/* * config.h: Configuration file handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: config.h 1.136 2002/10/19 11:29:46 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __CONFIG_H #define __CONFIG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "device.h" #include "eit.h" #include "tools.h" #define VDRVERSION "1.1.14" #define MAXPRIORITY 99 #define MAXLIFETIME 99 #define MINOSDWIDTH 40 #define MAXOSDWIDTH 56 #define MINOSDHEIGHT 12 #define MAXOSDHEIGHT 21 #define MaxFileName 256 enum eTimerActive { taInactive = 0, taActive = 1, taInstant = 2, taActInst = (taActive | taInstant) }; class cTimer : public cListObject { private: time_t startTime, stopTime; static char *buffer; static const char *ToText(cTimer *Timer); public: bool recording, pending; int active; int channel; int day; int start; int stop; //TODO VPS??? int priority; int lifetime; char file[MaxFileName]; time_t firstday; char *summary; cTimer(bool Instant = false); cTimer(const cEventInfo *EventInfo); virtual ~cTimer(); cTimer& operator= (const cTimer &Timer); virtual bool operator< (const cListObject &ListObject); const char *ToText(void); bool Parse(const char *s); bool Save(FILE *f); bool IsSingleEvent(void); int GetMDay(time_t t); int GetWDay(time_t t); bool DayMatches(time_t t); static time_t IncDay(time_t t, int Days); static time_t SetTime(time_t t, int SecondsFromMidnight); char *SetFile(const char *File); bool Matches(time_t t = 0); time_t StartTime(void); time_t StopTime(void); void SetRecording(bool Recording); void SetPending(bool Pending); void Skip(void); const char *PrintFirstDay(void); static int TimeToInt(int t); static int ParseDay(const char *s, time_t *FirstDay = NULL); static const char *PrintDay(int d, time_t FirstDay = 0); }; class cCommand : public cListObject { private: char *title; char *command; bool confirm; static char *result; public: cCommand(void); virtual ~cCommand(); bool Parse(const char *s); const char *Title(void) { return title; } bool Confirm(void) { return confirm; } const char *Execute(const char *Parameters = NULL); }; typedef uint32_t in_addr_t; //XXX from /usr/include/netinet/in.h (apparently this is not defined on systems with glibc < 2.2) class cSVDRPhost : public cListObject { private: struct in_addr addr; in_addr_t mask; public: cSVDRPhost(void); bool Parse(const char *s); bool Accepts(in_addr_t Address); }; #define CACONFBASE 100 class cCaDefinition : public cListObject { private: int number; char *description; public: cCaDefinition(void); ~cCaDefinition(); bool Parse(const char *s); int Number(void) const { return number; } const char *Description(void) const { return description; } }; template class cConfig : public cList { private: char *fileName; bool allowComments; void Clear(void) { free(fileName); fileName = NULL; cList::Clear(); } public: cConfig(void) { fileName = NULL; } virtual ~cConfig() { free(fileName); } const char *FileName(void) { return fileName; } bool Load(const char *FileName = NULL, bool AllowComments = false) { Clear(); if (FileName) { free(fileName); fileName = strdup(FileName); allowComments = AllowComments; } bool result = false; if (fileName && access(fileName, F_OK) == 0) { isyslog("loading %s", fileName); FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; char buffer[MAXPARSEBUFFER]; result = true; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) > 0) { line++; if (allowComments) { char *p = strchr(buffer, '#'); if (p) *p = 0; } stripspace(buffer); if (!isempty(buffer)) { T *l = new T; if (l->Parse(buffer)) Add(l); else { esyslog("ERROR: error in %s, line %d\n", fileName, line); delete l; result = false; break; } } } fclose(f); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } return result; } bool Save(void) { bool result = true; T *l = (T *)First(); cSafeFile f(fileName); if (f.Open()) { while (l) { if (!l->Save(f)) { result = false; break; } l = (T *)l->Next(); } if (!f.Close()) result = false; } else result = false; return result; } }; class cTimers : public cConfig { public: cTimer *GetTimer(cTimer *Timer); cTimer *GetMatch(time_t t); cTimer *GetNextActiveTimer(void); }; class cCommands : public cConfig {}; class cSVDRPhosts : public cConfig { public: bool Acceptable(in_addr_t Address); }; class cCaDefinitions : public cConfig { public: const cCaDefinition *Get(int Number); }; extern cTimers Timers; extern cCommands Commands; extern cCommands RecordingCommands; extern cSVDRPhosts SVDRPhosts; extern cCaDefinitions CaDefinitions; class cSetupLine : public cListObject { private: char *plugin; char *name; char *value; public: cSetupLine(void); cSetupLine(const char *Name, const char *Value, const char *Plugin = NULL); virtual ~cSetupLine(); virtual bool operator< (const cListObject &ListObject); const char *Plugin(void) { return plugin; } const char *Name(void) { return name; } const char *Value(void) { return value; } bool Parse(char *s); bool Save(FILE *f); }; class cSetup : public cConfig { friend class cPlugin; // needs to be able to call Store() private: void StoreCaCaps(const char *Name); bool ParseCaCaps(const char *Value); bool Parse(const char *Name, const char *Value); cSetupLine *Get(const char *Name, const char *Plugin = NULL); void Store(const char *Name, const char *Value, const char *Plugin = NULL, bool AllowMultiple = false); void Store(const char *Name, int Value, const char *Plugin = NULL); public: // Also adjust cMenuSetup (menu.c) when adding parameters here! int __BeginData__; int OSDLanguage; int PrimaryDVB; int ShowInfoOnChSwitch; int MenuScrollPage; int MarkInstantRecord; char NameInstantRecord[MaxFileName]; int InstantRecordTime; int LnbSLOF; int LnbFrequLo; int LnbFrequHi; int DiSEqC; int SetSystemTime; int TimeTransponder; int MarginStart, MarginStop; int EPGScanTimeout; int EPGBugfixLevel; int SVDRPTimeout; int SortTimers; int PrimaryLimit; int DefaultPriority, DefaultLifetime; int UseSubtitle; int RecordingDirs; int VideoFormat; int RecordDolbyDigital; int ChannelInfoPos; int OSDwidth, OSDheight; int OSDMessageTime; int MaxVideoFileSize; int SplitEditedFiles; int MinEventTimeout, MinUserInactivity; int MultiSpeedMode; int ShowReplayMode; int CaCaps[MAXDEVICES][MAXCACAPS]; int CurrentChannel; int CurrentVolume; int __EndData__; cSetup(void); cSetup& operator= (const cSetup &s); bool Load(const char *FileName); bool Save(void); }; extern cSetup Setup; #endif //__CONFIG_H