k2 #define kEditTest k8 #define RAWKEY(k) (eKeys((k) & ~k_Flags)) #define ISRAWKEY(k) ((k) != kNone && ((k) & k_Flags) == 0) #define NORMALKEY(k) (eKeys((k) & ~k_Repeat)) #define MaxFileName 256 struct tKey { eKeys type; char *name; unsigned int code; }; class cKeys { private: char *fileName; public: unsigned char code; unsigned short address; tKey *keys; cKeys(void); void Clear(void); void SetDummyValues(void); bool Load(const char *FileName = NULL); bool Save(void); eKeys Translate(const char *Command); unsigned int Encode(const char *Command); eKeys Get(unsigned int Code); void Set(eKeys Key, unsigned int Code); }; #define ISTRANSPONDER(f1, f2) (abs((f1) - (f2)) < 4) class cChannel : public cListObject { private: static char *buffer; static const char *ToText(cChannel *Channel); public: enum { MaxChannelName = 32 }; // 31 chars + terminating 0! char name[MaxChannelName]; int frequency; // MHz char polarization; int diseqc; int srate; int vpid; int apid1, apid2; int dpid1, dpid2; int tpid; int ca; int pnr; int number; // Sequence number assigned on load bool groupSep; cChannel(void); cChannel(const cChannel *Channel); const char *ToText(void); bool Parse(const char *s); bool Save(FILE *f); }; enum eTimerActive { taInactive = 0, taActive = 1, taInstant = 2, taActInst = (taActive | taInstant) }; class cTimer : public cListObject { private: time_t startTime, stopTime; static char *buffer; static const char *ToText(cTimer *Timer); public: bool recording, pending; int active; int channel; int day; int start; int stop; //TODO VPS??? int priority; int lifetime; char file[MaxFileName]; time_t firstday; char *summary; cTimer(bool Instant = false); cTimer(const cEventInfo *EventInfo); virtual ~cTimer(); cTimer& operator= (const cTimer &Timer); virtual bool operator< (const cListObject &ListObject); const char *ToText(void); bool Parse(const char *s); bool Save(FILE *f); bool IsSingleEvent(void); int GetMDay(time_t t); int GetWDay(time_t t); bool DayMatches(time_t t); static time_t IncDay(time_t t, int Days); static time_t SetTime(time_t t, int SecondsFromMidnight); char *SetFile(const char *File); bool Matches(time_t t = 0); time_t StartTime(void); time_t StopTime(void); void SetRecording(bool Recording); void SetPending(bool Pending); void Skip(void); const char *PrintFirstDay(void); static int TimeToInt(int t); static int ParseDay(const char *s, time_t *FirstDay = NULL); static const char *PrintDay(int d, time_t FirstDay = 0); }; class cCommand : public cListObject { private: char *title; char *command; static char *result; public: cCommand(void); virtual ~cCommand(); bool Parse(const char *s); const char *Title(void) { return title; } const char *Execute(void); }; typedef uint32_t in_addr_t; //XXX from /usr/include/netinet/in.h (apparently this is not defined on systems with glibc < 2.2) class cSVDRPhost : public cListObject { private: struct in_addr addr; in_addr_t mask; public: cSVDRPhost(void); bool Parse(const char *s); bool Accepts(in_addr_t Address); }; #define CACONFBASE 100 class cCaDefinition : public cListObject { private: int number; char *description; public: cCaDefinition(void); ~cCaDefinition(); bool Parse(const char *s); int Number(void) const { return number; } const char *Description(void) const { return description; } }; template<class T> class cConfig : public cList<T> { private: char *fileName; void Clear(void) { free(fileName); fileName = NULL; cList<T>::Clear(); } public: cConfig(void) { fileName = NULL; } virtual ~cConfig() { free(fileName); } const char *FileName(void) { return fileName; } bool Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments = false) { Clear(); fileName = strdup(FileName); bool result = false; if (access(FileName, F_OK) == 0) { isyslog("loading %s", FileName); FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; char