/* * device.h: The basic device interface * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: device.h 1.2 2002/06/22 13:34:55 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __DEVICE_H #define __DEVICE_H #include <stdlib.h> // FIXME: this is apparently necessary for the ost/... header files // FIXME: shouldn't every header file include ALL the other header // FIXME: files it depends on? The sequence in which header files // FIXME: are included here should not matter - and it should NOT // FIXME: be necessary to include <stdlib.h> here! #include <ost/dmx.h> #include <ost/frontend.h> #include <ost/audio.h> #include <ost/video.h> #include "eit.h" #include "thread.h" enum eSetChannelResult { scrOk, scrNoTransfer, scrFailed }; #define MAXDEVICES 4 // the maximum number of devices in the system #define MAXCACAPS 16 // the maximum number of different CA values per DVB device #define MAXPIDHANDLES 16 // the maximum number of different PIDs per DVB device #define MAXRECEIVERS 16 // the maximum number of receivers per DVB device #define MAXVOLUME 255 #define VOLUMEDELTA 5 // used to increase/decrease the volume class cPlayer; class cReceiver; class cTransfer; class cDevice : cThread { friend class cOsd;//XXX private: static int numDevices; static int useDevice; static cDevice *device[MAXDEVICES]; static cDevice *primaryDevice; public: static int NumDevices(void) { return numDevices; } // Returns the total number of DVB devices. static void SetUseDevice(int n); // Sets the 'useDevice' flag of the given DVB device. // If this function is not called before Initialize(), all DVB devices // will be used. static bool SetPrimaryDevice(int n); // Sets the primary DVB device to 'n' (which must be in the range // 1...numDevices) and returns true if this was possible. static cDevice *PrimaryDevice(void) { return primaryDevice; } // Returns the primary DVB device. static cDevice *GetDevice(int Ca, int Priority, int Frequency = 0, int Vpid = 0, bool *ReUse = NULL); // Selects a free DVB device, avoiding the primaryDevice if possible. // If Ca is not 0, the device with the given number will be returned // in case Ca is <= MAXDEVICES, or the device that provides the given // value in its caCaps. // If there is a device that is already tuned to the given Frequency, // and that device is able to receive multiple channels ("budget" cards), // that device will be returned. Else if a ("full featured") device is // tuned to Frequency and Vpid, that one will be returned. // If all DVB devices are currently receiving, the one receiving the // lowest priority timer (if any) that is lower than the given Priority // will be returned. // If ReUse is given, the caller will be informed whether the device can be re-used // for a new recording. If ReUse returns 'true', the caller must NOT switch the channel // (the device is already properly tuned). Otherwise the caller MUST switch the channel. static void SetCaCaps(void); // Sets the CaCaps of all DVB devices according to the Setup data. static bool Probe(const char *FileName); // Probes for existing DVB devices. static bool Initialize(void); // Initializes the DVB devices. // Must be called before accessing any DVB functions. static void Shutdown(void); // Closes down all DVB devices. // Must be called at the end of the program. private: int cardIndex; int caCaps[MAXCACAPS]; FrontendType frontendType; char *dvrFileName; bool active; int fd_osd, fd_frontend, fd_sec, fd_audio, fd_video; int OsdDeviceHandle(void) { return fd_osd; } public: cDevice(int n); virtual ~cDevice(); bool IsPrimaryDevice(void) { return this == primaryDevice; } int CardIndex(void) const { return cardIndex; } // Returns the card index of this device (0 ... MAXDEVICES - 1). int ProvidesCa(int Ca); // Checks whether this DVB device provides the given value in its // caCaps. Returns 0 if the value is not provided, 1 if only this // value is provided, and > 1 if this and other values are provided. // If the given value is equal to the number of this DVB device, // 1 is returned. If it is 0 (FTA), 1 plus the number of other values // in caCaps is returned. bool HasDecoder(void) const { return fd_video >= 0 && fd_audio >= 0; } // Channel facilities private: int currentChannel; int frequency; cTransfer *transfer; public: eSetChannelResult SetChannel(int ChannelNumber, int Frequency, char Polarization, int Diseqc, int Srate, int Vpid, int Apid, int Tpid, int Ca, int Pnr); static int CurrentChannel(void) { return primaryDevice ? primaryDevice->currentChannel : 0; } int Channel(void) { return currentChannel; } // PID handle facilities private: enum ePidType { ptVideo, ptAudio, ptTeletext, ptDolby, ptOther }; class cPidHandle { public: int pid; int fd; int used; cPidHandle(void) { pid = used = 0; fd = -1; } }; cPidHandle pidHandles[MAXPIDHANDLES]; bool AddPid(int Pid, ePidType PidType = ptOther); bool DelPid(int Pid); bool SetPid(int fd, dmxPesType_t PesType, int Pid, dmxOutput_t Output); virtual void Action(void); // Image Grab facilities public: bool GrabImage(const char *FileName, bool Jpeg = true, int Quality = -1, int SizeX = -1, int SizeY = -1); // Video format facilities public: virtual void SetVideoFormat(videoFormat_t Format); // Volume facilities private: bool mute; int volume; public: bool IsMute(void) { return mute; } bool ToggleMute(void); // Turns the volume off or on and returns the new mute state. void SetVolume(int Volume, bool Absolute = false); // Sets the volume to the given value, either absolutely or relative to // the current volume. static int CurrentVolume(void) { return primaryDevice ? primaryDevice->volume : 0; }//XXX??? // EIT facilities private: cSIProcessor *siProcessor; // Player facilities private: cPlayer *player; public: void TrickSpeed(int Speed); void Clear(void); void Play(void); void Freeze(void); void Mute(void); void StillPicture(const uchar *Data, int Length); bool Replaying(void); // Returns true if we are currently replaying. void StopReplay(void); // Stops the current replay session (if any). bool AttachPlayer(cPlayer *Player); void Detach(cPlayer *Player); virtual int PlayVideo(const uchar *Data, int Length); virtual int PlayAudio(const uchar *Data, int Length); // Receiver facilities private: cReceiver *receiver[MAXRECEIVERS]; int ca; int Priority(void); // Returns the priority of the current receiving session (0..MAXPRIORITY), // or -1 if no receiver is currently active. The primary DVB device will // always return at least Setup.PrimaryLimit-1. int CanShift(int Ca, int Priority, int UsedCards = 0); public: int Ca(void) { return ca; } // Returns the ca of the current receiving session. bool Receiving(void); // Returns true if we are currently receiving. bool AttachReceiver(cReceiver *Receiver); void Detach(cReceiver *Receiver); }; #endif //__DEVICE_H