buffer[MAXPARSEBUFFER]; result = true; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) > 0) { line++; if (AllowComments) { char *p = strchr(buffer, '#'); if (p) *p = 0; } if (!isempty(buffer)) { T *l = new T; if (l->Parse(buffer)) Add(l); else { esyslog("error in %s, line %d\n", fileName, line); delete l; result = false; break; } } } fclose(f); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } return result; } bool Save(void) { bool result = true; T *l = (T *)First(); cSafeFile f(fileName); if (f.Open()) { while (l) { if (!l->Save(f)) { result = false; break; } l = (T *)l->Next(); } if (!f.Close()) result = false; } else result = false; return result; } }; class cChannels : public cConfig<cChannel> { protected: int maxNumber; public: cChannels(void) { maxNumber = 0; } virtual bool Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments = false); int GetNextGroup(int Idx); // Get next channel group int GetPrevGroup(int Idx); // Get previous channel group int GetNextNormal(int Idx); // Get next normal channel (not group) void ReNumber(void); // Recalculate 'number' based on channel type cChannel *GetByNumber(int Number); cChannel *GetByServiceID(unsigned short ServiceId); const char *GetChannelNameByNumber(int Number); bool SwitchTo(int Number); int MaxNumber(void) { return maxNumber; } }; class cTimers : public cConfig<cTimer> { public: cTimer *GetTimer(cTimer *Timer); cTimer *GetMatch(time_t t); cTimer *GetNextActiveTimer(void); }; class cCommands : public cConfig<cCommand> {}; class cSVDRPhosts : public cConfig<cSVDRPhost> { public: bool Acceptable(in_addr_t Address); }; class cCaDefinitions : public cConfig<cCaDefinition> { public: const cCaDefinition *Get(int Number); }; extern cChannels Channels; extern cTimers Timers; extern cKeys Keys; extern cCommands Commands; extern cSVDRPhosts SVDRPhosts; extern cCaDefinitions CaDefinitions; class cSetupLine : public cListObject { private: char *plugin; char *name; char *value; public: cSetupLine(void); cSetupLine(const char *Name, const char *Value, const char *Plugin = NULL); virtual ~cSetupLine(); virtual bool operator< (const cListObject &ListObject); const char *Plugin(void) { return plugin; } const char *Name(void) { return name; } const char *Value(void) { return value; } bool Parse(char *s); bool Save(FILE *f); }; class cSetup : public cConfig<cSetupLine> { friend class cPlugin; // needs to be able to call Store() private: void StoreCaCaps(const char *Name); bool ParseCaCaps(const char *Value); bool Parse(const char *Name, const char *Value); cSetupLine *Get(const char *Name, const char *Plugin = NULL); void Store(const char *Name, const char *Value, const char *Plugin = NULL); void Store(const char *Name, int Value, const char *Plugin = NULL); public: // Also adjust cMenuSetup (menu.c) when adding parameters here! int __BeginData__; int OSDLanguage; int PrimaryDVB; int ShowInfoOnChSwitch; int MenuScrollPage; int MarkInstantRecord; char NameInstantRecord[MaxFileName]; int InstantRecordTime; int LnbSLOF; int LnbFrequLo; int LnbFrequHi; int DiSEqC; int SetSystemTime; int TimeTransponder; int MarginStart, MarginStop; int EPGScanTimeout; int EPGBugfixLevel; int SVDRPTimeout; int SortTimers; int PrimaryLimit; int DefaultPriority, DefaultLifetime; int UseSubtitle; int RecordingDirs; int VideoFormat; int RecordDolbyDigital; int ChannelInfoPos; int OSDwidth, OSDheight; int OSDMessageTime; int MaxVideoFileSize; int SplitEditedFiles; int MinEventTimeout, MinUserInactivity; int MultiSpeedMode; int ShowReplayMode; int CaCaps[MAXDEVICES][MAXCACAPS]; int CurrentChannel; int CurrentVolume; int __EndData__; cSetup(void); cSetup& operator= (const cSetup &s); bool Load(const char *FileName); bool Save(void); }; extern cSetup Setup; #endif //__CONFIG_H